SPORTS TYPE By srave JONBSCU spam calm By KEN WALLS plnch hitter This column is regular fiveday feature by Steve Jonescu with Wall Smith lheoutdoor specialist ap earin eve Fri But our Steve is conï¬ned to lioyal gVicto Hospital thisweek having had some minor repair work donehythe surgeon on Tuesday morning At latest reports he should be home soon The medical staff as that when patient starts to chase nurse down corridor its time to go home So we volunteered to do some pinch hitting in the columnist line during Steves absence Its just 32 years since reported to this newspaper then weekly and the best in Canada and the editor the late Mr ltiacLaren asked if would start regular sports column which the paper had never had before And did and carried on every year until about 1949 when we got George Storey out of high school and made him sports editor But its now 11 years gone by and my writing has been more along the editorial line have got somewhat away from the local sports scene if you dont wish to call curling sport By the way Steve onhis departure from this news room at the start of the week requested Please no flowers brin something4 can digest The directors of Barrie Goï¬ Club will please disregard this notice Steve will welcome them any time SEASONAL GAMES IN OCTOBER This weather of the past week is extraordinary but welcome mind you Its been some years since the golfing has been ideal at tins time of year Usual ly the clubs are packed away by this time but the local courses have been real busy Shirt sleeves and shorts are quite prominent in the attire of those using Barrie course in the last few days and the fairways are in June form And whaddaya know they arg still playing ball in arrie Here again must be some sort of record Its the girls too The local Varcoe Willows are engaged In the final serieslfor the district championship and it was almost eery in that balmy weather of Tuesday night at Queens Park to see this game played Why the New York Yankees packed away their equipment weeks ago The lawn bowlers gave it time back no doubt wishing they hadnt been so asty Next year at this time no doubt there will be an inch of snow on the ground Theres ice in Barrie Curling Club right now and soon will be in Barrie Arena The local hockey team Bay City Falcons are just about ready to hit the prac tice ice getting ready for the game only two weeks away with Canadas world representatives GaltTeT riers The indoor bowling leagues five and ten pin ners are into action The football season is nearing xlhefinish iin with Grey Cup Day in Toronto justfive lb wwwish the fighters luck weeks off the pro hockeyists are just swinging into regular league action HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING 1956 and 1961 So Toronto is to have boxing bout early in Dec ember for the worlds heavyweight title Champion Floyd Patterson of New York versus Mr McNeeley of Boston who is said to be undefeated in 23 boutsr But who did Torn beat This reminds us that in July 1956 just five years mind you there was socalled bout in Torontos nfaple loaf Stadium for the heavyweight champion ship of world Rocky Marciano had retired then and there was no recognized titleholder so the promoters Just went ahead without offiEial recognition matched Archie Moore of San Diego definitely the lightheavyweight champ against James Parker who just happened to originate out of Barrie Ont arloHewas the Canadian champion at the time Well for all time the memoriesof that event will linger locally Great was the promotion and our sports editor of the time Mr Mackness was even borrowed to assist in theiwriting Moore trained up at Gravenhurst and Parker set up camp near Huntsville both at summer resorts where the picking was ripe Marciano even showed up to visit both camps and Fightnight arrived and the stadiumwaspacked Quebec What happened is history The fight was stopped in the ninth round with Parker cut to ieces Later 01d Archie was matched against Flay Patterson who knocked him out early and won the heavyweight title vhich he is about to put on the line shortly in Toron To this day there remain stories about the Moore Parker joust At that time Parker was big strong fellow of about 210 in good condition with terrific punch in both hands He had great record of knock outs in his amateur days He told usaihistraining jcamp he wasgoing after Old Archie early with his powerful hitting Instead he wastold to change strate gy to stall off in the early rounds and then open up about the sixth when the old man began to tire because James was finished much lesser hitter and lighter man than Parker Yvon Durelle the Maritime fisherman three years gaterentafterMoore one night in Montreal right By the time he tired if he ever did it was too late Bicctms MISSIN mom LINEUP Hubs InSecond DefeatiRcmgers By LAURENT CHIASSON Canadian Press stall ericr Thlsissupposedlobothe year that Montreal Csnadlens dominationorlheN It ionhl Hockey League iinally cracks After all the Habs plagued by injuries and without allstande fenceman Doug Harvey must be weaker than in recent