wrlmasndvo Ar lsrlu BARRIE summon wcnuasml ocroacn 1261 REAL ESTATE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS BROWNINGAt Royal Vlclarll Homlul name on Saturday Scplcmber I0 1961 lo Mr In Mr Don Drownlllg 0an Strut Barrie loll Allle Don brother or hobby nUIIlM Royal Vlctarl Hon Iul Barrio on Friday Ecplcnr Ear larlnsl Local and llirl I1 school Strut daughter Kano DDWNal Hospllll IN Downey sllnellng ought llAclilY At Royal Victoria uulï¬nurlsg augblu Item Anne no Vlrlo Barrie on rldl so to Mr and Mn yl or Donald at at ulhlrr Amber Victoria IlDRVATIlAt RDYII III III Darrin an Sunday Oct In Mr and III Loui ltomm an Utopia Christophr MAXWELLAt Royal Hospital llarrlr an Thund Soplcmb as llol hlr and Airs Wyn Illlxwull Dunn street Irrlo Ion Todd An onwl PZNBIAN At Royal Victoria iloapltai mm on Friday Supt INI l0 and III Eric anIn as sum la tnvldmné DEATHS cOllUItNAt loniswoad reru lIoplul Fainlwlck on Tuscany Dclobflr INI Margaut Relaunc supnuu lormcrly al Alllnan bolavcd wild at tho lalI William Cobum in her soul yen dnr mother DI Ilanor MEI Coulis nl Blrrle Lorna Mlndan John Fenulon run IJthlr lira Ray Frucrl so rbaro Heltlnl It ll Stub Panelll Home Waner so Barrie lor lurvlco on many October at ND interment clllltan Union Cemetery 1N MEMORIAM FORDIll loving memory our in Thumu Ford who pulled nwly October list nd mother lllnnlo Clougblay Ford October limo lna Iverling liars Illan oer tho Hospital at be ravul OI onl loved but could not vs dud Wmenaomltwunn they ller but In our lieull lull zver ramumburzd by tho In CARDS OF THANKS DICKsDNWs wllb to express our doc and thanklul FPTOCII llan an gratitude to our many lrlerldl and ncllhhnrs or tncll lovely floral tributes their many lhouahuul klndnelles In so many wlyldurlrlg our rcccnt barnvs mrrlt in the ion or our lovlhl daughter We would especially thunk Rav Charles Tawnlla or III decply cansallnl we comlort Grlnt And Edith Dick son and ll nowaWe wl nerIIelI thanks and ppmnllan lor the eel at kindness moul gel sympathy and helutllul Ilml nltorlngs rccclved mm neighbors rclltlvcs and many lrlcrldl in our red bereavement or lovlnr husband and mm lMrl nuuell we and am to extend our COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE YllflemCAColller Stteéti till pm CTOBER Aussies vs iIiENmES cwa For pickup call PA 60994 OPENING DANCE IVY ORANGE HALL FRIDAY OgTOBER all EVERY TWO WEEKS Mixed dancing 030 PM TILL Alll PAXTONS oucussrnn LUNCH COUNTER ADMISSION Ise SHOOTING MATCH SaturdayAicLL pm Dressed Turkeys Shotguns shells supplied TED PAIIERSONS 7th Concession Vespra RUMMAGE SALE ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST FRIDAY OCT 13th pm pm AUsPlcls KEMPENFELT GIRL GUIDE Rifllmage Pickups PA 84576 PA 84535 Pg OPENING DANCE SATURDAY OCTOBER pm Guthrir Community Hall Mllslc by Ken Oakley and his Stardusters Admission 75c Lunch counter BARRIE HORIICULTURAL SOCIETY Autumn Tour to Stayner Devils Glen Ma ple Valley Dunedin Creemorc New Lowell SundayOcr l5 COST Bus leaves Wellingtonrllotcl pm home for supper Royal Winter Fair nus rams $250 Thursday Nov 16 To reserve phone Mrs ArcherPA 04235 Mrs CampbelihPAslalil Member or tile Barrie and ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING Evans RUMMAGE SALE COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH SATURDAY OCTOBER AII AUSPICE GROUP WA TRINITY PARISH HALL Collier Street FRIDAY OCTOBER 9804 pm nusplccs sr FLT vs cuuncll no CARSON REAl TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Ntxl door to ill Implrlll Thutfl CUSTOM BUILT Three bedrom splitlsvcl bun galows brick construction Only $305 down to one NllA mortgage Your choice at is interior colors Sea pictures and plans at these homes at Carson Real Estate 45A Dunlap Street West or tele phone PA 66481 PA 6648l number at ï¬lm and District llul mm Board REAL ESTATE MOVING Dont torsl to mullr your INSURANCE SEE STEVENSONS PA 8520 113 Dunlap St CONTEMPORARY HOME IONa ONLY Nuw Nlul contemporary dwelling with union lnl room ll rooml um liv xllebun dinlnl hlflrDDln oarmic on room with colored rlx turns and vanlty Lots DI Cup hulrdl Itarml Ind scrappy um mam lot rand location corner