our TEI PHONES For Examiner ant nus Tait phone PA 81 13 telephone number to call for the Business LOCAL WEATHER Mainly runny tomorrow Wink light Low tonight 35 High Tuesday For complete in metric or Editorial Dept la PAW summary tum to page No Ryan of 97th Yea rNo 229 Pholographers and well wishers crowd around Peter Mont Tremblant Que after he completed his lop holding the winners flag In the first Canadian Sports Car Grand Prix held Saturday at hlosport Track about 40 mlla es east of Toronto Ryan 21 drove Lotus 19 in finishing ahead of top drivers from Eng land Belgium and MexicoHe BarrlspOntarlo Canada Monday I96 was declared winner after Pe dro Rodriquez of Mexico first annunced winner was found to have been one lap short In the iooinp eiwrmWinrï¬oosrmmead the UN ARREST FORMER STRONGMANi ReSistaneeeIsGrOWing To New Syrian Regime BEIRUT Reuters Da mascus Radio today announced the arrest of former Syrian strongman Col Abdel Hamid igSerraLastbe new Syrian re gimc faced what appeared to be growing resistance to its break from the Egyptiandomi nated United Arab Republic The radio said Serra was ar HestedatAahldeoutdLHewas being detained to prevent the revolutionary movement from being exploited for personal reasons the broadcast said Serrai once President Nassera chief lieutenant in Sy ria broke th him and re signed as vice president last week He returned to Damascus two days before the rebellion against the UA broke out Cairo sources had blamed him forthe uprjshig but hisgname never was men arious rebel broadcasts from Damas ous Meanwhile broadcasts from Cairo claimed that fierce battles were raging between troops and etillans inrAleppo key mili tary base in northern Syria and focal point of the revolt five days ago ASKS REINFORCEMENTS The Cairo broadcasts said the army commander in Aleppo had asked for reinforcements He also dcclaredthat violent dem onstrations had taken place elsewhere in favor of uni with Egypt There was no confirmation of it reports from Damascus but Damasct Radio announced Saturday that 15hour curfew had been imposediin Aleppo in dicating trou ble there The Aleppo curfewls twice as long the one in force in Damascus itself The Syrian radio ridiculed Cair broadcasts claiming re volt had broken nut in Aleppo Jhe AssociatedePressvreportede that an American living In Aleppo reached by telephone from Beirut said the city was quiet Resistance to the new regime also appeared to be coming from the countrys 120000 Pal IN UTSHELL Magazine Warns or Atomic Disaster An East German army magazine boasted today of communisms military might and warned BERLIN Reuters that one looton inegaton nuclear bomb would destroy huge area0H seconds uhrihdustrfal zone within few Sandys Armies For Talks In Ghana ACCRA Reuters British Commonwealth Secretary Dun can ï¬ndys arrived here today for talks withPresidentxwame Nkruniah aimed at halting deterioration in relations between Britain and Ghana Sandys also will discuss preparations for state visit to the West African state next month by the Queen Crew Abandon Siiilringllanlrer JACKSONVILLE Fla AP skeleton crew of four men tried for six hours to save tanker from sinking at sea but finallyy gave up and abandoned the ship before dawn today other crew members who had aban doned the 10561 ton tanker Hess Mariner shortly glueroom explosion punched hole In the bottom mi Persons Killed In Explosion DEinoir AP JinersoanareakilléLandeunur ed todhyln an explosion and ire at the Sparling Plastics 71n dustries plant Firemen saidthe explosion apparentlyo ur iRflln11hrgegasoperated steam heating boiler The blast blew outxthe rear wall of the plant and senthrlcksand dab stadium Resume Negotiations At Ford Ford Motor Company andvthellnitud flying In several hundred feet Leadership Appeal Launches Meet BLACKPOOL CPI The British Labor party launched its annual conference tuday with leadership appeal to make the cuircnt sessions the kickoff for the countrys nextgeneral elec tion campaign Mantle May Miss Series Opener NEW YORK IAP Mickey Mantle of New York Yankees said today he doubted he would be able to playin the opening world series DETROIT AP game Wednesday against Cincinnati at Yankee Auto Workers resumed negotiations today amidst reports both sides have made compromises to Mad off strike of 120000 Ford production workers at 11 am Tuesday Cleveland IndiansTlteplaceManager formjor civilian clothes power on the defence lines But photo estinian refugees who over whelmingly support Nasser Damascus Radio Sunday night broadcast statement asking th Palestinians to calir