snare Emma rauuoar sen no no CNIB OffiCer Asks Change Image Of Blind Ontario Division Supervisor of Field Services for the CNIB Al fred Sparks told the annual meeting of Barrie District Ad visory Board for the institute that the position of the blind Personiin Vhlsicornmqnityls fai cry from the bcgg tin cup of few years ago Mr Sparks who is himself blind spoke of the prevalent image in the publics mind and This camp serves 7000 blind people from all over Ontario There is over mile of guide rails electrical heating boats and fishing craftrooms games swimming in water with buoys with raisedJumbcrs the nets to keep anyone irom slipping under and even cafeteria CHILDREN Mr Sparks said that thorn how this image must be chang mcd ilherpublic generally os warped and twisted questions be said lily grandson looked up at storekceper and said Dont rush my granddad hes blind and cantthlnkvcry fast lllr Sparks also cited an example where woman said to him if you cant are why do you have to sleep flia CNIB must create new image With the efforts of the sighted and blind alike we are making ailthehllndseif reliant and men and women of the community We are giving them their deserved right to work to be do economic factor in the community he said RAPID TRANSITION arczmbiind childrenlolrlndo ergarten and public schools in Ontario and some have gone on to high school He praised this as tribute to the cooper ation of staffs and the dedica tion of citizens who have shown the world the way to tre problem with intelligence They come from all over the world to stud our type of work in Canada he told the meeting He asked those present to feel proud to have taken away Jhe vhiilsrstralghlenedjhérurv and made the OMB what it is today Murdoch field secret aryaftlwBarrlo distrch CNIB introduced the speaker Phil Carr in the new representative 4iotheBayviewil3arkisuburlr The speaker pointed out the rapid transition from the tin cup to today Another new proschool institute for the resl dent blind is opening in Sud bury This is the tenth of its kind in Ontario and will serve 44 resident blind children who before had nowhere to go and about 530 blind people of the area will have use of the facil ities The striking thing is all of these have appeared since 1947 The new camp at Lake JosT eph is magnificent example of the progressive thinking in our organization today he said Association Plans Panel Discussion The program for the October meeting of the Barrie and Dis trict iation for Retarded Children will be panel discus sion There was question box at the September social evening at which all members and friends were asked to bring written question concerning mental re tardationrto branswcred by iii panel Questions may also be asked from the floor Members of the panel will be Mlss Elsie Raikes Public Health Nurse and chairman of the associations education com mittee Smith chairman of the associations finance com mlttee Mrs Hankin director at the Sheltered Workshop and Murray Findlayson moderator Spot Third Moose In Orillia llrea GRILLIA CP Residents were amazed Wednesday to see large bull moose trotting up from the Lake Couchiching shore The animal wandered across the highway left its huge hoof marks on few front lawns and disappeared into the bush along the lake Sunday two mouse were re ported seen by farmer in VMara Township to the east of the lake These were the first moose seen in the area in many years OF READYMADE DRAPES AT SALE Youngs Draperies PA 88588 nï¬inTw of Angus replacing the late Hcdfero Conservation Club Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club starts its hunter training safe ty course this Friday at the Orange Hail Allandale The course will be in four 41mmrcach week at 730 pm on Fridays It is now compulsory in On tario for hunters wishing 1961 licences to be able to pro duce last years licence or the certificate stating com pletion of this course The course will cover prolt per gun handling survival in the bush and wildlife habits One night will be devoted to illustrations of these topics with slides Name Address Name of street nred Baldwin Lane Williamst Innislll St 66 11W Ir STREEIcQEFNI To Width Starts Hunt Course Dilt anoc Eat construc Tnc secretarytreasurer oi the Beeton Fair which concluded twoday run yesterday is all smiles today The fair was huge we cess he said and we had pretty close to record crowd with 3200 children participating in todays school parade alone heard one of the livestock judges say that part of the show was like Little Royal Winter Fair said Harry No outstanding features were