TOnlytheag edbutthefactthatthere if iï¬arric humour Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bnyileld Em Bum Ontario 0NDAY mouse in 43 Many Dangers Are Faced son not very bright is located easily by ex With the fail hunting season under ij in many parts the province tending line through the two outside publicity is once more being issued on stars of the bowl of the Di er or the the various hazardsiaced by thohunters lip as it is often called Dipper The dangersï¬can be lumped in three general catego hunters the rough tumbles and the ficulty of kee direction in strange bush country lllty of thehunterï¬ him self can kee him from falls The De partment Lands and Forests has tightened hunter safety regulations es tablished courses and tests for prospec tive hunters and so on And now the Department has produced booklet giv ing number of suggestions to keep hun ters from gettin themselves lost the woods and helping them find their way to safety Here are some of the suggestions Never go into the woods without compass whether you know the district or not The sun is good guide too especially if you have watch To de termine due south hold the watch with the hour hand pointed at the sun half way between this and 12 oclock is south At night the North Star small and round that causes sins Audiences And Artists Speaking to the Ontarioggounty Cana dian Club Mavor Moore touched on the lrnplications to todays artists of new materials and means of communication Tremendous audiences can now be rascal su swln aroun riesfthe tlireatofother han on the outside gether theres safety searchers are more likely to find group smoky fire to girl out the fire before leaving it bush ire can leave you in an even worse plight Leave notes in conspicuous places Con serve your food supply the North Star with its Always determine the position of your or last point before enterin the cam woods in relation to some prom ent feature such as lake river or road Cardinal rules if you get lost are Dont become panicky fear and ganic are the death of calm reasoning it down and determine on plan of action and stick to it at least until youre sure youre wrong Study your map often youll see where you made the wrong turn eople stick to lf there are several numbers and if searchers are likely to be out build de them Always ut is full of ideas it embodies and evokes thestrongestemotions rather than pur veys immediate leasure and it is highly organized asthe caily Now what charac terizes the contemporary taste in art it is the dislike and distrust of ideas the tremendous audiences may coridltldn substitution of sensation for strong emo both the artists thinking and his method of expression The outstanding educator and writer Jacques Barzun has been preoccupied with this same theme The very avail ability of art to great audiences worries him He puts it this way Too much art in too many places means art robbed of its right associations its exact forms its concentrated power We are grateful for the comprehensive rapiertoirewbich modern industry for the at time uts within our reach but we turn si at the aggressive temptation like the novice in the sweetshop Now that whisper can resound mechanically over multi tude and string quartet fill stadium forms and ideas are reduced to indis tinctness The Art with capital which is being repudiated as well as popularized is an art of discourse that tioni and the taking refuge from an aesthetic understandin in the intricacies of technique Hence inevitable dis tortion of what the larger public assimi lates As Mavor Moore pointed out all the new media make or itrary demands on the materials fed through them and be cause the public to be served is large and failures costly it is important that the product suit hence the endless cut tin and adapting reworking and di Iu which end intraveaty lurbs te place criticism and digests replace good prose soft words replace harsh ones and happy endings replace grim ones Thus do the powerful devices of mech anical reproduction and high pressure distribution produce what might be call ed cultural awakening and then distort and destroy the taste for culture Down Memory Lane Six members of the Allandale L0L i32 received honorary membership cert ificates for their cooperationrdnd work for the betterment of the org through many years Past Master Kendrick acting as marshal made presentations to PM Paddison who joinedeinrltiila at Clougher PM Srigley master at Allandale 1917 PM Blair presented Home with his certificateaPMJsaac Ellis member for over 50 years received his certificate from his son Ellis Two others who received certificates wereGeorgeDyer and Robert Taylor 25 YEARSAGOM David Mott Barrie rec ved medal awarded to his father the late David Mott by the Royal Humane Association of Canada back in 1902 for assisting in saving the life of Joshua Sanford who was buried 60 feet down in well near VBgis Ontarip and rescued after four weEwhen it caved in The debris formed an arch over his head pipe running to the well remained intact and communica tion was made with him tube was lowered to send air second cavein occurred and new well was dug and cross tunnel made Other Editors we EAST GERMAN HIJINKS Chicago Daily News roblem at the moment is to get enough read Theyre short on all types of food For 40 years in the Soviet Union and They have dandy new game for youngsters in East Germany ComWFh15WWSm 935W Elm 19 Com youth organizations are encouraging the munists have struggled to ncrease