rea sons Or are theyf Two impressive victories over the upstart New York Rangers leave ground for speculation The Canadians scorers Jean Beliveau and Di ckieMoore on the sidelines with knee Injuries made it look easy Wednesday night in dump ing the Rangers 51 at New York in the leagues only sched uled genie Only four nights earlier the Canadians beat New York il atMontreal for the only two de feels the first place Rangers have suffered in five starts Montreal und alter three games vaulted into sec ond place with Wednesday nights win only one point back of the Rangers REVERSE BllAlIDN The fact that Canadians al ways have had trouble coping with the Rangers in New York in recent years made Wednes day nights performance even more impressive They outskated us barked HOCKEY RECORD as was oANADiAN mass National Algae Pts New York Montreal Toronto Chicago Detroit Boston Montreal New York Tonights Games New York at Chicago Boston at Detroit American tongue Western Division Rochester Buiifalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Eastern Division WLT APts Providence 13 Springfield Hershey 01 WWWMutt Hershey Pittsburgh Saturdays Gaines Buffalo at Cleveland Quebec at Hershey hochester at Pittsburgh Providence at Springfield Sundays Games Persheyantvhuffaloer Quebec at Providence Cleveland at Rochester Eastern Professional League Kingston Kitchener Sudbury North Bay HullOttawa Maria Wednesdays Result Kitchener Kingston Tonights Game HullOttawa at Sault Ste Marie Exhibition GaltSrA VHF Ingersoll Int AH Waterloo Sr if St Marys Jr sukatchewan Junior Estevan Weyburn Regina Moose Jaw BIG SEVEN ay CANADIAN ennss Andy Eathgate of NewltYork opened up fourpoint lead atop the National Hockey Leagues scoring race Wednesday night with two assists in Rangers 54 loss to Montreal Canadiens He has three goals and leagueleading seven assists for 10 points in five games Johnny Bucyk of BostonBiuins is sec and with six points The icadersi no Bathgate New York at 142 of the second period Just two seconds before Mont treals Claude Provost was to rc turn to the iccjromccrving mlnnraenalty Henri Richard put the Cana diens into lead less than three minutes later only to have Guy Gendrnn tie up again at Gilles Trembiay gave the Ca nadlcns msrglniatlili with high ANDY aAmoArrz 77 only Bright Spot New York rs mnnnger Muzz Patrick after the game Its not so much that we cant skate with them as the fact we didnt Over the years weve done well with them at bome often with teams not as good as the one we have now The Canadians min ated play throughout and didnt al low the Rangers clear shot on Jacques Plante until the game was five minutesold in all Pinata made only is saves It was 110 Montreal after one period Ralph Backstrnm con verting from Bernie Boom Boom Geoffrion and Don Marshall at 436 Dean Prentice tied the score of the second period and the labs never looked back after that They got fourth goal from Bill Hicke before the pe riod ended and another from Marcel Benin in the third One of the bright spots for Rangers was Andy Bathgntes two assists These ran his point production In five games to lo tops in the leaguc Harvey now pinyingcoach ol Ihe Rangers summed up his teams defeat this way iJlYeJlidnt skate we didnt check we didnt think Shewchuck To Coach Falcons Barrie Bay City Falcons will be coached again this year by Al Shewchuck it was an nounced today Practice and tryouts for the team will be on Monday from 79 pm No one has been signed yet so any one whov is interested in play ing with the team is urged to turn out Monday night The Falcons do not know what league they will play in as yet but this should be decided on within the next few days Strengthen Status Of Curling Clubs nAMiLron CP The or taste Curling Association has amended and strengthened al ready stringent bylaws providv ing torthe retention of pure nmateurism in the ancient sport Some 90 members represent ing as Ontario clubs approved resolution at meeting may day to keen amateur curlers from receiving either dich or indirectly compensation for givmginstrnctions in curling The resolution was minor change tobylaws which had al ready stated clearly that the association would only remg nire numbers who would play the game solely as non rei munemtiveor non profit mak ing sport Another bylaw amendment was adopted to withhold voting privileges in the association from mb ers of renter clubs Such clubs which do not own their own curling facilities but rent ice on payasyou play basis will be excluded from either voting or holding olflce in the OCA Neill Gregory of Lindsay was elected association presi dent succeeding Pnrkhlll of Oshawa Rev Robert Mclt Lean at Lindsay was chosen chaplain New clubs admitted to the as sociation for 196162 include Kingston Cntaraqui Golf and Country Club Kingston Garri son Oshawa Golf and Reed Show and McNaught of Osh 8W3 CATCHEB RELEASED MILWAUKEE ABZMilvvauT kce Braves gnva catcher Sammy While his unconditional release and shipped outfielder Gino Cimoli to Vancouver of the Pacific Coast league nies day Brought up from Vancou ver were outfielder