and ll you and tn covers In kind MalroIcDuckwnrth Phan ownaro builder ALLEN PA Mm ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKE 7B TIFPIN STREET BARRIE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Largc new bedroom ranch style bungalow with shape living and dining room lire place large with Hanover custom built cupboards including built In stave iuliy decorated double windows plus attached garage Down payment on this well builtehamaeiseoniyeufln Call now for an appointment to In spect same $1000 DOWN PAYMENT Palnswlck ilving room kitchen tiled piece bath tiled lull basement forced air all heating Equip pad with aluminum storms and screens garage This is the nicest bungalow that have been given the opportunity to sell or same time You must make an appointment to see it now it you are in the market for this type at home Down on one mortgage CENTRAL COLLIER ST 1350 square loot brick home only about months old This is large well built brick bun galow located close to dawn town featuring three large bedrooms room and dining room spacious Three bedrooms Apayrnent $1000 and the balance shape llvlnr work kitchen plus large diniri area in kithen stone lire places one in the living room and one in the recreation room car builtin garage paved driveway Terms Large down payment required ALLANDALE storey brick bedrooms living room and dining room kitchen with builtin cupboards bath electric builtll lireplace hardwood iloors llliiillghaut lull laundry tubs large recreation room with mahogany panelled walls and tiled liaor Nicely basement all heating landscaped lot plus garden partly paved driveway garage Full price only $11000 This home is well located to stores schools and on bus line REDUCED IN PRICE Reduced from $13000 to $12000 New home located on Penatang Street three bedrooms large kitchen and living room extra large bamroom with linen stor age douhla windows full base ment with force lug air gas heat cnm DAY ca EVENING PA 82379 lml latch Board PROPERTY FOR HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50241 PA sow lamb tho Elm Hui Dull Baird lmlth ClmeIiIPA 0133 uni IC udotlirn com locus on use CORBY FOR SALE option to buy economical living room at back Many potentials On Highwny Phone PA $2418 wanton MARSHALLPA Mm MODEL NormanfE DUNLOP ST lots located close to schools ed ceramic gandrllx vaiances in living room dining Joe Longtln PA 50748 Evflrltt Ebelsweli On 2913 run GunnyPA mu avasmcs CALLL MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT REAL BIAIl EGAND BROKER lmaglnoi two houses that could be rented Ono just outside the city the other all Brudlard St Either could be rented with COOKSTOWN VILLAGE Charming live room bungalow with garage All the comforts at city living Right on Highway 27 with one acre at choice land Beautllul doors at hardwood and ti BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME Four bedrooms and sewing room upstairs separate dining room large kitmen with lots at cupboards utility bathroom on each floor sunporch across the tram storms and screens all over It is pleasure to show this clean well kept horns withriovely trees and spacious yard MONEY MAKING PROPERTY 27 23 acres could be subdivided into valuable lots being corner property and only few minutes irom Barrie Choice garden soil Splendid investment OWEN JONBPA c1031 SEE THE NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION BARRIE VIEW Barrles Newest Subdivision SERVICES ARE NOW BEING INSTALLED GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA NWT DOUG HOMERPA Mari REAL ESTATE BROKER FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS stifl OF VALUENO em CHARGED ATTENTION CONTRACTORS in good residential area These lots are Ideal tor building with some imagination For more iniorlnatian call Joe Longtin BRAND NEW SPLIT LEVEL $13300 Hardly belleveable at this price Only $1200 down and carries for approximately $58 monthly including taxes home has bedrooms living room dining room and kitchen Col inbathroomkexhaustiallbulltin titloned Completely decoratedto your taste no charge ideally located close to sdlools and she For your appointment call