Aré YCu Home Hunting Check The Real Estaté THE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS Pnordtiry ron saris masturnumaih HAROLD FORSTER Wsdnoadlya child is hill at cm REALTOR Mild Oi gryyabild lchinguan 1w so BAYFIELD ST refineme in Blinrfllyl Child works and or children nesting this ran by Columns ARTICLES for SALE AUTOMOTIVE attrinm33sihii 0m CARS 9° 58 nIIDl machine 11 television MORRIS OXFORD 22 lung automatic blgh outl l500 ity nude in Aurt Cert new sell Sell tor us Phone mm strond etirr pm saturdsy or Sunday utter pm wrekdlys nADiAimst ellDef magnet an arms ml er Service Telephone PA Hm 58 355 mndlum or 14 Frederick street through Under 25000 actual Gm tr cs mt uphol ml mettiltiliiglsï¬lirvmgdzlanliii stery Padded dash collapsible rmm arm rests electric wipers et sinrer sewin Centre It Dun 12 van New Hashing hm signals air conditioned heat ing original siill good This is solidly built iomily car iiiiichueatsearoruicrtablyr Makes tested top speed 85 mph This car has been maln lop SI Wett Te ephnne PA omit FRUIT 5s VEGETABLES ly used as second car and has been regularly serviced IOUA it you an eeverel van throughout its lite leli IIIO Tomlots cumbui PHONE PA 66358 otber pickling rwplres and in warm eeden ior esie Good Iew Cilrdus uh M1 asy deld street condition Radio Priced reason ably or quick sale Taluphnn REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE OUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForums In Quality at Servics PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENlNGs CALI moraith FOR SALE RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 BENT InlrlD Apartment Large living room bedroom dinette modern kitchen with stove and rangers tor CentreL Business couDlI pro hmd Telephone PA H576 mammal modern apartment Kitchen breektut noolt lie bath bedroom livlne room with View or Ngar East laid Shopping Plum Telephone PA dubs RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT rUumsirzu heated Iplrunuil to oi one hioclr trons Pett omee vale entrance and bath Tele phone PA bolls msx R00 uniurnisbed apart ment with store nd rctrlgerstor includrd Bus stop It the door Available immediately Telcphohl PA H452 TIIIIEZ PURNIIUED Room epsrtr IIOORIPA Hm POSTERPA out ment with private bath and en ti utin boomsPA was CONNtLlrPA gt rsncr Ilcltzd hardwood loan Â¥mmrumrboisrnlneanirssn 33¢ AMYHHHMQAnfllulf Ccunlcr coilsn always out to EDGEHILL DRIVE chug that is born on the ti no on and good and ate endbieh tobeoin mo per TIwhm PA rr me know which day or the meg eva their nirtn one Keep nu ma New mum mm bedroom home all conveniences full REALTOR ohmTelephoan nth 1m orient thiorntetion tor hasemcnt attached garage umGHVSTREmBARRm VtrYlliEeamALtmThtkln rootrim un urns spar en 7001 ehil tutun aerrie an emitter iiirtb Announcement will High and dry lot 70 215 test Only asking $2500 down payW PHONES PA SEE bulldtnt stove and rurircmor Aveilehlo immediately Telepho include the name ni your child PA as the de oi If month and rain ROAD Three ronrne yeero binh be we ll spoilt 77 4omishrdr1pnrtrncntr suinbleTor vmmmm mentiOne open mortgaga ior couple son er month tacitlch Innan In bccoirio lelllefil 12 Ind by Tuenhune FA record in uahyr30¢k or Fault balance at olbfr rcpayable up re PM BIT fï¬uï¬ QUEER per month Vhy rent when EIEIeIIe tIollco phone VPAWEXII you can buy with these terms mu °° Old saying he who hesitates is lost Coll Emory Miller howilA OM70 Member at aerrle neat EstIo eperimeni Utree niece bath heavy DEATHS ouly etuve relrireretor hardwood vmihios CALL uuomt ulLLm PA com toolI Available immediately 10 PALunll PA Moon Apply Armstroh Hardwnra TOUR ROOM unfurnished spurt KARL IlAllsliALL PA 00011 NORAll RAIKB on in meat salt