Terrie hammer Published by Canadian Newspapersï¬imited lo Bayfield street Barrie Ontario SATURDAY OCTOBER last Psgo Buying Habits Of Canadians Barrie idistidct shoppers seem to be pretty much In the same category as those in cities right across Canada ac cordingitoerconsumer survey recently completed they buy the bulk of their groceries on Frday and Saturday Some indications of the hi standard of living enjoyed byCana ans comes from these conclusions 0f urban famil ies 02 own car with 12 owning second car onethird use credit cards to buy gas television sets aretll93 of CanadiansDaily Newspaper Publishers homes checked but only713 watcbwhllr Association sent out thousands of ques tionnaires to people in 74 cities across Canada from St Johns to Victoria and got 36000 replies which were processed and tabulated Researchers then dre their conclusions on the buying habits of Canadians and their brand preferences Forty per cent of shoppers load up their market baskets on Fridays while 23 buy on Saturdays Only one per cent wait until Monda Supermarkets get 75 of the trade fact that pay day now usually comes on Friday would seem to be the reason for the bulk of satin as shown pre dinners Regional preferences turned up Mol asses is bou ht in 91rof Maritime rec ce once ony SSWn nt ario maple syrup is consumed in 54 of Quebec homes where the national average is just 40 British Columbia house olds have onl 18 with raincoats much lower than rest of the coun try especially the Advantic provinces by sales of frozen pre 85 of tea is boughtln bags while 76 urchased instant coffee des ite more berel liquor laws in Quebec hat prov weekendshoppinm wiflelflda in purchase of soft drinks Britains Marketing Problem Canada and other Commonwealth vncountriesnare naturailyJomewhaL com Jel cerned about the possibility of Great Britain joining the European Common Market because it could well cause great loss of trade But the British Gov ernment is even more worried by the risks involved it would seem For the people it is simple matter of economy since the recent sterling crisis was muc more acute than was announced and the danger of the central banks not support ing the pound is apparent lf Britains application was acce ted by the ECM it must be faced with ood of goods into the home market all of which would have to be paid for in for eign currency It is hoped that this com etition would force down the price of homeproduced goods thus maklng it possible to sell to as well as buying from the large population of the Common Mar The danger to be faced is that the British worker will not produce more and will not agree to prolonged wage freeze If he does neither then we can be sure that ve substantial unemplofyli ment will occur he British shopperw undoubtedly bu the cheapest goods av ailable and for most part imported So unless production rises and costs fall there will be no prospect of selling more than now to Common Market countries British news apers are divided on the issues Some aim it would lead Britain to economic tribulations others cg rove but note that wages will be pro em The idea is old that cheap imports force nation to become competitive In the past it has always forced Britain into tariff protection Would it become effect ive at this time Down Memory Lane QUINTUPLETS IN NEWS The Dionne Quintupletswere 25 years the talk of the civilized world and still make good news copy such as the recent birth of twins to Emilie The Barrie Examiner of Sept 1936 had two column article by Wellington Jeffers from The Financial Post headed What of the Quintuplets Future In this he told of one psychologist who stat ed that they were the most unfortunate children in the world always in the public eye They were born of one mo ther Mrs Oliva Dionne on May 28 19347et47aliander70ntarior andwiththr additional handicap of premature birth The fact was however that the local phy sician Dr Dafoe was the right man in the unusual situation proved capable of taking charge did so promptly and also arranged for government support bringing everything that modern science could present andgn addition arranging the worlds greatest show with casLof five Today four are still living almost normal lives through it all MANDALAYLIOCALLANDER In The Barrie Examiner of Sept ll 1936 in Womans Rea was clev er parody on Mandalay by Roliicking Randolph and he says it is the million andfirst parody on that poem It starts Nigh to souvenir pagodas where their daddy you can see Theres five little girls asettln or ajumpin round in glee or the gas is in the autos and the US tourists say Lets go up and see this