Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1961, p. 2

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rouse propuzs unioaiirans Mama fIiQ Toronto Conference Young Peoples Union held their lath annual convention Saturday Sunday and Mon day at Central United Church in Barrie Here Mayor Will Borden Bomb Blast ard Kinlie is addressing the ailOntario Young People at the banquet held at the church on Saturday night iiehearspes Personnel CAMP BURDEN The balloon has goal up simulated atom bomb has exploded aver Camp Bordbp and camp army schools and iinlts are vigorously relt hearslng and training for their role 1p Canadas survival Every Army member in Cam Borden regardless of rank reg ment or corps must takea perv tad of concentrated training in the sdrlous business of raentry End Of Crop Year Signals Preparation For Next One Bye STEWART PAGE Agricultural Representative for North Binscoe This is the time of the year when farmer in addition to completing the harvest of late crops must get the land ready for next years crops as well as make his home barn and yards snug and tidy for winter Alsoaiong with tho usual fall fibs such as fall plowing clean up the barnyard replacing broken window panes that will occur to any farmer we offer the fillowlng suggestions Watch the grain bins closet for heating or ranary weev lot nfgr have gone into the bias hit dampthla year and may heat up quickly Healing grain ro vdos ideal conditions for ad outbreak oi weevil We suggest inserting slim ole or long fork handle deep 11 the grain and checking every week to make sure that the grain is not beatings If the grain is heating recleaning or treating with reliable pesticide or both may ryaar after year operations and rescue proced ures Many seasoned colonels wear ing black denim coveralls and yellow hard hats who command schools and nits are digging in to rubble lilting out survivors and evacuating makebelieve casualties to medical treatment centres They are fitting them selves for command sltlons within Canadas notiona rescue organizations enables us to grow hctter crops and at lower cost per unit it should also be kept in mind that it profits no one to pro duce more unless the extra pro duction can be fed or sold at profit in other words our pro duction should be kept in rea sonable relation to the needs of our livestock and market out On the other hand we should not expect to do complete job in balancing up fertility levels in one years soil testing and fertilizing or even in two years Best results can he obtained by moderate fertilizer applications according to the requirements of the soil on each field the treatment ven each field in terms of over grown and the manure applied and the crop to be grown 500 test recommendationsara only reliable if every step in the process is carefully done Pro fessor lteeg of the soils depart ment OAC stresses the follow ing in taking soil sam lcs Take to 10 samp as from Cam Bordens Royal Can of infantry has taken on lulHlme role in training all Army instructors in This is in addition to the roles normally torm Anny rescue instructors wcrc trained at the Civil De adinn chool rescue techniques assigned to the school erly fence College at Amprior Fortyone fully qualified and skilled commissioned warrant and non commissioned officers representing Canadian Army establishments from coast to coast completed the final stage of the first lnstructors highly course The Royal Canadian Armour ed Corps School at Camp Bor den the Armys tank training Imnanmmsrmnma¥nuomuuu Sunnidale Accepts Tender Low Bid Is Under $901110 WASAGA BEACH Special Sunntdals Township council has accepted tender from hicl McKeen Construction of Coil ingwood for the reconstruction of Stmnldals Township Road submtmnhny as to Mosley ee Work will begin immediately The Colltngwood ilrnis bid of mm was the lowest of 10 bids the highest bid being SIHJNMHfrom Kantianr structian of Toronto irom Wassgs Bosch Chani her of Coumcrce inviting them to attend meeting to discuss UNITED NATIONS GP IlseSovicLUnionvhns again cited racial discrimination in New York as reason for shift lng United Nations headquarters to Europeto Vienna or Ge nova Ambassador Boshchln CEmfdfflTefllilili centre embarked on Exercise Their exercise was designed to train soldiers in radiation reconnaissance over large areas in vehicles The reconnoitertng was carried out over Zomtlo front covering Camp Borden Flesherton and the town of Mea ford some 69 miles distant Late in the exercise due to change in wind and fallout the reconnaissance team had to re cover the area back to Camp Borden where the exercise ended Recover Bodies 0i Missing Men ORILLIA CHThe bodies oi John Murray 36 of Bright and Roy Livingstone 57 of Ayn were found by skindlvers in the Severn River about 30 north of here Monday The men were reported ing Saturday when thei vii cultural off beroquired Seeding Birdsfoot Trefoll Spring is the right time to seed l7 rdsfoot trefoil hut summer or fall is the best tlrne to get the land ready and build surface drainage waterways and out lets if field is low or poorly drained dining Fall is usually the best time to apply lime if needed Enguire at your agri ce re freight or trucking rebate available for agricultural limestone Spread mineral fertilizer ssoonarposylblronhayinf pasture standson low fertility fields it production is slowing down and if you want to hold theclovers JL youhavenot obtained soil test re art Mil20 fertiliser on sand 0mm land and 02040 fert on good clayor clay loam at two to three bags per acre should give good results Help yourself to soil test this