contained heated in HAROLD roRsTm PA inlet born In VIIIa Strand valllblc November Tllnphnnc Ian anytime 45A DUNLOP ST oras on Two Rooms with kitch Ntxl door to the imperial Theatre entte and private bathroom Prl vate entrance Ground fluoriteh ed Telephone PA also or up CUSTOM BUILT Thrco bcdrom splitlevel bun galows brick construction ply Amelie Only $335 down to one NIIA ATTRACTIVE threo room ecli CnnlmemlflLMMUIDIIRNI mortgogc Your choice of to interior colors See pictures heatod builtIn cupbaltds Tile and hardwood inch in hospital and plans of those homes at Carson Real Estate 45A arcs PA mm mm Dunlap Sirect West or tele phone PA sislat heeled kitchen and bedsitting PA c6431 room Would suit couple Agng 127 Burton Ave or elephann Mclubct oi sortie nd District Estta rd ROOMS TO LET BEDROOM to rent Central loca lion Parking terllilles Telephone PA Mu or runnerparticulars CENTRAL lunlIDDAflmg Jug endkltehen tor rent iul iurnlshed lieeeonablo rent wit boat and light included local or couple Telephone PA N591 COMFORTABLE furnished bed romu to rent to lady in Chmtian home Would like eomrone or complnlonshlp Centrally luclled Telephone PA 151 PURleIlID bomokeeping room with rangctte and use or null enter at 150 Dunlap at Also unmrnlshed rooms with stove and nfrtgentor at ivy nine miles rum Cllnp norden Telephone PA on or PA 09010 ROOM BOARD Iiemberr oi the anarchic aoerd Imlth CampbellPA uses Joan norPA um IM GlfllyIA 57951 CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER 25 ACRES FOR SALE OR RENT Older six room brick house with water under pressure oil heating Four bedrooms Newly shingled root This farm is close to school and on paved road Only few minutes driving time lrom Barrie Splendid arming community Excellent soil CLOSE TO GE Most central Modern small home with babbling brook run ning throumi the lot little work and paint would make this charming live room home Well worth the asking price ANOTIHIR SMALLER HOME Neat and tidy with lovely large trees This oldcr house is in ex caiienl condition with side drive and garage Oil furnace new tool large lot with garden SHANNON STREET One of Barries finer three bedroom bungalows All large brimt rooms Broadioom wall to wall in living room beautifully in ished basement with exceptionally iinc recreation room and bath room This is really beautiiul home and must be seen to be appreciated Phone PA 84419 93 Dunlap St ABEL MARSHALLPA can COREYPA 35435 owm IONSPA 07037 Sloull Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS ii COLLIER STREET PA 05001 Idcmbersotthn Eudamjlamclnï¬wmnmflnud STEEL AND ST MONICA SCHOOL AREAS Nelson Street bomowith lovely landscaping and stone patio out back and fencing as well Throt bedrooms living room and complete kitchen Better than average home built just three years ago Monthly payments at $10080 includes taxes LIKE PRIVATE PARK Safe for children Stone tront on brick Lovely large kitchen living room master bedroom has double closets two other good sized bedrooms Large kitchen living room with divider46 mortgage payable $9905 per month beinfpr piflï¬ï¬‚eréit and taxes HAVE YOU EVER WALKED INTO HOME And because it was so immaculate you just wanted to sit right down and stay there Well here it is bedroom brick bungalow Lshaped living roomlovely kitchen with birch tono Hanover cupboards 1200 sq ft floor space attached garage Close to schools and shopping Asking price $15500 svnuiNGs CALL Harry SllssonPA 50673 Orca DrownPA 07255 osll At the loo Memorial Hospital Gsli 0n tarlo on Sunda October mi Lcuis Osmond of not reirviw Road Preston ontario beloved husband or urnice aoyd end dhr inihcr DI SIIIIIII 0min and Gordon In his 51st ye Resting at the Slgenaerthei run out ilomc 506 Queen street lrutonfwhcrvTfnncnl