food kids to sabotage television antennas turn ed in such way as to pick up transmiss ions from the West We havent heard how the campaign is making out but the invitation to wreak mischief by climb ing neighbors roof must heirresistible to teens and preteenssomething like Halloween every day with merit badge for adventurous destruction COMMUNIST FOODPROBLEM Milwaukee Journal Premier KthhChev pmmiï¬eshislealt1satartling then to read thelatestA le freebread within 20 years This most interest the East Germans whose main TheBarrie Examiner AIItb as second nus uus Post Office Department Ottlvll Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted new wazLa Pnbulhll be itlcPHEltsoN Managing Editor crrarttns wanna Business Munm9 mans WILSON rennin vMuuler roan aonnnn Circulation Manager Buhlcrlplion rate unit by cerrierlso weakly gun year smiledopyflcrhymailln Ontario 00 year $400 It months 3250 three month month Outside cumin iron ylar cums Ida rzoon year more us Unlvcrsit Street idonireei ms Ave Toront on Georgia 3t Audit Bureau of The cwidlsn Press is exclunvel litJar republlcntinn all new outer and Illa tho local now published therein is Catth rut Vancou anu of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub ulnar Association an cudiu Pr and the ennuinoun entitled to II is etched In this Ivor credited to it or The Mice lted Pren or supplies Yet in most areas preltWorld II even of production have not been re gained Much of the trouble has been poor planning and poor distribution Thus thesystem that promises plenty produc es scarcity UNCONQUERED SEA Those who read historical novels are proneto believe that the day of the ship wreck is part of theromantic past forgot ten since man conqueredrthe sea with steel steam and electronics figures from Lloyda of London on the shippin toll for 1960 Last ear accord ing to Register of Shipp 171 ves sels were lost The sea is far from conquered Even the Great Lakes inland waters which of fer many sheltering places from storm take small but steady toll of sunken vessels Mans best efforts are still in adequate against Natures fury Paragraphically Speaking The dpress reports that certain yeanol girl has vocabulary of 8000 words It is assumed that at least half of her ancestors were women group of mathematicians report the discovery of an entirely incompre hensible shape Sciene note It must bethe one th worlds in today WELL OTTAWA REPORT Trade In Ilirica try to break into those markets to be supported by individual By PATRICK NICHOLSON OiiAWAAs part of Can adas drive to capture more ex port markets Trade Minister George flees will launch the first planned Canadian trado offensive into Africa next year There our exporters will com pete head on against Japan Israel and the Communist coun tries in addition to ourcustom ary rivals Britain van and France The opportunity is wide open fï¬ Canadian ds if only our esmen will of out and sell Mr Hees told me after his re turn from Africa Our prices are competitive in Africa our quality is competi tlve and the Made in Cunadn label has warm welcome awaiting it This drive for huge new ex port markets in Africa will be initiated in our sister Domin ions on the west coast of Af irlca Nigeria and Ghana Nigeria is slightly larger than population twice the size of Canadas Its capital city is Lagos nearly as large as 0t tswa Nigerias total imports amount to some $500000000 per year Last year Canada doubledber previous years sales to Nigeria but still they did not amount to per cent daysldigging Sanford was deepening thflHtwgerWJflWCEHiï¬ Ghana is twicerthe size of the island of Newfoundland and has population of 5000000 Its capital Accra istduLthen size of Windsor Ont Canada last year provided about per cent of Ghanas imports from Britain with the Communist countries and Japan making strong bid for trade OUR GOODS 0N DISPLAY AilCanadian trade fairs to launch our export drive are being arranged by Trade Minis ter Hees andshlsofticlals to be held Jan 1728 in Lagos Ni geria and Feb 1424 in Accra Ghana The department will it self set up the fairs it will provide exhibition booths free of chargeHLwllLabipJ able quantities of exhibits to Africa free of chargef it will provide Canadian government exhibit This invaluable assist ance to exporters who wish to antisirGrimmeryetrhaakrramwmnadrmsoiuerms HUBEBT HEAR YOUEEIISE NOW BIBLE THOUGHT fo bi sei ed 000 contract which means edy work for 1000 men for the next two years The order for three ahl has been secur ed by the you is no mo curtainsm We are elw adto see Jels forJhe Clan 31 eldlary of the British Ind Con tinental shipping Company mark on the shipbuilding lndmtry and we ump here 11000 men workin REPORT FROM UK tendon Rolland Correspondent 7erovloo dustry on the Cl do One of its biggest placed many years rthepmenegement of this ship yard They have spent more than $2800000 in streamlining production But when this new order was secured they were down to the last 5pr in their order book And it spells se curity for many families in Greenock where the unemployx ment the country CALLED WONDERFUL ock was jubilant when the en nouncement of the Mntract was made Contract Means Work For 1000 mm HOOD that we are mun back is met The yer managing direc tor George Morrison said We had only one chi len onthartocksanditis note he launched by the end of the year To any the least new order is very welcom The shipbuilding unions too have welcomed the contrachr William Towlil eren secretary of the Boilermaker th