utesreduce the heat to 2501 and continue baking until SOUPS ON sy SALLY Lou AHERN At this time of year with the harvest oi apples flooding the market perhaps no other fruit is so popular when combined with sagl spices and tucked beneath rich pie crust cant piece or warm pie ieltopped with generous slice autos oldilana an adder Cheese Livia in what used to be an up to orchard we are fortunate nbeing close to an abnn ant supplyroi innit pn to if tree itn esy reach No shopping do just ick them straight irom the tree or those that have tel en oii thejronudrw German recipe very po ular with our family is delicious and di terent way have your apple pie This recipe is equally as tasty whether made with apples or peaches SCHNITZPII or apples peaches Va cup sour cream cup brown sugar V2 cup white sugar tbsp flour tsp cinammon tbsp minute tapioca Combine iiouwwhltesugarflnd tamochSpread this on the bottom and sides of unbaked pie shell Combine the sour cream and brown sugar and dip each apple section into the mixture and arrange in pie shell After pie is filled our remaining mixture over apple sections and place 4001 ovenAiter lb min apples are tender Make two or three of these pies at one time and after they have been cooked they maybe fast frozen This wayvyouwilihaveadeliciousdessertonvhand when company drops in With Thanks ivlng less than two weeks away can almost taste traditional family dinner with its turke and oyster dressing cranberry sbuce cauliflower emu dapotatoesrleadlngrv ink of anything more pleasant that cergreenpearaan up to the crowning glory of every Thanksgiving dinner pumpkin pie smothere in whipped cream For me no Thanks lving dinner would be com plete without pumpkin for dessert PUMPKIN CREAM PIE Mix 94 cup sugar tbsp corn starch tbsp cimmon 1A tsp nutmeg in tap gin er VA tsp cloges tsp sslt Stir in cups evaporated milk cu ump over boiling water 25 mi Remove and stir in slightly bent en egg yolks Return and cook 20 minutes ion or Stir kin tbsp butter Cook stirring frequently constantéy and cool thorou shell an HAS EYE FOR THE BOYS Judy Vincer is pert two yeanold with an eye for the boys Tov hether celebrate her second birthday today she has invited two guests both boys to her party As well GUELPH Ont CHA 17 yearold girl isthe president oL textile union local here Judy Kirkhem who works in the pecaagingrdlvision oirkenf nie Indl tries took over leader ship of Local 1060 Textile Work ers Union of America CLC last iebruery Slnce then she has taken part in contract Anegotiationswith the Rennie management that resulted in threecent hourly pay increase Judy got the job when the previous president woman left her position with the firm No one else wanted the job so said Id take it said Judyï¬ Her mother Mrs Jessie Kirk hfllIZ said thought she was nolish accept it because she as so young but asked my li why not let her try Judy wasnt entirely strange $1 the world or iabar Her top with whipped cream Oi Textile Workers Union Mrs Blanche Noble oi Sim coo Centre and hips Ken Chuntler oi Barrie are greet Treat Respiratory Diseases In First Hours Of Babys Life TORONTO CPlAbout 9000 Canadian babies die each year in tho lirat iew weeks at lite onequerier oi the deaths at tributcd to iaat striking disease that makes tho ininnt turn bluogoapiorrbrcothnnd 003 The respiratory disease syn drome as the disease is known has baiiicd doctors for more than 30 years and little progress in combntti becn made But in the last six months oi last the newborn unit oi Tor ontos Hospital or Sick Children reduced deaths from the disease by 17 per cent from the iirst utes ghiy Put into be ed pie r1 hali oi the year intensive supervision and treatment at premature babies duringtheir ilrstvzhnursirths key to the units program The disease sometimes takes up to 12 hours to develop and con stant watch must be kept Treatment varies extru oxy gen or sugar injections oi digitalis to help an overworked heart or measures to prevent the iniants underdeveloped lungs from drying up WATCH FOR CLUES laboratory crowded with complex of equipment monitors Yellow glodioll and bronze HON ROBERT MACAULAY GREE ed by the Ontario Minister oi rgy Resources the Hon Hebert Macaulay at rally hold ior him in Ottawa More each babys condition more ac curutcly and rapidly than he tore providing vital clues ior treatment Dr Snelling director at the unit says the trend toward icwcriniantdcuths at the hos pital has continued in last Dr Paul Swyer research associate sold the death rate at babies weighing less than pounds at birth still ranges lrom 60 to 00 per cent it drops sharply ior babies who weigh iiva pounds or more Speed is essential in treatment at iniants with respiratory dis tress syndrome All hospitals in the Toronto area now are alert ior symptoms Babies are sped from hos pitals up to 30 miles away to the newborn unit within hours oi their birth in ambulances equipped with portable tncuba tors When new wing being built at the Hospital ior Sick Children is completed the newborn unit will have twice as much space 40 beds Its lacilities will in elude laboratory and operat ing room and babies will not StaringMuir Vows Exchanger At Bracebridge United Church have to be moved from the unit even or xroying was the usher Master Paul TS BARBIE WOMEN ihan 800 turned out to hear Mr Macaulaywho la can didate tor the leadership oi the Ontario Party Cental United WA Opens Fall Season pot luck supper convened by Mrs Burtin started the all season oi the at Central United Church Miss Dianne Pratt entertained with two solos The Bells at St Marys and Bless This House