fall for all fields for which you want fertilizer recommen dations next spring Soil boxes and tliarevised information forms may he obtained free of charge at your local agricultur al office When soil testing is followed up regularly every year it is best to give each field perm anent number so that afield carries the same number al ways By so doing we can do tennine whether or not our fer tility treatment is correcting or balancing up the fertility levels in each field nitpartsrofa smallfieldand one sample per acre in large fieldsi Mix thoroughly to get ltthoe portion to put in the soil it Dont sample knolls unless they are large enough to fertil ize separately Extra manure is usually helpful on knolls Avoid samfiling near gravel road as area may be timed from the road dusti if the sample of soil is dd little water to mois ten Dont sample where there hasbecrajnanurfpiir ii the dead furrows Take twice as many sam les on fields that haze been aniLouow fertllJ Ed in conclusion be sure to fill out the information sheet as fully as possible showing the crop to be grown previous treatment etc The soil test only shows the readily soluble plantfood in samfile and does not show the fort ty con tained in manure applied in the past year or in clover or clover roots plowed under Ltkewise hay field or pasture with 5075 per cent clover should produce all the nitrogen needed butaiL allgrass pasture will need lot of extra nitrogen applied for good growth Our Simcoe County plowing matches will be held during the middle week of October The East Simcoe match Saturday Oct 14 at the farm of Alvin Fyfc north of artilla the Blue It would like to stress at this point that soil testing and the use of commercial fertilizers are only profitable if the practice MISSION SlMARYS CHURCH 95 MuscasrTsrT Mens Mission an 22 in as Womens Mission Oct 15 to ii Sundays at pm week nights at 730 pm Au WELCOME Missionaries Fathers Lynchand Mulligan of the Passionist Order Mountain the same day the Centre Slmcoa match week later Saturday Oct 21 and gigs South Slmcos match Oct Jail of N5 Con Hall was found capsized addressing the General Assem blys ioo member budgetary committee Monday declared The racial discrimination practised in the USA creatu intolerable conditions for the work oi the United Nations The unfavorable conditions for stay and work of delegations in New York raise the question of nec essity to shift the headquarters to some other place Roshchin also emphasized the high cost of living in New York He stressed the geographical advantages of Vienna and Ge novatheir proximity to many capitals but also seemed to favor West Berlin saying many delegates and press reports had WEATHER Synopsis Warm weather is expected to continue over South ern Ontario today and Wednes day but disturbance moving northeastward from town will bring some showers to this por tion of the province by late Wed nesday Lake St Clair southern Lek Huron Niagara Lake Ontario southern or gian Bay south ern Haliburton regions Windsor London in ton Toronto Mainly sunny today Cloudy of Lands and Forest plan for dexeloprnrnt of the Beach area Council lumber Bates and Downer were delegAIed to attend but it was decided that the township had no specific proposals to offer at present Following accounts were au thorized for payment suesn Barrio District Collegiate dr 75 typewriter for artment 0500 police department month of Se her 500 stunt lighting warm5W Next meeting of council will be held it New Lowell on Thursday November Russm Wants UN Moved CWEdfifiéfiohTFUS mentioned it as suitable city for the UN The Soviet ambassador men tioned the UN location during long speech in which he attack ed anew the makeup of the UN secretariat and mounting costs ARGUEB AGAmfl Ho disputed the Canadian view that collective responsi bility of all UN members is cardinal principle of peacekeep ing opmatlons Canadian alternate delegate Price ofMontreai ad dressing the committee before Boshchtn said the principle of collective responsibility is clearly spelled out in the UN charter Reiterattng that the UN is fnc ing financial disaster hy the re fusal of the ninenation Soviet bloc and some other countries to pay their assessments Price declared For the privilech we derive from this organization we must also assume the obligations of membership My delegation will be motivated by this overriding consideration in all its work here The collective character of our organization requires that we undertake to abide by the decisions of the appropriate ma jority stlputatcd in the charter for approving financial meas urea Association Sees Taken In Europe llnd lisia new league Moatord Orillla tion with Milton Georgetown Dundas Oakvillc and Bradford marked increase in issiez Wednesday with showers in the afternoon or evening continuing warm Winds southerly 15 to day southerly 20 Wednesday Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor 60 so St Thomas London Kitchener thgham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterboraugh Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay TODAYS srocx PitFess Compiled by Flynn 93 Dnnlop St Barrie INDUSTRIAL so eras Algch Ste Aluminium Albert GI Atlas Steel 30 Bk Montreal 030s gg Dom round Dom Stan Dam The Gt Lakes GIL PM Horne on asst can Bk of Com 53 Cdn Breweries 15 Clnlds cement 2135 Inter Nickel Can Chamibll Can Oil Con in ls Sm PapalI ii Consumers 10V Di Bell Vs Jockey Club Labs MAIN Irl Nornan Can no camp am Can Behind Con Denisnn 725 020 050 40 so IL Sullivan Falconbrldle Gamma Exquisite PM Famous Pill interprov Pipe sans amen luv my Nor Ont NiG Moam Corp