Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1961, p. 6

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PEOPLE AND PLACES Pboas Eileen Dunn or Audrey Ccuisoa PA 6531 Notes on Intended to cover the general sori oi the chy and district Wedding flvemnes bridge par ties birthdays coming ui age in via and Ira relic are all Items at later on to Forum of this page Your help in Iupplylng this news will greatly appreciated sNrEnrAiNaiENrs Prior to her wedding at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Mrs Edward Long vos guest at several entertainments miscellaneous shower was held at the home oi Mrs Arth ar Wchstcr Shanty Bay Hood with Mrs Larry McArthur and AirsBrucofiitchLasicoshosa teases other shower hostesses were Mrs Peter rwisemon Agincourt and Mrs George chton at the home at her mother Mrs Fred Churchill Perry Street Follow employ ees oi the Bank oi Nova Scotia held shower at the home oi Mrs John Stavinga Holgate Street An alterrehearsal party was id at the home at Mrs Earl enton Lount Street The bride is the iormcr Miss Mary Jane Milne daughter at Mr and Mrs Harry Milne fowen Street The bridegroom is the son at Mrs Cavell Long had the late Cliiiord Long Mary Street ATTEND CONVENTION Mrs Ralph Dawson and Miss Evelyn Kightley attended the 16th annual provincial which once oi the Business and Pro4 cssionai Womens Clubs held at the SheratonAConnaught llotel at Hamilton at the weekend Mrs Dawson was the delegate representing the Barrie and PW Club and Miss Klghtloy was working on the credentials committee Captain and Mrs Hon Mor row ohd son Kim Camp Bor den were gucsts oi Mr and Mrs Dlxon Sunday WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Patti Murphy daughters Sharon Louise and Colleen and son Jim at Scar borough were weekend giicsts oi Mr and Mrs Vinccr Shannon Street BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr and Mrs Joe Tascona Wellington Street East were hosts at 21st birthday party ior their son Dennis Oct Among the guests were Jack Miller iiiaymunt Saskatche wa Mrs Galo St Boni iace Manitoba Mr and Mrs John Hughes Rexdale Mr and Mrs Lloyd Shepherd Mrs Jacbos rs Hughes and MrsT Brodo all oi To ronto Mr and Mrs Hart Mr and Mrs Hughes Mr and Mrs Osachuk Mr and Mrs Tascona Mr and Mrs Quinn rie Dennis is secondtycar student at Waterloo University Waterloo Ontario SUPPER DANCE Among the guests at the Sat urday night supper party at Kennys banquet hall Dunlop Street West were Mr and Mrs Henry Groh Bowman Avenue Mr and Mrs Lou Bristow Shaw all oi Barv Peel Street Mr and Mrs Jack Treadwell in another party were Mr and Mrs Bruce Brown oi Vorsiey Street who were entertaining in honor oi Mrs Browns birthday their guests included Mr and Mrs Stan Taylor Mr and Mrs Tom Nutiycombe Mr and Mrs Vern Cavanaugh Miss Betty Wheeler and William Shciileld John Josciiks orchestra provid ed the dance music NEW YORK HOLIDAY Mrsand Mrs Martin Geii Coi iier Street have returned to the city alter vacation in the Un ited States Mr and Mrs Geil were guests at the Nowell endt wedding Sept 30 at Jba CotiicdralnlAilSalntssAl bany New York and were weekend guests oi Mrs Gails aunt Mrs Mary Ncweli Sara toga Springs New York Mrs Nowell the bridegrooma grand mother is iormer resident oi Utopia Ontario FOWL SUPPER The all season lleways iowl supper time at the local churches Christ Church lvy is holding its least at the Dr ange ilall ivy tomorrow irom 530 to it pm program too ttiring the accordion orchestra irom Canadian Academy oi Music Maple Avenue will iol low atterwards Ernest Volicnden Candles West is patient in Royal Vic toria Hospital Mr Woiienden was injured in motor nceld out last year and is receiving iurther treatment for his in juries YACHT CLUB The ladies oi the Barrie Yacht Club held the last meet ing at the season at the home of Mrs llaughton Codring lon Street Monday evening Plans were iormuioted for the annual banquet and awards night to be held Oct 27 at tho Embnssy Blake Street MR AND MRS EDWARD LYLE LONG LEAVE THE CHURCH Vows Exchéiriged At Fall Ceremony St Andrews Presbyterian Church was the setting ior the autumn nuptials oi Miss Mary Jane Milne and Edward Lyle Long Standards or pink giadioil and white mums decorated the church The bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Harry hlilnE Owen Street The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Cavcll