Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Peta pbona PA ms no mention number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 6653 LOCAL WEATHER Mainly cloudy and much cooler tomorrow Winds light Low to night at High Thursday 50 For summary see page no em varNo 242 estin gBomb marina ILLNESS mp EAGLE Urge Govt Lift 013031533351 Drug Sales Tax law violators 4in Toronto Township will have to keep TORONTO tCPl Removal brief presented by the Onta of the 11perccnt federal sales rlo branch ot the Canadian As an eye on the sky after to day The municipality he explode somegaton nuclear opinion against the Kremlin tax from drugs prescribed for soclation of Consumers treatment of illness was urged The brief was read by Mrs came the first in Ontario to bomb saying that the test From diplomatic stand spot building and zoning in would be unnecessary and could Khrushchevs Moscow Tuesday beiore the Restrictive underhill CAC chairman Trade Practices Commission in at legislation on the second humerus mm the air only ssrva some uueonfcssed speech was seen as combining day oithe commissions hear Pnnce Hits Hard plane carrying bylaw political purpose1 the carrotonarstlck technique lngs here into the manufacture iii StickInMud enforcers will cover the It said the US had the ma with the flick of whipmix northern half of the 102 crisis and know how to pro ing the lure of negotiations over r1potviulationresslly and mmmmm Using plane instead of HEARS DEFENCE LONDON Reuters The Duke of Edinburgh took the Say Monster Test Only Serves Unconfessed PoliticalPurpose WASHINGTON AP The Whlto statement citing United States has asked Russia the lack of military purpose for to reconsider her decision to such test would rally world He said Russia had timed the eunent series of nuclear caper lmcnts in such way that the end at the tests capped by 504 megaion blast wouid coincide with new UN appeal for moratorium This would mean that any such appeal would not affect the Soidet Union but only the USand Britain it they needed to catch up with Russian ad vances Dean added Deputy Foreign Minister erian Zorin of Russia countered that the United States had se cretly violated the test mora torium by preparing for under4 ground tests which the Ameri cans resumed aitcr theRus slansbrokethcthree oartcst han Dean denied thi Test Prospect Alarms Green TORONTO CP External Affairs Minister Green said Tuesday Premier Khrushchcvs statement that Russia will test Sitmegston nuclear bombthls month represents amonstrous decision Mr Green said he was alarmed at th prospect of lnl creased falloii declined to say whether ill ederal governlt merit wouldprotéstthrfiu rdccisiofiff In an inte iew following an address her United Na lnCanadajhe vphad cre structive atmos byhis remarks about his hoot Toronto general manager which Tuesday received warm Bank of Nova Sc support in speeches by dele Gordon Harro Calgary gates from Africa Asia Latin chairman of the Alberta Wheat America Europe and New Zea Pooi and director of the Al land lndla expressed eservs berts Federation of Agriculture tions but did not say it would only how ha ihé Chhnhys Paul Leman 46 Montreal oppose the 1933 1823374 voters would go to the polls Prime Minister Verwoerd called the elections 18 months early in bid for another five years in power Only as of the 156 seats in the House of Assembly were Commit Man To Mental Home SmeOE LOP Russell Gibson 21 of Simcoe accused of hitting policeman over the head with blackjack was com mitted to the Ontario Hospital Tuesday for Euday observa tion period grass in Moscow seemed to ex contested vemoems party wereapproaching7arvote id th Nov Tiles To Car ContraCtS fivsshaas hgggumgéokweisi in 50 seats hhmmaiicahy hilsevnlsgigheigiifhiiiwshonsjflig 8ilaplfisghtmando Pow Com Unilettlwstfilfeél deleglste Gréhltfl tuencies where they were is he of hum us Daflh sa true ear as pornon AP WalteriP neulhcr haLmdiistedheismmnt where communism ult Klimt Em mm Pant trying to wind up labor contriélTegms in the auto in ateiy will