QUEENS PARK PC Leadership Still Wide Open By DON OREARN TORONTO WM afternoon Oct 25 loyal POI should have bad tied speeches for while The tentative agenda threedoy ltadershi makes allowance igr pi °l Heywmmu talkl And Mr Gardiner and be throllllglhlts assoiatitoglwith 32515 mot wm mu hag ability to prgirlid er arm on sees an on real may rï¬Ã©cts as Operdtion BFoiï¬erhood arid lilo he In aid we the Tibetan refugee program It has or Pfm mum Didsnhlhr politician And it mm wire ganized nationwide speaking contest in hm 15 floor Tuesday li mag down policy at this limb die 1ani backed various traffic safety pro emm assignmobdl ï¬ttings ac Then is on elm nt in the Théddflor Chamberlinota sdclaicllflii or fraternity but rather an educational organization wherein the young men of any community regardless of race colori or creed may join in friendly spirit to develop their civic consciousnesrin constructive projects which will improve Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited to Hayfield street Barrie Ontario ruuasoav seer as not rm gAchievements Of Jaycees Recalled By Anniversary iwent five years ago the Canadian Junl°£9 all efucommsrg FESISm ally organized at gatherin in Toronl At that time there were 26 unior Ch bers scattered across the country ra ther modest growth from the one that ex lated in Winnipeg 13 years earlier But 1039merewere nmmueiluniop mbers and by the end of World War the total had reached 15 Since 1045 the growth has been spectacular and nowthere are more than 300 member thambers scattered across the ten pro nces Two of the tents of the Jaycee creed that it will be tackling the ques tion oi policy This could or could not rmrlt something concrete and sig niiioant Gardiner illeiro 1hr entes capermayor is chairman it the same session candi dates will be nominatedwith thline tlhet uiï¬hthtlllgmgldatef policy 32 °md Em VB But there another field of Th WWI thought whic llorer it would long drown out session For there are already seven candi yésbétfï¬nyifngyion mo dates in the fieldand the con UN PEACEMAKER tendon in still some weeks away In memory of Dag Rem marskiold secretorygeneri AFTER ALI ANYBODY CAN PULL TRIGGER EDITORS NOTEBOOK The health andph slcal education tea chers at high schoo will teach most of the broadened health education course with the doctors lecturin on the med ical aspects of reproduc on childbirth venereal diseases and other subjects Parents and students had nothing but praise for the health education program when it was first brought out last spring in fact many of the students said the lecturesshould begin in Grade instead of Grade XI The members of the Board of Education however felt that there BIBLE THOUGHT For our light affliction which is but for moment workcth for us far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory II Corinthians 417 Some trials are forced upon us some we make for oursel ves Some are real Some are imaginary But we can make them proofs of Gods love that passed so let us work and pray to bring Gods peace on earth at last while we still have another day ALICE EMERI Barrie Sweepstake Fever Is Hot Potato it is ei dlitlcult and sometime downright embarrass Lets figure it out it every man woman and child in Can Linked with the community the re ion and the net are The brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignt of nations and service to if gflerï¬ggg gaggggmtfms sign PUZZLIIED humanity is best work of lite The vendhdvfdii is icing up touilt organization has taken ositive ate rtr TheJunior Chamber has accomplished promise of being as exciting an al of the United Nations translate these ideals in action on much in its comparatively brief span of any we have ever had here Bleut are the postmaster tlcular significance is its program at existence its vigor and call htened out in the lobbica of the buildings It mat ers not the hour or day tacking barriers between Englishspeak look on the Canadian and ternational It is about the only thing being his body fell asleep ing and Frenchspeaking Canadians it scenes promise more accomplishment in talk boutby7theip£iiticians Wemimow his soul mention onsors exchange visits extended use of the future To the Jaycees then our Edam Wm are all miller keep ultaneous translation equipment anda best wishes for many more sig icant pvnw mull flying who win its did not shrink nor ialttr reciprocal speech program it addition anniversaries me ham but just new on There lB roan littellsd or he knelt no fear but sought course are rm El and are boosting theirpceddiï¬ MM iiihtwn WWII dogs In mï¬dc the Eacriiice sublime ccampo eucatonm remn us WWW Roberts Is doln robabl wetoomnstieavethem health education