service villi tic conducicd on Wednesday ociobcr at pm interment not allow in Struud Crmatciy siroud Onllllo on arrival or no tors approximately duo pm Tuliliso ltt the Citts Hux llnl Ottawa on rrlde soptetn er rs tool In el Mink tormcrl oi Ancur bclo cd wire of botid nunllson our mother of Nancy llnrr end Elisabet daughter at air and hire ti lilillll oi aerrl alltcl of Doris Ills it You Tatsclli Naomi llrx Lognulit Florian thin tr illrrnenl Hugh and Fred nestlnr at the icnncit runernl Ilomr 152 urldIDril sltcci Bllr rid luiicral sorvico hludl OCI It p111 lnicrmcnt ADI Union Ccmctcry IN oinIibRiAiu TICEln loving memory or husband lien who passed away at lludson my Sash Octo hor moo With chccry smile and or tho band Ha ha lélndcrcd into an unknown en And up ur dreaming how rent to it needs must he ilnco he lingers ihulo Evcr remcmnrred by wild Lucille COMING EVENTS FOWL SUPPER ORANGE HALL IVY WEDNESDAY OCT 18 530 pm Program John Josefik and his accordion orchestra fr Can adian Academy of Mu ic Bare Tic CHILDan it AND UNDER 15c ADULTS also RUMMAGE SALE COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH SATURDAY OCTOBER AM AusPicrs GROUP wA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 8241 HOME rCondenscd and classiliet advaLV ioNI ONLY tiscmcntsuirailisertcdï¬ he New NHA contemporary dwelling rgta 01 in per word per insertion rggrnllWIieuzï¬ï¬e 351 11 ll ignoring it etc is if on roomrrw colorcd times and 212 per word for lion and vanity Lots or cup it2l°iiiit°3t ninth new 10 days THE MINIMUM cosr 1113111111er °° FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD ALLEN VERTISEMENT is one run 24 PA WORDS WITHIN ID DAYS 0R DOGS PETS south Vlllh PA was uovND Beagle and Fox Hound isu PONTIAG or sale Laurene or sale one and oneheil years tthIonr hardtop 0000 miles oid Telephone mere cu DAcusHvNDPvPPIUI for sale Telephone Camp Borden 16 mar pm vlcch old black and tau also red Champion stock with paper it dl am PONTIAC strsiochlei station wagon Two tone color power rind Telephone PA b9543 HOME IMPROVEMENTS rear window Poeiirecllon 115w mllcs12550 No trad Private noun omnai Bclutlfylnd Telephone PA um tncrcusortho valuvrul your horn 1552 FORD Ranch ngon good with Reynolda Aluminum Sidlnl end Colonial Stone Eliminate mechanical condition nody neodi some rcpslr 8150 Arably painting lorever As low as Than1e Thornton Roe cut all non AND RDARD Tclwhnno PA 0121 WANTED TO RENT GARAGE WANTED to rent nut 24 hradtoru street tor months Apply to Box 13 Enrrlr heminer HAUNTED HOUSE Wanted to hon row for one night Please reply lo Box 02 Barrio Examiner WANTED Hosted two bedroom lower lpnrtmcnt with rivatn un Innco by young bus ncss than with small lamlly by Nuvcmbcr or 15 Central location Rcuon ahio rc Apply iiox 7i herri Examir available weekly lnduxtrlll Homo Cou Inuuctlun Dex 71 barrio Esme er ARTICLES WANTED WANTED ia Clnot in good cont dltlon Reasonably priced Tcioe phone PA 61080 utter 030 pm WE WILL PAY Man or good used turnllure or any good used article individual or content iota Phone PA 51427 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK PIGS eight weeks oldlcr sele Telephone strnuu 2411101 1101183 boarded and utiln gillrcdfllor winter lcrd Tciephonl ro iiDLllTnNhBRD or sale bred and grades also built ank writs Edit 91 errie Examiner iot IIDLSTEXN nailans soon tour Imheplng lrom Central Ontario breeders Apply John Wellwin telephone PA 57837 POULTRY 8a CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen In choosing DEKALB Puma started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or bet your poultry problcml ceii Hunter NTERS POULTRY FARMS amour PHONE 71 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARMSUPPLIES Ctr SERVICE New rlouend