Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ad Tele phone PA me The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 66531 Ehriflaarrir Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Sunny today Shower tomorrow more are 50 Page for detailed summary 97th YearNo 238 Barrie Ontario Gmado Friday Oétobor 13 1961 Not More Than plr Copy16 Pogo eaten as he left for home after 7find Mmmmad Say Be verdict was apeczed today In the trial of Leila Mar 7i mistookan clone or capital murder In the shooting of her husband Edward Hubert rdl Defence evidence was com pleted Thursday the day of the trial Mr Justice liloorhousc was to deliver his charge today to the Supreme Court jury before it retired to consider verdict In her lcstimony Thursday Mrs Stcinkc vlio iclgrtts 83 pounds described life of mar strife punctuated withbca lngs by her zoo pound hand She said she married Sieinke when she was 15 and he was 17 They have fine sons four of whom are living ihkc she said started Ldrn ing about four years after thcir marriage when he was not drinking lIe was differ ent personality TAKES ovnnnoscs Once when she became prcg nnnt she said Stelnkc kicked and beat her and tried to make her lose the baby Twice she took an ovcrdose of sleeping pills because couldnt stand the stress and strain any more Jshotgun and placed it in the gs atin came home drunk April to seek inns cheque sheehan runny so he could go out and drink again She said he attacked her and tried to force her and their lfi year old son Into indecent relations On April 13 her husband came home drunk again Mr Stcinko said and threatened to klll her The husband then left the house Mrs Stcinke said she loaded kitchen She braced the back door with two large knives Early in the morning her IIlS hand telephoned to ask if he could come home She told him not to rcturn homeuntil he was sober and warned him about the gun BREAKS DOOR DOWN Mrs Steinke said that half hour later her husband broke the door open grabbed knife and lungcr at her felt the swish of knife past my face then the gun went off Shesaid she had no recollecA tion of pulling the trigger She had no intention of shooting her husband but only wanted to scare hi Strike EXplodes Into Violence ne man was beatenand company offices suffered broken windows and ripped telephone lines Thursday night as strike by limousine drivers exploded into violence After series of raids on various dispatch stations police called for reinforcements to guard downtown offices of the Murray Hill limousine service and thchnmcs oi iionvstriking workers The firm has tin exclusive fr uchisc between Montreal and the citys internationalairport Jlogei Desbicns Murray iii driver was attacked and inishing work He was treated at hospital for cuts bruises and an injured lcg CLUB CAR Eatlien comnanyJehislco was stopped by clubwvielding men and its windows were smashed Finnish President To Inspect Mine OTTAWA CF President Urho Kekkonen oi Finland was to fly northwestward across 0n tario today following his three day state visit to Ottawa The visit first ever made by Finnish president to Canada was capped Thursday when the president and his we gave dinner at the Finnislr Embassy for GovernorGeneral and Mme Vanier This returned dinnerrecap tion given in honor of the Kek konens the previous night by Canadas viceregal couple After being seen off by Gen mater and Mrs Diefenbakerv this morning the president was the Amsterdam airport Monday Thursday Lauricr Bourget described as the organizer of the walkout said 85 per cent of the drivers had joined the strike in protest against the firing of some drivers for stupid rea sons and to back updemnnds for higher wages and improved working conditions Murray Hill President Charles Hersliorn replied that the com pany will continue full opera tions despite the drivers walk out lie said heurknows of no union certified to bargain for the Hitdrivers employnd flfld nobody union or otherwise has submitted any complaints or demands to the company THE HAGUE AP The Netherlands government is to king 85 yetiundisclosed steps agnst Soviet Ambassador Eanfeleimon Ponomarenko for his part in ah airport free forall with Dutch police Dutch note to the Soviet Embassy Thursday ordered two other embassy officials to leave the country by Saturday it charged that both had hand in the fist fight that erupted at du analgumcnt over the return toMoscow of the wife of defecting Soviet scientistsAlexci Golub Ponomarenko left for Mos cow Thursdsy and told report ers he would lay