Long oi Barrie and the late Clitiord Long Her Ross Adams oliicioted at the aitcrnoon ceremony leen in marriage by her iather the bride wore gown oi white silk organza over iaille The iitted bodies was One at our topilight industrial designers famous for his table waro designs and settings has distinct ideas about table set tings Since he has specialized in excellent design at prices that most of us can aiiord his ideas apply to the average household He thinks that tabla settings should be approached just as This designer loathcs monot onyas do most homemakers But how oiten do we do any thing about it meal to be really success ful apart lrom its nutritional content and balance should be approached irom two directions iirst the food then the table setting The designer maintains that these should be harmo nious He advocates real word robe of table settings espe cially variety oi serving JET CARDIGAN This coloriul sweater with itrhlghttlyingrjetxwarder signed ior the boy or girl who likes airplanes Handknitted in light bulky wool it can be made wiith buttons as shown or with zipper The instructions in chart wm DIGNU ruoouumus MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET Tableware Design Set Mgiflrne Stage slifiiéltiniwou Be prepared thi dishes And when the plates cups bowls and platters have something ot the character oi the toad being served the meal will be doubly enjoyed For instance lacquer bowls with horn spoons give character and interest to Oriental dishes Rough pottery casseroles plus lar wooden spoons add some to casserole dishes Baskets ior hot breads anti que soup tureens or copper ket ties for soups and heartshaped dishes with iancy sliver spoons or desserts all have an unmis takable harmony The color at plate glassware and serving dishes should be chosen to harmonize with the colors oi the food served SENSIBLE PRICES The ires are full of delight iul tableware at sensible prices And in varlety stores have wonderiul stock of items for table ettinga So there is no iashloned with soitiy rounded neckline Embroidered Alecon lace and pearl beading enhanc ad the bodice iront and the treat panel oi the bouilant skirt Two tiny bows topped the can tre panel at the skirt at the waistline tiny crown oi crystals held her ilngsrtlp veil oi tulle lllus ion She carried bouquet oi white gardenlns pink Sweet heart roses and stcphanotis Mrs George Renton oi To ronto was the matron oi honor Miss Margaret Milne oi Alliston sister oi the bride wos brides maid and Miss Catherine Milne at Toronto nlecs oi thebride was junior bridesmaid The matron oi honor and the bridesmaid were gowned alike in blue peaudssols fashioned with iltied bodice and round neckline short sleeves and bell shaped skirts Their accessor ies were matching The junior bridesmaids gown was iashloned oi pale blue peau desoie with soitly rounded neckline cap sleeves and pleat ed skirt The attendants carried bou quets of white mums and pink Sweetheart roses Douglas Long brother of the bridegroom was the best man William Milne and Dr George Ranton oi Toronto were the ushers The reception was held at the Big Red Rooster Restaurant Eimvale The mother ot the bride received guests wearing sheath dress of purpla silk with mauve and purple accessories Mauveorchid corsaga com plemented her ensemble The bridegrooms mother assisted wearing green flowered silk jacket dress with matching green velvet hat Her oorsage walls ol white gardenlas or we ptdMoa treai and Ottawa the brid chose grey wool suit with magenta and white accessories She completed her ensemble with corsage oi white gar Lu Cowper Photo Angus CWL Plan Euchre The Catholic Womens League met in Our Ladyoi Grace School Angus wiLb Mrs Hanson presiding Plans wcm completcd iorr euchre to be held Oct Id un der the convenership oi Mrs Viei and Mrs Fortln The proceeds will be used to buy equipment needed ior ia ture entertainments to be held JUL TODAYS RECIPE MACARONT AND CHEESE cups scolded milk tsp onions diced cup macaroni tbsp floor tbsp It In tsp dry mustard tlp salt cup grated cheese Torsion tbsp bread crumbs that grated cheese Coo macaroni in boiling salt cdrwater until tender drain and rinse in cold water Add onions to milk scsltjngfloubjc WileKT flour and at and seasoningIn bowl add to milk and stir until thick Add noted cheese Mix with mac