wonder Lets go view the uints toda Shipmesonï¬lmï¬tï¬Huntsv Ie where the fifth is like the first Where Yvonne Marie et cetra are in little tubs immersed for the Quinta are sure call in and its there that would be Nigh to souvenir pagodas gettin Pa to sign for me On the road to Quinta at play where folks rubberneck all day and the cars come lipilike thunder outer Tronto and May TDiliorifiEditors Views THRIFT VIEWED A3 EVIL Owen Sound SunTimes Some people cherish the strange no tion that thrift on the part of the con sumer is social and economic evil Perhaps the reason for this strange at titude is that the consunier apart from that portion ofvhis income which he pays in taxes is free to spend or to save as he sees fit This freedom othoicehaslong worried the planners in government cir clies both in the Upltedstates and Can It is however disquietinglto say the least that this strange view oint should be shared by theUS Secretgryof Com merce Mr Hodges Whats needed says Mr Hodges lust by Government not just by business ut by the mass of American consumers In the save vein Mr Hodgergoes on to say Olzviougily coniumera have be aying can ous an on to mere of theirddllarsI£ onlygupgople would spend more says the US Secretary of The Barrie Examiner Authorized second class mail Post office Deplflmonf Dilli mily Sundlys and Statutory Holiday excepted KENNETH WALLI Pnhfllhlr shun smear General Mnnlur MDPEZRION Managing Editor cannula WAnGn nouns Mmlger sunny WITEON Advertising Manager roan downs circulation Manager Bublcflpunl ll dill by Elmer I50 Illkll $810 year Emil copy 1c BY mil In Ontario 00 year um six months 3160 three months not manta bums Ontario moo yeah Outside can as 52am my Offices 425 Unlvsrsl smut Ifonmn use Alla Toronio MD Cube en deem siru vsnaug ve Member of In Clnlflllnflflll Newspaper Fish shrs Association The Central Press Ind the Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the In for rogublidltion of All news dilpatchld lu flats Iper crc fled to II or Tb Assucilted Press or enters Ind Illa lilo local but blihlllllfl think is more spendingnot Commerce everything would soon be 47 hnmmingandtheecomml would be in fine shape Well here in canada during World War 11 people had taste of compulsory saving Perhaps the next thing that peo ple will have to face if they dont behave MY own BALI AND 3Ar AND My own UMPIRE morass WORLD seams AT THE LIBRARY Book Describes Games For Retarded Children PLAY ACTIVITIES FOR THE RETARDED CHILD By Bernice Wells Carlson and David Ginglend Most retarded children like to play and when they play they not only have fun but usually develop physically mentally and socially This bookcgrovid as parents of retarded Home with very comprehensive de scription of games and crafts for their children One of the authors Bernice Wells Carlson Is the mother of retarded child and has writ ten several other books on chil drens recreation Mr Ging lend brings to the book the ben efit of his many years of ex perience in the education of re tarded children Although the retarded child has the need to play he will not do it spontaneously but ra ther has to be taught to play Sometimes parents dont realize Most and to be more friendly when ho mecls someone new Through play his hyslcal co ordination should so Improve retarded children are clumsy and fail frequently They need variety of different ex erclses each day to helpl them develop properly Bot free play and organized play should have theseAnd finally through play there should be signs of anguage and intellectual devel opment simple task uch blown dandelion may teach the child the skill of blowing that Is necessary to speech Speech thergiy ls ths work of train ed erapist but parents and teachers can teach the child many activities to aid speech development Intellectual de velopment may centre around the childs improved ability to remember things to be aware of things in his environment this and leave their child sItÂ¥dlhemuty t° ton ting on the sidelines rather than joining in the fun Just as nor mal children Ienm through their play activities so does the re tarded child He will learn so structlons This is book of rowth Each section begins wl very simple activities As the sc tivitles become more difficult ciaLsklils JJewlILIearnbetterite Wen Ce slumped motor coordination and he will gain the important delight of being art of group The au thors ave deep feeling for the needs of the retarded child and suggest that when the par ents play with the child they should smile to show him that he is accepted and loved There are four main goals of play for the retardedchime