Joe Longlin Open House 27 Prah Rd 19 pm Evenlnll Clll Howrd Norris PA You LintPA 71 NNELLAW To ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality oi Sorvico PA 85568 TRUNK LINES ToETEltPA CONNmPA mu RE OR RENT la Low taxes with Large living room since this house has complete 93 Dunlop St cellarPA um HOME ShelsweII PA 89931 PA 68742 AVAILABLE07eRHENEST shopping centre and bus route This and kitchen basement all par Many extras at pplng centre Jack Willlarl PA 84031 Narmln ISllelswall PA awn CENTRAL ONTARIOS Members the Barrie and Full price $450 the city Marv GouldOra 251s Edith GouldOra 1516 Keith Marshall am rsrnrg BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE BARRIE PA E2502 DAYS 0R EVENINGS MOORE 24 mm FRANK NELES PA mas Member curls and District Real amt naard ERICK BUNGALOW rooms Corllblllltlon IiVIllllIIIIIDE room Hardwood and tile floors Forced air all llntlng 513300 NHA terms Ent end Telephone PA M150 thm bed APARTMENT BUILDING modern centrally located 1a apartmcn adcll tallcontained and IHPPIIM with electric stoves and told orator LII parklnl lot in rear Also ddiolnlu lot nValIahla desired where another apart ment building could bu bum lIlI bulidlnl ll selling below cost due SIOUII Agencies Lid COLLIER STREET PA 5001 RARE BUSINESSOPPORTUNITY ILLNESS FORCES SALE Variety Store and Snack Bar living quarters for owners Room tor expansion on well travelled highway in city limits chance of lifetime opportunity ior an enterprising family Outstanding statement on file Call for more inlormation STONE CASTLE BUILT LIKE GIBRALTAR This home is the most for the money weve had in long time Five roamed iieldstane bungalow bedrooms living room with divider bookcase large kitchen with dining area Sacrltlca for quick sale Owner moving to 0ttaiva Wants an offer FULLY FENCED LOT 07 on the 4th concession Oro We have good selection at lots to choose ironl in and out of EVENINGS CALL FIVE BEDROOM House with al slx moms and IlltIl attncllcrl to lilnssa owner rar lurthsr lnrolnutlon ulérhann PA soon LARGEST REALTORS District neal Patta Board The Township on paved road Harry SlumpPA 6087 Oren BrownPA 07155 GFWOTTW KOHL am asrnre anoxan ill DUNLOP sr gasr PA 252 For lnlorrnltlon call GRAYDON KOHII PA H803 mu RAWN Eirnvslu alnsl KARLNARSIIAU NORA AND George Holloway wish BUILDING or Isle to ba torn coMFonTAnLr Home mile 000 Telephone Camp Borden REAL ESTATE HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR BAYFIELD ST PA 6663 RENT AND MAKE MONEY Fltth aunIF ment which leI bring better return than this seven room home Situated close to schools and downtown it is in good residential area and has two apartmmtIwltlrséparata baths ï¬arageginhmaflm with medium down payment Call Joe Palmer JUST OUT OF TOWN NPAVEDROAD Sevcn room house on one and onehail ncres oi Iaanssum system already Installed Close to Edgar Radar Station Full prlco only 500 with $300 down and us par month Call Jon Palmer Number Dunlo and District nun Estxto antid EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA W15 lol PALMER PA duhmll NORt5 flAlKE are on HAROLD FORSTDI PA M455 OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 291111 THORNTON AREA Two 70acre lorms seven room brick house convenien ccs mlr barn buildings Terms STAYNER AREA 250 acrcs in one black clay loam spring led pond brick housc large barn real good stock or grain inml Reduced in price for quick sale Open lnr alter Terms 78 acres on paved road seven room house conveniences barn water bowls pig pen silo implement shed Priced at $10000 Terms lt BRENTWOOD acres on paved road double house now rented Small vac ant stare living quarters store equipment Ill health iar ces sale Small down payment and low monthly payments Full price $0500 Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bales HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER srnnnr PHONEPA 82578 51 LEIIIIA 314900 Located in the Sunni dale area an treedlandscap ed lot Lshaped livingandedin ing room Three bedrooms Ranch brick bungalow with at tached garage 50W NHA mortgage $02 monthly includes taxes For tment call Rita Scandrett 74 TORONTO SP Lovely