hisicase be fore his superiors thereThe Dutch said he not only made no attempt to stop the fight but actually participated in it to tly in Sudbury to inspect nickel mine The Dutch note said the gov 111 iraanéstaifiéd At Schoolboy Football Game BOSTON AWThree youths were stabbed in riot at schoolboy football doubleheader Thursday Several hours inter two girls were hurt when thousand teentigers rsn wild after show by TV performers Ottawaborn Paul Ankai and Dick Clark 1o stabbed in the football fight were in critical condition of city hDSpltDIAEight youths were arrested lorbrowling Thesecond incident occurred late at night when tecnsgers stormed the Hotel Madison next to Boston Gardensecking auto graphs from Anko to sing and Ciar master of ceremonies The two had just completed show at the Garden Mayor John Collins called the rioting shocking thing and said hebopodpolice will takofwhotavercorrective nc tion is necessaryt oprcvent recurrence of this shabby spec tacle Expect First 0t Bomarcs OTTAWA CPlThe first Bo morc antiaircraft missiles for the RCAF Bomarc base at North Bay are scheduled to ur rive next week the RCAF re ported today gt The RCAF announcement con firms air force statements dur ing the early summer that launching equipment for the Bomarcs was being installed and would be ready for opera tion by this fall No decision linofool been roachéddiy the governnfentbn whether American nuclear war heads will be provided for the weapons etherlands Govit Plans Action Against Russian Ambassador ernmentvplsnncd to pursue its complaints against the ambas sndor with Soviet authorities spokesman declined to spell out the steps the governmentmight take He reported earlier how ever that the cabinet might de mand Ponomarenkos expulsion Soviet commercial attache Chibaew and press attache Popov were expelled The Dutch accused Chihaew of be ing the first to use force the airport and said Popov man hnndled Dutchvpollce The Dutchalso took exception to Popovs statement at press conferenge that Dutch officials hadkidnapped Golub Golub told reporters he had decided to seek asylum in the West because he was denied scientific freedom in the Soviet Union The scientts bio chemist and his wife were visiting The Netherlands with party of Soviet tourist ecordployinf COMMUNIST EAST Berlin border guards closed Frle drichstrasse checkpoint to all civilian truffiEYor an hour BERLIN Reuters German policefire ore than shots mthWesfiiiEclhf won in futile attempt to prevent nine East Berliners from escap ing throuth the borderfeoce The barrage was described by West Berlin police astho big gest sincevthe border was closed Aug 13 men roared up to the barbed wire fence in truck but the vehicle stuck in the wire The refugees leaped out and ran for Jain with bultets whining over th 1r heads lorgegroup of police ran to the border as soon as the truck ran into the wire and opened up with rifles and Leader LesterB Pearson said Thursday he welcomes press re ports of ac sion of Trade Minister Hens to the Lib era partys viewpoint on North Atlantic trade association He said that previous ob structionism of the idea by the Conservative government can not beforgotten Nevertheless if conversion really is comi will be glad to welcome it Mr Pearson said in statement issued by his office He was commenting on aTor onto speech Wednesday night by Mr flees in which the minister said thegovernmentris carefully studying the implications of Ca nadian membership in free trade association with western Europe Britain and the United The nine refugees all young Wednesday night until West German loudspeaker truck leftslopped its broadcast The truck broadcast news Germans Flee In HailOf Bullets tummyguns attireuncaring East de 5W1 th The inqidchocc rre mthe American sector of the city Neither West Berlin police nor American military police pa trols returned the fire SHOUT WARNINGS East German police shouted warnings to the Americans and West Berlin police to stay away from the fence where the refu gees truck was stuck in the wire eyewitnesses sa The EastiGcrinanskeptshoot ing sporadically for an hour They rushed an armored car to the border with heavy ma chinegun mounted on it but it did not fire jcounseis of fear andevenede spairL But now Mr Diefenbakers ministers have becomefrightV ened Theywhave realized that their negative attitude their carping criticism of Britain was disliked by Canadians Fortunately than public opinion has come to the res cue He said that any day now there will he claims that Prime Minister Diefenbaker