MALE am HELP WANTED CARPENTER Coo finishing carpenter Good Wages Steady em ployment APPLY MARTIN RR BARBIE N0 11 HWY SOUTH neuv nv any to us biry ours and pm To Pilan 85511 szL ssraausuan at am requires the service at younl sllressivo mun Guaranteed salary during Intng period Group inrur and em ployee benaii Good not motion and venlsinl policy cum load opperiuniri tonne right man Appy In vs ting itng details at mucattarLuid ertenee to Box am an er SALES HELP do AGENTS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have an exceptional oppor tunity tor Barrie resident with good education and per sonal background ago 23 40 who can qualin for Slit carcer loading to an executive position in on established and permanent business Experience that has brought hlrr in con that with the public wouldJre preferred and the right man will earn substantial income and enjoy all weliare benefits Applicants should give full par ticulars stating age telephone numbereddress experience and other quallilcatlons All re plies treated strictly conildon tiai Box 78 Barrie Examiner ItflLOYItIENT WANTED IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH PRIVATE EUTORING Grammar Diction Pronuncia tion Spelling Reading and LetterWriting PHONE PA soiso man ass mmesissmw and Alterllions donl Reasonable prieel Ille phone PA Help or appointment WILL DO vAsiirNi and ironing in my own home Priced accord In to amount Tciephnne PA 54729 WILL CAI Port reschnpl age child in my own eme Fenced play area in Mary siret just above Wellington Phone PA Mela Mrs William Gaedchiid I2 TENDERS son RENT av TENDER The following buildings situa at Barrie Fair Grounds arc elng offered for rent by ten der Cattle Barn size 32 120 no stalls cattle barn size 32 xImflinmmï¬orsa barn 34 120 single stalls ccntre aisle is it stalls suit able for small storage Horse Bam 40 no single box stalls centre aisle 20 ft stalls suitable for parts storage Horse Barn frame size 30 50 stalls and leanto stalls Terms and conditions oi lease may be obtainedmfrlom the un derslned The est or any tender ITOL necessar accept ed 00125 SecretaryTreasurer eAnarr AGRICULTURAL 50mm Box aAnnrs 13 AUCTION SALES SiMCOE COUNTY Jansï¬ annaoaas FALL SidiEM oi as Registered Jerseys fresh new and heiiers Ali cattle TB and blood tested BARBIE FAIR GHOUNDS SATURDAY OCTOBER 11M pm Tamas mm Sec mommwr 7earscaltnt lootilted Shortr I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Farm Farm Stock and Implements Hay Grain and Household Ellects The undersigned has received instructions from ROBERT HARRIS to sell by Public Auction at the premises wr It CON ESSA TWP and onehali miles straight north di ivy Village WEDNESDAY OCTOEER at pm sharp Ihe folowing years old call at toot Short harn Cow ii years cat at at loot Red Shorthorn Cow years call at foot Hereiord wrtho as foot Shorthorn CW horn Cow years call at toot Red Shorthorn Cow years calf at toot Ssarthorn Cow years cali at loot Red Shorthorn Heller 20 months old bred Red Shorthorn Heli os 20 months old bred Red Shorthorn Steers 18 months old Black Shorthorn Steer in months old Herciord Heller years old cat at loot The above cows are all bred again to Shorthorn Bull SHEEP 25 Oxiord Ewes all young Oxlord Ram years old 1yearold Lambs lorbut chering HAY AND GRAIN 1500 bales of hay well saved 500 bales oi hay 2nd out 1000 bushels oi oats bushels Red Clover Seed IMPLEMENTS AND MIS CELLANEOUS Steelwheel Wagon Rack Sultry Rake Fanning Mill Walking Plow Swede Saw Set oi Scales lbs Steel Land Roller Set Lsec Drag Harrows Cul tivator Sylvester Seed Drill in disc Wheelbarrow Binder Quantity oi Scrap Iron Oil Drums Steel Watering Trough Chaim Forks Shovels and many other articles HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Beach Cooking Range Studio Couch 2burner McClary Elec tric Range Odd Chairs Dining room table chairs Sideboard Antique rocking chair Antique buiiet Combination record player and radio Space Heater good as new Toilet sets sewing machines Antique corner cabinet Organ stool good condition Chesterfield suite chairs to mate Sev cral rocking chairs Antique rocking chair Bed mattress mrings Antique dresser Washstand dresser Antique bedroom suite Bedroom suite dresser washstand Antique Desk Tables Dishes Bedding Pena Hotpoint electric wash er good as new litany other