ARTS AND CRAFTS Four articles suagr bags on Paintl Mrs Costa Bertha Cow Cookstown United an Mrs West Wildlife Church Evening Auxiiisry Domestic animal or bird Pb trials Church Science Newton Robinson WMS Cookstown United Church Evening Auxiliary By number Mrs West Mary Jagos Newton Robinson WMS One article oi driitwood Mrs Willis Smith inntour Photograph Farm action stu Nlacy £orrigan Mrs Cortes CWlflioWéIï¬ United Church Evan Landscape study Newton Robinson WMS John French Coolutown United Chlirch Even ic or mun gt Child stu Cockstown Unl ted Church Evening Auxiliary School group Cookstown Un lted Church Evening Auxiliary Newton Robinson WMS Coilection oi snaps inmiiy at home Nancy Corrignn Cooks town United Church Evening Auxiliary Newton Roblnsnn WMS Best collection at snaps oi Cookstown Fair Cookstown United Church Evening Auxil iary Mrs Corri an Special to organzatlon with most points Cookslown United Church Evening Auxiliary Lady winning most points Mrs Coates IIOME BAKING Cinnamon buns made with FIoishmnnanrs Suth crland Apple pie made with Domes tic Mrs Sutherland Mrs Corrigan Mrs Graham Two layer cake white Mrs Graham Mrs Maison Mrs Sutherland NEEDLECRAFI Crochet bedspread Newton Robinson Wills Cookstown Uni ted Church WA Mrs Murray Cantos Bedspread ilounce Cooks town United Senior WMS Quilt oi print scraps Mrs Timbers Mrs West Mrs Coulis Quilt oi pieced cotton Mrs Timbers Mrs Moore Bertha Cownn Quilt appliqupd Mrs Moore Quilt sppllqued and embroid ered Mrs West Cookstown United Senior WMS Quilt plain CookstoWn Agri cultural Soclety Plnecrest OES Mrs Timbers Quilt blocks Bertha Cowan Carriage cover Mrs Mae Bulman Mrs Coates Mrs Forwards Pillow case ends Newton Rolt binson WMS Mrs Costes Mrs Annie Reid Pillow cases cutwork Ber tha Cowan Mrs Moore Mrs Coates Pillow casss trim knit Mrs Castes Mrs West Mrs Moore Pillow cases crochet ends Mrs Smith Plnecrest 0E5 Mrs Coates Vanity set Bertha Gowan Mrs Moore mm Pyjamas Mrs Moore Mrs Coates Mrs West Bed jacket Cookstown Unl tcd Church Evening Auxiliary Mrs Coates Mrs castes Pyjama suit Mrs West Mrs Moore Mrs Castes Fancy nightgown Mrs Contas7MrseSMoozen Exhibitors not organizations with the most entries Mrs Coates Organization with the most en tries Ccokstown United Senior WMS Best collection of ladies work shown two years previous Ber tha Cowan Mrs Moore Bib apron Mrs Castes Pinecrut OES Cookstown Unl ted Church Evening Auxiliary Cobbler apron Mrs Coates Mrs West Mrs Hamilton Party apron Cookstown Uni ted Senior WMS Cookstown Ag Society Pinecrest 0E5 Halt apron Mrs Willis Smith Mrs Maison Mrs Hamilton Womans housedress Mrs Coates Cookstown Unitedj Evening Auxiliary Mrs Moore Lndies handmade hat Mrs AnnieReld Mrs Hamilton migsiown United CJusreh Sr Girls sun dress MrsyM Coutta Print skirt Mrs Moore Mrs Davies Slim ï¬lms Mrs Gou tcs Mrs West School blouse Mrs Ham ilton Newton Robinson WMS 77 Mrs Milena Girls wool skirt Mrs Hamilton Mrs Coutes kastown United Church Ev enlng Auxiliary Snapperalls Mrs Ham iiton Mrs Coutes Cooks town United Church Evening Auxiliary Childs smocked dress Mrs West Mrs Castes Childs sun dress Mrs Moore Newton Robinson WMS Mrs Coates Plaid tinnnelsklrtAerer Coates Ten towel pair Mrs Hamilton Mrs Moore Cookstown Agr Society Three pot holders Bertha Cowan Mrs Moore Mrs nntemtd Kitchen curtains Mrs Canoes Cooksiown United mureh Evening Auxiliary Five novelties of team rub bar Mrs Dales Plnecrest DES CooksWWn Air Society Guest towels Bertha Cow an Newton Robinson wars Mrs Moore Bath towels fancy Mrs Contra Newton Robinson WMS Mrs West mo handkerchiels Pine crest DES Cookstown Agr Society Mrs Costa Oven mitts Mn Castes Rug hooked Mrs Coa tea Cookstown United Church Evening Auxiliary hire Moore Rugi braided Mrs Mat Rug crochet Mrs West Bertha Cowen New exhibitor with most points Mrs Dalegt NEEDLECRAFI Needlepoint Mrs Cor rignn Picture cross stitch New ton Robinson Mrs Moore Mrs West Picture petlt point Mrs Moore Tea cloth embroidered in color Mrs