LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with few cloudy inter vals tomorrow Winds to 20 law tonight so High Friday so For full summary turn to page two OUR TELEPHONES For minis Want Ads rue phone PA em The telephone number to call for the Business or Edilortsi Dept ls PA saw my YearNo 243 Barrio Ontario Canada Thursday October 19 I96 Iiiiirsiicx SHATTO Hopes To PLAY SATURDAY Toronto Argonaut halfback Dick Shatto sits up to take his medicine while recuperat ing in Toronto hospital from injuries received in last Sundays Eastern Football Conference against Hamilton Tiger Cats Shatto who is suffering from bro ken nose hopes to be able to play this Snturday against Ottawa Rough Riders CP Wircphoto AMERICAN SCIENTIST SAYS WASHINGTON tCPi wRa ph Lapp United States nuclear scient said Wednes day each American 1352 strate gic bomber packs nuclear wallop greater than Russias The attacking plane um proposed 50 megaton nudw release one umegalon bomb at if nonecentresandrcarrrtbenitber These 352 bombers would elsewhere Each of these hydro be airborne over Canada in gen bombs would be big enough times of an alert the atomic to knock out city the size of bomb pioneer and former US Toronto orMontreal and its sa defence department onsultant telilte communities addedin an intervie The two ï¬megatnn bombs Lapp said the Us has built would weigh between it and la airmegaton hydrogen warheads tons Lapp saidyadding that is equivalent to 16000000 tons of special method of loading them TNTand that each of the 352 onto the planes hassbeenedor planes of the US Strategic Air vised He could not disclose de Cornmand is capablebicarry tails because of secrecy ing two of these warheads on pledge longrange flights to Russia If an emergency arosewhere The two zsmegatonbombs these weaponswere needed would do more damage than they likely would be flown ï¬iTA NUTSHELL Storm Batters Shipping 10 Dead LONDON Reuters Gales Jbattered shipping in the North is today taking heavy tollzof men and ships At least to rsons were reported dead ormissing as result of the 2A hour stormuihe casualties come from two ships the sadton gitishtrawler Arctic Viking and aleton Dutch trawler Elie eneviere former Philippines President Dies MANlLA AP Sercio German as president the Phil ippines after the Second World War died today of heart and kidney ailments Osmena had been ailingfor months and was transferred from his home to hospital in Cebu recently when his conditionng grave Security Screen Guards Girl LQNDON Reuters tight security screen todaynwas drawn around Margery Michelmore whenshe arrived here fromNiEeriaonTiWebdmoun slit in the wake of bitter furore sparked by her postcard description of the West African eome Pageant Director To Retire HAMILTON CF Radcliffe Weaver director of the Canada pageant for in years announced Wednesday night he is retiring He made the announcement at thesemiannuai dinner meeting of the Burlington Chamber of CommgrcLï¬ Lethbridge MayorLosesSeat EDMONTON GP The mayors of Edmonton and Calgary were returned to office Wednesday but Mayor shackle ford alt Lethbridge failed to hold his seatafter 30 years on city coinic Plan New Separate schools TORONTO criwiheduetmpantanroromï¬e ammo board plans to build eight new schools at cost of $2000000 it was announced today gt Decide No Bribery inwoepi one 50 megaton weapon be cause in these massive weap ons of annihilation some of the extrasnergy from each explo sion is dissipated Lapp said UsvPacisirNuciéan Wréflop vyGreater Than 319 Bomb 1elations Aifify dismissiii across Canadian territory to the enemy he added but declined to say what part of Canada would be involved He observed that the 352 bombers with nu clear weapons fly overCanada whenever an alert is called eral such alerts called during recent years Asked whether the Canadian government must give approval each time before these 552 boom flyover Canadian ter ritory nuclear load Lapp said he didnt know But he presumed NORAD would have autbnrityJoisend these bomb ers over Canadian territory in timesof emergency orthe va iue of OBAD would be de creased TAKE CARE He said that when bombers are loaded with atomic or by drogenweapons cars is taken to make sure the weapons are not armed or activated Activi ation tartriggering of the bomb would be under control at all times In other words if 4ahomber had an accident there wouldvbe crasbandsome spill of radio sctivityhut no widespread ex plosion And the radioactivity might be contained to the plane area itself This was the case when one of the bombers crashed in North Carolina some years ago Radioactivity was contained to small area around tbeplane Nuleiniorfict TORONTO CPMagistrato Thomas Elmore ruled Wednes day the Royal York Hotel did not violatothe Ontario Labor striking employees July is TheHotei and Club Employ ees Union CLO acting on permission from the Ontario Eaiior Relations Board had charged the CPR which ees to giveupthetrTight theddciiion wouldnt have made the some one as the magistrate JJonold MacDonald leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party predicted if this judg ment stands it will have up dustrial unrest such as Ontario rename or Council of suburban New Toronto Weird day night decided no hriberyeidatsin the woriudopartment after qumtioning employees has rarely seen David Archer president to the Ontario Federation of Labor laidill wt press the goverov ened the door to period ofinf AtUN WITHIN 