By ALlCE BROOKS lOR TOASTER Everyone will admire this pro tection ior your toaster it adds color to your kitchen too Youll enjoy making this shutters are applique flowers lazydaisy stitch Use rem nant ior the real Pattern 7216 transler directions Send Thiroyrllve cents eoins this pattern stamps cannot bt accepted to Alice Brooks care oi The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200I yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Necdlecralt Cata log ready howl Sea Beauti iul Buikies in complete lash ion section plus bedspreads lin ens toys aighans slipcovers bull and larniiy and Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbuii spent Sun stock UTOPIii Mr and Mrs Harvey iurw day visitan relatives In Wood COMMUNITY EHOCKED Everyone in this community was shocked Friday to hear Edward Duran construction con tractor ior Essa Township had been instantly killed on the Job on so siderosd and extend sym pathy to the sadly bereaved amily hin Arthur Dobsoa spent the weekend at home HONOR EXAM There was well attended community shower in the hall Friday night to honor Frank Morris and his bride Saturday night there was turkey banquet in the commun ity hall to honor the girls soli hall team winner cl The Essa lnnislii Trophy and Ferndaie boys withsll team who were runners up in the Vespra play oif coached by hicCsnn Mr and Mrs William Pisatt were In Toronto Sunday Bell Elwood Miller hirs Ivan Spears and girls and Mrs Arthur Dobson visited lilrs Irli Bell in ioronto General Kospital on Sunday Mr and Mrs William Tordiil and girls have been with their parents lhlsweek before tak ing up residence in Clinton CREEMOBE miscellaneous shower held at the home at Mrs Wil liam Orr Machesney on Wednee ay evening for Mae Elliott hrldeeiect who is being married shortly to Cannon Gowan oi Creemore Mr and Mrs Garileid Lawson and ismiiy oi Utopia visited on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Stewart Wilson Mr and Mrs Watson spent Thanksgiving weekend with their son George and iamiiy at Muskoka plus free patterns Send 25 cents nowl TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE masons ocronert 1s no Womens Show Shirly Abioain amle hassle Dick Tracey News Headlines Man From Mars Farm lilarket Report mews Don Jamleson Weather Sports Pierre arrton The rnntrtanu The Real McCoys sir Francis make any Threaltsnns The Deioadcrs country Junction nanseroua Robin we News The Weatherman Today in Sports coma11ml News 1135 Naked MAY DCTOBER at 1146 Tort era 12 rid Pals open ï¬oonda Rs on aws ea er po Fern Re art Coming entl Cartoons Romper Room can Helene Nursery school Open IIoun oosnrmol Giant Sing 11 Around The Womens Show Lao Kim Fraser Loo Rania Dazzle cho CHANNE monsoon ocraflnn too Personality Show 05 =8 oo 30 on o1 no 15 5a no 50 oo 30 10 on mac 1100 ll rair When you move When new baby arrives llr when you brats very special fam Ily occasion Your Welcome Wa on Hostess will call wit basket of gifts and friend greetings from our gaous dvie and business lea era when the occasion arises phone PA 66302 Bruce Thomas oi University oi fly arkt Report News Don amlrros Weather Sports Pierre amon Father Knows em Danna Road Show Wayne or Similar oar Tommy Alnbrola Show Perry Mason Ths Detectives CBC TV News The Weatherman Today in orts Communlor IWI Movie DalehI in Hull lAmnaY ocronln 1i Leo Test Pattern News and Walthar Intercolllllato Football 13 line aw Living World Bugs Bunny ï¬nnntwtlvmem ews ea or pd Cartoon Show Dennis the Man Robin Hood Have Gun Will Travel Peter Gunn 22 ownergt1 ==z 53 he 93 28888 qiponnn are 2828228 to Kill Whytav 1100 as TV News 1110 Weather News 1115 Movie Three Secret TORONICL arts eather ay Piem aertoo mm rs Raai sarcoyr Showdown Theatre at Eight Come Live With Me Big Four