Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1961, p. 4

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gal Matbeson in Ihorah Township Earth Elitlmlflfi Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited to camera sueet3arrio Ontario FRIDAY 0110325 1N1 heck Home Psn HOFFKS OBJECTM Teamsters Believe Canada Ripe for Organization Drive By HAW MORRISON wssturlcrorl tCPJlnsmy Bellas Teamsters believe Can ada is ripe for big organism tional drive They hope to attract mane bershlp by holding out the bait of fatter work contracts and higher wages for truckers Were going to concentrate on Canada as soon as we com plete our consolidation here said Harold Gibbons 51year olglsx ve vicepresident of timatod the Teamsters may have got only about onefifth of the total membership potential available in Canada The international headquart ers hunger for power and pres tige big and effective mem bershlp drive in Canada might be useful in argument for read mittance to the main houses of labor in the two countries Another apparent effort to strengthen its hand was the qtuel aid pact announced late All Wm the nmlf colonial offlceJaid Shetland Islanders Offer New Home WERWICK Scotland Reut erslTbe population of the ion ely Shetland islands off the east coast of Scotland Thursday es tecded an invitation to refugees from the volcanoblasted island of Tristan de Cunha to come live with them The 300 residents were evacu ated from their tiny South At lantic island after volcanic erup tions two days ago They are to be resettled in Britnln Most of the islanders have led sheltered life away from cl vibration Edward ihornason chairman of the Shetland ls iitmdrsoclol service in tele gram Thursday to the British OlTllWll REPORT lidvocate Regular House Timetable Br PAIRlCIt NICHOLSON days and 1011155 dnys Thus the past eight years have WAWA After which nu DE ported the Hausard record forsmynmmn mowmom GEM was Plum do we past eight which are excluded from this list of our ten longest session of Parliament of the Do $213 wnh now nZiiiiwiiici animal was It ml lionourabln gentlemen of the ad sh be sued It thl th ii Senate gentlemen of the Hausa 511qu Id ay have to but the tinndJav thermooonnmnerinumrprns Msltllofilu PM We was by the Elm tlonai union and buddy of Smelter WorkersinClmada and Hoffa the union chief the United States were going to make every The Canadian MineMlil unlon effort to bring tnlckor wages in bu also been expelled from the Cinida into line with hogs uni United Stat imreJLllLiustlficationinL nt dlonwdrlvereDgietting laces than Am cans Vera the two countries pass each FEAR Amwws While Gibbons talks of bigger fiififiéwg of and better things for Canadian truckers he also harbors con Mm win bifpated cem over the Canadian trons small portatlon pattern of the in clbbotn word are my creased moves by railways into backed by Hoifna forceful the wetting business CM randrtr in the midst Act fight in Northern ontarioa from further attendance after an unusually long and laimrlous session oi parliament desire to convcytoyou my best thanks for the assiduity quano Problems ill Sen shown in tin disthnrgemLynur onerous duties The session now VICTORIA AP The navy said Thursday the destroyeree cort HMCS Ottawa withdrew from Joint Canadian American exercises and returned to shore prlmarilybcoause of defects in turbogenerator Officials denied on earlier re port ihot an outbreak of gostr liorlty of life in Shetland and Thistan lor its great length That long and laborious see slon was not the ono just com pleted it was the lab session of our federal parliamcnt which was held 58 years ago and which hold pride of place as our pnrllnmcnts longest session un til its record of 155 sitting days is not just comment since the two elections had the effect oil loterposlng third session held partly in 1951 and partly Maserr in addition to the regular sea slon in each of those years have conclusively shown that we are now in so ago where parliament must work consistently for longer periods than in former years To meet this new situa tion there should certainly be some planned periods of parlia mentary session It should for example be agreed by all pan ties and announced that pnrlle ways Hoffa told Toronto nu dlence early this year that in getting more and more into the 1081 the Canadian trucking in dustry would hsveto demih The Canadian railways are trucking business We omit nutritionFir not Illegal But hlm MrmWh negotiating by getting into trucking the Fire Hazard PreVention Week Message Fires in Canada in the last 10 have taken 5477 lives wasted more than billion dollars of property Most of these tres were caused by human care Iessness This is the heart of the procla mation to 18000000 Canadians in the stem of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth de noting October 814 as Fire Prevent