was re ally the person who put forward Themgr of North Atlantic trade association china Seeks support At on been shooting st daily Worfld Weléome vHéesCoriversmrfirraznrrmr OTTAWA co Liberal COnfinue Russian Premier IDecries Inflaming Of War Passions MOSCOW Reuters Soviet Premier Khrushchev has made clear that Russia will continue it current llrlu of nuclear tests to counter what he termed the lntlomlng of war pparsioos by the United States The Russlab leader said in reply to an appeal by 59 British Labor party leaders that the Soviet Union could not stop its tests whiletho United States was building up its military might WHow can we in the light of all this stop nuclear testing Khrushchev said in his letter published here Thuradny night The letter replied to an appeal that won sent to Khnishchcv and President Kennedy by Lnborlte group headed by for mer defence minister Emman ucl Shlnwoll asking for steps to ease world tension for one hour then shut off its loudspeakers and depart ed The East Berlin guards then opened the gates AP Wircphoto fehces gt The East Berlin gunrdshave along thetense Berlin border bringing wamlngs from both West and East officials of the danger of setting off the NW derkeg The shooting stopped shortly after the East German police had dragged the truck free from the wire fence Including the nine refugees total of 20 East Germans es caped to West Berlin in the 24 hours ending at 7am Among them was one East German policeman The shooting came amid re man drive to seal off possible escape routes between East and West Gerin ny East German apthorities were reported continuing their evac WATCH STEP ITSTHEJBTIImfi NEWYORK APlWntch out for black cats today Dont walk under any lad ders Dont breakyany mir rors And keep your fingers crossed Remember its Friday the 13th Nuff said Khrushchev took similar stood invjustifying Russias cur rent series of nuclear tests mainly in the Arctic since Sept 17 in letter to Room Yasul hood of the annncse campaign against atomic and hydrogen bombs ID PREVENT ATTACK The letter to Ynsui was pub llshed in Tokyo on Oct in it Khrushchev snid Russia resumed nuclear testing to me vent itself being attacked by the West and that the development of bigger Russian hydrogen bombs would prevent world war The letter to the Japanese however said that ho was ready for summit peace talks at any tinie with world leaders tlculnrly President Kennedy Ills letter to the British La borileofirestated his insistence that nGermnn peace tst could Efreaenemwhllegeniu ing free access to West Ber and no interference inits af fairs He said that German agree méot envisaged by Russia would provide Guaranteed access to Recognition of the Oder Ber Nettie GermanPolish border under which Poland got former German territory Recognition of both the West German and Communist East German regimes and the admission of both to the UN ban on either Germany having nuclear weapons Dismantling of the North Atlantic ty organization and its Communist counterpart the Warsaw Pact Says Public Misinformed KITCHENEE CF Attor neyGeneral Robert said lhurl dny that It purchases of let than 25 were exempt from On tarios threepercent sales tax on proposed recently by Liberal Leader Wintermeyer 90 to 95 per cent of the revenue would be washed out Mr Roberts one of seven can didotel for the Ontario Promesp slve Conservative party leader shlp was speaking to 121 dele gates from eight ridings who will attend the leadership can vention in Toronto Oct 2545 1112 attorneygeneral accused Mr Wintermayer of mlllnform ing the public in claiming tho $25 exemption would produce $115000000 revenue compared with the 5150000000 expected with the present tlcent exem ptton to $15000000 that would aotuallybe collected under Mr oyers ICWaWouldienrc bpworth collecting considering the costi involved he inid The proposal was the Liberal since thoparty hired its ivory tower brain trust to advise Mr Wintermeyer on fiscal policy Mr Roberts said Itwill be longtlmibfiffi the public Will buy this kind of financing NUISHELL HirBy Car After Leaving Bus OAKVILLE tCPJack Veerman fiveyearold sonof MrJ and Mrs Jan Veermon of Trafalgar was killednear here Thursday when he walked lntoithepathofn car after getting out of school bus Fuel Tanks Explodeilouséholclers nee MIAMI up uel stdra ge tanks explodedrin avpopuloua northwestMiom section today showering debris and putting householders to flight from the area of the Southeastern Natural Gas Corporation federal Grand Jury Indicts GM LQANGELESfAPlArfedéralrgrandriuryfididedG