The flï¬t ll the area of mental health It is hoped that if play is good for the child he wil be happier because ofit be will be easier to mans he will have more selfcontrol The second goal is better social development Through play the retarded child should learn to cooperate better with others Qurrhs PARK themselves and quitbemgmauflouLand thrifty will be compulsory spending One way of course toavold compul sory spending would be for government to tax less and leave people with bit more of their own moneyin their pockets AND WHY Nor London FreePress Is Prepare to meet Thy God an ad vertising slogan in the same category as Chew Tastee Gum We dont mean to sound irreverent but this is an issue being debated in Bath England where etheflScrlptural injunction is emblazoned on church roof in sixfoot letters Town planners in that famous spa say the church is spoiling the areas visual am enitiesby such advertising In an age where Won the simplest necessities of life cannot be sold without hucksterism surely church should be permitted to compete for attention by reminding man that his hold on life is evanescent as ad vertising itself Paragraphically Speaking Note to the teenagar who is challeng ed by his companion to do something reckless It is better to be chicken than dead duck person cant live without at least some degree of selfrespect chologist Hes mistaken Among the liv says psy ing are those who plunder and loot in the wake of storms andother disasters By DON OEEARN TORONTOIn 1943 formi dable crew occupiedthe govern mentfront benches here George Drew is now High Commissioner In London AttorneyGeneral Leslie Black well is dead Municipal Minister George Dunbar has retired Laudan Wesley Thomson couldnt take the nonsense lie got out early Highway MinlsterGeorge Doucett and Health Minister Percy Vivian are ln0ttawa Only two of the crew remain One the then Provincial Trea surer Leslie Frost And the then as now Minister of Labor Charles Daley They did honors to Mr Daley the other night In St Cctharinen And wenghey might He de serves them ONLY MAN Charles Daley has been criti clzcd many times and strongly during his career And not often enough has he been given praise Not generally recognized is the fact that St Peter himself would hnve been under the gun if he had tried to run labor rcla lions in this province over the last in years And that Mr Daleyor his andJortysix ready to see abuses antitips ln velopment the their children are taking This book is Iroportpnt read ing for anyone who works with retarded children It is well writteu and organized and is made even more understand able through the useioiexocl lent illustrations °iilféilt war reneh mmHHordWMD This book manual for the parents of retarded children packs Into Its one hundred and pages not only facts about retardation but hope and understanding for those who face this problem The authors distinguished specialists in the field have for Daley Patient Understanding type of manIs the only one who could have guided them through with the relative harmony that has prevailed nnsnncmo scum Some labor men will laugh at this Also some business men And some politicians But let these men think Could czaras triy would suggest Where would the power be for his czarlog Mr Daleyis an understanding patient compromiser He has had one basic ap proach let labor and manage ment work out their own prob lems sofar as possible and let government legislate as little as It can and slowly when it must in this he was reflecting the spirit of the governmenthe was representing and probablyhf the community ltsclf The community may or may not have been ready for more it may hava gheen ready for strong rules for both labor and management It may have been stepped on But government didnt think it was it decided the softtouch was sill called for this pol vJII Dnlcyhï¬ administered And he has done as blowing the seeds from ruinEUPM of picketlng we number of years been as soclated with Devercux Schools the world famous schools for re tarded children it is from the extent of their own experiences that they write with such au thority of the needs of the re tarded child and how the par ents can satisfy these At the beginning of the book they describe the typical case of young couple who discover that their son Billy is not de qulckly as he should The couple In trying to find help for their son go through bewildering experiences and when the diagnosis of men tal retardation ls placed on their sons difficulty their be wilderment ls only Increased The authors feel that most parents of retarded children face this same bewilderment