ionWeek While provincial reports for 1960 in dicate fewer fires than in 1959 both the huihan and the economic 1055 increased continued decline in residential fires ratifying Preliminary estimates of fires in 1960 total 61325 as com pared with the official figure of 63294 for the previous year and 66464 in 1958 Not so productive was the result in terms of large loss fires fires of $250 00 fraud up the total damage of which increased by some $11 millions over the precedingyear Theyfrgureedoesrnotiinkilhdtrrthreeqllaltels Did4i dealhs elude forest fires and eminent losses With greater care many of the 778 000fires of the last decade could have been prevented The dollar saving there by could have financed 300 more large some federal gov hospitals endowed the operation of ii universi eTand colleges for more oronto newspaper in recent ed TheirISsue In yenrsr than 10 years or together built 21 Colum bia River project St Lawrence Seaway South Saskatchewan dam on Atlantic Province causeway These are simple but expressive ways to think of theycareless waste of billion dollars Perhaps ten times billion dollars was the indirect loss to the economy plant destroyed by fir means men and women out of stead job Worst yearof any in the history of fire in Canada was 1957 That year 6313 died in fires which consumed $1335 mil lions in property for per capita loss of $805 one of the highest ratesrreported by any nation in the world Fire prevention education begins in the home Canadas 57000 fire fighters believe Its in the home that threequar ters of all fires happen Its in the home occur The campaign against the severity of fire is therefore particularly aimed at the countrys four million homesrClIECK YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE HAZARDS But greater awareness of fire where people live will carry into pieceswhere they work and where they play Hotel Strike iginal work force back on the job it contract renewals The Quebec provincial Chamber oi Com merc niggeng you often at wnge scaleerloierlor t0 tryingtoapply methods of die crimlnetlon interference and blackmail on ti Canadian railway management truckers into railway unions what trucker should get Nu railway down here Would dare do thing like that They enlerills on infectious atom1 ailment forced her to abandon Manoeuvres However seven crew members have been confined to naval hospital here with the Illness navy spokesman said 15 to zocrowmembcrs were stricken by the disease Medical author ities snid no new cases broke out overnight rncnt will always adjourn on the Friday before the lust Solut Lsrees unc an wil reassemble The scum necessary to complete unim Scpt 2e wastcoihmcnfionede 102 mm humus wane than ten months earlier on day Lam Day Nov 17 of last year Our grond gunman unnuslups foihers marathon was pucked The mscm uncertain lg into shorter ocrlld March 12 grave inconvcnlence my MP1 to Oct 24 And this record shows that men were men in those sii memmvuflnhny was toppled by 174 sitting days economy wouldnt try to bypass the Teamster Canadlnn director Tunisian Ill Corey Dodds of Toronto lat 099 to be Part of the says he hopes to see the union IWt the Teamstafl WOYIY wlth an organizing fund of that the rail unions may dig The spokesman solid none of tings carrying on their sharp those hospflal conducted debates regularly until near seriously ill midnight and often until after The 200 member crew was firm eighty $1000000 ioryCenoda before ong Recently Hoffa announced the creation ofo $3000000 fund for organizing in North America would expect we would get at least is third of this for Canada Dodds said He was unable to provide clearcut comparison of Cano dlnn and United States Tenm sters pay rates but sold Cana dlnn rates generally are some what lower The differential varies regionally and through the many types of Teamster operations OUSTED FROM CLO Tom Flynn eastern vicepres identr of the Teamsters and man who keeps close eye on Canadian activities says the Teamsters in Canada run their own show pretty well and Americans are not trying to in terfere with Canadas sover But he said that maybe the Teamsters are not as well organized or they should be in Canada Currently the Teamsters have about 40000 Canadian mom bere in 41 locals spread through all provinces but Prince Ed ward Island Tbcy are lone woif outfit in Canada as in the US They were thrown out of tho Ammo in 1957 foroor rup ton ntftlio op This charge has not been ad vanced against the Canadian Teamster leadership but the union was put out of the Cona dian Labor Congress last year for raiding membership of CLC affiliate SomebehindlbeiceTe oeuvrirrg aimed at getting the union back into the CDC has been inconclusive Expulsion hasnt slowed Hoffae drive for increased union power in the United States and his aides figure it vignt slow the drive in Can PACT worn MINEMILL