rogram unique the must eilectlve fobpin thir oi time in Gamma is bung meg out in the high ml has been expressing such bigginioumses ognin the chance ï¬lgrades in the schools at London Ont ï¬oyflgem 1mm mom Althou the plan is still under devel an ng opment is being done with the co abijgrivegiiiirwomgl weeps eratlon of the medical profession It dime at this stage on enyolies broaden health education pro ram chances which was tried out among the stu ents feature oi thig convention of grade XI at all the London schools somewhat overlooked to date is fewmonths ago on trial basis Doctors will lecture tosenlor high school girls and boys on sex education mental health nutrition and diet as well as weight control and alcoholism The educational authorities in London feel that the proposed course will ex plain the normal body functions in normal way to prevent emotional diffic ulties among the teenagers which often upset future health Doctors will bring the latest informa tion and data to high school health and physical education teachers and will also give special lectures to the students Other Editors ONLY NEGOTIATIONS Kingston WhigStandard could be many students inst entering adolescence in grades be ow XI who ingfor alderman to deal with would be worried and confused over hot potato politically speaking many of the things that would be brought before them The 1proposed lectures will gious or ethical ques not touch upon re tlons One of the most controversial issues in years the question of legalizing sweepstakes came before meeting of Barrie City As our educational programs are rap Council this week We thought idly changing no dou ndon schools FREETRADING Ottawa Citizen other boards of education wrll watch closely the pro rose of the health education plan for th lews the nldarmen and the mayor acquitted themselves very well despite the fact that they had tom decisionn Fortunately for them perhaps they were not called upon to decide the question They simp ly endorsed resolution from the county oi Peel requesting the federal government to legal lze sweeps Now the potato is in the governments hands and ads invested $3 in sweep tick ct the total take would be ap proximately 54 million Not much is it when we think in terms oi the hundreds of mil lions for hospital purposes Perhaps the government could bank on selling millions of tic kets in other countries But our sweep might face the same haz ard as that of lrelnnd con fiscation beyond the borders of the nation simply to ask the government to legalize sweepstakes lust for the fun they would bring But this would be more honest than giving the impression that sweep would bring large sum it would not be good politics CANOE PERFORMANCE PHILADELPHIA MP The Philadelphia Orchestra Associa tion Wednesday cancelled Fri days opening performance of the 100le season because of contract difficulties between the orchestra and its members BACKACHE May be Warning Beehihl Is oftn caused by Hdnsyntien WMannaya stoutoi order axeea acids and was mm in the system Than backache dir Iurbed rest or that tiredout and lievy hasdodicelingmayeoonleliow Thats the an to at Dodds Canadiah growth and progress tillint Ros for hospitals After all the peo ple would be buying to win not as giveaway or an invest ment The West despite some differences has moved to show its firmness in the face of Soviet rovocatlons and surely now Mr shchev mustbo con vivnced that the West is in deadly earnest Mrs Miriam Lane British authority on fleas has arranged to make exchang 3dtilflï¬iif3ï¬ï¬Â°gï¬igshï¬ es with the Russians They are grateful that the government will shelve to us for our fleas sh sa land gm the whole matter are very ate til to uss ans or Surely now both sides in the issue must theirs So ong as this cultural exchange ï¬fï¬xï¬ï¬aï¬ good be convinced that negotiations and only is confined to the entomologists and does reason that most men are gam negotiationsaregolngmeasï¬hnnsurï¬otMendflothegeneralpu uiatlon Melneuron There is no lim For if the situation is allowed to con fleatrading should do nothing ut good it to the fever Canadians are tlnue something must give under the to the relations between the two counlt MPH V1 any terrible misï¬ts and that something tries Ck Pm W1 show And few people will hes bodes no gbut horror for the world ltate to take fling at the ir MERIT RATING FOR TEACHERS isHSweep knowing or atom Smart St Marys JournalArgus that their chances of winning are one in many milli it would be wrong to flatly state that new year we read of ézhbacgm Roman strilPesr GASOLINES MOTOR OILS action Then you is halterwork Klan Pill new STRANGE FIGURE Brantford Expositor Alistair Cooke