18 MONTilS To Call Robarts TORONTO CP Promise of an early elections warning of the plight faced by Ontarios municipalities and an accusa tion that someone has ibeen rumor mongering figured in speeches Wednesday by three candidates for the Ontario Pro gressive Conservative party leadership The election promise come from Education Minister John Roberts speaking at the Lake heod He vowcd he will call an election within ill months if he gets the rind of delegates to the leadership convention in Tor onto Oct 7325 Whatever the outcome he said it would be essential for the party to consider an appeal to the public With this in mind we must begin working on Oct 26 Predicting federal election next June ihough admitting he had no inside information on the subject Mr Robarts said the federal vote would clear the decks for provincial elec tion sometime the following yeah The education mintster was at the end of an extensive tour of Northern Ontario lie arrived at theLakehead cities via Ke nora after an overnight stop at Fort Frances Jamisosnnnmit Promote Secretary 333 ltiniectedi so note on theplight of the provinces municipalitiesinto each at Stratford to con van on dele gates from Perth and Oxford Counties Mr Allan said the municip alities problems must be looked at frankly and honestly in the realization the provincial and municipal nments are partners He predicted the province ngucnuflLmnkMWogressiveehadones HBQhr by saying he could not offer first general election since ie Election 33112 Earth riEXaminrr Di St BLAST orT TEEN PRANK JEFFERSON CITY Mo AP So you think youve wiry woof teenagetelcphons lrou inanï¬se least 000000th to its munlc ipalitlcs Thats tremendous amount he said yet you need it so badly Mr Allan opened his speech the province any hope of lower taxes or lessened responsibili ties in die years shes Specutate Reds To Fire Ulbricht To Make Talks More Palatable Soviet Premier Khrushchev dealt Ulbricht bitter blow in his Kremlin speed luesdoy by abandoning the Dec 31 dend linehe had set for signing peace treaty with East Ger many The peace treaty is the main instrument for root negotiations with the East threats BERLIN AmOfficials and commentators in West Berlin speculated today that Moscow may soon lire its East German puppet Walter Ulbrlcht There was widespread belief that East Gcrmanys chief of state would disappear from the scene in an effort to make di German regime more palatable to the West PM Verwoerd Wins Election JOHANNESBURG Reuters Prime Minister HendrikiLerhloakthaintrnific woerds segregationlst party 78 returned to power today in the South Africa became LMalwkfï¬x incomplete ictums gave Ver woards segregationist party 788 seats in the lsemember house The Nationalists were expected to win 25 of the 32 seats where the counting of Wednesdays ballots was not complete This would give the Nationals ists one sent more than they held in the last parliament The United Party Verwoerds main opposition had won 44 seats by noon today and the National Union Party and the Riot PoliceHold Strategic fPARiSdReuters slider forces of tough riot police to day om strategic points in the Paris area to pre vent further demonstrations by Algerian Moslems which have caused toll of five dead and nearly 100 hurt in geriastrtwo days force ortooo extra police men took up their positions as France began departing 1500 Moslems arrested during nies days demonstrations to their hometowns in Alger The Moslems were being air lifted to Algeria in atwoday operationandwero under or dersnot to leavethethn town They also were ordered to report rï¬ulary en authorities The two days of demonstra ions here were tbe first of their kind in France since Al Mam To Fire Help mt to reinforeetho Ontario Labor Relations Ac David Lewis counsel for the union said during the trial that the act pro ere from ismls ing workers who articipate fii thelawful activities of trade union in his written judgment Ma gistrate Elmore said there isno owns sec 11 of the act 5specifically the hotel with using the threat glv the right to strike How of dismissal to compel employ ever different sections of tha icttï¬e right to strik esn Magistrate Elinore said the unions all ective agreement withtitbe hotel had eiipiréd be forethe strike was called April 24 so employees wereworking under individualcommo law contracts when they walked out fConditions were such as ex ist under master servant he said mam follows that vthe employees had right to strike as the di Archle Jobnstone president unions Locel 299 aidtbem Yion would appeal Nanterre protest againsta curfew im posed on Moslems here by the ibits ernploy Areas gerian rebels launched their fight for independence seven years ago Two Moslems and French man were killed in the clashes Tuesday night and two more Moslems died Wednesday night in clashes between police and an Algerian crowd in suburban II The demonstrations were in police under which Moslern cafes were shut down at pm and Moslems were strongly advised to stayoff the streets after 830 pm 11 bris of biiildlng at th Helens Curtis industrialised keynote of expressed since Mond but his Consider the plight of the Jefferson City doctor whose number is 54321 Teen agers have been calling and when the doc tors receptionist answers this is 54321 the kids shout blast off lheyre going to get the number changed Germans control of the Western allies access routes to West Berlin forcing them to negoti ate with the