You Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS COMING EVENTS CAIIPBAUAi the Royal via taris Ilo ital Barrie on Wednes dsy unto er 11 m1 in Mr and IIrt Lawrene csinpesu we had aey street name ma HANSAt tbs Royl vletorts linsplisl Bsnla on Monday 0e tobrr m1 To Dr and hire WIu isra Evans Ilsrrle dsusbter isullboml lllCKLINGAt tbs noysl Viclt tarts Hosplul ilsrrle an wrdnu REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR BALI ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNIDPSTREETEAST First In Barrio HumojalcsForamost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Barrie and District Unit EVENINGS CALL Canadian Cancer Society star is noonrs um tomPA can canonsPaula DAOONNILLPAMH day October ll ll in Mr Ind mam anal min mi man Donn lir cnsries litrilius nit ism TRINITY PARISHHALLW BROKER daughter WED oer 13 ushop the Rest Then DEAL win the 3351 Phone PA 51410 QUAILM ROIl mm 645 PATI tsmeer cs Barn and District ltui Iltato Bond mu Wes no REAL ESTATE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 31 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONE PA mu PA um Nimbu ar is but lusl arist scare Inna turbanID win loan hasu um runs otrmPA mas PROPERTY F03 3513 REAL ESTATE PBOPKBTY FOR SALE 08 BENT IKNNID AL ROAD Area Duo and onebsli storey borne attach co all heating Low down paymrn allnro rent Ill pbnns PA on Inning FARMS WANTED WANTED Two muons course or spen DAIRY FARMS meat in rent the year round We have buyers waiting for mmd Mn apartment good In Vlqu pesen tor details Good milk UrnAil downtown or rent two bedrooms minim eTelephona rlt arm rims nxonoott noun or rent centnt Close to seprrstc sad guhlie reboolr nus st onehat laelu Telephone PA morn Inn and summit pun MODERN contained OI bedroom uniDani CentnL at monthly Elli ltd water IXIEIB Lllmdry dlIliel Apply Psel SW1 Aplnmenl TOUR noon rura she bested apartment three plee beta heavy and rtove reirisentnr bsrdwnod noon Avatisblo immediately Apply Artnitrous hardware mu zoo unfurnished spart ntent with stnva nd uniserstoi included Bus stop Itiha door Available Immediately Telephon PA 481 ONE AND Two bedroom lplrb merits stove relrllcralar Janitor lervlcc sad lsuudry iseultles neat lit min $6000 molt Tale hall Leem YA Mommy Nouns COLLEGIATE storey RENTALS arcs HOUSES To RENT Two BIDIOOM winterized Ishs treat coltre monthly For runner lniorntstioa talephan Pit Hidl snytime UNTUINISIIED three main spart narat Stove snd reiriserslor rur plied Suitbl loi couple Tel pbnns PA Will AnnuaI Meeting and Turkey Dinner BETTIE PA 8590 Central Ontarios Largest Real ton BUS OPPORTUNITIES IRADE 0R SELL All new rultaurisntand Service Station plus ultra snodernapt On No ll Highway Major oil products Will take house as down pameni Asking $30000 Stoutt Agencies Ltd Collier SL Barrie PA 0590 Central Ontarios Largest Realtors Imvlca STATION gsnxn sad mack Gooddivlnl Irish Three tnles north or Dsrris on main hillwuy Year round buil rim nesioasble down Inth Telphone PA Mina TART mu till you me to your let it is not sears but ets with litetime security Prid Sstur Monday and in and pnt snnw you how no pus one hour dry your limo bring it least 100 proï¬t every week bentton PA mo tor rurther details 31 Maple Ave hsirir vxlilr DRIGIIT three room siurt FINANCIAL inept unlurnisbed with stave sna marestar Very erainl Hernan bls Telephone PA 84717 $5000 sxvnN ROOM nnturairltcd sell ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS contained upper duplex Dll best ins Central lncsilon Itvsllnbl iiASKeFOR Ar MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE POUR R00 liouse or rent at Lisle Convenieneu Stitilble ior 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BILL