1112 am EXAMINER HONDAY OCTOBER 1m 11A Sdrilé Bessel Suggestions Dï¬edmflmhmdthodwllhporkor boiled vegetable oqn meat tomato fl mplele MARSHMALLOW ROLL tbsp butter squares chocolate sweet cup icing wear egg beaten mp chopped Walnut on lhmrainbow marshmallow cut line Lsp vanilla Melt chocolate and butter cool then add sugar egg van iila walnuts and mmhmallaw Mix well roll in coconut and put in refrigerator Slice when used MRS STAN KIDD Van Vlack WL MARSHMALLOW CRISPY SQUARES cup butter tsp vanflla cups rice crispia 38 tsp cloves up cinnamon tsp Dodo Billed in cap flour LEIGHIVN Ml Zion WA FRUIT DOCKTAIL 36 pmrs and 36 peaches ripe Dice and put in weak salt water to keep clear while art ting then drain large can diced pineapple cups water mps sugar Boil live minutes and skim wolli Thm seal This makes eight quarts Add dwmes when going to use MILISAP Mt Zion wA Cook butler and marshmallows over boiling water until syrupy odd vanilla beat thoroughbu Put rice crispia into greasy large bowl Pour ova mm shmallow mixture stirring brisk Pres into greased shallow pan and art into inch squnn Pan 13 Makes 24 squares when cool MRS STAN KIDD Van Vlai W1 GUM DROP CAKE cup white sugar eggs beaten cups pastry flour tsp linking powder ll gurn drops sliced at cup butte cinnamon CARAMEL CAKE mp3 warm water lt mp ralsmr minced cup walnuts minced orange minced Method Cream batter odd sugar gradually an cram well Add eggs and mill Beat very well Dimlve loan in rm water add altanateli with flour and salt add rnlninl nut and orange lightly dredged in flour Bake in buttered ion pan mlssoovmforsommo MES NICHOIS WJ New 9n Want to get out and enjoy yourself Nothing So Relaxing as Good Movie EVENINGS AT mo pm SAT CONTINUOUS FROM pnn IMPERIAL dcr mm umes Add flour and milk alternately Beat well and cup milk pk raisins ileum Grease flinch pan in lin with waned pap er Cream butler add suear gradually then beaten eggs BARCLAY llAlliTS AND ENAMElS lwmr IARIEIY OF COLOURS ARTS 125 YOU SHOULD VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Wo think oorsllowroom is afabulous place Tolarawse through Whether yelirebuying or ii st looking If your plans call for now home remodelling or repairing youll display All purchasos Inaybo ï¬nancodon oi Home Improvement Plan REPAIRING House repair are prohieni when you dont know whom to phone Home serv ice is available to you and estimates are cheerfully given0ur esmen can estimate tho cost of the ma erials and labor and if necessary we can include other trades such asplunIbing electrical and masonry in the total Ounmputot ion assures you or guaranteed work to your satisfaction dthe expert know owobtained hnilding somawv homes and cottag is villuable asset in REMO ElllNG Salesmen with an available in cuss your project of materials incl signs are on displa for your shlection Onr Kitchen Korn equipped th the Joust up todate improvements in cup boards and applinnies shows how you could transform yolrr kitchen with bean tiful and work savingfeatures that will last homo time rooms will he used more amino from now nd wealth of ideas and nellv pirodlicts on NATEITIAIs Whatjshould we use This isla quEs tion hear so often and forth we in posith to answer Our large odem showroommakeslthe so lection so much eaner We areiable to offer the very latest in choice be cause our large volume and the name brand manufactureri are anxious for us to display and sell the most up to date materials on ï¬rst considera tion is satisfaction through quality and service With one stop shopping con venience we can save many trips and often our displays ihdicate items that might have hem overlooked There is Add sifted at Wells al ter ely with mflk WW in sliced gum drops and raisins Bakeforlhourinsn moon Gsw Al MlllllM naisnns OATMEALCAKE FOR ESIZETURKEYS 995V¢Ilue flairfig waterpoumd over oauneal Let stand nIinntu cups brown sugar cup shortening at up raisins 35 cup nuts GALVANIZED GARBAGE 219 299 395495 now fluted shape héno china ilRugal iBnultqn FIRE KING OVENWARE SALE RQUND SQUARE and OBLONG BAKING DISHES And our years of experience help other customers ble to L29 and 139 Values ample free parking And speedy delivlt ery service For quality name brand ma terials and solution to your home 99 building repairing or remodellingJE quirements drop in or phone today detemining the causes your prob lemvand how to pair it So whatever theprohleminre ainhgyour honie give usacallandlet hytohelp are available athome estim tesflso why not drop in today or phon for an appointment To compliment the ï¬nestof Recipes good taste PLASTIC DECORATED CHEN in selecting China is imponant amdpox 595 Canisters p6 Whynotcall in and see one of the widestas Cake somnems of OPEN STOCK paflems in Ontario Waxed PaPer TM Large Salt and Pepper Inlet llsto your Hamlin cums ANMOWPRICED GAMMA Icommummnp 5m ARMSTRONG ARowARE ï¬nalist inn 615 ANNrfsT all my 98IMDunlopStEost We Delivel rA no Phone PA 8244 82442 Cor Collier Bayï¬oldst