David brown acetiy rpm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE aPA $2373 Fall specials on Forage Harvesters Case New Hol land Dione Gehl 1951 Chevrolet iitoil Pickup swithrlongboxeandfstoclrraclrsr CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES EzSERVICE Milkers WIIILTIDIIL Vacuum Pumps also Watts Pumps and Ill Rubbhr Plfll nor any mliker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 ATTENTION FARMERS Highway too 1951 OLDSMOBILE in Al condi tion III new tires lutDmntIc Can he tinneed Tclophone Anrur nu 05522 or ly It 39 list Street Ann CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS DARRlas NEWEST CAR LO URGENTLY REQUIRE 16 USE CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRESENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHON FAA4271 PERSONALS COMP AND ENJOY Altetnonn Tu lcrvcd daily from till 5171 and have your cup read eiephono PA 01m WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now In OIL government chartered school where you are thoroughly trained In all branches or beauty culture For inlormetion write DERWIN EAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 19 COLLIER STREET Oil PHONE PA nails hum aiiOP Coldwlvel Its by certided hairdresser in your own home Phone Ecrnlu st PA 855 or PA 81557 LOST FOUND ODLDJRDDCH with blue centre inst Wednesday in vicinity or Post Olilcn Worslcy street and Drury Lane Keennkc Reward Please telephone PA 54506 I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP RESTAURANT MANAGERESS Youngvladyvoverrzkokgoodi appearance with previous res taurant iatperience Apply alat ing age and experience to Box 95 Barrie Examiner STENOGRAPHER We require mature efficient and conscientious steaogiapher able to take shorthand and with above average ability Do not applyrunless you fitrtba abdve description Excellent working conditions salary commensurate with abi ity HILL OF CANADA LTD TELEPHONE PA ems mm for appointment THREE ROOM apartment ground floor and and two room iiydrn and light Duninp st Over 400 iiwy Iliqu 1200 set on tho north elde uNrUitNisliED west end apartment in Thren rooms and kit chcnctle Heat light and water supplied Near narrlc Plern Telephone PA $8015 ettcr pm FIVE Rooil Apirimcut unnirn lshcd private bath and all con vnnlcnccs Lochlcd in the village ot Hiiiednlc Telephone 2111121 liloomtone rr TWO LARGB Rooms or rent iur nlrhcd or bedroom and itltchcn Iletrigcrntor sud rangctte includ ed centrally located Aduils Tel ephono PA Mm ONE AND Two bedroom spart mente stove rctrigornlor ianltor rcrvlco aridi ciuticrrkcutr Inz from $0000 monthly Tclaphona Leech PA 84670 rURmalrun winterized cotton to rent We bedrooms on heat lng sttuntod nno mils cast or snooty any leiephono 0m 24o BAPFly llhqubng Resort Shanty ey ULTRA lIIODElLN two bedroom apartment in new triplex ncnr iiawkestone nil Highway ll Ap pilancus optional Large living JD pacinunorounds1olo phone 5121 Oro station ATTRACTIVE unturnlshsd three ronm apartment Icll contained centrally located Avniinblo im mediately Printing and St Vin ccnt Stroctn sail monthly Tclc pbnna PA 53511 NEW AND Modern can and two bedroom apartments overlooking ccente ltempenrelt Bay ileet wa ter erking and innitor service inclu on Automatic warning tn CIIltlu PA am ONE ilnmtimnl uniurnlshcd apartment in East End Hcat wa tcr stove refrigerator stungt parking and janitor servicn Avail abileu October Tclephnna PA MODERN three room unturnisb ed apartment self cuntnlflgdjefl nidwater supplied Availnhio im mediately thvly decorated Perk ing space Telcpbnnl PA Moon or iurthor iniorinntion PRIVATE three bedroom Unlurv ulshecl heated self contained apartment with carport Hydro and water supplied Available No vembcr Located in stroud Telcphone 111111 