Britishecommentator has this to say of the lateeFrank Lloyd Wright famous architect He was an enormously impressive man who looked teachers are paid too mucbrmoney There maybe someewhoarerbutthere are gï¬gnhggfgwgéfgmeogi others who certainly are not But for all the my The man or awn 01 vange lne teachers to be paid the same money on who bnugbt ticket but tailed like Merlin impersonating Whistlefls scales set on group basis does lap to winhes often remarked new Mother and he had beautiful gentle pear wrong ihatis why the school board Wail it could have but as smoothflowing voice that lulled you with associations proposal to establish merit W5 have been me 161 suremates earls of wisdom even when he was owning you witbnonsensel Weve met or heard of such people onloccaslonyr some of them even found organizations and start movements in afriendiyllttlegine Paragraphmdlly Speaking summarized popular feeling best when he remarked Amhha lcisurcmates has right to do what he rating plan is likely to gain favor Ad The alderman who are men excellent teacher shouldbe worth more with their fingers constantly at than good teache nd lot more itPublic milie are aware of chis feeling Sometimes the ex ilijill 0119 Whilst 0313313111 95 if lineman perience it themselves No doubt some at them bet on the pon ies as most of us do when we get the chance or partli in sanforizedT flannelette Now the very kind ofcomfortabie and casual sleepwear youfve been looking for is here in our smart new Their pretty ï¬nish Ving touches in this clever Roman stripe design is further enhanced bycliegoociquelityilanneletteusedrw to create this ï¬ne match Come see this delightful newseriestoour collectionsatyourï¬rstopportunity President Kennedys physician woman says men should sit downto put their pants on in the morningPress report It is wondered if she sits down to put deleted Instead of reaching for cigarette to ease his tension the middleaged man should reach for blonde or brunette says London Physician Maybe so least it would be chance tojump from the frying pan into the fire Forty thousand barns could be paint ed with theamount oflipstlck used by American women in year NewsV paper filler And in some cases the lip stick would look better on barn Overheard in the year 2010 as dream ed last night Ive travelled verylit gaggmmgmgmm tie havent even been out of the inveut mm doum 3m solar system lrlsh sweepetake ticket or in dian sweep no nasty gov Badlyfl uaonLdmggga fï¬lï¬ldre id keep them trom notiffotihhfldtiéiéi 31 and driving their parents to the ragged edge Alderman wus of running fits when they are taken on kahuna id hhg strip by car for several hundred miles gbjecum to the mmflhing Propaganda is Predigested pablum tor°° mud °° people What he did not on pusr11e peogievrthpgggttrecepiign cede of course is thatctno hole chem of swee is the If bad beginning makes oocLentL ing the human race should Wind up in mm winning mm $150000 on threedollar invest roseate blaze of gin Its first parents mm 11 my mum mm were iawbreakers an one of their sons gambler oi the average man 22 DUNLOP 51 PHONE on 34470 The Barrie Examiner Authorised II uoond clue lull store more PM Outï¬t Dflpuhnlnt 03 mm to pan noun sunom and sttutory Holidays attains Was murderer woman Clam Wed mm WALL PI II gm omenx aunt $37 Theres news teachers pet II the thwrmolumeflflimfgfl 0m sisal£21m Waltz length gown $1498 Mormon litringing editor school of experience wake is never unecflngyneiï¬gi 10 Im Sim 5M4 in mum orgold ensure WADGB Business Manner loBlETlmultlsintHanuernA socialist says clvlhzation will last roan Banners circulation Manner 50000 years but gives no inklingof becrlptlen rue daily by carrier loo weakly when it will begin 95 one at nonsenseire ounid melt Ontarioth An astronomerhas given victims of on yum Outside Gan way of raising funds for any cause The ldeabehind Can adian sweep in to turn over the net returns after payment of prizes and expenses to the b1Cupri pyinmu $598 Sizes 3436 in motive or gold Lollgtorso style pyema $593 common dwiimphtitii eory on verse as Sizes tea in mauve orgold 53 mum 1m mm to space and is in the form of sphere fggufle Egagï¬ghfmï¬g Member Of the lflllll DI MIDDIP Pub more Association Candidnt Press and the Audit Bureau at simulations lnllulfl ID 03hflclndhllflilllxulflllAlfedrgzll Imhlfl thh on TIMI or 0f IV or Assoc Ashton sndflsotne local II we nubiisbad therein closed at pail boundary points Letthe school child have his comic book advises an educator bowing flaunts gracefuliyto theinevitable imï¬gï¬iy £2521 wwld which would reach government handswould bevery smell Even if every dollar went to lingerie corsair liiosielY Sportswear Accessed