the all entries in thc sheep section nd the 16 bushels of shell corn hich is new in this area Mr Crass added it is the best pork that has been shown in the six fairs that avc attended said Ted Hornsby of Barrie Copaco Hornsby was referring to the Bacon Competition For that matter all the pork sponsored by In etaoperation with Orillio Dental Society arlo Grade X1 or its equivalent required for consideration for admission Class Limit 20 Registration Fee $7500 Graduation andVCertificate After Written Examinations OPENING NIGlIILIMLNLOCT 2ND GENERAL REGISTRATIONS Bring High School Certificate EVENING CLASSES IN DENTAL ASSISTING 0WDSTRiGT¢°lEmLocmmï¬W APPLICATION FORM tion costs costs Est Corpora Est cost tlon share or HAROLD GOULD SHOWS BURT GARDH OUSES CHAMPION HEREFORD BULL in the fairs has been of high quality with three fairs having to call in two judges as one man aloncx could not make the decisions Orton Ebby Kitchener judge of the Holstein competition said The champions in the female section were quite outstanding It was good show Mrs Lelts past president of the Ladies Section comment ed that Although tho4needie work and handicraft section was down in number of entries the quality was wonderful Every thing is as good as last year including the crowd Convener of the Publlo School Department was MrarGeorga liicCague forrrcr school tea cher from Alliston This is Mrs McCagucs sixth year with the fall The quality was exccp tionally high in baking apples gourse in DENT AlASSISIIlilG TheROYAEW SURGEONS oi ONTARIO 0DCVI Evening Course Program MONDAY and THURSDAY evenings 730 to 930 pm AFVoMOCTOBERZTWFIIo MARCH26 I932 Attendance Record Is Set At Beeton EcuL and flowers The writing art and work books which were sub mitted for advance judging rn June were down in number but this can perhaps be explained by tha fact that they were iud god in June for the first time this year she said The judges in the baking and fruit sections in the regular fair commented very highly on the general quality of both said Mrs Long convener Mrs Long thought there won1 not as many entries as last year but quality made up for the slight decrease in quantity Highlighting Tuaqu evening was the drawfgrvthc big cash Elath big time winner was Mr Haniey Schomherg who won the $500 cash prize lo cal mun Earl Brown of Centre Street in Beeton won $800 Miss Sherry Henderson of Markham $200 and Mrs Joan Hawton also of Beeton $100 Annual Est rate No of per foot yam abutting to be debent pcr toot kontuge 464178VP0P1MA pomIo historical plaque will be unveiled Unveil Fort Willow Plaque And Open Bridge On Oct WASAGA BEACH speciali OctobertlIlolngtoberu 5y date for many in Simone County Early in the day on at Fort Willow by Sandy Coutts Hon Br Catbcart minister of Travel and Public will IlIo attend the unveils Later in the day Hon Fred Cass Minister of Highways will officlnto It the opening of the new bridge over the Nottiwa ircr at Wasaga Beach During the ceremony Mr Cass will be presented with cannon ball found in the river by two summer residents Both these events are linked on Beach is going all out to make the opening of the bridge program of the day sets the opening to take place at pm After the ribbon had been cut by Mr Case and the acoomp anying speeches concluded the limit will proceedto Jimmie centre where barbecue will be underway At least two bands will attend the centre East Sirocco Supports Plan Io Government VSpVorisCouncil The little communib of Was will be brilliantly lit Ind plenty of parking space provid ed Boy Scouts and Girl Guide will be on hand to assist where 17 In the municipal hall llacll refreshments will be served to the invited guests Among these will dignitaries of surround ing municipalities and members of both dominion and provincial ailments dny to be remembered The dire tithith the bistorymlibis and Canada in the war of 131244 between England and the United States the Nottawasaga River played most important part At that period one of the main routes to the northwest was overland from York Toronto north on Yongo St to the Holland River into Lake Slmcoe then to Kem pcnfelt Bay From here the Nine Mile portage led to Wil low Creek the Noltawasaga Riv orGeorglauBaya dvvbake Huron PROJECT The restoration of Fort Wil low has been project of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce under the direction of Dr Wil la The change from rural to urban liv ing and the advent of mechani zation has brought about rev olution in the life of must Can adians Dr Rynard MP for Simcoo East told the House of Commons recently