strand FURNISHED three room not con tained apartment central locm tiou Gican with storage space Located ground floor Available immediately Modern decor Tclc phone PA 84851 THREE Roool Apartment Uving roonr bedrnnm end ltitchencite aerrlgcretor cove water hydrn and heat supp on Good location on bus route overlooking bay Tel ephone PA condo ARTICLES tor SALE STOREOWN ERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c Clearing at 9C ea lus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone CC537 Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New PM sterco The nest in sound McFADDEN Appliance IWPENETANGTTI PA 89288 Ample Free Plrklll Terms to suit your Budget NEWSPAPER MATS sires 22x10 meal or lining houses Atuu lulled ate ucrioct insulator 95c PER DOZEN Apply Tho Elma Exarninor Barrie Ontario lliivr you TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store wave url HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLlaR STREET PHONE PA 02670 EVENINGS CALL IiiTA SCANDRm PA aslioa PERCY FORD PA 57010 EMERan SWAIN PA H605 Member or aerrlo and District and Ontario Rchi Btoto Boards on nil Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE DARRlE PA 82532 DAYS OR EVENINGS IlooRi PA Mam FRANK Nuns PA iissas Member Darrin end District ch1 Ililtita hoard ROSE REAL BIATE BROKER 7a TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL any on EVENING PA 82311 Member or rho Darrin and District Real Estate Board CONTEMPORARY h1ch GouldOrb 151d Edith Gouldoro 2516 Norman SheIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89981 PA 68743 DUNLOP ST mmonTcAGcï¬wnsAVAeraiaibiminimr nor or VALUEN0 ram chimera aveuinaxCnueLLh om Iaclc Wiiisou PAjesoal Evcmtt shnlswell 0rd 2an Norman shclsweli PA 09901 noward Norris PA cam SEE THE MODEL HOME WOW UNDERECONSTRUCTION BARRIE VIEW Barries Newest Subdivision SERVICES ARE NOW BEING INSTALLED $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED pat SINGLEle SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone insertion orders are sccc tr ed hsii convonicnco to you advertiser Thcrcipru the Classiï¬ed Advcrtislng Dcpartuiont runnlru all odvrrtiscrs to kindly citchock their advertisement immediately sttur iitsl insertion in order that any orrurs or omissions may be reported betoro up in order that same may on rentmadtar tho iollowiug days insurtiou order We wish to point out that Thu Darrin Examiner is responsible for only and lncDerclLy printed Insertion advertlsnmcnt ant then only to the extent or portion at no that involves tho mispriut Errors which do not losstn the value oi tho advertise ment are not nllglblo ior correo tlons by mnko soods Coming Events do per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words per word extra in Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra rafhii mil re using noon mitt Ii tilihiiil for Rapch is hold strictimnfld ontlol Replinltmtu aoxoa wll llddiil3 1m Ciassiiicd advertisements and notices for theso pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding days Rates and at lee torI mi display classiï¬eds IIIfled through Thu Examiner vortlslng department FEWER ILS DEATHS CHICAGO AWThe US Na tional Safety Council reported Thursday that traffic fatalities for the first eight months of 1061 were at alrccord low of 40 per per 100000000 vehicle miles tra velled That is drop of tour per cent from last year FCDITAGE tor seio Good MOVING JoniLIorgel to tranatcr your INSURANCE and it you need cxtn coverage DI any kind see STEVENSONS gt PA $5201 113 Duniop NOR AND Gcnrxa Holloway Wish to sell their nice neodcrn home miles irom Barrie Illidiiurst arcs Phone PA 1144103 BUILDING tor slle to be torn down by purchaser Good iurnhor Telephone PA 50007 or full in iorointion