West Side Story Cost $6 Millioml IsMost Expensive Musical lilm HOLLYWOOD AHPreview illne For the superlative minded West Side Story is the most ex pensive 436000000 musical film ever made its also one of the best Proï¬ts are by no means sure Any musical Ls shaky entry in todays market foreigners seldom dig them And while West Side story was electrify ing on the stage many play loers found the theme down but and depressing The theme seems forbidding JumianiLiatheJtnryht power clash between native New York City gang and an other of Puerto Rican newcom ers Two lovers one from each side are caughtInthc middle West Side Story is really dance opera The powerful dances of Jerome Robbins and the highly charged music of Leonard Bernstein are perfect for the milling and rumbling ol the New York gangs West Side Story is star rmsltlllgfllnt Nathlla wood comes through as top dra matic actress Richard Beymer as her lilstarred lover is en gaging and effective hell be around for long time Russ Tamblyn is tough and gymnastic and Rita Moreno does her beat work to date George Chakiria leader of the Puerto Rican gang is real find Hes got rtar quality Threepenny Opera Folds AIn oronlo roaoxvro CPlThe Three repayOpererrnoderarevivalof an lath century show will close Saturday alter only two of its planned as weeks of production here and in the United Sta The show leaturing Idrmer nrippar Gypsy Rosa bee openediartour here Septdarand to have played in Tomato for three weeks before moving to Detroit Hamid Kusell general man agcr said the production failed to catch fire harcStaggeriog financial losses and critical reviews were also it amed TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE fllURlDAY sElisan as no Junior llounnup ï¬les lrac am as an Jamea Bros ol Nilsoilrl Farm alarer Report Don Jamiuon News Weather Sports Colonel rlclr Wanted Dead or Aliva Have Gun will Travel My Three Sons The Defendars Country Junction The Detectives 000w News The Wllfhonnan Today In Sports Community News The Alaskans mun SEPTEMan as us rm Pattern uo Movie Lake Placid Serenade aoo Summerorna News and Sports Interviews Cartoons Mono Caravan Cannonball News Headlines Invisible bionatar ram Market Report Dan Janiiasnn News Weather Sports 700 Fath Knows Bast an Hunt Country Roadovus Clr Tommy Ambrose Show Perry Mason Tigher CBC News Ta Weatherman Today in Sports Edmund NIWI Mavis Johann Holiday IATURDAY airman so Test Pattern News and Weather World of Sport Movie Taxas Marshal Outside Broadcast Bugs auany flaxnar of th Jungle News Waathar spam Cartoons Dennumouenncn Charlie Chan sat aura Peter Gunn Great Movies Barklsya of Broadway cnc Nun Weather News Sports Gnorslm China Twin alll Tiger Ythe mlr Three ranked Men penn 8588 88 =53 starsgt199 8233353 arc CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO THUMDAY lmhmlk Professors Hideaway Whirlyhirds it me Moments in Sport Nawl Weather Father Knows Best The Rebel Theatre At all is Hornet Big Four Playhltk Mitch Miller lea Weather 590 Better Lats lewl Weather 5P0 flowerma 838332188 5228 at BABY TIME Welcome Wagon celaq brows the arrival ofeachr newbnhy with afriendiy callwith basket of lift and congratulation efthoemdreeommunity Ba mailWelcome Wagon of tho arrival of 1210 Epilogue FRIDAY llmMBER lulu News Fran and sa Channel ii eatra Throa Daring Daulhters News Professors Elsaway Whirlth spam Marie Moments In Sports News weather Lots aaa Leave To Beaver Theatre At Eight wistful Widow of wagon Gap country style snows90999 83883288 run run No Weltbar Doria to The Vnnoolma las lloau aAsUlwAY SEPTEMBER so 1M0 Professors PW Colllla 1100 nws Weathersnorts 111 Channel Nine Theatr ï¬flHadMirlet zoo alg Four Football 430 Wrmlinl admin Tim £50 arts III Moments in Sport Weather ManJntnlflace Kinl Glrllm Show Two Patti Welt loo Jauthltv 1000 in the Week I050 70 any law Show 00 Nun Weather Sport 1110 Saturday IM Thetr tSatu Heroes Draperies 48 Dunlop PA N508 11 your carrier has not arrived by p111 pr please phone 82433 ArdAA CopyWill Be Delivered To lions Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE imwbureaue ofeintbtics4 says deaths due to acci dents of all kinds appear to be levelling of in Canada Total deaths in 1060 drop ped to 9403 from 0489 in 1959 Traffic deaths increas ed to 8700 from 3687 in 1959 and accounted for more than onethird of the total deaths Graph shows total deaths and traffic deaths from last to 1960 CF Newsrnnp WIury hoqmts Former Mayor SIICOE CPlFormer Sim coeJnayor Robert Hunter 41 hresdoy was acquitted on charge of arson In fire April which destroyed his $10000 cottage nt Port Ryerse about eight miles south of here After all hours deliberation the jury announced it was un back for further consideration by Judge William Schwen ger the jury returned in halt hour with verdict of not guilfyr different verdict Judge Sch BY JAY South dealer Both sides vulnerable norms aqsosz A1097I or acts near 41075 jJ10754 801111 vxqrso OAQ943 443 Thehiddlng South West North East Pass Pass 4m Pass Pass ENT Pass Pass Opening lendsix of hearts Ahabiddinghfgrandmlamsip sometimes ticklish affair The odds of making