Oshawa Padilla Lth Pom Pl Que NI 65 Elm Im an Stelnhell TorDomBk Tran Can 1gp Trans an pl sa Traders Bin Texnco Unlnn an iot ASK Willem 03W Quadrant Sher Gordon Sloop flock United Oil Ventures Wilt ms inoar acml attacks Lake Dulslslt undo Maori 00111 Oshawa wholesale Traders sin nowisost law you AWGBB Industrills am 17 Rails up 09 Utilities up TORONTO 065 CHANGE INDEX Indian down it Golfll up AS Bi Metals down 09 Dill dopm 30 170 28 Candles an conforms Midland Penetang Elmvale Phone Zenith some No Toll Charge on the life and customs of these and how drab the Eastern Sec JEEflIfiIWlmm Dr Harry Helm was guest speaker at the King Edward Home and School Association at their last meeting Dr llolin had taken colorful slides on his recent trip to Europe and th Kiron Curtain countries and gavabrlei talks on his slides and was eager to answer any questions countries Some of the highlights were the contrast between Poland and Czechoslovakia with Rus the immense rtebuilding job that West Berlin had done for looked He also showed the grandeur of the Swiss Alps and the parks and green areas of the cities in Western Europe edrals of Europe and thenar rowan of the quaint streets Some of the tourist attrac tions are welirknown but the Stamp Exhibition Planned Locally Arrangements for twoclass stamp exhibition to he held next spring will be the principal topic on the agenda of the Barrie and District Stamp Clubs first meeting this sea son The meeting isschaduled or0ctober424t 800 pm at Central United Church other items for the evening will includean exchange of interests wherein the mem bers will identify their general or specialized spheres of hit ater and if they desire ey may display some of their call action An invitation extended in stamp collectors in the Barrie district who are over is years of age Highlights of future meetings will include the everpopular stamp auctions and Hepom to the President wherein items of importance to phiiatelista wiil be submitted by various members at each meeting coaoocron saunas mas 42YEiitlS Frank is finally home for good Mrs Anna cha met her husband Frank an sat urday afternoon at Allandaie station when he came in on Barrie Bay City Falcons hock ey club finally has league However the league doesnt have name Ken Robertson Falcons man agcr said this morning that Ontario Hockey Association sec retary Bill Hanlay had an nounced the formation of the other teams are Callingwood Midland and Bradford Last winter Barrie intermed iate club under the titlo of Lakaviews played in the Cea tral Ontario Hockey Associa Robertson was full of enthus iasm in making the announce meat He said attendance at local games should show Slides speaker brought personal touch which was reflected throughout the audience The sites were preceded by short business meeting The evening closed with gettogedier over coffee and doughnuts $10000 Fire Bums Bam BRADFORD Special Bill West joint owner of Goodwin and West chicken farms Holt and Landing said today that damage to his chicken barn after Fridays fire was estima ted at $10000 LhrokaouLoarlyErida morning and destroyed barn containing 3000 chickens Only two months ago firs destroyed three barns and 110 000 chickens at another farm in Holland Landing owned by Goodwin land West Said Mr West today We have bad too muchbad luck within thelast four years This is the fifth or sixth fire since 1957 when our tannery was burned All thsolher fires have damaged our chicken farms in different locations and we have suffered heavy losses Vr oed FIMIDI COMPH the 200 oclock special Mr Wica got to surprise Withhls ewasapartyof ms fidmmamilrrs of its are great man who bad Just retired About New Hockey The bi team in the loop is Bradfor BradsFords last years Ontaflo intermediate champions Although in lower class Fords were the tops dogs in the COHLJ They fin lied in first Ellace and would undoubtedly ova made good play for provincial honors Bradford also drew the most people into the local arena for league games This title should be threatened by tho Coliing wood entry which through the years has had many of its fal lowers tran to all away gam es meeting of these Georgian Bay area clubs is to be held in Colllngwood tomorrow night At this time it is expected the schedule will bedrawn up and name given the circuit Falcons incidentally should start training by the and of next week They have an exhibition stated for Nov against the Allan Cup champion Gait Ter rlers Georgetown Milton and Oak vllle three of the clubs in the COHL last year have been joined by nueiph and possibly two clubs from Toronto Dundas another of lasLy COHL teams has moved to the Niagara iloop with Partycot borne Fort Erie Welland and ingersoll MAKERS OF after as year of service with the CNR started with the ONE in late and been with them ever sigce Mr WiEe saldffiiilt sure he rest from now on Falcons Are Enthusiastic League KEN ROBERTSON Drowns Fell Off Dock Debbie Ann Gralf seven of Thistletown was drowned Sat iiiday when she fell from the dock at the family cottage at oodlake near Bracebridge Debbie was the granddaugh ter of Earl Bahcock manager of Kempenfelt Credit Union Limited of Barrie EXTENSION PHDNE savs weir and tearcoma in colours Ci models Call thl BELL Business Office or ask the man in our glean track it Consults are causes by unless smokers 16 by Lfifliwflflmfih up lsy rubbish Ind lrnsls lop by electric or ring Why no check your from for flrohaxands today dont give fire place to stars nod snake sun you crosses Hemenaevsnrson week operators Insurance Association

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