The meeting openedwvith the Wt theme song and prayer Members and guests were wel comed by the president Mrs Cameron Mrs Burton and her group conducted the worship Mrs Lnlnson led in prayer and Mrs Fred Adams read the scripture from Mark Chapter Materialism was the theme oi the meditation given by Mrs Evans chrysanthomums decorated Bracebridgo United Church for the doublering wedding cera mony of Miss June Elizabeth Muir and Ben Staring at Mark ham Rev Douglas Muir uncle of the bride officiated Muir also the Brides cousin was ringbearer Mrs Anderson was the organist The reception was held at Holiday House The brides mother received wearing BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT ft 61 PEOPLE AND PLACES Phono Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66337 Notes or intended to cevér the general loch oi the ety Ind dlltricl Wedding nivaraariee bridge par Ils rt vial mandrel vellerp all items bi inier eat to women aoi this page Your help in conniving this news will be greatly Inrecilteti farewell dinner party ior Mrs Curcio will be held Friday evening at the home air and Mrs Fred Kelsey Cum berland street guests will be Mr and Mrs Allan Kelsey air and Mrs Carter daughter Joan and son Robert all at Barrie ltir and Mrs Douglas Frallck and iam ily at St Pauls RETURNS IO ITALY lllra Anthony Tony Curclo Gowau street will leave the city Oct iorNow York Mrs Curcio accompanied by her sonnlew Pasquilo Cos mono will be among the passengers AmJHXiJMLherhomeMrlr Blackstock DaVinco bound ior Nalu ltaiy MrsrCurcioa daug tor iiira Celsimoue Grace will meet the travellers in Naples dent oi has or years RETURNS HOME Mrs Murray Mills Dalton Street has returned to her momsmerispeadlug tour months at St Johns Convales cent Hoapital Willowdals nonramnwsnou lira Blackstock hiont real Quebec has returned to was the guest oi her aunt Mrs James Munro woraley street while visiting the city CONSCIOUS iushiontunsclous women visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ularly Open nresdoy Thurs day Friday evenings For pro icsaional services call PA user sailing on the liner Loonardo wall or rvonuuum Park Meeting For Art Club By HAZEL BARKER The Barrie Art Club will hold the lirat meeting oi the iall rev son atSpringwster Park Mid burst Jock Pepper of Toronto will be the instructor ior Saturday Sept 50 and Sunday Oct Pointers are expected to be at the math pavilion at 900 am They will provide their own lunch The park alters many leclli tics lor painting in either all orgwstermlor There llilleri oi roiection it it rains Lune wil be at the pavilion then so come aion the weekend it and sale DID YOU KNOW this is the name of wild flower with whitish blossoms that suggest mistlure antloonaPDutehmIno Breschea also one of the dowara in this new Iirooko Bond piciuro cant series Wild Fiowevl of Norlb America These lullcolor nirda are we in Red Rose and Blue Ribbon tuna and optical All 48 picture carda have description aHhoflowmonshehckl 17 Iriistnllureliar Roger lory Peterson ANIMAL COLLECTORS Ta rem pllll your animal arcl Medley slitarm In pacing ml lnlnlng Wlld Flower mull VCQLLECEORS ALBUMLHoids all 48 Wild Flower card25¢ man grocers or lromriPi Card DeptI Brooke Bond Ca United 4305 Core do Ll Rd Montreal Que IIIIIlriiiiIeltlIiinieho SAVINGS ON WINTER coATs as her boy triends she will have some help irom her bro thers Mark and Tommy and her sisters Robin and Anne Judy is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Vincer ot Shannon Street mother is recording secretary 7oi4haNetlonai Union or Public Service Em ployees at cheuGuelph Hospital Where sire is muffin the nurses residence Her late father was active in the United RubberCork Lin oleum and Piastic Workers Union of America and her brottrerrizegin daz is iore man at the Rennie plant Local 10 includes employees of Burrowsviextiie Company as well as Ronnie industries Judys nain jobs as presi dent areto be chairman ot mootings participate in concil iation meetings and discuss th management been any griev ances for her to discuss yet She found spring weekend educational conference spon sored hy the Guelph andDis The Elia is the daughter oi Mr and Mrs Muir Cod rlngton street The bride groom is the son oiMr and Mrs Petrus storing of Hot lend lecn In arrlage by her tether the bride wore gown of gold wool with brown ac cessories She carried white Bible irom which tell cascade of yellow rosebuds and em Miss willo Thom son Toron to was maid oi onor She was attired in gown of moss green wool with matching accessories Her bouquet was yellow and bronze mums Miss attrirMuercousinoi the bride was flower girl She wore turquoise blue frock and carried tin basket or yellow mums and ronze rose buds The groomaman was Harry Haenreats recently arrived from Holland Jack Muiroi Gu cousin oi the bride SALE OF Draperies unlopw PA 83588 reassess tantra DUNLOP ST trict Labor Council at value turquoisenine Wu wiurï¬ige accessories Hcr corsagiwf coral rosebuds and yellow carnation petals enhanced her ensemble The bridegrooms parents were unable to attend the weds ding but plan to visit the couple next summer On return tromitheweddiar trip Mr and Mrs staring will reside at Markham Guests attended from barrie Guthrie Pickering and To ronto PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY EM OFF WITH LOWCOST LlFiZiNSURED Still our LOAN BOWLING neutered NOW BARRIE BOWLING ACADEMY THE BANK or NOVA soorIA streamer LEAGUE IPA 6802 MUSKRAT CKETS PERSIAN lAMB COATS JltCIET3 nanca was warm No DOWN PAYMENTS on SUSSMAN CHARGE Accouun Bash Charge Budget Layaway Dunlop St West