succeed unopposw Tuesday night that if the as years ago other firtn dustly Without calling strike at little brother of the Big hm belief um were is djs 1139332311gagélégfigagflgggg seinny called for new unin acted moratorium on nuclear Thhee ahhhmh Emily CthSJET Chhphhhmh union and division among the quarters that the white suprem Paris PIungedInto Chaos PARIS Reuters Onedaystrikes by railroad gas and electricity workers today plunged Paris into chaos and de prived half the country nfrclectricityn Thousandroi Parisian walked to work or hitchhiked when the subway came to halt because of the electr ty cut squaremlle ownghlp every duce bombs in the 5th to 100 Berlin while brandishing month Armed with zoning megaton range and higher mammoth nuclear threat US military needs there would be no official as and that fullscale tests are not sessment of the speech until of car to comb the conces Earlier in the day the com sions will cut inspection 1210 word statement was holds his press conference isto mission has mm damn handed to reporters Tuesday this afternoon two hours The cost is ex acted to be reduced by Salinger who said it should be served any enthusiasm for the flag gcgluiflfie 11133 gfegfinfltgcfjhfi attributed to the White House Russian leaders conditioned of official US comment so far on for signing separate treaty ngfitélififigmvffifnt hm Si3mi°lfi°dcfidawfifi7 Ask Soviet Premier Khrushchevs with East Germany until they crs out use by manufacturers of brand Russia would explode someg They indicated that his speech smug out at the smug and names would bring mug aton weapon at the end of this seemed to contain no basio tnjdustry Pailncu Philip said that drug 175 strategists hoped the many ust at moment we are Uri or persistent ques on ng KHRUSHCHEV ADDRESSES COMMUNIST PARTY CONGRESS manifest Lgcsiissa iltlerni parable to any lost military the government of Alberta Mr ions non Mae an campaign it what is more Thompson held that sellin new he has Gem km to The duke forecast tremendr their ingredients would deprive the international Nickel Com ous possibilities for industry such firms of the benefits of for contract negotiations merit and political groups rea public of new and useful means Nations nigh president Ken Decline CG ltCIIISIn mm mm ti ill ouid more could be achieved ir they Thompson to supply break Emirate Ci liegnunifwiih lernn NATIONS CPl would start by trying to help downto the cost of specific MOSCOW ReuteislNikila The glowing forecast was officials in United Nam from RiomrKhWShCLIOWSfiid rlain he continued must such as production research Local and nstlonhl officers bomb that has yet to explode pian picture oflife in the So lined his new 20year develop Khrushchev showed little sign healing this chungryhas gt and emotion Mn Thompson Viet Union Within 20 years and ment plain to the 22nd congress tempts by GU gain Emma the General Assembly 7mm than speech Tuesday as he re nslied to dismantle my cost lionnviihthdCsncdianLabor hanged flhnwacwn on nuclear of capitalism as world force kcmncmamfi timedto theplstform today to Womanst structure my bars my rThE 50W Premier The political instability of delegates But the biggest behindrtho hat in 20 years in he said and the United gt Name Dana Porter scenes topic of discussion con six hours and 20 minutes Tues Russian industrywill pro States was becoming the eln day re wt 11 ncrease alonty announcement that the Sbnlliebt the whole nonCommunist world di Cum GETS OVAHON man plans exp turns out at present Con He pointed to high uncmpiny KhruShChW received Stand Elgflgbfizifgg of TNT historys biggest blast Oct so or 31 crease five foldlliussian countries of North America the MRS H3 dthe hls GP from APReuterl tor The onl major issue ta id Kh sh hevs workers wesiern Europe Australia and Ehahhhtse Phi Chmmhh JOHANNESEimG Prime however wasywhether South grhgwgaiusgceabzgefiggg aggriengtgamsenfflshouldrucetgainiy Free modern housing and free declinc hailed Primarily Ehdhhse the Hendrik Yamahas JImllItLb ivendsolitieahrlghtr