large family brick homa with attached garage Separate dining room six bed rooms two baths New larced air all heating At present dup lexed Terms The owner will hold all open mortgage Phone Rita Scandrelt CENTRAL LOCATION Attractive three bedroom home at Codrington and Dundonald Corner lot Custom built in 1955 Low down payment or owner will accept substantial reduc tion or cash to ï¬rst mortgage Call EmersonSwaill WINGS CALL RITA SCANDREIT PA 84555 PERCY FORD PA slsza EMERSON SWAIN PA 805 lllcmllcr or name aadDIrtlIcl and Ontario Real Esta Kurds to sell their nice modern home mlln 1mm nun1e Mldhurrt arcs Phond PA 82163 down by purchaser Oood lumber Telephone PA 00001 lor run in Iamntlan lroln Tottenham on No High my Fenced one acre log all can venlences not all rumlce chick en neural sauna down Full price LOTS FOR SALE LARGE LOT 131 toct frontsge located on Anna Street Asking 01700 cash only Telc hone PA 51020 or full 140th an CHOICE LOT loo 64 IL oven lanklng lake on many Bay Rald miles out or city High dry excullent IDII Tale hone PA 50037 Dr Iurthcr dctal COTTAGE LOTS Act nownew subdivision Severn River Big chute area sheltered water well wooded lots hydro near rand Fall rates Penetnng llox Asa Phone Eta1175 evenings PROPERTYSTARTED PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE AND nor lur sale or renl¢llllt miles from sun1e rm medlata polrelnen Apply am 10 Barrie Examlncr inched Knrufl IA mile from Bar rle on Highway EvacuateMadura ly equipped Located on one acre Telephone PA M550 garage ovcrlaaltlnll the hay in zone Oll llcnlcd cold room wall but basement and many ax lruu wnl lcusc witnapllan or sell wIIII rusonubls dawn pay menI as Local cvonlnn PA slaal PARTY Adams to invelt in MonmAOEslst and and bought WANTED TO BUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinity at St Mary Chureu Early poss ession required Reply to BOX 49 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MORTGAGES first mortgage It pply an can no Examiner sold and nrnnced¢ammmlel and residential ndneys leaned on existing mortgages and Mart Bron PA was BUS OPPORTUNITIES particulars ms HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Amatehplrtmemfstnve relEller REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payment Inbred accident sienna CRESCENT FINAth DUNLOP 51 BARRIE PA moo You Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns RENTALS ARTS HOUSES TO BKNI roUl noon Apartment to rent lblr ulh Ceatrll laclion Rent llnb led cu Parking Avalan nav Telephone PA on our 100 Apartment lots or cupboard re round floor sbm bun Cenlnl location Rant 10 unhcltcd Telephone PA MONEY AVAILABLE EO Consolidation al Bills HonII repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 ul$90MonIth Up to 55000 and 60 month to rcpay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONUS To pay or all your Ellis We Combine lat and 2nd Mortgage For any warthwllile purpose You Pay Baianco Borrow Monthly Insyrl 51600 3769 nil 52000 4712 nil $9500 5989 nil Lower monthly payments ovati ablo ll desired with up to years to repay For lust cour teous scrvica BARFRIED ENTERPRISES Blrlle ruldnntl cull unlrltar and sub Dr ZE 76540 N0 TOLL CHARGE 0mm call Guelph rn not Mcmbcr or Onllrlo slunggo Brakcn Association lrlnsr MORTGAGES for n10 0127 Interest Monthly pay manta principal Interest For mn lhnr particularscomma dlnct or through your attorney 1er ngslzern asal evenings PA FINANCIAL $5000 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR alLL SiMMS PA 60203 mono ro LOAN ONLY PRESORHZIIQI FOR PAYING BELLS Plycm all with lowcost liteInsured SCDTIA PLANin SERVICE STATION and Snack Bar three miles from Darrin on busy highway Gondyenr around business Low dowfllymant Telephone PA Him for tunnel RENTALS Bï¬aé Lake One and two bedroom pmmcnu complete with stave Ind reirlgsb ator Isa washer and dryer nedecmted annually PA oloaa APARTMENT to rent Availbis November no rooms and bath Rent 560 Apply Robinsons Hard ware Dunlap st 1a Barrie IIIODEIIN clean three room un nlrnlrned apartment Tiled floors Iully draped utilities luppUed By appointment telephone PA Hols DPSTAIRS downtown apartment two