Playback Mitch snuer News Weather Sports Mon sunny Better Late ramar ocsoasa to loss mm was Free and nary 10Chsnncl Theatre qua Miabehayu All Star Playhouse News Personal Professors aloeway Whlriyhiras Sports Weather ray Picsrs Barton Lou Agassshow Wagon train Have Gun Will Travel Country Style Iflaw lava lager Elm Thraya Hours To Kill SATURDAY OCTOBER 21 1050 Professors Party Sports College News Weather Sports Channel Nina Theatre Battle Hell ms Four Football wrestllns Learn To Draw cartoon Tim H1 Time TBA Sports Weather News Outdoor Sportsman The Flintstones Route 66 Naked City JackJBonIIy snow Fight of the Week lamJohnny flaw snow sports assesasEï¬EéE Pppsflrlafln PnlrlrlePPsss secesegseas It your carrier has not arrived by 9111 please phone PA 82433 gt Copy Will Be Delivered To Your 110ml THEREIS NO CHARGE FOR THISSERVICE VALLEY TAXI Ard 1100rcross Canada Barn Daflii 1100 Saturday Nllht Movie Pushavei DEIVEYOURSELF CARSAND TRUCKS Western Ontario visited his parents Mr and Mrs Pearcsy ilsomas on the weekend Mr and Mrs Hamid Nixon flew to Fort William and spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs Doa Jeiireya and boys SCHOOL FIELD DAY Annual greenlore sdIool field day was held on Friday Oct and the ï¬nal results showed the iollowing students as champions oi their class Percy Wanner and Valerlerlieweil points Class Kenny Green points class 2Down Dalton points class Philip Adaml points class Susan Tabot 11 points class Peter wiord 12 polnm class Maria Royal points class Allan Mitchell 12 points class Marilyn Dix on flpoiats class Bob Roy al 21 points class 10 School champions were First Mario Royal points 2nd Marilyn Dixon points Bob Royrfl 21 points bliss Margaret hlacksy Reg who Is attending University at Western Ontario London sp out the weekend with her mother Mrs Alice Mackay TOTTENHiiM LAWN BOWLING Thanksgiving Day Mixed Dou blea Bowling Tournament held on the local mess under san ny skies was well attended irom out oi town The prizes were won as lollows Ede Palmer and Oral McClain 1st Betty McClain and Jasper Boyd 2nd with three wins and high ior two wins Agnes Keogh and Allan Cranston lligh ior one win want to Aliandaiss Mary Carriers and Bill Fisher PURCHASE FARM Mr and Mrs Gya Vnnnlekerk have purchased the farm recent ly owned by Mr and Mrs Leo nard Abernathy and will be moving inter ALLANDALE EVENT The last lawn bowling tourney oi the season was held Satur day last on the Aliandaia grew ens The games commenced at 10 am Two rinks of mixed trebies ior Tottonhsm bowled in almost freezing weather with Allan Cranstons rink taking the CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY East dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH AKIOBZ Q5 33 MS can egoga sode as LKJWI 10 WEST aazco yes osoos 9154 But nouns wm warm 10 Pass Pa Pass 49 magi WEEï¬lm wmdnnr Opening leadatenofdiamdlida Among the advanced plays in bridge one of the most dillicult to recognize is the squeeze Yet on most occasions the squeeze is not really hard to execute and in some cases the decisrer will fall into succesqu squeeze without having planned it in advance Here is hand that shows how easy it is to operate squeeze West led diamond and the deiense cashed three diamonds East then shifted to the king of clubs South won with the ace and saw that the rest of the tricks were all his except for one It Is this position where declarer has only one loser left that is supposed to alert him to the DAILYCnosswonn in Stage moms ï¬lï¬mï¬m ca Hope LCoalound 63mm Infleclpleni Po IrAgomhling 11tepld game LEM 12 Poisonous 53mm shrub 85ahaped 13 Iagjoint worm 142oghlrld 11iayon unlock words 18Muslcnota EWurtteIn 18 Japsnaso berg coin rneasum 19 Chop PL 2013am 9New 880erlulr1 England Iyrn r1 vacation asan land tion 28 