dri ea headed Canada basicv communal services will The American iinanclaLn FIELMLM£approuedhyANatioiialisH=ariywarexpect€d and if Sign what 9mm anaghgfflijgamcgfifgne forvggigbai scientiflcystudy on and All disabled persons will strength or the means to imple last Saturdw slightly increased Milli to be lth couver resident Odlum In hmh be my mhhihlhfi 1th m9 Clams the he day in scum mas ms gen DenounCES vestment Limited Debate resumes this after es n1 republic last May light tumnut marked the MOSCOW Reuters Prem white voters to choose another er Khrushchev denounced or allwhite government 53 05 33 Voroshilov Tuesday and dis at Kh5h°he closed 200000 Communistswere months have united thLWest ernworldrtmr extent map they will be able to WmaremLficated¢wflmcnt said e538 ll necessary to develop them State Secretary Dean Rusk tlmc roma week to about of the Use of brand names night by press secretary Pierre US officials however rc about 25 per cent 8mm mduminnsm Ham Thompson manager The statement was the only for to lift his Dec 31 deadline about time we pulled our fing ltcd contended that abandoning ahhhhhhehchi huh th are cerlhh th iith the stickinthcmud in British ing halt all development of 1°th Change in it View an 691 SUDBUEY CPlDon Gillil suffering national defeat com by Frawley counsel for Smelter Workers find said Confidently Forecasts my pony asking that data be set management labor govern their research and deprive the Smith announced earlier the same side and that much much Mr Frawley asked Mr the com on by sssin local Shockwaves have swept over mom 15 Chums in Wild domi each other drug divided into categories 11 Khrushchev today drew Lilo made by Khrushchev as he cut are currently feuding over at Two 101 member committees of vesriness from his mara and ed he at be gt confidently forecast the decline of the Soviet Communist party me press cdnhnue addressing the 4500 my so to work HI 3e communal Congress for his local tests and atomic radiation 50ml ChmmhniSi ihadhis world capitalism was increas The snvm premier SPORE for cemed Premier Khrushehsvs duce nearly twice as much as cenlre of capitalism economic Head Comm1ssron To Return Verwoerd To Power °°°°° sumcr goods production will ment figures in the capitalist ihg Math ihdhy as he pounced the appointment of 0n working day in the world iiapan as sign of the capitalist deVEIDPmeflir The Congress was Minister Africas nonwhite majority isMFMAWMrapHumchan25cnuntry rvamchoroverskfamily rchydld not th the My hm Wmmhi he mei WW With Thomas Brown 49 Van atomic radioactivity and its expense saviour capitalism even Amman 8m It became gt James Douglas Gibson 52 noon on the Canadian resolution Former Prgsrdeni Thanks To early bailottlng among only 1ommmmphime Mihs mer Soviet president Klimcnti Someollicials estimated that Statements in me 1a few hum mm the SW Fly in vicepresident and treasurer of than ever before recent the Alummum qampmy can Digging draft was being It was the first public denun ads debated in the spam pom ciation ofVVoroshilov so who Dr Mackintosh so committeewhfle in parallel served as Russias president vicechancellor of Queens Unl bod momma questions of from Stalins death in 1953 un vcrsityKingston Jennas and disarmament tll May of last year Khrush ohn MacKeen 62 Halb Mr Diefenbaker told report ersv that Khrushchev in his speech to the Soviet party con bomb testing it will ind that it has been tricked and deluded by Russia HOLD UN HOSTHGES Reds Dispute Congo Truce UNITED NATIONS 9P Harried UN officials trying to functl Twithout secretary general face showdown over the UN Congas co ds breakaway Kstanga provinceu Both Russia and the central Congo government wanted they Western leaders is not reality Mr Diefenbaker said it is deed fantasy little chance of defeat 0n Russias untention to test The nationalists held 102 seats 50megaton bomb and then against 54 for the combined stop nuclear tmtingsgaherposition in the outgoing parlia Diffelihflkel said ment Some sources predicted he apparently believes that