bedrooms unmmlsbed 3er ate bath and entrance Tolephonu PA 09250 lal mrther particulars we BEDROOM unlurnlslled star and clothes dryer includcd $50 par month Telephnna PA szlsl tal lull inlonnstlnn FOUR 1100le lurnlshed heated apartment three piece bath heavy duty stove refflgarltar hardwood floors Available Immediately Apply Armstrong Bardwnr no MONTHLY Two lentil dup lex unheated the mo and bath also live rooms and bath sixmonth louse Telephone PA 597 allel mac 110001 apartment ground floor and one two room Hydra and debt Dunlap st Over loo Hwy about Hill cot on the nortll llde TWO LARGE Rooms or rent tun nlshcd ls bedroom and kitchen llolrlgrstor and rnugetls includ ed Centrally located Adults Tal ephone PA 84056 FlynnIsaac anument Apart mm Heat hydro and water in cludcd In rent Private entrance Close to down town Reasonable rent Suitable for couple Tele phono PA slow mar Roolu unlurnlsbed spurt mom with stove rld refrigerator included AvsIane PA 482 an vran Apartment Lnrla uvlns room bedroom dinette modern kitchen with slow and rclrigerl tor Central Business eauplc pre leirad relopnoml PA oasvn MODERN thrcc roam apnrlmcnt ground IIUDI Available immedi ltely cht and water suppllnll Relrlgcratar and slave if dcslrcd Separate entrance garnucsnli many cxilati Adults Onl $15 monthly Telliillflna PA JED or as arrow an altar Bus stop us the door Immediately Telephone rvnmslllu be nnl one block Jslute entranc and luff FURNIHIED odem apartment Kltebea brul st noalr tile bath budronm llvln roam view at bay Near an end mapping plan option PA In our CONTAIN Irtmrnt or net Lem bedllltln room Inp demmmmJuuu momma nun Sepsratl rnlnncs Rent or month rlepnon Skide nu Elana our roan upmmeel prlme batsmen sunbl In adults Av abla November Quiet residential district close to Itilandllo shopping centre Rent nuunlblo Telephenl an salsa sanclous nix roamed Iputm at large living room with mollcc dialog room utebcn bedroom Ind bltn Ampla storage roll contained vary central Avnllablc November 95 monthly Toil phonl PA 511 own nmnmqumpw plllln Ieparll enlnnee sac pur manlll Centrally Inc No enlldnn welcomc Telephone 5A 0681 or mnhar interma an 0N BEDROOM modern spurt ment in brand new triplex Navel lived in With or without nova and refrigerator very nunsole gullbio tar ccuplo Telephnul PA mg nannooll brick bunn Iow lor rant In All dale nel ronable rent or rel ie tenant November occuplnc Telephon PA 0151 or PA 61194 APAnnIxNr Iol rent null can lllncd rooms and bllb Heated Residential district Train or business couple Telephone In Incl plugs or evcnlprl PA H140 nubnoonl busted unturn lmeu apmmenl private bath and Inlnrlco Ccntrll Near show ping area schools and church Available Immediately Tclcphon PA um UNrURleIIan one bedroom apartment or rent Heat Water relrtgentor and slave Parking Itorlle and laundry llcliltlu ln cludcd Avnlllhlo Tclrnhona PA Mm ONE AND TWO bedroom lpllb men Stnva rclrlgerator janitor larvica Ind laundry laclllticl Rulin ram $3000 monthly Telephon Lccch PA szm ESSA RDA Threl rooms un lurnlsbed apartment lullable or tounll $35 per month Includes heat Ind hydro Teicpbnnc PA 366 or IDPIJ It Peel Street IIIRED nooM unlunllsllud apart ment LlVIngIoom bedroom and klleben Private lasth Stout and relrlgenlnr lncludcd Close to bus stop Telephone PA 07114 Ulmzn IIIonlrrlN two bcdrooln apartment In new triplex near Huwkcstonc on Highway 11 Aplt pillncu aptlunni Large living room Sucioua grounds Tell phone are Station MODERN twarnaln tarnished heated apartment In west end namgerstor stove water hydro uppled Laundry puking area Business couple purerred Ab ltnlnnrs Telephone PA 58584 Immediately RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 mu cnlrau Three roam unfurnlshed utmenl In bulldlnz St and rclrllcralar Available Immediately Telephon PA Luau AmncrIVB nnlurnuned roan apartment with rl hath sell contained but Vy wiring Telephone PA Gun alter nvo lol Iurlher inlarlnltial PRIVATE tin bedro numb blurred lelr anlalnlfl cemrtHydro led Annuals vember Ittdln strand Telephone 27111 strand rURNIslllm lbree mom ulr coll lnlned rtmrnl eentnl loco lion Curl with stann lance Located