Physician 28 Rich apparel 3114 821iirearm cleaning stick 341mm sacrede 35Twicee prefix 36rwaiold 38Moabcity moss 41 Polynesian ovan searsole consonant 44 Sound of disgust snout 48Meditar roman island BilW HWoultd unannounnnu ul IIfll flflflflll Elizaunonl gguucnllnll ulnzanlonll allunann all ï¬llllflï¬llqg hishlortwowiaaTboothsrs were too cold Dr and Mn Huai and Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson and iamiiy oi Dutton were recent visitors with Mr and hire Tim Wilson Jack Wine of Sudbury and mother Mrs che spent Friday with the letters sister Mrs Couchman Toronto 1111 LATE PALMER Richard Ebenezer Palmer pas red away Oct in Suanyhreok Hospital Toroalo alter lens thy ilinoss The late Mr Palm er was born in Tecumsetb Town ship on Aug 1881 son oi the late Barbara and William Palmer He served during world war one and while in England met and married MiuAmy Henderson who survives as well as two daughters Sylvia Mitchel and Jean Crawlsy and son Kenneth all oi Totteoham Floral tribueta were irom the Royal Canadian Legion No 829 relatives and irisnds 0n comb or the luneral service was held from the Anderson Funeral Home with Rev Taylor in charge The pail bearers were William Prut Charles llson Bert Stevenson stney Crawiey Ted Hay and Walter Walkem Friends attending ram distance were irom Toronto Eirnvaia Stayner Bolton Agin court Cookstown and Schem berg interment was made in Mount ngart Cemetery GUTHBIE The Guthrie Mission Eond met in the Sunday school room The th om oi the meeting was Thanksgiving and Thankoiler lag Wendell MacArthur presld ed and Bill Pearson was acting secretary The worshi service took the arm oi liany oi thanks The new study Junior and up was introduced by the lead or Mrs Howard Campbell colored iilmatrip Town an Country Cousins concluded this part at the program The ï¬lm strip dealt with harvest services lunch was ed by Mrs George Campbell next me eting will be held Nov with Carol Annette 131312 aLths worship BECKER possibility oi moccasin squeeze South recognized the classic position rand led ilve rounds of trumps alter which this became the situation flrh South now led the seven of hearts the squeeze card and discarded club tram dummy The lead oi the last trump es sential to the success at the hand out East out oi business Eastcï¬lid not niiEdTodli ads or club When he chose to discard club in the hope that his part ner had the jack South won the last three tricks with th LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES jack of clubs andrkKoispdf es it will bs observed that South did nothing more than cash all his trumps and that nature took care the restfrhs squeeza operated automatically it is also interesting to note that ii East had led the queen oi spades at trick iour instead oi the king of clubs he would have broken an important line of communication between the North and South hands and de feated the contract Bespondlns to en uno 21 Pokar stairs cover Ina 251mm 27Agi taped asrrsu 111 296 ments achPronoun 332mm ultimo =15 EH mainsyrs BEBE Yesterdays Answer 89 Basis for assessment 40 Tome 42 Wavy Han 46 Diocesan center 47 Blunder sheep Constellation Vsï¬llll eoa as Mil14 ï¬ï¬‚ï¬l Vaill Bill SAWYER Muses mo sxeeren HIwmsGor DATE wrm EITAS gouNT mumps WING El MAKES TO THE REFRIGERATOR Film IN NERVE MIVIFFWM THEY This NM TROOPS ARE liEiEriwlD flaming WILLNOTLWI on LLASDinW PIng citrus DIP YOU sthW ERMA DlRTNPAV FRESH Sitar mammmumarocrom1amn DRIVER now MYNAMEISPIG CETTERANDILLBE SLADTDGIVEMR HE HAsNI BEEN no 114 REFEEERATOE EVENING1 com JUST FOLLOW WE MERE THESggXNEXPHET WELLV1LLAINS NEVER HAVE KISS TH HEEOINE INA is IF COULD as no VILLAINALI nMs VILLAIN NON COME LLIDWiG hwnwnwn ii niacin Ailrswbiiw mwnninr em two we HIMSELF WilliL miiELLORGANWE memo llilECTlllEEil OWN