aroni in casserole Bake 35o degrees or is 20 minutes with topping added beiora bak srns my kioo Van Vlack Wl NeWPariy Group Meet At Studio The members at the womens group oi the New Democrch Party held tbs second meeting oi the season at the home of Miss Gwen File the Studio Cod ringion Street Speakeriorths meeting was Elaghnm president oi Sim coe North NDP Riding Associa tion who re ofl on the NDP Trovhfcial onvsntlon hEld st Niagara Falls last weekend Two new active members joinedthc NDP group Mrs Marcziaski and Mrs HerberL Browne Anyone interested In joining in aid oi the new church Fatiicr McGivnoy gave an in iormativa talk on thwwork be ing done by the school ior rs tarded children The meeting closed with re ireshments served by Mrs Viei and her committee Mr and Mrs George Guil der oi Bishops Cleave nsar Chillerham England return ed to Canada to renew lacs quaintanee Mr Guilder re sided in Barrie ior many years and on his retirement Newspaper Woman Criticizes Party Vir FRIEN the association may contact Mrs Dukes president at PA 85803 or Mrer Eingham secretary PA 89250 Reireshmentl were served at the close at the meeting by the hostess Miss Fiie and when teas Mrs Wheeler returned to his native Eng land Mr Guilder is 84 years old and Mrs Guilder is 79 Both enjoyed the ocean voy age While in the city they were guests at Mrs Fos ter 15 Campbell Avenue Vancouver contractor cam paigning ior election as presi dent oi the association He was rdeientechbrvallF Gilmoundr iorm are available in sizes 4toand 12 it you would like to obtain the knitting in structions simply send stamped seliraddressed en velope to the Needlecrait De partment oi this paper re questing the Jet Cardigan Leailet No 1161 mecdito invest much moneyi about when shopping ior china and denlas WHAT THE For Tomorrow The restrictive influences of the past few days iltt now De termination and enthusiasm should help you toaccnmpiiah great deal both in the comple tion at iongpcnding aiiairs and in the planning of new enter prises especially in matters connected with your home in property deals and all issues re lating to iamiiy security For The Birthday li tomorrow is your birthday you should be most optimistic now Your horoscopcindicaies that it pu into etieet in early December new ideas in connec tion with your job should culmi note suecessiuily and bring rec ognition and increased prestige by mid1962 in December too tine coniigurations should bring xceilent financial condi tion This will be period in which to consolidate all assets make plans ior expansion and be ready or fine opportunities to further interests in the beginning at the new year Avoid extravagance nextl EXTENSIDN PHONES savo wflr Ind tearcoma in col oilll models Call the HELL Business Dillonor llk th niln in our green truck By ESTRELLITA The newlyweds will reside in Barrie STARS SAY month and in March however and look ior some unusual and interesting adventures where so cial and romantic matters are concerned between late May and early September Travel will also be favored during this parr ticular period child born on this day ruled by Venus th planet of love will be endowed with an ardent disposition and most lovable personality BACKTOFRONT SHEFFIELD England GP Applause ior one creation at fashion show here turned to gig gles when the audience realized the model had put the dress on back to root Luckily it was highbacked style HAIR STYLISTS PA 84661 Avenue VICTORIA CP Margaret Murray newspaper woman who has been in politics in Erit ish Columbia for 45 years said Saturday high ialntin politi cians should be taken out and psychoanaiyzed She told 425 delegates attend ing British Columbia Liberal Association convention that its time some oi them put on the sack cloth Go back to the people who east the votes said the 73 LyearJoidIormcreditoroi the Alaska Highway News My time is very short so It cant do much harm to anybody and cant do much good She was given standing ova tion Mrs Murray was secooding the nomination oi Hugh Martin lawyer from Summeriand it was Hugh Id take some of this high folutin Liberal party out and have it psycho anaiyzed she said He is builder and God knows if the Liberal party in 50 needs building it needs it now some people say Im earthy but Im that way because if gall wouldnt have very ior to FINE FARM MASSAWIPPI Que ea rh Springmount