mset p0 Ibis yards For The Barrie Examiner GLASGOW Scotland Nail king decidedly brighter the giant shipbuilding In gshlpyerdl all an rcenock Dockyard Line rub fllmvgolng out and getting orders And we will givellhem ovary help in doing this BUILDING FOR SALE Another Clydesids Iirrn ll do in Its part on keepln men in the shipyards employ Walter McLay general manager of Barclay mrlcs yard at Whib cinch gave lob pledge to Mr 1000 workers after the last ship on order was launched This firm has decided to build ship at its own ex nse in the expectation of so n5 it when Illl ls completed Mr 04ch We are doing everything we can to keepiohs safe and Mini cure There Is no immediate danger of our saying off large number men There are still quite few things to be done to the ship just launch ed the 11000 cargo liner City of Canberra for the Ellerman Line And there Is also this other ship which the firm is building at its own expcbleto keep the men working The wntract which Is the in Greenock for II triumph for figures are the highest Provost John Reid of Green Wonderfui was his re We rely very heavily lust cannot afford to have The eight or hard and steadily for two years is sign me new 1961 exhibitors advertising locally and sending out their own salcs men and demonstrators to man their own booths To date so exhibitors have been allocated booths and an equal number have been crowded out About three quar ters of the exhibitors have neverbefomeold to Africa Their products include wide range of consumer goods and equipmen INDUSTRIES APROAD Among these are Pontiac cars made by General Motors in Oshawa one of the few Ca nadian items already sold to be selling very well there Day old chicks will be shown by Shaver Poultry Breeding Farm of Gait The rising standard of living in Africa will be catered to by West Bend Aluminum of Barrie offering outboard mo tors and by Gain Royal Metal Manufacturing Companys mod ern steel and plastic furniture ed machinery trailers made by Truck Engineering Ltd and from Guelph there will be freezers and ranges made by Gilson Manufacturing Co Mr Hees is reinforcing tIIese trade fairs by an idea never be fore tried ills department will make available to television stationerrand cinemas inï¬ll gerlaJnd Gjinn free of charge series of 32 film pro gramsSome films have been Amado bj our National Film Board others havebeen madr commercially to the order of individual industries such as the film Kitimat describing our aluminum industry in the new 80 centre Films showing Prime Minister Dieienbaker and Mr flees will introduce the ser ies This will be Canadas first exploitation of the proved adage that itrade follows film which has done so much to helpUS exporters over the years by popularlain the American way of life and the American labor seving home it is interesting that Ghana and Nigeria have welcomed these Canadian programs after rejecting similar offers from USA and Russia as being likely to contain propaganda We walk by faith and not by IIZIIL Coflnlhhnl 07 Gods purposes are often hid den but we can go on know ing lie is there Say Government Most Incompetent NEWCASTLE UP Peril ftartln Liberal member of Far liament for Essex East said Thursday night there has never bee government less compe tent to handle the country af fairs than the present one Mr Martin former health minister addressed Liberal convention that nominated Bus sell Honey as candidate for Durham The sent is held by Coxlservatlve Reginald Vivian in every area Mr Martin said the present government is guilty of procrastination and postponement Wherever one goes In this country today one finds dis quietitudc among the people caused by lack competence in our governmentend its ax ecutive This feeling he said had been transmitted overseas to people lodoklng for investments in Can MAN BITES DOG DRESCIA Italy Reuters puppy named Dodo has been treated at an animal hospital here after being bitten by man it was reported today The dogs owner said Dodo was guarding the front gate of his home when passing beggar apparentiyiannoyed athis bark ingpicked him up and bit him several times CAN Amoun Woo 176 Profitable and Popular Investment The new band of Canada Savings Bonds is an excellent invest ment for everybody The Bonds oï¬er security and good income and if the neaiï¬seertheymaybe cashedatanytime ntftheir full fancyalue AusntlmflMflen Average interest to maturity November 1971 4460 is available for individual purchase 550 to $10000 Payment may be in cash instalments Bonds may be registered in the names of Estata Trustees or Administrators of Estates to the $10000 limit To plan you order wife telephm wear REPRESENTATIVE ALAN N255 IEE CANADA AVINOI BOND tRRY yield of 400 per year to maturity and are the AFEST investment you can make name UYERS cancash them any time aHulHacHalue plus accrued Interest Place your orders for these new bonds nnwl They come in denominations ranging from 350 through to 850007 Available to estates and oxeoufordl Limit for holdings in any one name II $1000 For your 1961 bands foIophone write or so of any of our ofï¬ce lt NE BI TrTfTiHeMrs 0N7 AAND COMPANY LIMITED Members of Tim 1mm Dealm Aume Canada Suite 103 so Dunlop Street East BARRlE 0m llDNTRmWTDRDNfl arrows ammo IDNDON0NI mailman banal rmaoltoucn CODING wrmurm ammo mam uniform VANCOUVER vicrmiu slumrow Mumford MoNcroN nauux aosroN your LDNDDN ma ZURICH ADLSAVINGS 10an IBM ISBIJI atlloaotmnflice Gunigyizgc Companynn Wellington Street East Bank Telephoue PArIaohyJiWDJ