Manuel Ji menez 22 infielder Ed Charles 26 and catcher Jose Azcue lo THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER ll Newmquet Wins 43 Over Varcoés Newmarkel Allens TV Ladies tied their best of five series for the championship of the Barrie and District Ladies Softball league at 11 with Hi win over Barrie Varcoe Willows in Newmarket last night 1he third game of the scr les will be played at Queens Park Sunday at pm The Newmarket team who had luntcd they intended to pro test Tuesday nights game which Varcoes won in over tlmeronrlhrgrounds they were not required to play overtime to settle tie after considera tion decided not to protest Barrie ladies too the field in the bottom of th score tied 33 Shyrea Preston first to bat for Newmarkct hit single and long single by Juanita Bonn drove her home The game was pilchers duel all the way both perform ing well Barries loss was blamed on the fact so many players were left on base in the top of the ninth the bases were loaded hut Varcoes could not put the winning run across the plate About 20 Barrie fans accom panied the team to Newmarket However only about 30 persons in all turned up to watch the game Varcocs Gregory Bedhelotte Cole lb Bctty Bishop 2b lilary Lou Bishopab Fortune as Miller ll Spcnce cf Shule rf he uucaonomn El gueststact enteeenoaew ul aooaoqw Si Autumnch Newmnrket Scoltp hindry Watt lb Bunn 2b Swnile 3b Wilson as Cain ll Preston cf Rled rf Totals mandamus Ex World Champs Help To Put Frontenacs On By THE CANADIAN PRESS couple of seasoned cam paigners who helped win world hockey championship for QanadL three years ago have put Kingston Frontenacs out in front in the Eastern Prolcs moi Hockey League stanu Elonde Bobby Atlersley fired two goals and def en ce man Harry Sinden got thirdWed nesdny night as the Frontenacs downed Kitchener Waterloo Beavers 44 for their third vc Top Of League toryin as many starts to hand the Beavers their first defeat and supplant them in first place by single point Attersley and Sinden together with Kingston defencunan All ireen Whose bodychecking was standout for the winners are veterans of Whithys iese team which defeated Russia for the yyoflvtitlipt Oslo in 1958 PPITIONAL SPORT 0N PAGE 15 Ha chl SSIG ghasemeaiures makeit worthj$l000 mere yet it nowsells for from the bell had himron the floor threetimes in the championship Wonder what would have happeni Bucyk Boston ed Litzenberger Detroit less than thjélowjprlced irsrroundrandwasonly two seconds from winning James had taggedArchie with couples his ombs in the first round five years ago ISCISSORED spoar rim Anew Maple Leafs Tuesday an nounced the purchase of an outfielder and pitcher to help bolster the team for the 1962 International Lcague Baseball campaign Raymond WWithrowv2A an outfielder with Austin ot the Texas League andMobile of the Marion Association rind Harold Geleln 21 leltllhllder from Boise of the Pioneer League will join Toronto tth sss in so Toronto baseball games with Austin and the same in 40 games with Mobile Geleln aslx foot two 200 pounder had 95 record in 19 games with an earned run av erage of 400 ANGELS SIGN GORDON L05 ANGQLESV AP Fon mer American League manager Joe Gordon has been signed as batting instructorand scout Los Angeles Angels announced Tuesday Gordon 46 managed Sat ClevelandDetroi and Kan s5 ty lie has been out of since th Athletics ed bhanuno 19 so MeKenney Boston Provost Montreal Bunin Montreal Pennington Boston rim LEADERS THE CANADIAN PRESS standlngt New York won lost tied points Pain Goals Litzenberger Detro Eichard Montreal Bucylr ton Bathgate and Prentice New York Wu None Pension Armstrong sum hathgrite New York iroowAN smear double margin of safety Rambler Classic one of the New guarantees are the ï¬gmmblerGard allseason radiator coolant is So good we guarantee for two full years Uncorh ditionallyguaranieed fortvlvo years is theRa mbler PowrGuard 24 battery anythinggoeswrongrweroplaoe it3 As long as you own the car we guaranteeRamblers exolusive CeramicArmoured muffler and tailpipe thatshow tough it is sNew for 62 is the DoubIdSafety brake system which makes front and rear brakes indepehdentprovides Another Rambler exclusive special ï¬berglassceiling linerthal re duces insine noise by 30LLIhewhoiebody4edipped times in rustprooï¬ng haththats aRambler exclusive developed speciallny Canadian driving conditions Ramblersallwelded bodyhndflianja eliminates bodybolt squeaksfland rattles adds years of life tothe calf The Classics Aluminum engine by big weight reduction gives easier handling and famous Rambler economy 10 Big car room and comfort in sensible sizethats partof the reason Rambler has consistently higher resale valueRambIer Classiothe worlds most copied car gives you what we call basioexeellence Yet youll pay less far it than for any of the lowpriced three See your Paonuor drmcniom Morons comm umrcn redesigned front suspension now gives smoothest easiest rides youve ever had Rambler dealerthis week WATCH WQRLDOF SPORTON TV SPONSOREDBY RAMBLER AMERICAN CLASSIC AND AMBASSADOR VB CARS gtVVAUJMOORSH LTD PA ss4sa