Ellie Norrie 733s amimr or Editorial Dept to PA Cm LOG Mainly Taming am tureialilltei 97th YourNo TRACK AND FIELD MEET SPARKS ENTlliiSlSM Orillia girl gets in spirit of thingsas hundreds oi high Believe New Session To Begin In December OTTAWA tCP legisla tive program with vote gat ting appeal as its ioremost fea wto be put belorc new seas on EIParlisment early in December An informed source said Fri day night Prime Minister Diel enbaker is planning to put the current Parliament back to work before Christmas ruling out virtually all possibility at tglenerai election this fall or win The obiecrwouldbe to unvefl an attractive legislative pro gram in the thronespeech have it adopted in principle before Jilristgias and then resume the hard we of the 19oz session in anua The only change that might be made in this schedule inior manta said would be brought about by the international situ ation it it worsened suiiiciently tor the government to ieel an immediate election was needed The record length iourth ses clan of the present Parliament wound up Friday on its 174th allianghay and the government asheeLundeLpess many of its porters particularly irom West ern Canada election soon The Prairie Conservative MPs feel that times now are prosperous for the farmer and therefore propitiou olitically or the government ONTARIO TAX KUBTB cautionary note however has been taken in the advice iven the government by its On arlo supporters The new three ériwentprovincial sales tax Ontario which went into ef ect Sept has resulted in some provincial disinvor rub hing oilontbe tadersl Conser atives Mr Dielenbalrer is believed observers here to have cose to revealing his night in Vernon Says Nixon Sought Secret Deal Insure Republican Nomination DOS ANGELES APiRich ard Nixon denies he sought secret deal to get former gov ernor Goodwin Knightnut oi thi 1962 race for Californias Repub llcan nomination for governor False and libeilous on its face the former vicepresident said Friday of Knights charge that Nixon sent an emissary toofier Knight any state job he wanted ii Knight No persons or authorized by me has made such promise Nixon said Knight retested will dis close the name of Nixons pres oureemissary and present my proof and witnesses at public press conference within very few days Friday night Knight said he accepted an alter from Los An geles TV station KTLA for television debate with Nixon But station oiilciais said Nixon spokesman advised them Nixon would nott debate with Knight FEUD sons These re the latest develop dispute between Ca wo leading Re ublic aimmerlng is that main boil since Nixon unced his candidacy for vexnor Wednesday night Today hDill men are private citizens Nixon has been associ to calla general election will depend on the ch oi students parade through Barrio prior to Tud adas economy is rolling again but said the country 1ch an other unemployment problem this winter The prime minister lie expressed pride that Can good prospects of the economic becoming even brighter next your after the sea sonnl slump Observers interpreted this to mean that the prime minister thinks next summer or iali will be much better time than this autumn for the Conservatives general election MAY OPEN DEC The tiith session ol the cur rent Parliamemhtho 24th Par llament since 1867 probably will open Dec for and ad journ after the throne speech debate for Christmas New Years recess one or two ma jor government measures might be introduced and parliamen tary conunittees organized Economic Climate Sets Election Date AVANCOUVERCP Nar tional Liberal Leader Lester Pearson said Friday hebeiieves the timing oi the next federal kind at economic climate we have in Canada this winter in other words he told press conference he is dis counting as part of political war oi nerves talk oi tall election But his party would welcomecne even then Mr Pearson criticized tth ed eral government or critic oi Britains entry into the pean Common Market de scribed as an unhappy mess thrfederaiproviuclai disagree ment on the Columbia River hydro plans and said if the West yields on Russias plans tor threclmsn secretarygen eralship tor the United Nations it would mean the end oi the UN as an eliective organiza tion ated with prominent law firm in Los Angeles since his deicat in the 1960 presidential election Knight is independently well todo and also has wellpay ing job as Los Angeles iV commentator He claims Nixon engineered the Republican man oeuvring that forced him to step aside as governor in 1953 to al low then US senator William Knowland to run for that oilice Knight ran for Knowlanda Sen ate seat Both lost badly Knight claimsand Nixon de niesthat Nixon than vicepres ident wanted both men defeated so he could have unquestioned control ot Californias Republi can party Air Cadet 17 Dies To Head On Crash Charles Edward Willis 17an air cadet at AF Centralia was killed in headon car truck crash near ere Friday night Tia youth son Mr and Mrs Willis oi swick Maine died whenaca inw ch he was travelling colh transport truck driven ton Pitts of St Dai added however that there were shc continued to resist The con thc courtrwouldba sums FALLS or ith Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday September 30 19M WEST TELLS REDS With NEW YORK APiTha West ern powers are reported to have told Russia in diplomatic talks here that they have no intan tlon of negotiating with Com munistEast Gedmany over the right to keep Allied troops to West Berlin The future status at the US British and French garrison is one oi several critical issues which have arisen in talks hold separately