and It Is in an effort to answer all lhs questions that parents have asked them that they have written this boolc The words Your Child Is re tarded sound like the jam houncement of doom to many parents and the diagnosis is us ally followed by the question vitimrfanlï¬f Themutiny and guilt that plague many par ents themothcrs are usually the worst afflictedi cripple them vin their relationship to their child But any the auth ors of this book thisguilt is without foundation In fact in most cases of retardation Some causes of retardation are known some are still myster fee but fewnof the knownmnes can be Vlaidat the feet of the parents FSome however are the result of premature births or prolonged labors and the medical profession does its best to prevent these How can parents be certain that their child is defective What is retardation The die nosis of mental retardation is not simple or easy and cannot be based only on the results of shift test There are many conditions other than mental retardation which canicause child to have learning difficul ties or to fail to regress in areas requiring inte gence The authors define mental re ardatlon as conditionwhlch renders the individual unable tovcompeta in ordinary society because of impaired or Incom plete mental development But they hasten to point out this does not mean that the child except in extremaicases can not trained and educated This training and education is job for an expert But the best job can be done when the ex art and parent form we ng team The mother doesnt have the skill of the expert but she cadwith the rest of the family givgthesetarded child the love and security be can ob tain nowhere else Sees The Benefits Market Entry candrow your Own OTTAWA REPORT Will Advertise For Volunteers PATRICK NICHOLSON mAWAThere has not Is lctly been patriotic rush to the colours In response to the gov ernments appeal for 100000 vol lthead on sum for Canada In nuclear war Officials here are reluctlnt to from the fact that Defence Min star Douglas listknoll has just earmarked an extra if cooor rec Remitto finance cls advertising campaign roct those urgently needed untecrs Lost year our army spent Ioms £350000 on advertising to attract recruits for the regular force During the whole year there were only 321 sple cants of whom 17 werevao Iuslly enrolled as recruits under the monthly qua This re ficcted cost of in adver tising for each recruit obtained At this rate $100000 will not serve to meet the objective of the civil defence recruiting program VOLUNTEEIIUNO ELOW more startling picture can Iesvs of absence with guaran teed restitution of previous cm ploymsnt literwards Forum but this has not yet been spelled out it Is hoped that those civilian employers will themselves make up the differ ence in pay between uilgsrf re lsrYlflIIsn ryoUIogsW sum which the conclusions army will pay him Is temper ary recruit At this writing the govcro meot has not set an example by announcing that clvl servants may volunteer ior thrcoum with guaranteed reemploymest and withmader moan while TAXES ARE ENOUGH in view of the already discour agineg high level of corporation taxation businessmen have expressed the opinion that they should not be called upon ids face this Author financial bun co Ono counter pro all heard here Is that modi led compul sory enrolment should be ap plier to all ablebodied young Canadians with the selected ellts being accommodated undsr semi active service conditions earns the recent appeal for 11err training period to camp as recnilis to raise the also of our armys active force well above the then total of 47518 of floors and men The monthly quote was abolished and last month 1415 recruits were co rolled from among the 2386 vol unteers who answered the cell Thus the role of applicants was double the average over the put ceding yenr while the propor tion of those applicants who could meet the armys stand srds of physique health and character etc suddenly jump ad from 31 per cent to 00 per cent Defence Ml Douglas Harkness aims to enrol i00000 volunteers as temporary re crults to the militia These will take the six week nuclear sur vival course In four batches at local anneurics stoning Bib No vember These volunteers will be paid as regular army recruits namely $108 per month plus per month subsistence allow ance during their six weeks of training It is hoped that employers will give such volunteers six weeks learning rudimentary military discipline Is wall as civil do fence measures such in cis mentary lint ald firefighting and rescue work Considerable wonderment has been expressed in iltlcal