articles too numerous to list FARMS Parcel No 100 acres of choice land acres oi bush plenty of water Brick house Hydro Driving shed Bank hard 90 it so All in good con dition Composed oi lot 24 Con Essa Township Parcel No sW Quarter Lot 28 Con Essa Township so acres pasture so acres wouldLmakeoholeetobacoowr tree land Farms will be sold subject to reserve bid Terms and con dltlons oi terms will be given day oi sale Farms will be oiiered for sale at 330 pm Terms Cash Definitely no reserve as owner is in ill health Nothing to be removed until settled for Buyers mm distance must prove their identification with the clerk Ownerwili not be responsible for any accidents day at sale JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SAT OCT I4 AT PM SHARP COOKSTIIWN CBEEMDRE GLEN ANDERSON Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER PM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock im plements hay grain and house hold eflects for GEORGE EDMONDS Lot 27Concession Nottawa saga Tonshsp7 ltdmiles south east oi stayner first sideroad south oi steyner bit the county road Terms cash No reserve tiredfarmsisssald Jenny corran AUCTIONm AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 COMMENCING PM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock im plements grain and some household effects for JOSEPH KEANEY At Lot Concession Fins Township one mile straight south of Phelpston village miles straight west of Highway 27 Terms cash No reserve as arm is said JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer LOOK INYQUR Ame CELLAR on GARAGE is there anything there yo can soil ior cash Hundreds at people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use CLASSIIfIED WANT ADS PA 82414 Jteln and Ayrshire milking for CHARLES LOVERING At Lot Con Matoiiedneh on Cotmty Road miles NE oi Goldwater or miles SE at Wauhauahene 55 head cattle TB tested consisting oi Hol cows Hereford cows and stock era Hereford bulls Holstein heifer calves sows and litters Terms cash ANosmsoN PLOWMAN AND c0Lw1LL LTD Aucrronms PH soonu Vimoars nAaaoun It Driver cant Pay To LoseLicense MONTREAL tCPIQuebacs tree wheeling drivers must prove financial responsibility at an accident scene from now on or lose theirrvehlclesr The Quebec Highway indem nity Act went into eiiect today making evidence of financial responsibility an obligation the driver cant produce such wi ep in motor vehicle buieau which usurp rice 1nikhavchep aigsliemoved irom all vehiclesJae as Financial responaib ty may be shown by liability Insur ce card issued by an insur ee company or card saying $25000 has beamdapnsited with the director of the motor vehicle bureau Hallinuearnmalin CREEMORE Among Creemore citizens In Coilingwood hospitel are Josiah Kalb Anderson Kerr and Ritchie Nicholas Mumford one at Cre emores oldest residents sullen ed stroke last week This week he is reported to be feel lng much improved hold its annual ladieLnlght dinner in the Creemore Town Hall Oct 18 Fred Nelson has beenappointv ed dog catcher for the village Mk About LOW Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE iAND TVVSERVVIGE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 142 canrsty NEW HOMES Remodelling shingllng porches recreation rooms Trimming houses complete and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 ousross cnnmrnir KIICHEN CUPBOARDS AND amowmws awortmmo Telephone after pm PA68934 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES amass DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekl ickls ii ii Fiti Cl is Buillury PA 68551 Less than pack or cigarettes day DRIVING SCHOOLS mum SAFE DRIVING SINCE IVES ron APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED entrusting and Grading Water Delivery Crushed nonn au Yard Blckhoa tax has DENNIS MORAN Amie Street PA 52907 Barrie Try An Examiner Want Ad Iining styled with outer depending on tha style Note other features closure lar Sizes to I6 The Highways Victims Indem nity Fund also came into exist ence today When victim of traliic accident cant collect da mages from the driver at fault he cancelieet certain amount STORE HOURS DAILY 915 asss WED 515 Ins from the fund 530 run 00 Noon ms 915 mm 900 pass at Creemore He will maintain dog pound on lab premises west of Creemore All dogs im pounded more th is