by US State Secre tory Dean Rusk and Foreign Secretary Earl Home oi Britain with Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko ot Russia The New York talks which actually mark the start of in formal negotiations over oom promlae settlement have dealt with three major aspects oi the Berlin crisis Rusk and Home have tried to impress upon Gromyko that the Western powers will tight it necessary to defend West Ber lin and its access routes against Communist encroachment Soma aides at the two Western minis ters think Soviet Premier Khru shchev now understands that he runs grave risk plung icing the world into war it he ovarplays his hand Rusk has tried to discover whetherjib ahchev is willing to agréo hroadfbasls or formal negotiations on Berlin includiaggquestions such as Ger manys future and European se curl he is an EastWest hope track and iicid meet at Central Collegiate today Exact date for the opening probably will be decided in the next icw weeks The cabinet was reported to have set itseil busy schedule oi meetings starting next lilonday Can Resist Arrest Ii Given No Reason VANCOUVER CPlA police court magistrate has ruled that anyone has right to resist arv rest unless told why they are being taken into custody He made the comment Thurs ay as Jicthmw oathcharge oi assault against Yvonne Black 27 and drunk charge against male companion Constable Ric Begley charged the woman kicked him when he arrested her male companion in an east end cafe Sept 13 But when he arrested hcr tooonan assauitrcharge At Clarenceliouse LONDON AWBuckingham Palace announced Friday night that Princess Margarets baby expected at the end oi October yokesrlyineNovembergvilLbe born in Clarence House WThis is where Queen Mother Elizabeth lives arm whereMarr garst lived beiore her marri BEBJ stable admitted hedid not tell Ililiesl Bigck why he was taking Magistrate Les Bewiey said cirrpoiiceini their duty but constables must abidrascloseosrpossibleitmthe Criminal Code which stated persons should be told why they are being arrested IN NUTSHELL Ask Greater SupportEoï¬IN Police TORONTO OP United Church leaders prgposed Friday that Canada give greater support to United atious police force the some day as the United Church Observer described such support as questionable dream Accused Oi Collaboration With Reds TORONTO CP The GospeiWltnoas published by the Baptist Church has accused the Baptist Federation oi Canada oi collaboration with Communists The accusation came in the current issue oi the Witness in connection with the visit to Canada by three Russian Baptist ministers Turn Over Cancer Drug To VGovt WASHINGTONJA Developers of the controversial cancer dnig Krebiozen turned over thegovernment Friday sample oi the drug its chemical iormuia and data on its use as step toward possible tests of its worth This was the iirst time the chemical formula had been revealed to the National Cancer institute Would Cieate Development Itmd PORT ARTHUR OP Energy Resources Minister Maw auley candidate ior the0ntario£0mfliï¬ve FEW leadel ship today proposed establishment of specialcahinet com mittee on northern development and creation oi multi milliondollar Ontario development tundto promote economic expansion in the provtnce Former Cadets Gather ForWeekeni KINGSTON OP More than 400 former cadets some irom as far away as Englandrand Gemanymsemblcd at the Royal Mihtary College here today for weekend convoca tion and the annual RMC Club meeting Traiiic Cleared By Bomb Scare TORONTO OP downtown section of Toronto was cleared at traffic early today when parcel iirst beiievedh Waninncggiicte Germans ioreign ministers conicrence in November or December seems certain But Gromyko up to now has shed little light on Soviet plans and intentions in this respect By raising questions about Russias Barlin pollcy Rusk and Home have sought to ex plore the possibilities for suc cess cl foreign ministers con ference In essence they want to know whether Khrushchev is willing to compromise or whether he intends to dictate lhfta trsattlcment UNITED NATIONS AP Persistent reports at secret Russian commitment to block new African state irorn joining the United Nations could boost Nationalist Chinas chances at keepinths UN seat Diplomatic sources said today Russia has privately promised Morocco to veto Mauritania as UN member when its appliv cation comes up hi the security council Mondayregardless oi whether the Nationalistsuse their veioagainst Communist Outer Mongolia This could touch all chain reaction that might backiire against the Communists when debate on seating Comiunist China starts in the General As sembly later this tall 0n the other hand the Russians hope Jheir stonewalling tactics will work inst the Westby forc ing out Nationalist China The key to this is the position oi the Brazzaville group of 12 Frenchspeaking Airican states hackinLMs another 10 mer French LIt the gran ï¬rst had indicated theywo dvobeinltheaassemhiy to seat peking ii the National ists veto Mongolia HOLD BALANCE gt They reason that it they get rid of the Nationalists it would clear the way for Outer Mon golia and thus lift the Soviet veto threat against Mauritania As thingcetandnwraz ville group votes on Cidis Sees Threat Ol CenSorship Growing In US SPOKANE Wash AP Threats oi censorship and bu reaucratic control are growmg in America director The Associated Press warne Fri EY Eugene Pulliam publisher oithe Phoenix Republic and Gazette and the Indianapolis Star News told the Associated Press Members Association Washington and Oregon that its is the task of newspapers to awaken the people to these dan