Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1961, p. 8

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SKIRTING THEWBAY By EILEEN DIXON As glanced over recent food column was ini mediately reminded of unpleasant circumstances The mere mentionof limburgercheese recalls minor international tragedy inniylife had the unfortunate opportunity to come in colltacthith the opular product in The lahd Hitsorig and was stationed with the Canadian forces In Ger wlflle my hus My husband who has long been limburger love finally smuggled pound of the odorous substance into our third floor apartment After ripening In the refriger mtorrarfew dayrl soon had to isolate it in rglass jmur lilde the kitchen window in the frosty air On many occasions thereafter was forced to leave tbe warmth of our home to escape the overpowering Aroma seeping through the closed window MIGHT WANT SOME Frequently of it but he he become ed to part with it saying morrow One Saturday morning look at thejaflvhich faced pleaded with my husband to get rid so attached to it he refus might just want some to could no longer bear to me while did the breakfast dishes bundled my fouryearold daughter in her snowsuit and we made our escape After three hours in the fresh winter air and cour fage restored we returned to face it Once inside the epartment building we could hear people stomping around numerous officials milling about and apartment dwellers screaming obsenities We sioshed our way to the front door of our apart ment which we had locked but returned to find en and small Rhine river cascading from our front oor down the front steps and strange people wading about Two fraus were busy hurrying and scurrying around our home with pails and mops ankle deep in water SAILBOAT SINKING stood there tried to make her wa sailboat which she be eved One of the women cleanin out that had made lots of petrified while my young daughter to the bathroom to rescue her was sinking up managed to point trouble for everyone Moments later my husband arrived at the scene of the disasterlle made mad dash for the bedroom in vain attempt to rescue row of newly purchased leath er shoes and army boots now floating about the room After the initial shock he managed to regain his com posure and in restrained ed here voice asked What happen In rather shaky voice managed to reply its all your faul you an LEAKING mCEI In my haste to scape your cheese his cheese had left the stopper in the sink and leaking faucet Walls in lower apartments The results were four water stained living room to be repainted at our ex epse plus several soggy rugs to be dry cleaned and stretched and severe case of shattered nerves And the cause of all my grief sat undisturbed on my kitchen window sill but its days were numbered grabbed the bottle and hurled it headlong out the snowy flower bed below Only to window into the have to trudge down three flights of stairs to clean the ruins EXCITING NEW BOOK Last wee Rtel had be est Our evenings were rierrevBertonisilatesti my home was like convalescent cen dvridden daughter and bedridden house spent taking turns reading publication TheSmit mild pf 0g much to the dehght of my daughter Strangely enough the adults read ented writer has created In the preface the book is lauded ing to the child from eight to twelve EIS child in the adventurous is were as intrigued as the nd of makebelieve the tal as being appeal years and anyone story is writtenabout Mr Bertons adyentures in the underworld ou to any home library yr Autumn months are becom ing increasingly popular for brideselect Mr and Mrs Lloyd IIarhridge of Barrie have announced the engage vment of their daughter Lor nine Agnes left to George dward Moore of Barrie The bridegroomelect is the son of Mrs CfWoodfilan Moore The wedding will take place at Emmanuel Baptist Church Barrie at pm on Nov 11 The engagement Alias been announced of Ellen Alberta Leach right daugh ter of Mrs Sylvia McFadden Alliston and the late Freder be perfect Christmas gift for an youngsters on your shopping list and the ideal addition PLAN AUTUMN WEDDINGS ick Leach to John Ronald Spencer son of Mr and Mr Charles Spencer of Thornton The wedding will take place at Collier Street United Church at pm Oct 28 Photos by Les Cowper MATERNITY APPAREL 100 Collier 8t PA 83 VELKAY is Door East of Totvn Hall Yours for Privacy and Economy Tchiisnues osc PODIATRIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF FOOT DISORDE RS 89 Dunlop St PA 34991 different nationalities raise and Film Depicts Conditions In Foreign Lands ALLISNN Special 11 regular meeting