hours will be disposed of The annual appeal for funds the Canadian Bible Society will take place In Creemore Irom Oct is During this Ptrlod the local branch under the presidency of Don Warden wil ha representative call CI contributions Cenvassers ior the vlllegeand surrounding district will be Miss Nellie May Smith Mrs Lamarc srry Kiasse Der BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY By Month or Year TelephonerPABiztlt INSULATION DISULATION with NI nockwaol ALUMINUM CLAPBDAILD ammo IN coLouas sism noose wmoows AWNINGB av ALsco FREE EHMATL airmanram wona SCOiI MUIR MINESING 211 Arnrrrr msuaArroN ans PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and PI er Hlflllnl prl Pl ntln Senlea line RR IBIrrII PA 5H REFRIGERATION STAN BRVSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE Iii Ciapperton St PHONEJA M562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have nun licensed to remove your dead and cnpflllti term Inl msis under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI mama PArkway esoiv GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE Lianesi 9506 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE PrB7751 or ask for ZENITH emu COLLECT 24 hours day7 om wuk NICKS DEADSTOCK RE Foxmead Ontario License No rascal SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS rek Allen Don Warden Mrs Robert Kitchen Brien MacDoa aid Mrs Ere Blackburn Mrs Fergus Grose Miss Nelda Lege er Mrs Ed stn and John Miller Messrs Crewiord and Mum ford have once again consented to receive the canvassers funds Mrs Hughes the form er Ruth Emmett daughter of Mr and Mrs William Emmett injhnrge of ï¬reworkpuhe VON In Col lingwood Mrs Hughes is gtaduate oi the Royal Victoria Hospital In Barrie She took her public health course at the University of Western Ontario London sndIsisr did was work with the Victorian oi Nurses at Owen Sound After spending the past in weekrakSimnybiookHoepital Tomato Don Carruthers is making such good progress he expects to return to his home next week Miss Brenda Freethy daught er at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Fre ethy underwent an emergency tion at the Collingwood hospital Delmar Johnston young farm er at RR Crcemnro had freak accident while cleaning his Combine lie suiiered tw broken jaws lilr Johnston was rushed to doctor In Dundalkthenceto the hospital at Markdale Doc tors operated and latest reports are he is doing as well as can be expected GUTIIRIE Mrs JMenzle her son Rev Glen Menzle and his son Philip oi McKeesport are via ltlng Mrs Menzie Mrs Walker and other relatives here BOND HEAD Mrs Sykes oi Toronto spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs George Sheppard Miss Janet McLeodef Orlllla renewed acquaintance in town last week Mrs Orr attended the Eastern Star convention in To ronto last week Mr and Mrs George She pard spent Sunday with th son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Thomas Sheppardin Toronto Mr and Mrs Julian Cum mings and family at Dakville and Harley Cummings of 0t tawa spent the weekend with their mother Harvest home services were held in the Anglican Church on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Dixon and Mr and Mrs Charles Brown spent few days in the 115 MIDHURST STN Mrs Esdgley oi Oshawa spent the weekend with Mr and hire Sam Hittz Mr and Mrs Art DAngio of Goldwater at Friday with Mr rnd Mrs DAngio Air and Mrs Lloyd Langley and daughters oi Cold water spent Sunday with Richard Br own Mrs Sam Hilts and Mrs Budgie spent Sunday with Mrs Mills of Sebrlght Mrs Robert Peacock spent the weekend with lriends in jars in Congralislsilons To Iir Mrs ClotMars on the gift of son born on Friday Weekend visitors at lilr and Mrs DAnglo were lilr Munt and Mrs Moore et Thronto and Mrs Coleman 1ndLanTofBeeton Mr and Mrs Herbert Palmer and Gordon and lilr and Mrs Harold Palmer of Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Gibbs oi Brace bridge on Sunday csossnuio Mrs Harley of Lucky Lake Sesk visited Mr and Mrs Joseph Strath Mrs Dou Isa Stewart Bar rie spent ew days with Mr and Mrs Anderson Mrs James Smith Elm vale and Mrs Jones Faris with Mrs Al on The 4H girls met at the home of Mrs Allen their leader They chose ior their name Handy Helpers Oiiicera for the year are Suzanne Fin ly past president Sharon Wan less