and order and warned that all nonSyrians taking part and expulsion In Washing on the state pnrtmcnt reported today provisionalgovernment of Syria has asked theUnitod States for diplomatic recognition The department spokesman said he request is under stud Hint Spanish Bid For Nuclear Arms Hints of Spanish bid for nu forces were seen here today in call by GeneralissimoFran cisco Franco for an overhaulin his countrys defence treaty with the United States Franco called for the over haul Sunday at celebrations here marking the Spanish dic tators 25th anniversary as head state He told group of military officers that defence and mu tua id agreements between Spain and the Uhited States need to he newly studied and cumstances White Officers Now Civilians ELISABETHVILLE Reuters White officers insecessionist civilians and melted into the face of Wdéinands that they leave the province it was re ported today reporter spoke to French manvat Jadotville whoshed his Kataiiga army captains unl The captain said all other white mercenaries from 20 countries also had become civilians There was no sign that they left or were leaving thecountry Katanga Sald Saturday hehad paid offthe white help in his army This was Tshombes an wer to UN demands made last week for expulsion ofso 100 vwhi Kotangas army Niiro Members ZCoolTo Proposal PARIS ADThe response of European members of NATO to the lJS effort to increase the military capability of the Western defence system by on perhcent appears to be spotty Most of the 14 military mam hers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are meet ing therequest forymore fire some countries less than half demonstrations faced arrest JURGOS£paiLtReuferstA tangled Congo landscapein the resident Moise Tshombe of ur lMPEREb iii UNITED NATIONS AP The Soviet Union has brought forward plan to name tcm porary chief of the UN secre tariat unhampered by veto But the candidate would have to meetwlthllussian approval The proposal previously re ported by informed diplomats was speled out this way Snn day night in statement from the Soviet delegation The General Assembly would secretariat until April 1063 but he would have to work in co operation withthrce deputies None would have veto The assembly would make its selec tion on the recommendation of the Security Council The Russians have veto in the Security Council and could reject any candidate they dis liked The Russian statement said US press reports had distorted the Soviet positionby saying iRedse Of£er Plan NameUvNGhief that it aimed at using the veto Mines Minister Dies In Ottawa onnwo cr Miries Mi IstecJamesA iJlthainmy of0ntario dl hers Sunday nightat ft ago of so The stocgy twolisted lrish man succumbed in hospital to coronary thrombosis after en tering Friday for checkup He earlier of not feeling well stock two fistcd lrlshman bred to politics Mr Maloney loved verbal battle in the courtroom or the legislature frew 50 miles west of here wmvnsforimï¬rsmeme early 19305 requiem high mass will be said at St Francis Xavier no man Catholic Church in Renfrew at 1030 am Thursday Burial will he in the parish cemetery Mr Maloney was born to pal itics His father Dr Martin Maloneypwas Conservative Amemher of the Commons from 1925 to 1915 and his grand father James Bonfield was Liberal member of the legisla tuer in the 13805 brother Arthur is the Con servative member of the Com iavimdmeeerresentcirr AmonaforTorontoParkdal James Maloney aiheavy set man who played college foot ball and baseballrat Loyola in Montreal and Osgoode Hall Tor onto frequently told friends he preferred the action of court room to office routine RUNS ms ossica Perhéps it was as much mamas army have7112mmJoveohactiorrns familytradl tion thatled him into politics had complained to his family thaLpractisewwatRenha mines portfolio Decfaz toss and was reelected in the 1959 Not More Than per Copy4 Page VETO in the everyday work of the guiding body orthe secretariat April 1963 would have marked the end of the second fiveyear term of SecretaryGen ernl Dag Hammarskfold who died in plane crash Sept 18 in Northern Rhodesia For the last year Russia had sought to replace Hammnrsklold with troiknthree menCom munlst Western and neutral each holding veto His per manent replacement under the UN charter would require action first by the council and then by the assembly Tonvold an immediate show down overvthe troika Ireland Norway and others have been promoting plan to have the assembly alone name one man on temporary basis TheSoviet delegation said it impose upon the General Aa