Wonder In Hollywood ill Casting Russell In Mennan Hole By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP Ethel Herman made her Los Angola debut at the Blllmore Theulre Shes hit Miss fliermun who sings loudl rilh est planted apart is touring the provinces in GYPSY and she could probably conlinuc in long as her energy holds out There was wonderment over how anyone but Mormon plo Terlilm yo Warner Brolhu stand the casting of Rosalind Russell its true lhnt Roz is on international name while Mer mn isnt but how is Roz going to belt out thoscisongal Induslry lenders met this week to kick all the 20th For la raise 31000000 from movie workers for community ser vices The campaign got as start with 55000 donation from Samuel Goldwyn murder on the drive Preview Bridge to the Sun is an arresting study of Wesl Eost romance caught amid the conflict of nations sort of reverse llladome Butterfly the reallife story portrays Carroll Baker as Tcnncsscrgiri who wed James Shigela Japan ese diplomacrï¬lcr arriaccd by bate from countrymen on bolt sides alter Pearl Harbor and sullcr through the war nflor deportation to Japan Bananas play their roles with convincing intensity The lllm somehow misses greatness porhupsbccause it tries 10 Plane Crash Kills Two 0n Weekend DAWSON CREEK EC GP No men were killed and an other seriously injured during the weekend when mall plane crashed in snowstorm in dense bush country and burned Dead are Ron llchu Iiffe the pilot and Welter blur Ph editor the weekly Daw aon Creek Star Torn Humble president of the ON Service omxcrnar 90Rl8Â¥ROQMEITE T0 WESTERN CENIDA For Complete lnlormatlop about thia cxclualvo CANADIAN NATIONAL Dawson Creek thumbn ol Corn merce suffered burns to his IMPROVED BEVERAGE The int coiled percolaior EQUAL PAY Federal legislation aimed at PM Ind It When Pm was devised by Jean de Belloy guaranteeing equal pm for crashed Friday Ha crawled cult to logging camp DIE IN FIRE CLTICHOGUE NY AP Four migrant workers died Mon day in fire that destroyed the frame barracks of the Eutem Sulioik cooperative labor camp Authorities believe an oil stove explosion touched oil the blaze PA 00 in 1800 but cotfea was used uni work women in led two miles from the RIM ll centuries earlier in Arabla and oral serva came Into effect in Egypt 1056 WRECKING Military Buildings At Comp Borden All materials priced for quick sale Acres dress ed lumber varnished plywood doors windows Millii ientestmasonlte bardwoodflooring llllloasbealoaaldlngruoflng shingles wash basins ummmmmbsiannmmr plpe modern radiators varnished plywood clothes closets storing cupboards and utility dressers m0 EXTENSION PHONES VI darn light fixtures etc wear and taucome In col ours modal Coil III BELL Bullres DflicIor lxk II mm In our Dun truck to hinmannLuud lumbar yard Angus Ont mnncnt Chandadriiemlmlng National Building Demolition Linulad cnvcr too much ground and too much history Sleeping Students Rouled By Fire QUEBEC lCP three alarm lire razed wing of LA eademic dc Quebec early lllon gt day routing l2 sleeping stu dents rind 50 touching brothers from their beds There were no injuries The students aged 17 to 22 Illcd calmly out of lhc fourfloor building nndwerc lodged In the city liull across the street The academy operated by 7i Christian Brothers Order is to more to new building in sub urban Ste Fay next year Only one wing was nliected by the fire believed caused by short circuit The flames wrecked the lop two floors There was no oflicinl dnmogc esliinnlnvillhmigh one brother said it could reach $1000000 ZIDie Hurt In Train Crash CANOHA Sack CF One 57 cur CNR irelght troln plowed into the rear of sec ond freight loaded with grain standing in the yards in this rnil centre in caslcrn Saskatchewan Saturday night and minutes in for the wreckage was in flames Two men died and third was injured The dead were identified as David Low nbout 45 the on gincr ol the first train and his fireman Francis Wright about 32 both of Knmsack Sask Twenty freight cnrs were de mnllshed Thc Wreckage was lied at least four curs deep en leaking diesel fuel caught fire and flames leaped