round floor Availlhl lrnmedltely Modeln decor Taic phonc PA wall MoDanï¬wrmeammlu arr menl unlumlxned me range and nlrlseutn cl dry Hill blush no es an Du am Janitor unite AuIIble Novem ber Telepbnno Aum lot particulars NIch lurnlsbed healed apart menl available now Central suitable or one or In adults stovn lad relrlgcratpr Busincn people prclerred AanInarl Ap ply lu lllyllelll streal GROUND noon ram roan bested apartment pflvlll bath and entrance Ilcltlgcralar and stove supplied Close to bus llop schools and atom Apply 61 rluln Sueflur1llpllanuPA NW Two UNrUklelInn em end Near plan Each has kitchen me bedroom and us monthly stove mlrlgernlnr and mm tul nIlure lulllble desired his phone PA 68012 slx non nunglnw centrally located available October 24 95 monthly Two bedroom bun llow located in Allnonle all be line on port adults only month ly rm roam rlmcnt two bedrooms centrally located near name Arena lao monlhly gan no lower duplex For nlll Insol nation on tho Ihovo conllct Rose Real salute man st PA 01370 ROOMS TO LET nEDuooll or rent Central lo tian Telephone PA M3666 all pm or Iurthcr particulars BEDROOM or rent Central Io uuon Suit bonnet ponon Ap lply at 21 McDonald strut ever an Nlcz nnn Barrio Aren soool alter FURNISHED Bedroom to rent Business gentlemen prererred Central lrl dmvnluwn am Tele phone PA basal FURNISHED double room to rent with twin beds Ten minutes walk Iron down town For urth er lnrarmtlnn telephone PA 17567 alter run CKNTRALLY Located mmlshed room to root Heated Also good telavlslon or sale Tolephonic PA was II no answer telephone PA 55755 slnlNO heard In Telephone PA clzNmAI Location Bright heu raom and kitchen rol rent rullv lumllllcd Reasonable rent with but and light Included Ideal ior couple Telephone PA sassa FURNISHED housekeeplng room with rsnxettn and use ol rcrl orator1t I50 Dunlap St unmrnlshcd rooms with stave rerlIgntor nt Ivy from Camp Burden PA 85082 or PA Hon ROOM BOARD nlnc Telephonu AND Modeln om and two dronm ter MARY STREET Vicinity noam andvbanrdrGentlemansprcferr¢d7 Will pack lunches Home privil eges close to downtown Teln lneluded Automatic wlxhln cllltlcs an mar phone PA 66665 for lurthcr Intan mltlon BUSINESSfSERTICE Ask About Low Rates Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES DTRE CTO By Month or Year PA 8441 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGDIG TONYYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPEN TRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Trimming houses complete and garages BRUCE CAMERoNf PA 06071 CUSTOM CARPENTBY KITCHEN CUPEOARDS AND RENOVATIONS REMODEILINU Telephone after pm PA 643934 DIAPER SERVICE BARKLES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery 11 FRANClsvST ma PA M5551 Less than 1px ol clgsxette DRIVING SCHOOLS ORl LLIA SCHOOLOIr SAFE DRIVING smog 1050 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 axoavaunm FILL GHAVEL TOP Sail SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating Ind indium Watr 4ellnxy¢mslud4tans Ell Yard necklace tor hlr EDWARD SMITH AND SON Palntlng and Paper Hunglng Spmy Painting Solvies since 1910 lm Dunla PA 56056 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 83 Ciapperton St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL Wu hlvo been ucunscd ID remavl your dead and crippled ram ani mals under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArkway S3617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE momma 95061 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and bags removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE PA 87751 or ask lor ZENITH 91180 COLLECT more duye week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139C61 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS DENNIS MORAN L0 Anna Street PA 91007 IN LATION Harris FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling an BARRIE PA 87646 INSULATION with Na Rockwoal ALUMINUM CLAPnOARD slmNI IN COLOURS METAL Doons WINDOWS AWNINOS av ALSCO FREE ESTIMATES ESING 211 TE INSULATION REPI WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and instill KEN WINTER ls MARIA STREET PUMPS INSTALLED