they would gain eurttrthre having done all he has done to seats in the balloting poison the atmosphere and hav The United Party held 42 Ymg broken the pledged word of seats the Progressive Party 11 Russia on moratorium we and the National Union one should regard discontinuance at Some antis WioMst the end of the month as worthy forces called it the most impan of commendation gt not election in the countrys his Qrder VAlgericms Io Leave France Negroes UP Hamilton Store ARI Reuters The challengeany altemntby French government today or th secretariat to ratify the HAMILTON ca mreegunmen held upa grocery store tiered the emulsion rfrom the agreement Tuesday mghtand escaped With $116 It was the second arm country within 48 hours of 1500 pre ident Moige ishombes ed Imidup in Hamilton in the past three days Three Negroes Algerians who took part in is ernment mean walked into the Dundurb variety stor threatened the owner bloody demonstrations ere is ants acigtov in UN ViitotileEleu and fled With his wallet also money from the Tuesday night which three xidiir iltflis 135 risuner till glftosfirgis were lilled and scores untii the secretariat agprovud rs mun uthoritics also ordered 1500 15 Hie riot police into the city from lepuzz Melisa in er ad outlying areas amid fears that UN gun the insurgent National Libera bongoi Confirms rig tlon Front iFLNi would organ 315 iae attacks on police invreialla 33 mgtfe go me tflfifam kmng the AI lsslleliilieforeefilgugouncllifii de ended that the UN Congo acy nationalists who have ruled South Africa since 1948 stood Give SupportToStriking Unions MONTREAL CP Construction at the Confedcr sting of National Trade Unions Tuesday pledged their con ng support to 17 rival CLGafiiliatcd unions on strike for individual bargaining rights Struckllt Crossing Man 74 Dies BRANTFORD CPI Harold Flumslaed 74 died Tuesday night in hospital here from injuries suffered earlier in the datiLwherlhe wasntruck by car whiiemrossingrardowntown in ersec ion ference and denounced the ceasefbevsasiblaokmail by Tshombes regime Bomboko hinted his overnman would seek Sovict aid to smash Tshombes regime unless the UN acted against him The Congo diplomat said that if the ceaselire is ratified by the secretariat the trust we put in the United Nations may vanish The Katanga issue raised the first real crisis since Dag llam marskiold was killed it und lined the need for an interim secretarygeneral to make top level decisions In sources said top secretariat of flcials we cry ratifying the ceasefirewagreement for fear of incurring the wrath of both the Soviet bloc and the Congo governmenti gWestern diplomats predicted that if the agreemeht were railii fled the Russians would go be with hm the 19 hf fore the security council and h9C°5 chaulrienge the action is an il Congo Foreign leg seizure 5pctver secrov Bomboko call tariat official EXCHANGE FIRE The worst clashwas near the Place delQpera where police and demonstrators exchanged gunfire The police claimed that the demonstrators fired first and that theyretaliated as the Algerians rch ed down boulevard Sixtyfour Algerians Land 13 Report Freighter Sate HALIFAX CP The Yugoslay freighter Hajjuk hun dreds of miles off course was reportcdrsafe somewhere in the St Lawrence River RCAF Search and Rescue head quarters here said she was last heard from Saturday when she was 700 miles eastnortheast oi Goose Bay Labrador Paper Editor Dies Suddenly LONDON Ont UP John Gore managing editor of the London Free Press died suddenly Tuesday night in New YorkCltyzwhlleonraqbusinesstrip Hewssoo Police were holding litatal of mile on were wounded the 11538 demonstrators for ques throughout ithe city new mum and Kata tioningtoday following the dcm eta said probably ga onstratlons which took place in dreds of her Algerians were At French REslan sector several parts of th ty hurt but not badly eiiougb to border in West Berlins Ether Somo 90th Algerian toolr warranthospital treatment and laughter wait

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