and business elrclcs at huge dis crepancy the large numbers of unemployed young men registered as seeking work and the very small numbers who actually apply for the jobs offered In our navy army air force and new in our militia For this civil defence tralnln volunteers between is and so years of age are sought It In hoped that high proportion will be in the 1824 age group since these should be the strongest and healthiest After their six week training course these vol unteers will return to civilian life ready to respond to call In the event of national emer gency it Is however hoped that number of them will volunteer to continue serving as members of the Canadian militia in their are time but this will not be ligatory Former Carpenter Turns To PEACE RIVER Altu CF Ten years ago Leo Foriier went to work for an oil company as carpenter helping to con struct portable camp to house men who would work at an iso lated welldrilling site in the bushland of the Peace River country Today hes president of catering and camp supply com pany which at peak periods operate 70 camps anfsmplays 250 persons seeing to the com forts and diets of hundreds of men We started with three cabins 10 years ago Mr Fortier re called in an interview In his office tucked in corner of large warehouse buildingvin this community 800 miles north of Edmonton we had no idea what it would do then Each year Mr Fortier and his brother in law Elmer Northey killed last year in trucking accident built few more cabins which they rented to operators in tIIeoilfields of northwestern Alberta USE TWO PLANES By 1955 thayvbegan catering for the camps supplylng them with cooks and caretakers and with rations for the workmen employed by the loll companies Ernle Hokanson cookat the CNRs Macdooaid Hotelln idmonton and later operator of arsmall cafe lnPeace River town joined them as partner to hfeadtbefoodmervica Liberal Regrets Trusted Bennett VICTORIA CP Ray Per rault leader of the provincial Liberal party said Friday he erred at the August special ses sion of the legislature when be trusted Premier Bennett to take over the British Columbia Elec trlc Company in fair manner Speaking to convention of the BC party he said the eraisvoted for the legislailï¬helfl because they approve public power But they were wrong not to ensuresaieguards and the right of appeal for the compo nys shareholders Catering They obtained fleet of trucks to supply camps oncen week with rations and acquired two aircraft to deliver foodstuffs to camps that could not be sup plied by land Their Peace River warehouse which covers an area almost the size of city block was built with coldstorage facilities to keep stocks of food and with space for rebuilding andre nubï¬ninglhe campjiilldlngs fulltime stainwhich had grown to 35 was hired to main tain the supplybase operations ere BUSY SUMMER gt This summer at time when business usually is slack For tler Northey and Associates Limited had altcamps in opera tion from the Queen Charlotte Islands in enushmoimnblariw coastal Waters to the Mac kenzle River district in the Northwest Territories No huno drlcld persons were on the paysi ro Loo Fortler now 40 came to Peace River from Saskatchewan as afarm boy ofnine in 1954 was farming drlving school bus and doing half dozen other things to make ends most when the all business got golngbere heirecalled Somebody heard one day that anoII company needed couple of carpenter bulld camp So Elmer and went over and went to work atsr somebody suggested there might be more profit In building the camps themselvel andrenting them out Mr For get and his brotherInlaw tried stillfarmlng Mr For tler said but Ive got few othervthlngs to do too BIBLE THOUGHT And Pharaoh said ye sacrifice to your God In the land of Egypt Exodus Israel desired release fro the Egyptian bondage and re fused to worship under the shad ow of heathenlsm The Christian refuses to compromise with sin TORONTO CmBritish and Canadian industries will face market dislocation If Britnln enters the European economic community but in the long run should benefit from expanding European markets British in dustrialist said Friday of the pottery and tableware firm which bears his name said There is of course an im mense potential market In Eu rope and this willslve us an opportunity to qua rupienu TsnIEstITcTETvano us news print market could rlncroasv fourfold Sir John Wedgewood head CIIIIIIIER MISS van If yourcarrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 842433 Ard CooyWill Be Delivered To Your Home gt THEREJS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELFCARS AND TRUCKS