3m EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER no on KILLS DUCK QUEBEC CPI Dr Louis mien biologist with the Cl crude oil and beosinc In the river Dr Lernieux said small quantity of oil touching dnch Indians No Longer snucoss mm Novelty In Britain LONDON CPlOna of the first things Canadian visitor no tice in Britain is the complexion of approximately every nth per son Over the last decade the flow of immigrants into Britain from the West Indicanod to lesser extent from Africa and Asia is such that black and brown faces hnve ccnsedto in Thereby Mtracted by prospects of al most certain employment in country where jobs chase men some 50000 persons came to Britain from the West ladies in 1050 compared with slim 2000 in 1953 In the first six months this year 30000 come in compared with 10000 in the same perlofl of 1960 West lndians are taking jobs in many municipal fields They work onthe railways call out the stations on the underground collect tickets act as garbage collectors and street cleaners For many months the British government has been worried about the trend it has been re flow of immigrants Home Sec eotry of Commonwealth citizens has been considered sacred right into Maclcod who has been shifted from the colonial office in Prime Minister Maemlliaas recent cabinet reconstructionLls thought to have strongly op posed any restrictions on Com monw allh immigmlion way it was announced at the Conservative party conference in Brighton that thegoverumont will more shortly to curhthe rotary Butler was at pains to stress however that the new legislation will not be based on color prejudice CALL EOE ACTION The government had been un der increasing pressure from Conservative supporters to do something about the immigrant tide Forty resolutions all call ing for action were down for discussion at Brighton The immigrants concentrate ham Manchester Glasgow and Liverpool In London they tend to settle in Brixtou Notting Hill Paddlngtoa British West Ken iagton lsling to Hammer smith and Kllhum To the cos ual visitor they seem to be about one to 200 at the total population Caserof hitch rhetween white and colored occasionally the immigrants have been re ceived tolerantly They miss the color and gaiety and above all the sunshine of their homelaoda but many sccmto settle down satisfactorily BROWNS 1N CAR TlMMlNS CPlMrs Simone Sylvestrc 13 of Timmins was drowned Wednesday night when the car in which she was rid ing rolled into the Mattagaml River four miles west of here Three others in the cal escaped They were the victims hus band Roger 23 in end mainly in the big industrial ci luctont to act because the free ties such as London Birming MULTIMILLION DQLIHBBIISINESS Breou 25 driver of the car and Mrs Claudette Freeman Vegetable Paradise Is Future Of County Growing vegetables in Simcoe weather there is not enough Bradford Marshes as vege County is developing into multimlllion dollar business and there is everyindication that this industry will expand greatly in the future At the present time themain area of vegetable production is in the narrow strip of lowland along the southeast tip of the county in the Bradford marshs es and approximately 15000 acres of this marshiand IS in Simcoe County Vegetable grow ing was started here during the late 20s and it is now one of the most highly developed vegetable producing areas in Canada The nearby Toronto market has voracious appetite for fresh vegetables and the grow ers at Bradford with their cold storage facilities are able to supply this market on year round basis However there are other markets in the pro vince other markets in Canada and it is apparent that Brad ford can supply only part of ths market As population expands other areas fit for vegetable growing will have to be found simcoo County is fortunate in this re spect because due to the vag aries of the last glaciers that ground their way across the land 15 or no thousmdyeflrWhcres comprised of in ago there are many areas with suitable soils for guime vegetables There are two other areas in the county which are under de velopment at the present time annistil TomshiLbe water in the Bailey Creek for irrigation purposes Water could be piped from the Noltawasaga River but this poses problem because the po tato and the tobacco growers in the townships of Essa Tossor ontio and Sunnidalo use