SIMMS Rm llhnitliyi Lonted near school d2a6£n11phnna New Lowell PA 60203 MORTGAGES BARFRIED HUNGALOW two bedrooms any ily belted Freshly decorated 0l ENTEnPhISEs LTD Announces New Low Rates its Dunlap st COREYPA um sell GolLOFAt Stevenson liens crisl rtnrpitsl Million on Thurs day October 11 ml Mary snns llcCsflue in her the year llcluvld wire oi the 1st Tom Gal and deer motber or Eilxlbclh ii rs Albert woodlli oi llsllon Mabel inn Eldon NellLv conistewn and Daily thin How srd Hooper nt arsmpton neruns st the flushes runersl llama Coohitown sner Drm seturdty octouer it or service on Mon day October it at 1711 inter ment Stayncr Cemetery hiclllANNSuddcnly on October ll 1m st osrrie Duullu Gary Mollrm busbsnd ni sherry Tra vlspt Oruus beloved son at Mr sno Itin David ileltlsnn ol nn Midllnd Rastlnl st tna Jenner lmnaral Home Barrio or service on Saturdly October 14 ll not Interment nsrrie Union Cemetery liEASLlP At the npysl Victoria Hospitsi rrie on Wednesday ortoher ll loci Amhla Ernest ilessllp in nu 75th year beloved husband at aestrico Hewitt and desr itiner ol ltly or arms slsn survived by Icven srendcnudren Resting st the Slecklay Nnarll ilnrne 10 Woniey Street bsrrle inr service on Siturdsy October is st mm Interment St Jsmos Cemetery Crown lull RANKINAt Chicago lllinols on Drcsasy October in ital rlnr ence llsbel nsnlrln slaughter ot the iris Mr and Mrs Rule kin of Codkltown dear lister oi lilyrtla Mrs ll AUTUMN SPECIAL $15800 Lovely well kept older roomed home in choice locatioi Less for cash but excellent Inna inlay he arranged are our bedroom bnus New 1y decorated 31in per month Availlblc October 15 Telrpltnns COUNTRY LOVERS Near Anttn Mills $5800 $500 down payment now iruma house Angus New Homes $8500 $500 down pi mcltl Hospital lhrrte OD Vldnudly yallnoehr Qll m1 to in run tin gain reports election om HAROLD WANT To BE COUNTRY SQUIRE om mm um Address by 100 Acres of rolling pasture covered with clnvcr toriINIigIrZIï¬l $3153 J3 MBSIE wewillrESIDE mu mum be nerdv 0cm 1° Mr Chairman or District to On gt Iur son push Just listed st $12003 Ilgtnlihtrerifï¬ihéf 3nan min Division Wm WI Iviucroihwedcwnpgymeni Termi to suit buyer Cm Cali Emory MI er oi yall 31133151 beg cod Available from Mrs Kin le on Ex Eï¬zgmcaliiï¬ï¬ï¬ig phy lIAESOiIIE owgilcyogiéum Pnlned mdsselzgeSSgchuItin this your 000 °Wurrm more may in two yea am On In mu my NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION between Davidson and St Vincent Saturday October 14 NEW LISTING $9800 COME UP THIS WEEKEND AM Lot 100 xcoo with mmgliloglo slid artmen over garage areinen ESSA EggBRIAN rigwn payment Cali Karl Marshal CONTACT Ausplces thorEventanindliary RUMMAGE SALE 45A DunIop Si West 11 AM PM IOOF HALL COLLIER STREET f°r annOUncemenl AUSPICES LADY LIONS ii FIfp°f5 Have you found the home your to wtliuwdale $10500 $1500 down bed rooms wan New Mini Edgchill Drive and Can Ves pra $12000 $1500 down Lot 70 215 If not make an appointment to see this one iolllendal Road rooms Full price $4300 on tread comer landscaped Iot Realtor RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 20 130 To PM TRINITY PARISHHALL Auspices Trinity WA EUCHRE Orange Hall Aliandale SAT OCT 14th 830 pm Everyone welcoma REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ii RR nsrria arushtcr cattle 40l 60 Good house for tenant acres HAPPY OCCASIONThu erth Lie PA 34737 or Mrs liur Model Home Noith Side of Rose St DEATHS RUMMAGE SALE thru miles lrom Barrio Cali Harold Forster Friday OCIODEI 20 TELEPHONE PA 88481 PA 86482 PA 6618 Mrs Jackson PA 02944 Baxter Location rooms 10 acres $5500 NHA appmved three bedrooms ch unheated three rooms land isoï¬b Alslo lilvtt sons