of the St Johns Couples Club was held In St Johns Church hail Oct Thu was good attendance and new members were welcomed The meeting was in charge of Rev and Mrs James Shilion and Mr and Mrs David Somer vills Following the worship service an interesting and edn PourFamillesWthflrrMarr gharet Mead the wellknown au nrity on child care and psych ology as the commentator The film depicted how four train their eonsyearold child and the countries represented wereilndiarJapaanrancnand Canada All homes picked were on comparative level and the factor that was most apparent was the well equlpped Canadian homo and Its cleanliness as compared to th po scal comforts of the other nations However what they lacked In the physical they made up for In warmth and pampering Canadian children according to the film are taught above oil to be Independent and self sufficient There was no deci sion as to which if any national ity had the over all correct way in raising children PEOPLEHlNRPLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66537 Notes are intended to cover the general sector of the cty and district Wedding nlversorlel bridge par ties Irthdays coming of ale stirs vialI and tra vellers are all items of latch est to women of this page Your help in supplying this news will be greatly appreciated WEDDING GUESTS Among the outofcit guests at the Magaeflayliss wodding today In St Georges Anglican Church were Mr and Mrs Walker Mr and Mrs Walker Miss Jean Walker Mr and Mrs THaddock Mr and Mrs Nicholson Mr and Mrs Durant Miss Alice Ayres Mr and Mrs Dungey all of Toronto Mrs Dungey and Mr and Mrs Ford Coiling wood Mr and Mrs Thorn hill of Rexdaie Mr and Mrs Hamlin and Mr and Mrs Hamlin Erindaie Mr and Mrs Scott Fontbili Mr and Mrs Maclsaac Orillia Mr and Mrs Brown Brad ford Mr and Mrs Vardin Kleinburg Mr and Mrs Don Wiley Burlington Miss June Ayerst Trenton Peter Webb and Rothwell Toronto STUDENT HONORED Miss Mary Morten daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Mor merfEugenia Street hafFécn elected secretarytreasurer of the International Club at Abil ene Christian College Abilene Fall WMS Session The monthly meeting of Ivys Womens Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs Allen Miller on Thursday with 13 inembers and two visitors pres ent The worship service taken by Mrs GnrdgnflnhraneJas on Thanksgiving Opening was with the call to worship followed by the offering taken and dedicated The Scripture reading was from Psalm 116 verses 1219 the business session The Thank offering Service is to be held on Sunday October 15 at 730 pm with Bruce Edgar ofanter as the special speaker The program consisted of Thanksgiving Message given by Mrs lIarold Gibson Mrs Gordon Cochrane told about the Anniversary Year of the WMS which will be 19 singsong was conducted by Mrs Fred Nelson Mrs Cleve Patton gave reading on How Should Read The Bible and Mrs Jack Cochrane read Letter From Father The Bible study was from Mat thew chapter The meeting by prayer Lunch was then serv Mrs George Carruthers report was by Mrs Wilma Wil MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW FOR THAT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT SPECIAIJZLNG IN llmil PHOTOGRAPHY FAVERO Phenomenon 29 ljllnID on sales tional film was shown entitled Texas Miss Morren is junior Mrs Miller Hosts prayer then hymn 121 wassungr and from Luke 17eversesrik£ 19 The presidentihen conductedmp closed with hymn 671 followed ed by the hostess assisted by The RECEPTION HELDIN Mr and Mrs Peter Sinclair Blake Street were hosts at recs Lion following the Com munity Concrrt program held this week The performers roved not only tube outstand ng artists and entertainers on stage but also warm and friendly personalities off stage student of French and was 1956 graduate of Barrie District Central Collegiate Miss Donna Fisher of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Emerson Cave of Beeton were recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs John Corbett CarolineStreet wnnsu FESTIVAL Mr and Mrs Clarence Gra ham and family Penetang St and Mrs Allan Green apier St attended threeday Welsh Music Festival In London Ont during the holiday weekend Welsh people travelled from all parts of Canada and America for the festival The famous Welsh tenor David Lloyd was one of the guesticoncert artists Crown Hill WI Meet In Orillia Crown Hill Womens Institute members motored to the home of Mrs William Switzer Cold water hd Orlllia for the Octo ber meeting on Wednesday after noon The beautifui autumn weather was perfect and Valargei nugnber of members were