huge quantities of water from the up per reaches of this river and its tributaries series of re toining dams might be defin ite requirement for irrigation on the upper Nottawasoga Riv ET MINEslNG SWAMP Perhaps the greatest potential vegetable producing area in the county is theMinesing Swamp This section of bogs marshes clay and marl sprawl across two townships Sunnidalo and Vespra and more than one Iable producer OTHER AREAS other areas in the county that are also suitable for vegetable growing are at Little Lake just north of the city of Barrie and at Wye Lake near Midland However the Wye Lake area is under consideration for water fowl sanctuary and it will probably be used for this purpose Some of the low land around Matchedash Bay could also be used to grow frosthardy vegetables West of Barrie there are about 3500 acres of lowland In this area the first effort to grow vegetables on large scale met with dismal failure After World War section of land between Highway 90 and the CNR tracks about sixth of Vespra Township ileLJnileLsLnLBaude was clear thls swamp This low area is hemmed in to the east by the sharp rising Grenfel Ridge and the clay plains of Sunnidale and F105 townships girdle the swamp to the west and the north The southrising Nottawasaga Riv er cuts across the middle of this swamp and the main triw butaries are the Pine the Mad River and Willow Creek The Big Swamp as it is of ten called is an area of about cursive farms mostly used for pasture large sections of too gled secondgrowth decidious and coniferous frees openi areas of beaver meadows sedg es and rushes The soil ranges from poorly decayed organic to cd and several frame houses built for veterans However due to an evident lack of knowledge of the problems ari5lt ing from this type of farming the unsuitability of those settled on the land and restricted market the venture was not succe This land right on Barr doorstep is worth de veloping but it probably never will be because of its proximity to the There is also large area of suitable garden soils in F105 Township parallel to Wasaga Beach but there are tentative plans to drain this lowland and develop it into additional sum mer resort property 100000 acres is fair esti Weekly By DR ANDERSON Sham County Health Unit it happened several yura ago in Victoria Harbour retired lake boot captain sat for everywhere though still only create headlines but on balance Susan Seuve 15 an assist ant drum inalorette was named Miss Montreal Alou ette Miss Sauva was to com pete for the title of Miss Grey Cup at the annual east west football final Doe Tomato FIRE KEEPING WATER HEATED MOIRA England AP Theodora turned on die cold water faucet and out come but water and cloud of steam flierhusbandWiliiam in the garden dug his spade into the ground Out came smoke The insloys sent for the fire department The firemen found an under ground fire in the garden All day Sunday they dug and by dusk they had removed 50 tons of old coal mine waste My house stands on filled in ground and the soil is full of pieces of coal said insley 62 mine official The fire must have started last July when burned some garden refuse Chief fire officer William Stretton said well just have to keep digging until we get all the burning coal out Hunter Not Blamed For Shooting Dad PALMERS RAPIDS Ont CmA coroners jury Wednes day attached no blame to Her bert Leidke 13 in the hunting death of his father but the jury restated the need of wearing colors that can be seen ii in the bush ea William Leidke 53 was wear ing dark clothing and grey cap when fatally shot by his son last Sept 30 in this area near Pembroke The father was bid den by underbrush when the son fired shotgun at grouse atop small knoll that sep arated the two man MISS ALOHEFPE long time at congregational meeting listening whilevarl our members gave their views on fwhether orootwmiore ministers should be heard bet call was issued Finally he rose fogbornsthat were blowing the more confusing the situation be came move that we hear other ministers for this call 0n the subject of health there is some justification for thinking that too many foghorns ar blowing already it is therefore with some hes itotiou that the Sirucoo County Ecaith Unit has decided to add its voice through this column to the confusion of sounds already in existence We feel however that our