through the wreckage It burned through the night AGENCY OBJECTIVE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE for the BLIND Assistance of many kinds to the blind 7000 MARCH OF DIMES Rehabilitation of polio victims 3500 CANADIAN RED CROSS Free blood service Assistance to dis aster victims Water safety program Homemaker service $13500 ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Operation of school for retarded children and workshop for retarded adults $15000 ST JOHN AMBULANCE Firstaid service at public gatherings Training courses FEAB1000 DEAD PATNA India Reuters About 1000 persons are feared to have died last week in the worst floods to hit Bihar state in living in official sources said here Monday Among the dead wereloo chil dren who sought refuge on the roof of their school when flood wslers surged into the class 1900 VICTORIAN ORDER OF Nunsss Nursing services in the home 5200+ YMCAYWCA character building health and recre anonalrprograms eman CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Mental health educational activities 1800 Theoblecllves shownare for the City of Barrie only Agencies will conduct their own canvasses for funds in areas outside the city where they provide services foiuccrivc $1490000 CAMPAIGN ipEiiiObLsocroBcn 228 1961 ITS THE assr WAY to give One Unlined Appeal in better than eight separate campaigns It avoids duplication of work for canvassera and allï¬voluntzet workers With one cam paign instead of eight ii is possible to have convenient pay roll deduction plans adequate publicity and much better coverage of potential donors IT LESS T00 Between 90¢ and 97¢ out of every dollar donated to the Boniellnited appeal goes to the HOW GITTS CAN BE MADE More than 40 companies and other organizations in Barrie have comlenient payr011 ductzzii plans which spread gifts over the year in easy pay man Gifts can also be made in cash or by cheque postdated if you wish at the time of the campaign The campaign how ever is for funds for operating expenses of the agencies during 1962 and the money is not required until their Pledges for payments by cash or cheque during 1962 can be made Friendly reminders will be mailed out as payments become due Wm GUIDE TO GIVING What is myjair share of the total amount needed to support the work of the eight agencies This isa question that comes to everyones mind Auditi950 thing that each donor must decide for himself based on his abilityrtogive For the person with average family obligations earning up to $5000 annually 15 minules pay per week is suggested The handy table below makes it easy for you to select your weekly rigenciea Yéur gift goes farther provides more and lasts Tied up in social whirl iairshareglltr Keepyourgueslswarm Feed longer When give the United Wy your lire nothing but blue soarthecoai that is blue comm marked so you can be sure of sale dependable kilocost healing lisa warm expenence can Thaissilicon Go Ltd MariEll nanis PA mm Your income Before Taxes Your Share 15 MINUTES PAY PER WEEK is all that is needed from most donors to give all eight agencies the money they need for their 1062 programs DONORS CAN GIVE TO AGENCIES THEY CHOOSE Each person making gift in the campaign will have All oppor tunity of indicating how the gift is to be split among the agencies All of donation can be allocated to one agency or certain of the eight agencies can be given more than their noer share Gifts not speciallynllocated will be divided pinzotio to the budgets of thesgenciu annals UNITEDAPPEAL news READ THE FULL STORY IN YOUR COPY OF THE BARRIE UNITED APPEAL NEWS delivered to your home soon pervhpur per week per month perweek $100 $4000 $17300 25¢ 120 4300 20800 30¢ 160 6400 27700 40 200 8000 34600 506 240 9600 41500 60¢ For those earning over $5000 annually the following recom mendations are based on actual givings in successful Unlted Appeals in other communities Total income Before Taxes 5000 to 7500 Z500 to 10000 10000 to 42500 12500 and up Fair Share Giff $3100 192 of income over $5000 11350 am of incomeover 10000 18100 of income over 12500 6850 of incoiiie over 7500