pres en The president Mrs Aconiey presided Roll call What would be willing to do to help new Canadian in our country Many helpful hints were given Motto The Earth is the The world and they that dwell within prepared by Mrs Jas and read by Mrs Tuck inutes of previous meeting were read by Mrs Handy and treasurerg report byAMrleiuck completed the business section Public relations convenor Mrs Gough introduced Mrs Frank Robinson RR Barrie who gave talk on her trip to Mex ico She also displayed several Mexican pieces including money hats vest blown glass pillow slips number of color ed cards and silver bracelet Mrs conley lnson Mrs Victor OBrian Hawke jtone was present and spoke Bout the Institute Bus Trip to Oriilla Mrs Earl Scott past district resident spoke to iii givmg re ort on her ancouver ritish Col umbia dogwood patterned cup and saucer emblem of Brit ishColumbia was exhibited as souvenir also patterned lunch cloth Mrs Harold Swit zer tendered vote of thanks to Mrs Scott pot luck lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Gough Mrs Vi Aconley Mrs Smith and Mrs Switze ident 0H Lords and the fullness thereof msdayevening1becchairmanr Rob Styled withoomiort qualities found only in Grads Shoes Featuring cushioned insoleLemmas day long comfort only $1398 LINCOLN$HOES Pictured from left to right at the reception are Mr and Mrs Peter Sinclair Robert Discuss Plans For Fall Sale The Dalston WA held its Oct her meeting at the home of Mrs Handy with 13 members and one visitor answering the roll call with Bible verse with thanks or thankful Mrs Emma was In charge of devo lions The minutes of the last meet ing were read and dealt with Arrangements were made for the fall bazaar which will be held Nov In the church base ment All were in favor of help ing with the painting of the church The president Mrs Handy urged that as many as possible attend the Fall Rally at Guthrie Oct 18 Mrs Dicker gave fitting reading on Thanksgiving The meeting closed with the bene diction Refreshment was serv ed by Mrs Baldwick and Mrs Caston assisted by the hostess Woman Discusses Amalgamation Mrs Scott Dorcas secre tary of the Diocesan Board of the WA was guest speaker at the October meeting of St Giles Church Guild Mrs Scott spoke about mat ters concerning the amalgama tion of the womens groups with in the church Mrs Scotts guest was Mrs Harcourt vicepres WABioceserof Tor onto CSCF Acknowledge Receipt 0f Contributed Handicraft The October eeting of the Barrie committee of the Ca nadian Save The Children Fund was held at the home of Mrs Woodward Ardngh Road Wed Mrs John Hickspresided The Barrie committee are again selling Christmas cards in aid of the Fund The two at tractive designs are reproduced in paintings by WilliamvG Da vis and are selling for nominal price Cards may be ordered from Mrs Warren Wilgar at PA $3176 or II ThedaY report on the distribution of wool was given by Mrs Wilgar and on sewing by Mrs Stuart Way Another large quantity of beautiful knitting and sewing was on display at the meeting all done by women of Barrie and district Articles were sent in by Mrs Stanley Markle Mrs Joseph For Loveiier You call can garrick HAIR STYLISTS PA 84661 Avenue pa 83152 HONOR 0F CONCERT ARTISTS Elindilnstitutemndmthe Senioi WI of Barrie have givenrtoknitting and sew Moulson Lucille Kailer Ar mand McLane Kurt Adler and Louise Pearl WAITERSBIILK 0N OCEAN SHIP SOUTHAMPTON AP Nine hendwalters on the liner Queen Elizabeth quit their Jobs because thcy couldnt stand the lower classes The nine were all classi fied as headwaficrs in the Iiners first class restaur ant They baiked when told that under rotation sys tem one of their number would have to work the res gtaurant In cabin class and another In tourist class on each voyage We never expected spokeman for the nine said stiffly to be ordered down into tourist or cabin class West Hosts IODE Meeting Miss Fran Humphery of North Collegiate and Miss Pat Hoare of Central Collegiate spoke at the regular monthly meeting of the Kempenfelt Chapter of the IODE held at the home of Mrsnflerlest Wednesday evening The students related the high lights of their trip to the United Nations Seminar held at the Uni versity of Western Ontario The IODE has sponsored the students Knowles Mrs Beatrice Walsh Miss Robertson Mrs Frith Mrs Doug Manchester Mrs Pearson Miss Ruby Wain Mrs Cain the Mrs Gallaugher Lisle Mrs McMaster Cookstown Mrs Haggard Port Perry St Marks Mothers Group Mid land On behalf of the Barrie Com mittee Mrs Hicks expressed grateful thanks to these volun teer workers for the time they ing for the Fund