the grand slam should be at least to in Your favor before you under take lt but it is sometimes dit limit to calculate your chances during the bidding ls deal occurred in tour nament and was played at 26 tables Only of the North South pairs bid the grand slam twawaotioailysuma make The contract was reached at one table on the bidding shown South bid four notrump asking for aces and North showed one by respond ing five diamonds meaashorepl yadenteau able to reach verdict Sent Another jury on another oc carton might have reached wenger commented to Hunter CONTRACT BRIDGE 910752 gt three that North had the din Tanker Explode One Person rDles MOREHEAD CITY AP Coast Guard fireball poured foam and water Wednesday on homing hull of navy tanker that exploded in wall of Barnes as it discharged aviation iuei mesdny night The flames had raced across oilcapped water to engtlf the vessel One person waskilled as series of explosions continued to shake the tanker Potomac for more than half an hour alter the first blast At least 21 were laiured and another warner log thoughthe flamesvverecoor tlned to the broken tanker fire around seven fuel sarage tanks containing more than 10000000 lions of aviation fuel Folmanyhoursrolter the div aster the flames threatened to reach Jthanks and turn the entire pier into raging inferno Dales Families Meet For Reunion Over so members of Dales andlarnlliea met Saturday afternoon in the Hollow Com munity Hall The afternoon was spent in races baseball and res minising followed by delic ious supper in the hall Prizes for the oldest lady went to Mrs Delta Gillord old ESL onto for the youngest child Heather Dales daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Dales Tor onto largest family ML and Mrs ood James Bolton longest distance Mr and Mrs Ernie and family Pickering Officers for the com4 ing year are Honory president Mrs Ernest Dales Bradford president Elwood James Bol ton vicepresident Mrs Leo JULIET ONES surer Bill Hunter Mount Den nis sports committee Ra James of Bradford The 1962 re union will he held the third Sunday in June at the Hollow Community Hall Try An Examiner WantAd PHONE PA 82414 BECKER indicated one by responding six diamonds Of course South would have preferred to hear that North had three kings or even two but he decided that he would have an excellent ch on to make all the tricks even though North had only one king Ac cordingly he bid the grand slam which was easily made hrearoned that there was first of all the chance that North had the king of dia monds Thisalone would prac tically insure all the tricks There was about one chance in mond idng But beyond that chance was also the pr bahllity that he could make the grand slam even if North lacked the king of diamonds Since North had responded to one heart with three hearts and hflLDniLflneflceaanneJdngv for his jump hid it followed that he had to have good dis ltriibution to justify the forcing An outstanding possibility was that North had singleton or void in diamonds Souths dia mond length indicated that the suit in which North was most likely to be short was dis monds But even if this was not the case South calculated that he would at worst be able to fail beckon diamond finesse which might succeed All the possibilities added in he had far better titan to chance to make the grand slam Souththemaslrediorldngsby bidding five ntrump and North pans caosswoao CARRIER MISS Yllll llama lstupld 106fm nuns dwash Mm Ilium will IV ladiuei 11mm flnamic 8aim of 14758115 room land heap 91oddar Iiimum 123w cave such 19 Corrndea hen roman in l1niorrow Choosing the open In bid wind he Silk 28 Fri ama my daship Wisanswe GlhbonsStroud aecretnrytrea LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE ETIA KEIT DONALD DUCK Maura marsz ZUDERZII Ell MIT 7OMMC an unseen M45 More50 MEWS PIE ANDlNKIOHER SHE COULD RUINTHEWHOLE some 1r Kiss WISH We LEARN mmss LIKE PEOPLE HER mavuzso LNnLIHiS mug is oven MOON sHOTs ROCKETS To THE STARS ID SURE LIKE To GO zoomwe Tleu gether seemed to indicate that GRANDMA WELL WANT Ml TD TEActi You now our YE on me WOPFO pus ifSHOiltLD ka 570W 1H2 MAGIC WEE SF 1H2 511372 Purnowsr ova mam ngfwg xieviz cmacuANca STOP PLAYM TO FicAYA NOTE THE WOFPO pus new GEE JOE DONT HAVE DIDNT REAleE so MANY TH 5013 WERE GOIN ON out WALK LETS MAKE TH HIKE REAL SHOW 50 NDONE WILL HAVE CHANCE GET VERY HUNGRY ping 85Whitss ant 11Welght spiratfon hose gtvsr 1Manl name collqu BPllt 31pr mum and monkey 010 3811 man woman nlhysteian 83 MW heather Speed con mea 391mm tut lulu HUME alone 2Edibleroob stinks 29Heres tan dmcomsgntes 31me bird adulation 866mm street carer my luflWW 40Gracefu ï¬llï¬illi mm 44333 ï¬ll 45 Covert sug asuotol Have FOUND wear TllE souos mo THEIR SILVER mo dswmzx Beam To ounsasrluo LWT ls can FoR THE amufltsf wills You SAID WERE WOULD BEBoorv AND is 7VALLEYAnlAXTf DRIVEYOURSELF CARS NBiQUCKS measures ALLBE HELD BYMEFDRFDIE STATE OFCOU ESE lt BUZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER gestlona 46 WW 3me eousrirucrmrrcomflr 20 Candles Rd East Barrie Mldlaud Penetsog Elmvaie Phone Zentlnnllso No Toll Charge