sembly onesided solution in circumvention of the Security Council fI Maloney Hospitaliitt 56 would reject any attempts to HON JAMES MALONE for the first time In the 1945 HAMILIQN CP Hospitals the pol former revenue minister James McCann who has since died Mr Maloney waited ll years beforetrylng again this time in the provincial field and won by byelection race to fill va cancy in RenfreWSouth left by Conservative MLA James Dempsey He defeated Liberal candidate NE fNat Lindsay by 800 votes to 5734 He was appointed to the provincial general election The black haired lawyer served as chairmanjof the leg islatures select committeeon laher relationsin 1959 befosernoon today while the floor Damage was comparatively aunrrsaa Reuters fruit juice laced The Sikh leaderandhead larger interests of our cause Singhsaid thelndian governa mentassured him that mem be persons acceptable to the ment and discovered pil FIREMEN sacs T0 wnonc FIRE Firemen raced to an imag inary blaze in Allandale just real fire gained four mlnute advantage at Duckworth Street Quick action on the part of the local fire department prevented what could have been an even more costly blaze First report of the flames led one fir andfire thumbing to 134 iiffin Street There is no real dence at that address How ever before they had dis covered their error another truck was despatched to l3 Duckworth Street the home of Mr and hIrsTUTacir Duikor One fireman at the scene of the blaze reported womans panicky voice had misdirected the first truck Firemen had to cho hole through an upstairs to lsolaletha blaze light despite the lost time SiirhLeader Breaks Fast Singhrr76ycarold Indlnrrslfrlr leader toolr small amounts of food today after breaking his for lbeestah shment of sep arate Sikhdominatod Punjabi state within fndl drank some honey as heended his fast inits 48th day the militant Akali Dal pa be Was ending the last rind the country hersorthe mï¬n 1dr Sikhs Man Is Wounded Hospitals Warned were warned today to watch for wounded fugitive shot by church caretaker whenhc in terrupted raid on store Sat urday night The man bleeding exten sively escaped an accom plice after Dom ks Luring 54 shot him at close range as be advanced wieldinga knife Police found $1200 worth of ransistor radios had been stolen from the Robinson Com pany store adjacent to Centen ary United Church telephoning police man confronted him Luring noticed man on the fire escape outside his son second ice in the alley outsid when his father dropped him pants wereatill sleeping Seven three of them severely the house bhzlns th Report And Russia Inching Gradually to Negotiation Stage WASHINGTON AP The lnlted States and Russia are reported inching toward agree ment on negotiations that could lead to compromise settlement of the Berlin crisis Prospects seemed brighter than 10 days ago when US State Secretary Dean Rusk be gan series oftnlks with So vict Foreign Minister Andrei Gromka that there will be an highlevel meeting to deal the dispute over the di vided German city lt probabl form would be an EastWest foreign ministers con ference The ext orderonsmess is co lnuatlon In Washington of the RuskGromyko talks The two held thrormcetlnga in New York during thevlast 10 days After the third meeting Satur day Gromyko said wo both probabl have deeper under standing of our position officials agreed with Gromykos estimates and said the talks had been useful Gromyko probably will come here Tuesday or Wednesday to see Rusk and to call on Preal dent Kennedy at the White House Mvsr sensuous At the moment Kennedy and EmmeiwflhathpurgentTwhcther task of pcrsuadingUS allies to go along with whatever for mulas may be evolved tosettle The British hava bud prcsslii negotiations Earl Home Britains foreign secretary met in New York with both Rusk and Gromyko and all three agreed the series of talks was useful 0n flying home to London Sunday night Home said We have been preparing the way for what one hopes may be negotiations at some future date there Is plenty of room to talk and plenty to talk about as long as the essentials of the freedom of the city of Berlin se preserved and there is un lnlerrupted access The US will have to concen trate on winning Ihseoopera tion of France and West Ger many Officials of lhctwo have been critical of the willingness of the US and Britain to seek compromise deal with Russia High officials here assume the RuskGromyko sessions gave 50 vlet Khrushchev clea view of US policy on Ben lin it what theAllles consider their vital interests Rusk is known to have placed great