East Germans they have so far refused to recog nize or fight thetrway through if the East Germans try to peace treaty before the end of the year has been the Jim German months Coiirt JCrants Iniuncï¬on 0n Picketing Generalmanager Fr Price of the Universal pony Limited in Barrie said today the Supreme Court of Ontario has granted an injunct tion restricting total number of pidteters at the strikebound plant to eight and to four at by one entrance The plant has been on strike when pickets op hefore the morn ing shiftmade ts appearance Mr Price said the terms will go into effect almost immed lately The number lg picket ers outin fronto the plant besaid far exceeds the act esred sbor al number required Both union officials and man agement hove said that no set tlement talks are scheduled The Devilbiss Canada Ltd and Universalhcoolermare the companies involved in the dis About 50 UAW workers struck last week at DeVilbiss and approximately 140 are af fected at Universal Cooler Un ion and management had been nine months no agreement had been reacbe ute egotiating for Khrushcbcvs against West Berlin With it the Soviet Union threat ens tb turn over to the East Coo er Com Not More Then per Copy16 Pages C1 to SI May Take Action Against seas For Rejecting OTTAWA CF Canadas protest against the Soviet plan to explode 50mcgnton nu clear bomb will be tnken to the United Nations Prime Minister Dieienbaker said today He said External Affairs Tilin ister Green would reiterate Can adas position rejected Wed nesday by the Soviet embassy here and action might be taken in thaUnited Nations against Russia Jerrniafenbnker meeting re porters before morning cobl not meeting said that while the embassy rejected the protest because it dealt with domes tic Bussinn matter the con tamination of the worlds at mosphere by fallout scarcely domesticity Mr Green will express our viewpoint in New York in the General Assembly debate Mr Diefenbaker said said week ago that lod ging ii protest would not be effectual but some newspaper columnists disagreed We lodged the protest and think the answer of the USSR yes terday showed who is right The Canadian note of protest The Soviet Union today accused Canada and other countries of a1petty political game in their campaign for awiorIdwide measurement of nuclear radio activity Sovietddegate Semyon Tsar apkin made the charge in the United Nations eral Assem blysispeclal political commit for move aimed at heading off Russias plan to explode his torys biggest bomb blast the Canadian resolution which is sponsored by 24 other coun tries said the Soviet Union was forced to resume nuclear tests because of what he claimed were Western preparations for war Khrushchev said the Russian tests would end at the close of thi oath Tsarapkin seemed to dicateJuIther blasts in the future by saying that such tests cannot be abandoned by Russia until the Western powers agree to general and complete disar mement The Soviet spokesman re peatedly charged that Canadas tiative on radiation was polit caliy inspired ageinst the So vietUnion under the guise of scientific effort He spoke as the main struggle over nuclear tests con tinued today in the assemblys member senior pol cal ittee where the Soviet came under the heading of tea as pressure grew in the UN Tsarapkin bitterly critical of Although et Premier Canadas Stand was read to and examined by Soviet embassy officer He refused to accept it saying it dealt with purely domcstin Russian matter Mr Dlefenbakar said the ex plosion of nuclear devices poses tremendous danger for the world Domesticity is scarcely the word to be used with regard to an action nifecting the air over all the nations of the world to which all countries should have access free of contamination be added The reaction of other coun tries to Russias announcement that it plans to let loose the equivalent of 50000000 tons of TNT has been one of wid spread condemnation the prime minister added lle declincdto say what ac tion Cnnadamight take in the United Nations but added that specific rmolution might be considered Mr Green he said will speak in the UNs debate on nuclear testing generally but that debate would provide an opportunityfor discussion and action on Russias intention to unleash the big bomb Game feats Wednesday order in which debate should be cognates 0n the scientific front Can ada was leading campaign in another leimember committee the special political for world wide measurement of nuclear tests and other can The Canadian resolution is co sponsored by 24 other countries Although the emphasis in one committee was political and in the other scientficspeakers in nesday So Premier Khrushchevs announcement of intention to explode bomb equal to 50000000 tons of TNT Ear Specmlist Gets NobeiPnze STOCKHOLMfAhLThe 1961 Nobel Prize formedicine was awarded today toDr George von Bekesy Hungarianborn ear specialist now working in the United States The prize amounts to 250200 Swedish crowns 543300 Von Bekesy now working at Harvard University in Cam bridge Mass was awarded die prize for his discoveries con cerning the isms of stimulation within the cochlea said the official cita tion from the awarding body The cochlea isa division of the labyrinth of the ear hicago that we levelled it wast side PLiiNT BUILDING by blast followed by in Seventyfive far sons were reported injured AP Wirephoto atomic radimion resultingifrom vbotbchambersrefefledwh physical median