veteran Canadian labor observer suggesting many Canadian truckers may doubt whether they should link up with Hoffas crew in view of the notoriety around him eo itorial has put its geriqparely onjhevmildappeartsbeinthehestirlterestot realdssue in the pr tracted bitter strike of itoyal York Hotel employees In fitisvstrike said the paper it is clear that the issue is no longer wages and hours but simply the status of the union The truth of this proposition can be hotels employees who originally went out on trike haverofitheirown choice re tur ed to war thalreadymore than halfeof the or Dowrt Memory SHEEP SHOT AND STOLEN The Examiner of Aug 1941 under sheer shot and carried of large tan colored car stopped atJ the farm of man of out and then getting over the fence The Barrie ngaminer Authorized as reelmo mu mail PC 01112 13911811122110 Ottawa bully Sundaya and Statutory Holldsys excepted muons wens Publisher amen ailerons General runner 16 MBBESON Managing Editor plunge WADGB Business Manager many msorv Advertfllnt Manager mm HOLDER Ctrcnlauon Manm eunienponn rote daily by cum ssa weekly Blmyear Single my 1c By mail in Ontaer 7oo oar sue six months rzso tom months 5106 homo Ontario so year comes Carr ad spoon year 01 Uni out who ver Member at the Canadian pill Newspaper Pub Ave Toronto 540 Cathoart ue est damgl Street me flaunto Association The Cnnodlnn Prcu and the Audio Bureau of circulations macmolar Pres is exclusively entitled to thl use for republication or all nlwa dispatchd in this apcn credited to it or nosey and local now pununoe therein Associated Press or all concerned if the union were to negoti ate withmauagement for return to work of employeesstill out on strike Contin uation of the strike can only heap still greater hardships on the strikers And if the dispute grows much longer the inevitable result can only be that many of tirejob opportunities at the Roy York having been permanently filled by otheirs will be lost to tbestrike Tor goo approached number of sheep posturing in the field and deliberately shot one took it over and after piltting it in the trunk of his car drove away Paragraphically Speaking In telling pupils that education pays the average school teacher isnt speaking from experience Itseems Khrushchev is willing to ball with the Western Allies with respect to the Berlin matter if they will agree to play by his rules and let him umpire the game Its great pitythhtfincing has been choreographed almost to death Courtesy is contagious provided thepersonjyou are courteous to doesnt considerit an indication of weakness andtry to push you around Many person tunes out the voice of conscience when money is talking QUEENS PARK Farm Support To Partysfuture now onmnrar TORONTOThe New Demo cratic Party could live or die on its farm support Liéli of farm backing has al ways kept it on the ground in the post gt And now that the party rs of ficially on the road in Ontario this is the key to lookfor You always give th parfy cbpnce in the city tidings The CCF held most of the in dustrial seats in the province at one timeor another But for any real prospects of winning government it will need some of the rurallridings HA8 NAMES So What about it Does it have Plumpyarn targamma The party leadership would tell you it has It has been beating the bushes for the past year to try and drum up some significant farm support And it has come up With number of names many ofthcm officials in various armor co operative organizetionerj Andit has talked freely of great rural interest Butll You have to be impressed with names TINY can mean something confined to the ship overnight mullvezudth deeper into Tonmsters mom bershlp REPORT mom or Rip Van Winkle Comes Out Of By MclNTYRE HOOD Londo England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner PLANNED DATES DUE The tooth session of our pnr llnmcnt ivns by no means la mous session But it did serve to underline the overduo need for Ottawa to adopt regular umetnbla otparliambntary ecs cm This is very clear from on an ulysis zwhloh the statisticians hovo rtot yet volunteered show ing the makeup of our parlia mente ten longest sessions since Confederation After the two mentioned these rangejo to reduce the danger of spread ing the disease Cave words from the 152 sitting days of 1956 to the 12 sitting gays of 1959 They include 148 days 1960146 days 1955140 The lapping waves reflect in his eyes and in his nostrils is the scent of wild flowers of wn wisth shorthth many young ones with school age families it disrupts the an nual summer holiday for them till And on unconsldcrcd byprolt duct is that the uncertainty as to when parliament will adjourn precludes the many other toilers around Pnrlioment Hill from planning their own holidays with attendant inconvenience and needles expense To minimise the cost of travel ling for MP5 from