in 1900 overso per cent of the population was engaged in working on farms doing physi cal work from daylight to dark Today only in per cent of the pcople work on farms because these farms have become mech anized and most of tho hcavy work is done by machinery Tho greater part of our population today is living in urban areas Even hero tho physical work is baingcut to minimum thrrigh the use of power mow sparts in Canada He said it was the eight hours of playtime that most people now have that needed to be better planned People needed physical work not only to keep their cart and muscles and other organs fit but to climlnato waste products in the bloodstream and to burn up other byproducts which coidd do harm to the body Most Canadians ale too much and did not take sufficient ex elclse with the result that they did not feel as well as they could and were shortening thair being aided in improving the mental condition as physically tired body was healthy body and of itself encouraged relaxa iivel In addition physicaliwell amide firedï¬lury farchaeologlst from Rlver since early in the 1800s the ario Just few hundred yards up the Nottawasuga River in plain view of thosewhorwillbepartv iciputlng in the bridge opening ceremony lies the remains of tho Nancy The schooner employed in th north west fur trade was requisitioned as British transport in tb early days of the war carrying supplies and reinforcements from the Nottawasaga to Fort Mlchlllmacklnac On August 13 1814 the Nancy was taken in by Lieutenant Miller Worsley and lay in the river Here she wasdiscovercd by the American vessels which fired on berg causing her to burn and SI University of Western Ont To date it has not been de termined whether the cannon balls are of English or Americ an makebut there is no doubt that they have lain on tho sandy bed of the Nottawasaga monsooni MARGARINES Illil loll Io seam IEIlEfI lllIE Itch Oli label Mllll In zoom built Inxwuynv think monsoon MARGIIIN rolls 3g gillxv mun from PunVn Jolt folllwllnn elm motorsPick up pound mam no aerial Honoreniud iiinarch Margarine Teath Ilia whitocmwn and spun litgch Sign coin audioovmpocnnlabovsaéilgnsï¬ï¬ym ï¬rstdass null null WII Ell Bali er owning or outllnld Thispcqomutfor Dntlrio housowivcs is Mamas ways WitM mm SBï¬DllIilkynlli0t making Monncn Margarine Onlonos liuzrstseilars BDNU5Wlnnln some will receive $10 BonusIf salamica Bbortsalnggcnd flap is enclosed no Bonus wiu Ilso he paid to winning antliEl accompanied by nag Facsimile accepted MONARCH MARGARINES nun vou ammo Clip In Manila Mlmrlno mill am Did filo or mum lRIlllIl MONARCH 5100ADAY conrcsr PD Box sis Station Toronto Ont rims HM $20 EONUS hint entries will receive 310 Bonus 1r Monarch Shah 11an end HIP enclosed sxo Bonus wiu also be paid to Mimi entries accompanied by Monarch Dll label Fossilallies Icceplt an Winner will be Innounccd ueh Week In this news paperInd nausea by mail 92 fantastically ors power shovels and snow plotughs Dr Ryoard pointed MI SUPPORTS GOVERNMEET Hpwism in support of govamment bill to establish an advisory council on physical fitness and amateur sunMn ir Wynn siloMn vuv sunMrs Georgian 205 East ism amino tinn and sleep without the aid nI tranquillizcrs and sleeping lis SPARE TIME Dr Rynard said that the lm proper planning of spare timl was one of the tragedies of the modern age PONTIACBUICK VAUXHALL OWNERS We have been authorized to provide you with Gen eral Motors Warranty Do not hesitate to call we will be pleased to serve you lllllIiiEllllï¬lll MOTORS lid 65 Collier Sf PA 82487 House Service Centre monï¬ï¬r noonhaw coNrssr P47 BIXSIS Slant Toronto Onï¬mmm mlhtll Maulrdl Mirnlmum puiwml 20 BONUS Emuunmmmmm ninlnrenulu wmll receive $10 En us ADDRESSu um LMDhRéth SHEP Markxlasovmbosldunsuumthlnh ixoonlrt will Ilsa enclosed $10 Bonus if pnunngggggynmnnm who by an on lIbL in mitigation old1mm PthlF Jliiiiilcsim lies accer Mom is Vitamin twin enriched no Winners will be Innounccd each Week in thisraga it loll IllII am LASTWEEK WINNERS looM Whitman on man Enact st Thomas liloM Inhalerth allLtkulmreRomEu Port Credit 10 Greenwich Avenue otthI tGcrmuln zoo archeur Ave Sunbury NEXI THURSDAY another $100ADAYIGontestltd1vitlroouponsfand list of winners at E3 of the said work and any owner may within 21 days after theiirshpubllcat Board his objection to the said work being undertaken The said Board may approve or the said work undertaken but before doing so it may appoint time and plac when any objections to flhe said work will be considered Dated at Barrie Ontario STRAUGHAN September 26 1901 City ClerkJV