sad bath anon use oil on an altar pm pk rolllt noon uniurnlsbed hrsted apartment Laundry and psrttins tscllitlzs Private entrsnca Ncsr oskley Park School Avsllnbla gag Telephona PA Mano alter Call Emory Miller or Joe Pfllmcr howl Kitchen with large dining area LOT some or best offer Apt site on Queen Street Pc coloured hath With ceramic tile and vanity Plenty of storage cupboards Call Jou Palmer PA 643453 011 heated and divided basement EVENINGS CALL 75 HAROLD FORSm PA M5 f$oiAmlR fig ND Mle 0R0 Storms and sc eens Carport Good Location ms MARSHALL PA own nonis Numcouaa PA Mm TELEPHONE PA 8428l Tinccmba oi Lscnlne Quebec and the late Irsnk Rankin ltattins at the Hulhrs Funeral Home coalutowlt stter run Friday October ll or service on Ssiurdsy October It st Interlnant st Johns Anslcsn Cemetery Cooks town 98 Hayfield St meme minute to omey Park Soho ny raicrcnccs required On lst and2nd Mortgage Lfliills SadMrmnmlfliinnn PA Muss For Homeowners can MONTHLY Two ismlly dun BORROW $2000 REPAY 3115 Pan MONTH Three bcd room bunslow very attractive oII tired iurnsce Located on Well lnston East Immediate possession Telephone PA sale or runner MEMORIAL ROACHln loving memory my drlr an Reginald IIocli who gassed away October ll 51 lrrlc Chnnï¬cs many thinll HUI love Ind mummy ever Cllnll Sldly missed by Mom Dld sud lamlly CARDS 0F THANKS mumour sincere thsnlrs and sppreclsiinn to our good ncizh port on thc Ninth and on sit the other Linu who brought extin suisnm sno helped in any we to successluliy mm the lira when threatened our home also to our Verprn the department who sponded promptly Again thank you 1=ercs nnd Stclla Muir HENDERSON REALTOR la COLle STREET PHONE PA 02678 CHRISTMAS TREES 35000 trees on 25 acres ranging from to years some ready for cutting Call Percy Ford HLLSDALE Press report Lance Rumbles llillsdale to grow Have inns oltry building with two small stores and two apartments TK municipal water Requires COMING EVENTS $3500 down Make all otter Call Emerson Swain ANNUAL MEETING CITY LIMITS District No 16 Country living city convenien ces Taxes only $119 Modern ONTARIO HORTICULTURAL arlesian well aluminum storms ASSOCIATIONi eandvacreerlsrlargrlctrsufzoo Terms Call Emerson Swain In Penetangulshene Wednesday Octoberltt YOUWOULD BE PROUD pm TO OWN Th ver landscaped proper TURKEYDINNER tylsanti bungalow withonly 7pmrA er Slim mortgage REaIsonabl th is ents ose AIterhoon program and reports gagoléyanï¬ ï¬‚apping Ca pep Evening speaker JOHN CLARK cy Ford Tickets available from all Hor EAST END ticuitural Society secretaries in mm SYlsh and 5mm district In Barrie call Jean lovely residential area Three Cable PA 34543 bedroom ranch brick bungalow with attached garage on land ANNUAL BANQUET BARRIE scoped 68 lot Eeautiiui blonde Hanover kitchen with built in HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Trinity Parish Hall oven and counter top range Many extras Six per cent NHA WEDNESDAY Nov PM TICKETS 3175 terms lmmediale possession if Speaker desired For appointment call PROFESSOR HILTON Rita Scandrett 105 MULCASTER ST Head of Horticultural Depart ment OAC Guelph large very well kept four bedroom brick home Separate For iickts phone Mrs Ar buthnot PA 82078 dining room modern spacious kitchen loads of cupboards Heath PAT2502 or Jean Gable PA 34543 Recreation room garage Close to St Marys and downtown DANCING EVERY Could be easily dupiexed For lull details call Rita Scandlett SATURDAY CAnArtlrr STYLE EvaNGs CALL CoUPLrs ONLY ltrrn scannem Pk was PINECREST PERCY roan PA 84030 EMERSON SWAIN PA H505 $150 couple For table reservations Member 3m and DIICHGS and MVALE WE 75 Marshall Ontlrln Ilenl Esta Board RUMMAGE SALE flmwm mm