deal of emphasis on Western determination to fight for its basic rights in Berlin If necessary US authorities believe It Is now up to Khrushchev to decide hewaiittorlsk€var by pushing demands that in fringe on the Western powersl interests or whether be ill kthe Berlinl Britain presents no problem incenn seek compromise solution short of military showdown Quebec Diesjki Set 151angmoumingfperiodig QUEBEC CF 15 day mourning period was pro claimed Sunday by the piovinl ci government in honor of Lieutenant Governor Onesime Gagnon of Quebec who died Saturday shortly after his thlr heartattactrslnceMay The wife three sons and four daughters of the 72yearbld vet eran of federal and Quebec poli tics were with Mr Gagnon when he diedat Bois de Coulonges hi official residence Rene Hamel acting premier in the absence of Premier Jean Lesage and Attorney General Georges Lapalme said all gov enment offices will be closed Wednesday morning for the ate funeral Mr Hamel mu nicipal affairs and labor minis ter also proclaimed the mourn ing period and will represent the government at the funeral Mr Gagnon longtime asso ciate of the late Premier Mau rice Duplessis had been in poli tics 28 years when appointed lieutenantgovernor in 1958 WIRES CONDOLENCES Premier Lesageattending the opening of Quebec House in Paris this week said in tele gram to Mrs Gagnon The province the whole of Canada as result of the role he played on the federal politi cal scene today mourns the GovernorGeneral Vanier and Prime Minister fenbaker of fered theircondol Mr Gagnon lawyer by pro fessinn entered politicsln 193i winning election to the House of Coinn1onsinther governmenLofï¬ the late Rt Hon 13 Bennett He wasappointed minister with out portfolio in Mr Bennetts cabinet In 193 he sought the leader ship of the Conservative party in Quebec and was defeated by Mr Duplessis He was among the defeated when the Conservatives were ousted from federal office in 1935 and entered the Quebec field where Mr Duplessis was topplingthe Liberals under the thennew Union Nationale ban her When the Union Nationals took office in 1936 Mr Gngnon was named minister of mines game and fisheries During the 1939414 period when the Liber als regained power he sat in opposition with Mr Duplessis T0URGE KHRUSHCHEV LONDON APJ Earl Att lee 7B year old former prime minister said Friday he will go to Moscow next week to urge great move forward toward world government He expects loss of is great Canadian to meet Premier Khrushchev Féusffldreï¬ Die In Blazing7ï¬5ï¬ié LONDON om Cr Four children died early sund when re hit three storey brick house here while the 17 occu other were burned Two of the children diedwhen they wandered hack into the house in bewilderment after be ing led to safetyuA third ed when they became enveloped in syiviï¬ Morton Trudy Morton James Ra lisstwo months and Wendy Homer Three families shared Fireme extingulshed the fire within is rival One fire official said he vuld not unders it how burned unrl tectcd wines with in the Donna Homer said she took herldaughter Wendy and They got backainrJAidn no they were there Mrs Hamer subbed at hospital where se was treated for shock Thenl heard them screaming there was so much smoke couldnt do anything Sylvia and Trudy wei daughters Tof Mr and Mrs Diuglas Morton James Bayllss ther Mortons grandchild Was th son of Mr and Mrs Tha mas Bayllsa ii SusanWMortonr rs Bayllss are in serious condition hospital ML or saved his 14 monthold daughter Per Lee but tw yearoldSylv died in her tan upstairsbedroom Mr Morton said his sonln law mas18 dropped the Baylissrhabyon hedon the second floor when flames on veloped and badly burned He ran to anadlacent veran dah where his 19 year old fwife Sharon was screaming WINS WORLD PLOWING CHAMPION CLEVELAND AP Cleveland Indians today replaced major league hueeballsxoldeat manager with its youngest naming 35yearold coach Meir McGahn to succeed Jimmle kes who will be 65 next month McGahas cdntract was for year adozenara eonlronted by fl nanclal difficulties or internal political situations which make any additional uildup now dlfi ficulttorimpos his Trlldy nrtonto the safetyvof he world plowing champion cored 14415out of possile porch of When gheretnmed shipvatGrlgnonFrance yes 2Mwhile Magsonvscor 15 In more children the fri 1e lfor the baby Tommywpnted to go hack in but ton set ck William Dixon of Brampton one congralu lated by Hans Alan Fagslon Zealand after wtnnln terday Magson was secondn points AP Virephoto en little girln followed hetwovday competition it gt gt tmokeIilledlw