The iollowing lilols are avail able at the Public Library dur ing the month at October CARNIVAL IN QUEBEC Here is record at Quebec Citys Winter Carnival in col our GRANDFATHERS CLOCK TEE BARRIE EXAMINER romanomen 11 m1 Films Available At Local Library ily is shown with an explana tion oi their adoption to their environment AMANADOGANDAGUN This is hunting iilrn show ing various types of bird dogs in action Men Convicted 0n Fraud Charge TORONTO CPlEiflrt men alleged to have made more than $100000 by offering dealer ships to sell tint aid supplies were convicted Thursday at conspiracy to ddraud and their cases were put over to Monday The right who worked or General Merchandising Distrih utors of Canada are Anthony Aquanno Donald Plokard Earl Black Goddard Starl ley Rose all at Toronto David mley oi mhurhun Scarbo rough Brian Caddy Montreal and Toiyo Nordman Ottawa Goes 10 Jan GLASGOW fAPtTA preacher went to jail Wednde rather than pay tine or taking part in sltdown demonstration against the US nuclear rub marine base at Holy Loch Rev Albert Goedheer minister at Teyvalllch Church of Scotland near lnverary said he did so because the piekeling was done to show how he felt about nu clear weapons and that he was ready to take the consequences N0 TIME TO SPARE The Doctor Belutes Mistaken Notion TORONTO CPIIts mis taken notion that people who talk about suicide will not carry out their threat Toronto psychiatrist Dr 500th myd said Thursday While most people who com mit suicide are depressed others take their lich to spite another person because they hate themives or on impulse he told the Medical Alumni As sociation oi the University of Dr Booihroyd said suicide often occurs at peak emotional periods such as Christmas birthdays or anniversaries In interviews with patients be suggested the rubiecl can he broached openly in most cases without damage Ferris tent preoccupation with meth ods of carrying out suicidees opposed merely to thoughts oi death which are common is alien is sign that suicide In about to be attempted L7 Ministers Stippport Roberts Rs Leader TORONTO CPlNo mem here of the legislature includv ing cabinet minister an nounced their support Thursday tor Education Minister Robarts in his bid for leadership at the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive party They are min later without Portiollo William Stewart member for hiiddlesex North and Maanughton of tin foil Mr Hobart is one at seven men seeking the leadership Municipal Alialrs Minister War ronder Minister without Port folio Allan Grossmnn and Com merce Minister Nickle earlier announced support or him STORMY WEATHER cartoon about clocks and what nounwen mwmd 777 makes them tickas told to two finial respiration children 77b old AOrandIaEEi ELECTRICTAKE£LEASURE IM AN NOUNCING THAT TONY USSELMAN HA5 JOIN IIOLD BACK THE NIGHT nelpmxnsfs or knee In the tr colour iilm is on the nu ED THEIR STAFF AS APPIIVANCEL service MANAGER ture symptoms and treatment ROUGHNECKS ihe life and AH£Am DONT FORGET THE ROQF SALE PRICED ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE PER SHINGILES WWWWP APPLIANCE REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES 0F APPLIANCES STANDARD COLOUR IN ASPHALT SHINGLES CASH AND CARRY DASH IILLIIIIIJIILE Lumber Fuel Co Ltd 49ESSKRD PA 85581 YOUR ONESTOP BUILDING SERVICE CENTRE oi glaucoma an eye condition work oi an oildrilling crew that causes twelvaperccnt ot isms mm COMM mam nouns N0 aIhe Commodore JOSEPH HOWE ganadjan Quartth inv tthHudIencg lg imEtnry eninesibhliH tIliSIi ling with ih ictin oso ow 1135 v5 thopturnlng point in nglggwtgglgxsggï¬sm his lilo end marked his entry mo pmvmcml Wmm placement of the skilled worker NORTH TO HUDSON BAY by the machine railroad trip from Winnipeg Churchill on Hudson BaY show mnggayï¬ gï¬ï¬‚nï¬gï¬ inx wilderness animal life whal the Gmupr or Swen inn and meteorlogicnl methods VENICE QUEEN CITY OF THE SHEPHERD SIIEP ADRMrllc The mm an herd caring for his locks in the tie city of Venice in colour uplands of the interior at British rm mtumhlr An amtner Int Tn 516 AND 50 PHONE PA mu Iilm shows how lessons are made more interestingby the use of films lilm smile and radio SONGS OF NOVA SCOTIA lnlksongs ot the Maritime are tnpeaccordcd by Dr Helen Creighton as she explores Nova Scolin rich blend of IO R055 51 THEY PLANTED STONE New life is broughntï¬he des ert oi the Sudan by harnlsslng the waters at the Nile WILDLIFE THE ROCKIES Thnmrcatl at the Iwild large andï¬nnll that inhablt the mountain slopes or Bnnfi and Jasper National Parks are shown here in colour CAMOUFLAGE IN NATURE THROUGH PATTERN MATCH ING This film shows that most backgrounds in nature are not single colours but patterns INTRODUCING CANADA 1112 social nnd economic forces that have brought Canada from wilderness in strong inde pendrmtJaLinL THE LEGENDARY JUDGE is the story of Judge Mat Baillie Beghie who came Britain to bring law and he goldmining camps tumbir gr VE TE DY BEARS The lit and habits of the koala fam the story in colour at cane su gutplanting harvesting and flMfézflmf retinlng GonoIoIlMolon Value 332 Yes fhis ls Olds for 62 and theres no mistaking it For who elsebutL Oldslcould mold beauty with such cl flair Who else could so masterfully design interiors that ottaina new peak of richstylish comfort yet retain the distinctive Olds tostefulness And who else butOldsmobile could marrySkylchQLmeLtmechansmissionwilh such model précislon that new depth of motoring pleasure bornQIhé joy of complete command and the solid feel of gedredtotheroad stability Yes this is Oldenlobllelhis is thecor withithé SOMETHING EXTRA foreveryone L4SHIYDRAMATICMeans Trdnsmission Magic for You New Smoothnass Theres spéciol=stnpothns built into Consldnt Control For 62 this new Oldsmobileitammlssion adds thessnfetyof more efficient downhill engine braking in all speed rangesplus an exceptionallyrauthoritativer passing gear this entirelyncw transmission cl new pressureltcompensdted shittpnttemjhot flattens no pQubmutishift=penksnnd without power loss New Silence From ï¬rst takeoff toiegolcruising through all four speedstheres quietness thuth enioyobly new onioyably yours Superior Response Rocketing 90hegins with the touch of your toe Never before has transmission altered such instant gt action Inst itcnd yaulliheliavaflt OLDSMOBILE lilrE STORES ion 52 THERES fSliMEilllllti txmih hour owums All Whilewdlltiru ophonnl em no anAprORD sr tilts5965 233 Bradford st