SATURDAY OCT I4 is CLAPPERTDN ST BARRIE TILL 12 NOON PA 3592 Odd FelIows Hail DAYS 03 EEmms AUSHggLIéliEflflirllgrs MOORE PA Ludo mas PA 5669 PICKUPS $125 end and District Mrs Beuchey PA 66214 MISrGOTbetlPA 83259 Mrs Saso PA 83858 sT PAULS Anglican Church at Midhurat would like to announco the servlce or linrvest Testlvsl and Dedication arMemorlel Windows on Sunday number is at Zlaflprm Keith NORA AND George Hollowy wish to soil their nice modern home mile ram Barrie Midhunt Irel Phonu PA M163 SUNNIDALE noAD Area New NHA bedroom brick bungalow stisched peruse stone are Isee tiled bath with vsnlty In and Screens Open for lpecllon It 17 Shirley St THREE DBDnnoM brick house Living room with ï¬replace Plan bsth ï¬nished recreation room all turncc storrns rind screens double gar with paved drive ï¬lymsflbflllfllï¬lt dnynuplfllgegs on symens girl thxelpClara in st Marys PA COW or WantAd Section accepted until pm Day before publication SIOuIiAgencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 5590 Momberl tho Burtin and District ROLLEItIII Board 11AM FRIENDLY HOUSE IN TIfll COUNTRY Ample room and loaded with personality living room with im Ique corner fireplace modern kitchen dinln room new chicken house low down payment ATTENTION HUNTERS Your own private HUNTING GROUNDS Mu acres room older homo for 51600 Variety Store and Snack Bar ILLNESS FORCES SALE Slat Make otter Hdill GouldOrb 51 Edith GouldOrb 2515 Spring well piped into house IMMEDIATEINDEPENDENCE MILLION DOLLARVIEW Overlooking the BA rooms tï¬eplace ment to see it now LLETMIWLOIEELthErIOVelyiwnloF lot bathrooms double garage EVWNGS CALL Hurry SiessorlPA 5061 Oren BroInPA 7155 Nomn SheIsweIIr DUNLOP ST 7HRSI mommy 507 OF VALUENO REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 8386 PAFBIH WWII7 INTERst CHARGED OPEN HOUSE ALL DAY SATURDAY gSPANKING NEW 0n Pratt Rd off St Vincent St BEDROOMS ATTACHED GARAGE 14400 lresh concept in light cheery home to dining area are more than ample step saver and is very large rooms plus loads at extra storage exhaust all BEST HOMES IN TOWN Lo ted at Johnson and Steel Streets just orth of Johnson Turn north two blocks aIl the Dominion Store Shopping Centre at Blake and Johnsonstreets Street Public School paclous three bedroom design Here is the young at heart am BAYVIEW HEIGHTS $65000 DOWN TO ONE NHA MORTGAGE Real Eahtliï¬nlrd V7 FULL PRICE $12150 UP CHOICE OF SIX BUNGALOW PLANS OPEN 0R BEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOTS SALESMAN ON SITE SATURDAY AFTERNOON FOR INFORMATION CALL GORDON COUTTS OFFICE PA 82485 EVENINGS PA 66164 WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LIM COUTTS CO OWEN ST BARRIE EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ITED Garage and pricchAIELmth skika District 97 Ali living quarters and equip eat cment on file speaks for itself Make an appoint The living room and The smart kitchen is real Wardrobe closets in all the bed Includes storms scréens ceramic tile and many other extras Ail llliaior only $987 down payment For information call Joe Imbgtln Evening Call lad Lollflln PA W48 Intuit SisalVIII Ora NIB Edward Norris PA trafï¬c lights at CQQLTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME With buiitltin garage centre hall plan living room 181522 with ï¬replace large dining area beautiful kitchen with breakfast area three large bed rooms ceramic tile bathroom oil ï¬red hot water heating view oi bay Terms arranged Call Colman EXCELLENT MOTIEI FRASER REAL ESTATE BROKER 3598A DUFFERIN ST TOBONIO 19 ONTARIO $2000 DOWN $6000 iull mpdern kitchen liv ing and dining room piece bath bedrooms full basement attached garage sun room lovely treed lot Ideal location in villagc $6000 FULL Furnished cottage corner lot Bass Lake Small boat Terms to suit $15000 FULL PRICE Choice 100 acre iiirm lovely home beautiful lawns Collven iences Oil heat Large barns cement silo drive shed Terms QEEAGE $3522 PR MONTH P1 Balance at end of 1st years N0 BONUS Other Plans Available Dorrie Residents inrncontid ential appointment inyaurown home call 0p dnd ask for ZE Issoo No toll charge other Area csidcnts Cali Guelph TA 9062 colleCt Ammanmama MORTGAGE oneness ASS IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE WITH Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAmolum 10 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debts SITE Area equivalent to live lots 9nd residence on Cloverleai Illgh way 400 in full view of travell ing public SPACIOUS RUG BRICK BUNGALOW With drivein garage 245 Bay field Street Living room 12 25 dining area extra large master bedroom covered with broadloom sun porch many cupboards and several other outstanding features immedi ate possession For appointment Call Walter Coutts $10000 FULLPRICE Attractive fiveroom bungalow on Cook Street built about In years 415 NHA mortgage Terms arranged Reduction for cash to mortgage DD 595 Call Walter Coutts SEMISPLIT LEVEL Threebedroom brick home in builtup area with spacious shaped living and di lngarea well designed kitchen Attract ive entrance attached garage with overhead doors Close to public and high schools This house is priced to sell owncr commuting to new position lnb Banla District Mali Paula Bolld PHONES outce PA am lvcuinsa GORDON comapa H1 WALTER ls courseen Mall SANDY camsPA Hm REAL ESTATE BROKER la mm 5mm onnnrc CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or theBarrlI and District Boll Estate bond ti CARSO REAITOR 45A DUNLOPST Next door to tho ImDrrIIl Thank PA 66481 Heather hsrrl Furnished summer cottage on Lake 13an house andboat lovely location $7000 terms ARCHER COLWILL Representative Phone soonzz VictoriaHarbour PRIVATE 514 mm RESALE FIRST MORTGAGE $7000 115 Ducxwoltm AT AMELIA Attractive gtgrey brick Shed room bungalow many extras Imm Per lcrest mortgage CPaved driveway Well landscaped OFine old shade trees OFerlced yard 77 OLaige rec room Dryer vent 040 gal glass lined watertank twater softener OEcollonlical all heating ILarge living room and family sized kitchen MAKE AN OFFERPA Hm UNFINISHED noose ror ule in enuntry Two years o1dThtee bedrooms run basement Lama kitchen with dinette Reasonable Terms could be arranged Telev phoae DE 95701 PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TOBUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinin of St Maryc Chum Early poss ession required Reply to BOX1 49 IHE BARRJE EXAMmER Hardwood Basswood EA Timbflnd10e5 FV PURCHASED BOX VENEER LTD BOX 719 FEEGUS LOTS row SALE GOOD BUILDING LOT near Sun nidsla Road and col course 132 200 leet Just outside it ty limits Priced at $1700 rash eluphone PA 61010 FARMS FOR SALE 0mm 11 acres barn chick sn house lmplalaent shed room house and hsth hot and cold ws tor All buildings heavy wired Never smug spring $8700 Terms Orlllls PA on or Toronto Rust aall 17894 0r mom2e coming duo Home Improvement Any Worthwhile call Call today for appointment PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING over vSlmpsonsSears 129 DUNLOP ST PL MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of BillsHome repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSUREDh IS49ot55Mont Iy 3544 90 thl $Upto and soman repayv SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlap St PA 66477 neuronesm and zoo houde mold and arranged Commerc and residentistsaeneys loaned on extolIns mortssses hurls Mart ssse isrnlren PA assoc RENTALS