gt location rumiture included Ncal schools nnd ohurchcr Lot or 155 smoou cash Apply in Granviue staerrie ERICKv EUNGALDW time bed rooms Combination livinpdlnino rOnIn Hardwood nnd ills floors rarcod air oil hunting sissna NIIA tormSuEasI end Telephone PAooaao THREE Dznltoolii Bungalow two yurau1dPnrtly Anishcd recrcs tion room Indchra bodiouiri Lot oo 200 loci Fully landscaped Telephone PA 03045 for full pari ticulors six ROOM brick bungalow cus tom built on rcsldentlal street attuchod garage stone arepincc aluminum storms and screens patio Lot 60 110 1221 months glfmslamo with NiiA terms PA COMFORTABLE Home miles Imln Tnttcnhnm on ND HIKYIr Wfly Fenccdone acre lot all c0n vEnIhclICes hoztnnollr gumbo chick under own LII lGl my Telephone Camp aoiden APAimvtznr BUILDING modern cnnirnliy located in npertmente ouch goltAcontuiriCd nnd supplied with electric flows and retrie erators Lnrge parking lot in rear Also ndiainlng int avnilniila it desired whore another spott mcnt building could ho built This building is calling below contour to illness or owner For rurtho ininrmntion ioicphonn PA door Try AnExamiucr Want Ad GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GoRD SPRINGPA 85091 DOUG HOMERPA 04897 PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinity oi St Mary Church Early poss ession required Reply to BOX49 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONUS To pay on allyour Bills To pay oii Mortgage Combine 1st and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose You Pay Balance Borrow Monthly 1115 yrs $1600 3709 riii $2000 4712 DII $2500 5909 mi Lower monthly payments avail able if desired with up to years to repay For fast cour teous service aAaPRIED ENTERPRISES aereio rcaldunts can operate end is or IE 70540 NOJIMJMRL ether cell Gunlnh TA mm Mcmbcr or Ontario Mortgage Broksra Association FIRST MDIITGAGES for rule 842 lnturoat Monthly ply ments principal interest For up thnr particulars consult us direct or through your attorney Teie Elwin PA b0031 uvanlngl PA MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544at $90 Monthly Up t0 $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4I Dunlap St MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE immediately to consolidate debts fly all existing mortgages homo Prbvununta ctc Call or up Enlntmenl PA weal Mortgage unding over Simpsonssun 125 Dunlap Street East MORTGAGESlat and 1nd bought sold and arranged Commordn and residential ooneye loaned existing mortgages Barrio Iii gage brokers PA carol FINANCIAL $5000 470 FOR WEEKS ASK FOR JMINI LQAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BILL SIMMS PA 60203 ONLY arrcib tthmiustmg If PA 6647 contamgd very pcentral Afliallfle rooms MODE two bedroom rnent uniurnishcd heated Etc trtc range and reirlgerstor Laun dry facilities and parking arcs Janitor service Avallabln Novem her Telephone Autm tar aembdetnchcd duple Two bedroom dinette and kits en four piece bath lull base ment Living room 1AO heating Driveway backyard $00 per month Telopbouu PA 81431 for lnlormuuon MODERN tbrde rnom apartment ground floor Available immedi ately Bent and water supplied Retrlgerntor and stove it dcsirod Sepnrate entrance garage and runny extras Adults only $75 monthly Telephone PA 01359 or do Enyviaw Drive alter pan NICELY Furnished heated apnrts merit available now Central suitable for one or two adults stove and rcirigerator Business pcoplo preterred Abstninere Ap legegï¬gï¬iï¬ngggga TYPEWRIIERS bought sold reub ed repaired student rental rates Ask about our Rent Try than any LPlaustnr Typuwritel Con Bradford sh PA chaos FALL SPECIAL Tito1amoutsin gm styleOMaUc zigZag sewing Machine new $15950 see than to day at your Singer Sewing Cen tre D211 Duniop