service to Simcoc County could be greater if more people knew who we are what we are do log how we are doing it and what we would like people to do to help us Th columns will be prepared wi those ques tions in mind When the private physician looks at his patient he seas an individual it has been said that the good physician cures some times relieves often and com forts always it should be added that he knows how to prevent as well as he knows how to cure With his present know ledge the private physician is oblerttrkeepryourondymirfomr ily in much better state of Translatn Service Urged By Youth OTTAWA quThe Associa tion of FrancoOntarian Youth rged Prime Minister Diofeuba or Wednesday to provide translation service for Canadas delegation to the UnitedNa tions The groups request followed speech delivered in English at the UN earlier Lhia week by Frenchspeaking Canadian Paul Trernblay Canadas am bassador to Chile explained after his address that he had spoken in English because no translation facilitiesrwere avail able Tremblay said his speech wh dealt with atomic radio tion contained many technical terms and there would not have been time to translate it him self mm NOW PIIY LATER health than was possible few years ago When the medical officer of health looks at his patient he does not see an individual he sees community It is his function to use all available means to prevent and to cure the ills of that community so the individual may venture for th thoutbecomln the unwary to teemsemi found that in fog the more In col from week to week we hopetotell you how we do this id Slmcoe County oadian Wildlife Service said nlesday several thousands of ducks are dying as remit of the British oil freighter Vibe ruunrn aground in the St Law renca River Friday night with lag about LON gallons of Haircuts 75c Semidays $100 Barber CLIFFB PM SHOP Iua load Acton mu Allans asn feathers kills them slowly George levies cousraucrion urn Barrie PAW N9 IUTTONS N0 LIV with the BRUNER AW WATER sorrsurn aremsaafss while You SLEEP Why not have the oonvenlbuu of Automatic Soft Wm You an on so superï¬cial am 21 wide 16 deep Impeflal llllona with sudsvar tnmplrtmnnt 40 lotilé lomplrtmen capacity in Imperial gallons Ind in $1395 Compact model no is ovenll dimension 13 IVs deep eom plot with huh strain or aelllnz at lhl low mlwirprlclrol 100 with ruuy Automatic Wales Soilonor hn sols um um aneuerolco nun manually No valves to adjust no butions to pron the electric unhol always roaminbor when to genrule Auto DUSTSTOP AIR FILTER Fits all makes of furnaces sq mi owning aoileuor Ioduy Reg AB 15 matic 35000 20000 Manual use no SingleLever Valve 30 LOG nan Sula Sale ldxmxl 79 loxmxl 10x25x1 20x70x1 20x00 20x25x1 16000 13200 18000 15040 1142 LCG 27100 17400 Model no Sldlh overall dimension 1005 deep complain with basket strain ers lelllnl at the low low price of OVER THECOUNEER SPECIALS PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY NOVFREE DELIVERY ON PLUMBING HEATING SUPPLIES tween conces nine and six and it comprises an area of about 7500 acres The other section is south of the town of Alliston and this also has pos sible acreage of about 7500 The innisitl area is drained by Wï¬lliabie as soon as the river the Bailey Creek and another small creek which drains west ward into Kempenfelt Bay Per haps the only anticipated diffi cultyhere would be lack of sufficient irrigation water dur ing an extremely dry Summer The Alliston area is also drained by the Bailey Creek and along the western bound ary of this low area snakes the Nottawasaga River The drain age is adequate but during dry Increase In TobaCco Income Accounts For Farm Cash lump OTTAWA Special sharp increase in the income from tobacco in 1961 as compared to 1960 is responsible for most of ethe boostirccordedinOntarir farm cash income in the first half of the year From January to this year Ontario farmers received cash income of $01752000 from tobacco com pared to $65100000 in the first half of 1960 and $64930000 in the JanuaryJune period of 1959 This substantial increase bo osted the overall Ontario farm income to an estimated $430581 000 asrompared to $419204000 In the same period last year and $413690000 rtbe first six months of 19 The fluecured harvest set records in Ontario last fall and its results in cash in the Ontario farmers pockets were felt this