NURSING HOMES ngflolf ï¬lmInt EWHLIA datslls LAnGE HOUSE or rent our bed rooms gas nested in quiet Incs lion Ccntnl locsilon Reasonable rent Apply to Box Harris Ex sminer AVAILABLE Immediately Threa ronln sell contslned lPaItmenL Heat and water supplied sob month For iurthcr details phone PA 115097 or PA 8905 FURNISHED three room soil con tained apartment Crntrsi location Clean with itaraga space Heatzd maneflgm available Insured erli cc PA yaalgaln ueph NEW THREE Bedroom House nth Concession Vesprs at High Hot water Tynan Oil HEATED modern two bedroom apartment in stroud spsrtmant house Adults prelerred No ob JlbcltlonNto ablybx No pets Agil ovemer man Telephone stroud 4sW Ly mTCSNTnih Two bellman unrurnisbed bested apartment tor rent in new building Stove sad zerrï¬zerlstniih wall and dryer vs me ho PA mm ey rlep no ltiopnlm sci contained unturn ished three room apartment Cen cupboard spnca 515 per Adults only Telephone PA or further particulnrs UNFUmSnBD Apartment ingroam two bedrooms kitchen bright and spacious Availablls November Central Psrklng rs cllities Telephone PA $7355 even In and weekend SMALL unfurnished modern selr contained one bedroom lpart lncnt Central 55 monthly Heat snd wstar Included Laundry be illtles Apply Pecl Street Apart ment Pvnmsmsn Lhrea ranns aplll mcnt Refrigerator stove hydro andhtlest supplied lions localan on us roll overdo Telephone PA 351230 THREE Imam unhimlshed Iplrtr lnent or rent Centrally located Private bath and entrance Heat Ind hydro included $65 per ntonllt Telephone PA 83189 for flirtth Mormotiun EDROOM bcatode eapnr upstairs separate entrance $60 per month Centrally Iocsted Two children welcome Telephnno SA 40001 rioriurthertnrdr on AVAILABLE NOW Furnished inndarn apartment kitchen pres last nook the bath bedroom liv ing room Viewot bayreNelrenst ï¬ddbopplng piers Telephone PA month aloio liv luNn CARE given bed and tilr patients Plesssnt companionship outinsr zood tcod launse and TV rooms Reasonable rules Ark Eden Nursing Home telephone cant stroud OFFICES STORES RENT loo squashqu Uitlea space on second floor In madam build lniz on Comer st Private wash 1th Telephone PA 55914 and5 prln APTsnHQUSEs T0 RENT Beside Lake Ono slid two bedroom apartments complete with stava slid TUTIKOI or On at washer Ind dryer Hedocnratcd annually PA 01068 TWOBZDROOM Hausa or rent Gu bested Good basement New ly decorsted Apply not mess Road Two nooltl Furnished and hub etl Iflflmllifl tar rant Suitabla tor or sdults Phnnl PA Waco HEATED Apartment Large living room ballroom dine modern Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 52414 kitchen with state and reirlpers ior Central business couple pre erred Tnlopllogp PA ereis SELF CONTAINED Apartment lor rent Largo bedsitting room rna dein kitchen uullty worn Jnd bsth Suparata entrance llent up per month Tela hnn oud 117112 is MODERN two bedronln Ilarh ment unnurnlsbad heated Elec tric range and reiriceralor Lelia dry utilities and pushing area Janitor service Available Novena her Telephone Auwz ros particulars THREE ROOM mmlshed lipstslrs apartment modern kitchen cup boards $15 monthly including util luau Available alter October 15 Must Do seen to be appreciated oz Cumberland streaL SPACIOUS lix roamed apartment large living room with drepllco dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Ample garage loll contained vcry control Available November 95 monthly Teln pliona PA Nazi NEW AND Modern on Ind two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kampanlalt Bay East psikins and llnlErJ included Aulnmlll until cultien r4 Lenore PROPER THAWING Best place to thawtrozen poultry is the refrigerator is lowing live hours per pound