Street West PA $796 LAWNrEOY ZlLuch Power Lawn Mower oetchina $11450 consldcr tradcln Robinson nerd were telephone PA amt ply Bayaeid street aPACIGUb six loomed apartment large living room with ï¬replace dining room kitchen Jbedruuma November $95 monthly pheno PA Nazi UNIinlsnzii heated apart ment acpnrlte entrance hanvy wiring living room dinette kit ohch bathroom and two bed Adults Telephona PA Tele 111512 TWO UNFURNISEED npartmcuts east end Near plum and school Each has kitchen living room bedroom and bath sesmonthly stove refrigerator and some fun niture available if desired Tele phonc PA 60012 GROUND FLOOR Ihrcu roam heated apartment private both and untranco Rcirlgcratnr and stove supplied close to bus stop schools and storcr Apply 62 TItItn street or telephone PA a15d6 THREE ROOM partly lumishcd apartment with private bath lientcu Lots ot cupboard space close to General Eicctrlc Pa ing spncc Telephone PA 0130 or Author ininrmatian UNFURNIBHED iour room ori ment Hoot hydro sell conta ncd Two childrun welcome Also dup lcx self contained threc rooms Central location Small child wol como Also three roam apmiucnt fltsaadultn only Tclepbunu PA HANKEUPI bruadlnom sell BULLDDZING and Grading Fence Rows and stumps removed Tel epbono Leo Han PA 139 CASE LOANS$500 at $21 per month Crescent Pinanrc 26 puniop st West DIG UP hard to and items with lied Dial PA 132414 to place your low cost on today aPAGE HEATER or snlnwlth blower and pipes also Oil Tank 100 gallon In excellent condition Apply 101 Muicaster Street RENTALS itbin Machinaa ror rent by the work or the mouth singer Show 65 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 421 stock ol rugs and Many sires Must Box on Barri Examiner Taicpbone PA mat WantudtOBlly ed in clnssb Singer Electric PDrt street West 11 complete with grass nttnchrnont Regular now only $0995 will 57 st FAMILY FALLO LINCOLN ARC WELDEHS feiaouiur $15500 COMPLETE HAN DY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE STROUD 10R14 AUTOMOIL MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER 10 DOWN HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 17 GOWAN STREET PA 05408 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH It STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes PA 04155 no ior $20 mouthi rest 11 Barrie BARRIE AREA REPRESENTA OF FAMILY FALLOUT SHELTER C0 MRS HELEN irDownsvie SNOW wDrive Telephone PA 68388 Mom when Wsrs OML Ind NAL TOWIDI Servlca 7a EAYFIELD s12 BARRIE NEED cAansee Seaboard Fin Your Lendnz Neighbor 141 Dunlllp Telephone PA We can build basement type shelter to EM0 specifications that will accommodate family tor two weeks comfortably As low as $405 FREE ESTIMATES or all dielters underground or larger units Budget terms MEN REQUIRED to and tumlils for 11 phone Inmelvyr PINSETRERS wontcd or Kuinp view Bowl on iiinke stront Cali Mr Cohan at PA 09072 after pm wnmmcan Married Men Tr BABY 511 would or ava dly wcck Telephone PA 39630 alter ave CAPABLE LADY required to can lol two children in my own home while mother works Oakley Park area Telephone PA Hm altar 5sn p111 EOILKKEm EPER required or local Wfice Group insurance and nth er employee beneï¬ts Write giv iug education and ex eriencs to no 9naerria Intent nor to come into bum MALE HELP CITY OF BARRIE POLICE COMMISSION REQUmES IMMEDIATELY CONSTABLE REQUIREMENTS oAge 2135 tarnish subject iMin weight 160 lbs Mill height 10 OMin education Gr 10 Startiï¬g salary 550 peryear Apply in oerson to CHIEF CONSTABLE HART or apply in writing POLICE COMMISSION s1 COLLIER ST CHIEF TSCIIIRHART BARRIE ONT pick bulbs ti 1elt flulred or dairy farm Ditties to commence anytime up in Novem bcr irlinurc xnpifllcdflipvlyto Box as Elrrlu Examiner Try An Examiner Want Ad