year But cattle and calves still represent the greatest single source of farm cash income in this province The six months gure this year is $101306000 nd this compares with 1500 guro of $108434000 and 1559 figure of $94167000 lnsecond posi in total in comeare dairy products rated this year at $91070000 compan ed to $93288000 and $89034000 inthe two preceding half years Ontarios overall six month income was some four per cent higher than in 1960 and next to tobacco hogshelped to con tribute substantially returning $50800 000 aaoompared in $52 73000 the first half of 1960 The ompiirable 1059 figure is fertile clays Great areas of this swamp are flooded every spring by the huge runoff of snow water carried by the Not tawasaga River but most of the land in the swamp becomes returns to its normal level Most of this land would have to be cleared allLacuna sections would require extensive drain age especially along the Wil low Creek before it could be utilized for vegetable Irrigation would nev problem because of the many small rivers and creeks flowing into the main river Someday in the future the Minesing Swamp could well al the less income to Ontario farmers this year than lost income fromoafs ewes $1923000 com pared to $2259000 other lower itemswith 1960 figures in brackets are barley 5241000 $287000 potatoes $5135000 $5505000 fruits $3529000 864000 Total field crops brought in 3125176000 compared to the 1550 figure of 100555000 Total live stock and dairy and poultry products returned $306901000 compared 104306453000 Forest and maple products showed slight increase to 8500000 from $3 325 000 Try An maï¬a Want so mate Gimme County that could be developed into huge vegetable growing industry We will need this land to grow food for our in creasing population With care ful planning and bold financing Simcoe Countys future as vegetable producer is assured Defence Panning MeihodsDiscussed flotsazwr NY amcats rip and New York state offici als discussedflthods Wednes menting civil defence planning and operations between New York and Ontario LLGan Farrell direc tor of the New York State Civil Defence Commission and Tyrell of Tomato chairman uf the Emergency Meaaures Organization for Ontario re viewed the existing arrange ment and discussed possible an tensions of the voluntary plan lyrall also is deputy minister of the Ontario commerce de partment New York and Ontario have sponsored joint training exer cises designed to co ordinate civil defence forces on both aides of the international bore 81 CAMPBELL LTD momentum and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 PHONE PA 82414 4680000 Sdmdiam products returned No Tell zaCundleslld East Barrio Midland PenetangElmvaIe Phone Zenith 11130 oiooinv some mes BUILDING rassnzi Charge day for improving andrimplcr FREE COHEN SAN FRANC AP Mickey Cohen onetime Los An geles gambler was freed on catraz Island prison where he was serving sentence for in come tax evasion He will be United Siam Circuit Court oi Appeals cu rr Moran refrilerator with so in free El shelves one roll IWB Inrle men Iand ample magnetic door ST $100000 bond Tuesday from free pending his oppealtoither lilOFFllr AUTOMATIC WASHER 12 DOORDEFROSTOMATIC combinationrefrigeratorfreelanï¬ in freezer roll out Shelves meat keeper vegetable knepel dllry and cheese holders amp doorshelving SIMCQEPI on our handy Budget Flao Dont delay repairs to your car See in today nilAiIEEllllELll Motors Ltd 05 Collier 30 PA summer 31 Pianist with suossavea mam who so featuring automatic defrost lb freezer roll out shelves larsa crisper huttcr keep or ampia oom shelving $7179 Reg $34995 for $25995Less WringerWasher Trade $10 OPEN HOUSE SALE sauce cycle rotary timer regular cycle HHeneraIlau cycle for all Wash and rinse temperature seleclt tori hotor warm wash or warm and warm and cold rinse Latu in sediment remover terse With Trade Sran BAR RIE 125 on it 17995 loo DOOR RCA VICTOR automatic defrost fridge and freezer 15 lb freezer 2V2 shelves large an shelf ample door mew special fabrics spin stops Automatic bub no o0inuwondez£uileanu or include heavy duty white enamel counter 110 cu or DEiR OMATIC has 75 lb freezer sholvcl and one roll out shelf veg Itnhle holder automatic derrest With Trade er dairy container egg mnznetl door gasket so 529 on high nodrip top vibration free 17072 Trade 00 with Trade PA 66531