Motors Corporation four Chevrolet sales executives an rdealers associn ns Thursday for conspiring to stop ind dual dealers from selling through discount houses Report Agreement 0n Boundary TOKYOiAPlTheNéw ChindNews Agency reported today that Nepal and Red China have agreed on boundary thatruns through Mount Everest the between Nepal and Tibet worlds highest peak on the bordec ReturnTo Domesticjllopicsv BRIGHTON En gland iREuterst1ho Conservative party turned to domestic topics today at its annual conference here after giving its approvalto government moves to enter the European Common Market wut Supportaworld Food Bafik To Ask Expulsion 0i Atrial States pnrsmrnrnnvmws AIRBORnc1anoom President Kennedy stands in an open car yesterday as are reviews battle ready troops of the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft EragEc NC Standing in the car with the chief exccutiveis farGen Thomas Trapnell cnm mander of the 115 Third Army AP Wirephoto Mr Hees didnot say the glow ernment is adopting this policy but said the study is being made to learn the effect on Ganada of such move EGLADTDWHEA Mr Pearsonsnid he is glad to learn from reports of the speech that Mr Hees Jcao be welcomed to the Liberal point of view on one of the most im portant issues before this and cry of course Leant help won dering Why now Why not earlierl MnPearson so nance Minister Flemin June Wbudgetspeech the eaof Canada jolnihg re gional trade group represented RUSH VAGCINE HULL England Reuters rJ Britains health ministry rushed to supply of polio vaccine here Thursday for thernass vac tion of the citys1 300090 bitants Hull has had 25 con firmedcases of polio UNITED NATIONS CP Ghana sought supporttodayrfor resolution calling on the Se curity Council to expel South Africa from the United Nations Ghana Ambassador Alex Quni sonSackey said his delegation haddrawn up draft demand ing the ouster of the white su premacist nation and would put it before the Zsscountry African group today He declined to say on what groundsthe demand was based until he had con suitedthe rest of the group mahly it says South lif its aparthe racesegregalt tion policies in defiance of re peatedUN appeals WANTKEPT 1N SomeAfiicans doubted Ghana wogld get stgbng supports from their group forsuch dras demand number of African delegates although bitterly on posed to puthinfricas racial policies have said privately they fee ticouotry security council to thatJhe censure vote was cc tiswiscr to keep the republic in the UNwhereother members can bring pressure to hear and perhaps eventualy get some results At least seven motive votes would be required in the expel South Africa Observers doubted that vmany couldbe mustered Ghanas resolution was drawn up before External Affairs Min isler Eric Louw of South Africa made his policy speech in the General Assembly that brought down the wrath can groupmndures ted vote of censui against Lo dill States and other Western pow ore for failing to defend him in eneral Assembly against the vote of did not par Ptnimthe4bté Canada ab staine Theforeignm ter warned gain totrigger demands at hnme hat South Africa ull outof the loumaltstiShot By vi iPolice oltAWACPAn lbman Canadian delegation ledhy two cabinet ministers hopes to sponsor the establishment ot world food bank to aid needy countries styan international conference in Rome next month The group huded by Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamiltonwlth Fisheries Minister MacLenn as alternate delegate will attend the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizations 11th session Nov 423 Says 115 Stores In Dtscountiield TORONTO CPlThe head of Canadian supermarket chain said Thursday night every large supermarket organiza on in the Unitedstates is operating in the discount field Sam Steinberg president of Steinbergs Limited said big US super markets working in secret or under their own names are in vestig the operation of food departments in discount de pnptmcnt stores 3RCAFMen Escape Crash STTWAGINIHEQ GP +11 RGAFm unhurt Thursdaywhen flitfsingleengfiee Otto airceraffsccifazli ed into thernrnp of slaughterhouse near this community 25 miles east treat HELMET UT West Germany MunroA West German journalist was shot and wouudcdhy East German frontier po lice npd dragged across the border into EastGermanthuri day The Vict was Kurt Leiclltenstein Edyrancid reporter for the Dortmund westfaelische Rundschau who was covering assignment on the burden

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