ers The United States is driiting passiveiyintosome type or so lIint SecretRussianAgreement Block Seating Oi African State embersoi labelling it as maverick union SANTA CLAUS WANTS BEER ATLANTA AP Santa Clair wantnomcbeerrAnd state oillciois are in tlzzy Santa Claus is in Toombs County William Salem claims Santa Claus il city that he is its mayor and that he wants to issue beer licence Toombs County commissioners say glelfl is no such municipal The state rovenuo depart mentwhich has charge oi beer licences has asked the attorneygeneral whether there is in act Santa Claus town Various authorities list the population at Santa Claus at mm to seem to hold the balance at fwer in the loocountry assem it But representatives oi the Brazzaville groupmay see things differently it they believe the reports that Moscow will veto Mauritania just to curry favor with Morocco The 12 African representatatives went into huddle Friday night to reconsider their position in view the reported Russian com mitment to Morocco which Moscow has been actively woo ing into the noutralist camp for more than year lnlormanta said theliusslan had made the commitment hop ing to cash in on Moroccos claim to Mauritania in return for keeping out the African state they apparently expect Moroccoiojnteniiilil8 drive against Us air bases tEere By sodasr mos UllAWA CPLThe hold oi the independent Seafarers later natlonal Union of Canada on Great Lakes seamen was bro ken Friday by the Canada La bor Relations Board The board certified the Can dian Brotherhood of Railway jiiiï¬sport andGeneraPWorkers CDC as bargaining agent ior the crews of two Canadian ships the Northern Venture and the Wheat King The decision gave the 350 member brotherhood resound ing victory in the opening rotmd of what may develop into bit ter perhaps bloody water irontwar over union represen tationon Canadian inland ireighters The brotherhood is declared ice at the SIU andits president Hal Banks oi Montreal It fought the SM on the west coast over marine engineers and succeeded in getting the Sciliars ere union ousted from the Ca nadian Labor Congress thus in the ranks of organized labor The rhoods certifi ciaiistweliare state although 5000 years of history have proved it doesnt work Mr Pulliarn said in April President Kennedy Watched the press for endanger ingnath security lie inti mated that it was because at printing the newswe had gotten ourselves into such mess in Cuba lie said the papers should not decide is it news But it in libs public interest contain bomb was found sitting on top at mail box at Queen and Jarvis streets Cabinet Nkrumah Toll Reshuiile ACCRA Ghana Reuters President today announced an extensive reshuiiio oi organization of ministries and gover shuttle came two days alter Nlmun istcrs in the West African Common cause at their varied business co Missmg Ship Sight HALIFAX cm gnu Molly object of searqhzfo twovdaya wasyppottcd from located the lockeporl this southeast oi Shelbumo Finance Ministerv Elected Chairman PARIS Reuters Can8dian Finance Minister Donald Flem was today elected first chairman oi the new socouflry Organization folEconomic Co oper tionahd Developmen at gurat meeting here succeeds the allE onOrganizat or Ecpnomic archanne er4mr the exploits Discoufl Aime NEW DELHI Reute lice today discountcdt biiity that bomb ploded in street her night five minutes at harlal Nehru pas was aimed at the ter They said the ho small explosive persons in the ceived only minor uted the incident to mongers and said str had failed few secou ole Nehru 72 posed entirely staging demonstrations in Not More Than 7e civilian Regirm 0n GovtBuildin CtLiromAPRoutero BEIRUTSyrial new civilian regime raised the flag of Syrian Arab Republic ov crnmcnt buildings to dcred the eviction in quick sequel against Cniroa km All Egyptians clvn tary were instructs themselves at quarters Sunday home The order the commander Arab army was Radio Damascus run broadcast announcing the Vila were monitorcd in Be tal oi neighboring Le Premier Momoun Ku announced dissolution military group that boost to power fie promised racy and constitutional Kuzbari has not ye claimed Syrias indepe from President Nassers ted Arab Republic in which it joined Egypt in February 1m But the new logo flying over govern in out ofiicea indicated this was last technicality AFFEUTB THOUSANDS Number or Egyptians to Syria is not known but there are sev erai thousand in addition to the hundreds oi government oili ciuls who served the United Arab Republicinjamescus and other cities there were large numbers at Egyptians holding posts in the Syrian army There were several uni believed com Egyptian sol diers Egyptian worn were asked to stay in theirlhomes today tor their own ety This and previehl commu niqu asking Syrians toy tthrrevollltton gt Labor Board Bre Seamed 0h cation victory is expected to spark an allout eliort by new marina workers union to sign up SlU members The new union is tamed by MichaelJ former STU organiz iected last year oi the 1150000 dian Labor Congr operation oHhe The oncogene the otganizerl or their attempts to gt port on the lakes at ward creation ol marine workers the parent body ot bar The Sill is expecte counteroiiensive rival possibly port irom Long Teamsters Union at has pact of The possibiii union strife we lier hisyaéefk in pig before the Viede rat inv gen ratio dus ry RLAMEMISCHIEP Friday 41 pgladce and lo The only Arab leader ékfid 3g sympathetic word for Na hisdreanuiLai or Arab nation started bllng was President Bourguiba ol hinisia Hi my Nasser iricndiy tele pressing regre tion Messages 11 CE care get