These articles are being acked for shipping to Head ofice in Toronto by Mr and Mrs Ron Coxall Mrs woodwnrd served rea freshments at is close of the rn eing Pay ssis thedaughter oflilr Associaiiun held the regular attendedmendeiLwithaaLsociaL THE HARRIS EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOBER MR Barrie BrideElect Entertained By FriendsAt Social Events Miss Norma Bayliss who mar ries Jain Latimer Msgee this afternoon in St Georges An glican Church Burton Avenue has been much entertained in the ast several weeks Miss and Mrs Waiter Bayllss Tiffin Street Mr Magee Is the son of Mr and Mrs Nelson Magee also of Tiffin Street in Allen dale miscellaneous shower was held by members of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority at the horns of Mrs Barbara Nichol Mrs Jean Battersby entertain ed at dinner in honor of the brideelect at her home Henry Street on Sept 19 The next eve ning Mrs Marlon McCorkindale was hostess at her home High Street at presentation dinner On Sept 23 Mrs Levi Halfyard and Miss Audrey Haifyard were hostesses for bridal tea at HavenLeeme Street FETED AT CHURCH The ladies of the Evening Guild and the choirotSt Georges Church held misc laneous shower on Sept 27 at tended by members and friends of the parish The brideelect is member of the choir Prcsa entations were made by the choir as group and by the Womens Auxiliary as group Fo Ing practice of the Junior presentation was made to ma by Peggy Crawford on behalf of the members Neighbors and friends on Sept 29 gathered at the Tiffin Street home of Mrs Hilliard Webb and her daughter Helen who were hostesses at miscellaneous shower Mrs Graeme Wilson was hostess at presentation dinner Sept 30 at her home 109 Edgehill Drive The brideelect was entertain ed on Oct and presentation of gift made by the members of the King Edward Ladies Choir Hostesses for miscellaneous Nurse Speaks Ilt St Monicas St Monicas Parent Teachers monthly meeting Oct 10 at St Monicas school At the finish of the business portion of the meeting very informative program was res ented dealing with Child ysi cal Welfare Miss Yule Sim cne County Public Health Nurse discussed the function and serv ice offered by Public Health Nursing discourse on the benefits provided by groupinsurance scheme was presented by Joe Whalen Miss Schiieoer kindergarten teacher spoke on the origin and purpose of kindergarten classes The meeting which was well Tas hour convened by Mrs coua shower on Oct at the Melmss Avenue home of Mrs Shier were Mrs Walter Perkins Vsncou Street Mrs Roy Maclsasc of Orilllia and Mrs Shier TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Walter Sayiiss was Ms toss on Oct at troussesu tea in honor of her daughter Miss Nancy Synnott opened the door for the guests who were receiv ed by Mrs Bayless and Mrs Magcc mother of the bride groomelect Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs Kth meyer aunt of the bride and Mrs Harold Ayerst aunt of the groom In the evening Mrs Walter Perkins and Mrs Gilbert Wiley aunt of the groom pourv ed tea Assisting during the afternoon and evening were Mrs Laura Stanley Cieland aunt of the bride Mrs Gary Boyllseronnos sic lnw Miss Audrey Hallyard Mrs Graeme Wilson Mrs Sud Adter sister of the groom Mrs John Stnvinga Miss Fay Wolfe and Miss Margaret Goodfeilow Mrs Nelson Magee entertai ed the bridal party following the wedding rehearsal Thursday EVEIIIDE Crown Hill WII To Hold Sale Crown Hill United Church Wo mans Association held their 0c tober meeting at the home of Mrs Roy Partridge The devotional period was conducted by Mrs Handy Roll Call was answered by Thanksgiving Thought President Mrs Dunsmore conducted the business section Plans were made for rummage sale to he held at the YM YWCA Owen Street Barrie Friday October 27 at 134 p111 watch coming events Mrs Robson was tea hos tess Ready To Hang $995 Large selection in one two and three width pairs BARRIE TENT AWNING womens MISSION St Marys church QSHMuIcaisteVr St Oct 15 to 21 Begins Shnddy al pm All WELCOME and Windows rcououv CONVENIENCE were Nil tour foojxperisive ANY More with trimaran selfstoring INAIION WINDOWS When comier storms and screens for your home bezxurs and visit your lumber denier to so the new llcisncy of wood The amazingly low prise will please you FOR INFORMATION OR FREE ESTIMATE CAII OI VISIT film Piiiumcivuii 48 ANNE $18 BREE SELFSTORING COMBINATION WINDOW Youll find its the window that com nes the convenience of mnllnislnl window With the beauty and unequalled insulating at can on 82496

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