president Margret Hope iirat vlcepresident Greta De Garter secretary Susannc Fin ley1reasurer Sandra Kenny reporter Mrs Sam Allen and Mrs Joseph Belcourt leaders Next meeting will be held at the home at Mrs Joseph Bel eourt The community surprised Mr and Mrs Bert Kenny with party on the occasion at their 25th wedding anniversary and presented them with lamp and smokers stand The ladies served wedding cake DIILSTON is The Dalston WA will in set Tuesday to er at the home of Mrs Handy Roll call will be Bible verse with thanks or thankful Mr and Mrs Stan Watson and boys spent Sunday at Sev ern Bridge Mr and Mrs Lorim and and family visited with Mr and Mrs James Partridge st Clowes on Sunday Church services at aiaton United church resumed the schedule on Sunday October at 10 am We were sorry to hear of Mr and Mrs Stan Walts ac where the men were attending the Rotary convention cldent We wish Mrs Wait speedy recovery $7210 TEE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 1m 13 LONDON Reuters The Communists were said Sunday to have lost their tuoyear hold on Britains powerful Electrical Trades Union in balloting for new executive An antiCommunist group in the ETU claimed they on eight or the 11 seats on the un ivnsexecuiiyamuaatLaceord ing to an unoiilclal assessment oi votes cast in countrywide poll oi the 700000 members This would be an exact rever salroi the present setup on the executive council eight Com munists or proCommunists three nonCommunists The cu rent council stays in oiiice until January Oiiieial results of the election ending this weekend will not be known until early November The Communist dominated ETU has been the centre at storm oi political controversy about Communist Influence in British trade unions EXPEL AS RED The Labor partys national ex ecutive committee expelled the ETC Irom party ranks Friday on the grounds that it was Com munlstvcontrolled and could not Oahï¬cnt Thursday acï¬ptï¬bor pafty policy Four weeks ago the ETU was thrown out at the 80OWmem ber Trades Union Congress be cause it reiused to accept mea sures for curbing Communist influence HighICourt Judge July conspired together to rig the 1959 elections for the unions general secretary Sir Charles Winn the presid ing judge ruled the election of Conununist Frank Hazell illegal and declared that antiCommu nist unionist John Byme was iawiul general secretary The iinding of the court was seen starting major rethink ARTIST T0 WED STOCKBRIDGE Mass AP Artist Norman Rockwell 67 Iriday continued reportsehe will marry retired school teacher Mary Punderson 65 No date has beenset Gerriqu up NIGHTS Makes Many Feel Old Belore their time more is nothing that can make nil tori older more depressed than ins in sleep worrying seenc ustuns Up Nisan son Irenllent burning and luhing urination acescan aiddsr one cloudy urine or nann due In Kidney one Bladder so such cases New improved orarax um lives nuink iayrur soathlnu reliet an entiunuc in acid urine and or vain relieving le sion Clet or ran from drunist sneer net bettor ruiedLhaLllve£TUnificialsehnd Say Communists Lose Hold InBritish Trade Union Election ing among British unionists about the dangers oi Commu nlst influence British Commu nists for years have waged seesaw campaign to gain con trol oivuaions alternately wire ning and losing their grip on half dozen maior unions Jeopleinpverywaikoflifego outoftheirwayforhlueeoal Because blue coal in your furnace means safe clean dependable warmth in your home blue coal is colour marked for your protection Get blne soara warm experience HueSgtan The Sarieent Co Ltd Mary so Bsrrle as Boysnurrcconrs Special Target Sale Savingsl The style of soot so popular with young fellows these three numbers combine snug protec tionrfrorn wintery blasts with thick wool Inter sheii of muted wool checks or 100 Dupont nylon plus split hoodriined with either pile or bulky knit wool choice during Target Sole 210 off regular price Full zipper closing with toggle or button Two oversize or lower flap pockets Split hoods can be worn as hood or circol Colors available Include charcoal gravy laden brown or navy 4e9ulcrIi987Turgfl Sale ends 988 WALKERsof BAR wars roauy CASH BUDGET LAYAWAY sopav CHARGE Chaiee of three Coats Wolkerfs regular new numï¬rs priced for News swabs rim 3m so oumor 51 PA 5922