far away reasonable regime would be to meet early in January break for Easter break for the sum mer and return in the fall if necessary to complete unfin ished business if however parliamentarians parliamen tary year the remedy is obvious and lies in their own handsdo not Improperly read prowritten essays as substitute for live Am ScotlandScotland has grass and of hiacken The doyer 1854135 days 1044136 and lively debate now its own Rip Van Winkle He has not been asleep for 20 years as was the Rip Van Win kle of the story of the Catskill Mountains But he has been livingin alnvo down in Wig notshlrefor the lost 35 years far removed fromthe progress of civilization and undisturbed by the second world war Now home at éhguve and lsbnvlpg look lmodeni Scotland He is not at all impressedby what he findsn The Scottish Rip Van Winkle is John Logic In 1926 he had violent quarrel with his lath er He left home and went to live in cave at Luce Bay in Wignoishlre But the onset at old age and rheumatism final ly drove him out of his cove after 35 yeArs and he has gone back to his home village in inlaw NOT EXCITED he has come out of his hermitl eistek things and the peace of mind which comes ironta life of soil tude were the fullness of life to John Logic new in his 7an year PLEASURE IN READING llll never iccp so well again as slept in the cave he says have soft bed now but it is not the some The greatest pleasure of his life of solitude was found in reading had only occasion at newspapersbut no books But learned more about the world from reading those ncws papers than it had been liv ing in it Mr Logie had his first con tact with the welfare state in £058 when he contract ed oneumonlo and was taken to hospital in the neighboring town of Newionistewert Aft erwiLdsithEidoctocJalled atn his cave every six weeks to give him some tablets for his rheumatism lMore recently John Logic however has not he b5 hive some th spent the time since in re turns so he wasrcluctnntly tum to modem magnum in forced to give up hls cavetile quivering excitement of dis covery lie is quite content to stay in his sisterinlcws back yard chopping firewood The magic of television tripe re corders automobiles undo the newgimmlcks which have been developed in more than three decades mean nothing to this man still iiinng in the world of 1026 Key But you find in politics they can mean lot and they can mean less than nothing You have tof be particularly cfireful in judging the man using tem lie came unwillingly from the cave to council house to the TV aerial sproutingori the chimney potsmfhonscshe had known in his youth He came to new world of fast cars and sleek buses He came to as Scotland which is very much concemed rebout the neurotic effect of the noises Tlubert loure more talented than any one man has night tone of modern society on peoplei And in spite of his newfound comfort and convenience he longs for his caveat Luce Hey There at least he enjoyed quietness brokeri only by the sound of the waves lapping on the seashore Not Try Cure For Incurable WINNIPEG CmA Unified Jnurjivayenmld For politicians can be the States doctor said that in most most impressionable of people cases Pllysluaos should not try when they are peeking support to prolong the lives of incurable They will believe promises cancer patients trust rectum cannon most co MflWauldnztDhEdwardEynearsmffirkf Mayo Clinic at Rochester Minn told delegates at the en The most pertinent point to the observereismnnmderiyingeone This is whether there has been significant chiinge in thechar actor of the fermer Traditionally the farm man is the greatest individual enter rlsec of He can be rebel as he showed in forming the UFO here But he has never been one forlcontrol This has been the underlying reason why the CCFstrictly control partyhas never been able to get anywhere with the rural people With the growth of marketing and cooperatives the farmer might be becoming less of an in dividuol Bugunless be is there would seem tobe little future for the New Democrats with him names or not nual convention of the Manitoba brooch of the sappd Association Most patients want relief of painnot prolonged distress think there comes apoint when the physician should stand back and let God take over There is no treatment for death BIBLE ruouenr will let you go that ye may sacrifice to the Lord only ye shall not go very far swamExodus 328 flu17mm with 17 5930 annulment Tbo many think ihcycnn go part way with God To com promise with sin will result in ultimate defeat Go all the way with God ILR No No11 Ellhway Whether ydu are former Wmdprcfessionol woodcutter you can he sure one of Pioneers quality chain saws will do the iob you want when you want it donol mum mourn saws un ntlaloaouau our SIMCOESALES SERVICE Bmle Ont Phone PA Mm

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