Farm owned by Eiiin Beit Speyer has been awarded provincial agri culture department gold medal as the best amateur farm in the EasterniTownshiprSuch farms srcthose on which the owncr does not depend for livelihood WeldWOod fEAEN ELING STIVA on so mma booklet stwrnimlomaklonswstlinyoor house decorative ieahus with WeMwoodPreiinisMiWailPaneliop Ask oboe our special seasaw TH 4a ANNE 51 BAilPlANING MILL CO LTD PA 82496 Tétt jealoui when her hest iricnd am THE HARRIS EXAMINER YOUR HEALTH TUESDAY OCTOBER Must Be Airecf By BURTON rm BOTH AUDREY and Henry ieit blue but cach at these mental case histories dilicrs Audrey loved Bui her iiance much that she wanted to break their engagement Shed be burden he was too good or her She cried coa stantiy and could barely drag herself around Her mind wand ellred when she tried to concen ate Shes wake up at about am feeling too upset to sleep Dur 4L the day her head ached and she could hardly cat Audrey wondered whethcr she was being punished for having had married years before Her mind magnliied normal doubts into doom and gloom Shcrknew this but she couldnt control herself SPIRITS DROOPED Henry used to smile and whis tle as he walked down the street Then suddenly his spirits droopcd Youd eel gloomy it your liver started to digest it self he claimed He icit doomed when no doc tor would operato He shuttled about slowly it took him al most iive minutes to remember his name When he reiused to eat Hen ry had to go to the hospital where doctors could lead him through stomachvtube Henrys spirits sagged and his Honor Pianist At Dessert Party Mrs Jean Rose Head secre tory with Banting Memorial High School is leaving ior Tor onto where shc plans to take up residence Mrs Rose has been on the visit at the school since its opening in honour oi Mrs Jean Rose dessert party was held at the home of Mrs Paul McKelvey Highway 89 Alliston on October 2nd from 730 to 830 pm Dur ing the past year Mrs Rose who is an accomplished pianist acted as accompanist to the Thursday night group at Mrs McKeiveys singing class and was closely associated with these singing students lovely necklace and ear ring set was presented to her by the girls and they expressed their genuine appreciation oi her assistanc MD mind slowed justllkrAudrEZH But he had last all reason Liv rs dont digest them selves Aad reasonable men eat when laced with stomachtubes But Henry didnt understand Happiness pills hel ed Audrey and Henry am Mano PROBLEMS With her spirits iiited Audrey could talk out her inner prob lems while the doctor listened understoodlngiy He helped her discover and overcome inner tensions Henry was bound to bounce back but pills and treatments hastened the process Letters and visits made Henry loot wanted back home Audreys iolirs encouraged her without pushing Theyd listen when she wanted to talk They made living easy So did Henrys iamlly THEY WERE LUCKY Both of these patients were luckyi Their iamilles under stood mentaillln No one blamed them or preached Get hold oi yourseil They would it they could And they did Henry is once again smiling and whistling And Audray is happy and content and married SOUTHERN BELLES MONTREAL CPlMrs All guste Mitchelli at New Orleans here with her husband who was delegate to eonierencs or notarles was asked if southern belles get their way with man think they get their way about everything she said Mind youln way that their husbands dont know or dont care They dont light or com polgn Things just coma their way Tr All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Ladies For THE TOUCH THAT MEANS so MUCHi® In Hair styling Contact Wicks BeautySoloii 45 Dunlap St Pa szaso Go by Train for Ease and CHECK CNMo Economy THESE BIG neySovers ASK YOUR in non ABOUT ALLINGLUSIVE TRAVEL PLAN Good and for travel to VVinninod West One low price covers ivorythinntaro bod aleoven tips GROUP DISCOUNT PLAN savings on round trip ior or more adults my regular furs in Canada in $750 or higher lriiuitv FinsPint Save and up Go any Mm Tear Wed or Thurs Iton any day MAPLE lEAF PAEKAGE TOURS wide var isty or olloxpsnsa tours to points in Canada and USA PARTY FARES Save 25 to 45 Spsdsl saving for groups of ten go more travelling together by each so NOWPAY uiEili si 0000 minimum 10 dawnup to 24 months to pay For Information phone

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