Moore Mrs West Mrs Costco Tea cloth crochet trim Pinecrest 0E8 Mrs Coates Mrs Moore Crochet centre piece Newton Robinson Mrs Coates Ber tha Cowan Crochet centre lElena to to in inches Ber Cowsn Mrs Moore Plnecrest 0E5 Lacs dolly Mrs Costes Mrs Moore Tstted centre piece Bertha Cowsn Mrs Moore Cooks town bc Sr was Crochet table cloth Newton Robinson WMS Mrs Mac Bul mun swarmawe Now ton Robinson Mrs Contes Pinecrest OES Tea cosy Mrs Maison Mrs West Mrs Coates Bridge table cover Mrs Costes Bertha Cownn Pine crest DES Table place mats Mrs Copies Cookstown WMS Mrs Moore Practlcnl cushion Mrs Eileen Cookeiown Mrs Con es Smell modern cushion Mrs hates Cooksiown Chestcrlield cushion Mrs Coates Bertha Cowsn Mrs West Chesterfield head and arm rests Bertha Cowan Mrs West Mrs Castes Special to organization with most entries in this section Cookstown UC Sr WMS To individual exhibitor with most entries in section Mrs Costco KNITTING Mens work socks Mrs Castes Pinccrest Mrs West Mens tnncy solid color socks Mrs Moore Bertha Cowan Mrs Coates ys sleeveless sweater Mrs Bulman Mrs Coates Cookstown Ev Aux Ladys cardigan Cookstown WMS Mrs Costes Cooketh Ev Aux Ln uilover MrsLCoates Mrs oors Ladys shrug 0E5 Threepiece set babys knit um NW9 PM 055 Mrs West Cookstown Ev Aux milds knit dress Mrs BuL man Mrs Moore childs cap and mitts Mrs Moore Mrs Buiman Mrs Newton Robinson Moore Mrs Graham Mary Maxim special Mrs Moore Mrs Buirrmr Mrs Woodward Toronto star special Mrs Bunnan Mrs Coates individual with the most nqu Mrs Coates Organisation with the most exhibits Cookstowo Unith Church av Arm PMTED PLANTS Rex begonin Bertha Cow an Coleus Bertha CowmrNew ton Robinson WMS Fuchsia geranium Bertha Cowsn Airlcan violets Mary Ja gos Cockstown UC Ev Aux House plant any variety Cooksth Three potted plants Mrs Ferwerda Mary Ie Patience plant Cookstown UC Mary Jason Special ornamental arrange ment Ken Robinson Mrs Smith Nancy Corrigan CUT FLOWERS Aster Mrs Smith Cookstown UC WA Bertha chnn Asters one color Cookstown UC Ev Aux Marilyn Glass Ralph Cook Dnhlas Cookstown WA Ralph Cook Kenneth Robin son Petunlas double and ruiiled Ginss Bertha Cowen Cook Palunlns single Bertha Iowan Nancy Corrlgon Cooks town Ev Aux Gindioli three spikes Ber tha Cownn Cosmos Nancy Corrignn Ralph Cook Mrs Moore Table centre Newton Rob inson Bertha Cowan Mrs Moore Large basket oi colored ilow ers Ralph Cook Ronald Cook Cookstown Ev Aux Flowers or living room Mrs Smith Cookstown WA Arr in cup and saucer Mrs Moore Mrs Smith Cooks town WA Snspdrsgons Mrs Moore Bertha Cowan zinnlas pom pom Mrs Vioore Cookstown Ev Aux Newton Robinson WMS Zinnias large Bertha Cow an Kenneth Robinson Ronald SALE OF READYMADE DRATPES Â¥oungs raperies 42 Dunlop 38568 Babylsflanneietionightgown Cookstown United can ch Eve TARTSIODAY MW+MFL West Family Entertainment THE Mort WONDERFUL STORY BHOVEB BY MILLIONS IS 020 MSCREEN 19 romeoe adventures of Mety the rebel colt and the two little orphans whod do DAVID some iiDDliiiiNNiii mnmm mama ilDw IiDlilllEiililiSiliiiUEiiih hueme hillshm Misty 700 1000 Thrills At 830 AL50 COVETED ANNUAL PAGE ONE AWARD For outstanding achievement in motion pictures to ROBERT YOUNGEON For bringing back to the screen the excitement of what rnnvies used to he anamï¬ops cocoa by DE Lust iiiiSoiiliiiiiSa iiiiiiiiii COOKSTOWN FAIR RESULTS smlcn Bertha Coven Bpoola mo exhibits Cookstown UC Coolr Pittmannualerh BerthaCowan PhonpsemilivBertha Cow no Balvia Bertha Downs Ken neth Robinson Marigolds African Gillord WI KtRobinsoa Mrs Moore Marigolds Freed Henry Davis Bertha Down New ton Robinson Arr or tray Mrs Smkh Bertha Comm Basket 1o ilower girl Mrs Special to individual with most mtibtts Bertha Gown Cookstown Ev Aux Banner marching and de portment ivy SSNo Cookstown Bob Rain or ivy Nancy Con rign Pot DOMESTIC SCIENCE Cup Bradiord ivy Jean Sawyer oi Omani Bran multins Brenda Cui bert oi Bradiord Mike Wilson oi ivy Bob Davis oi ivy Apple pie Terry Arnold oi ivy Nancy Corrigln Beverley hionkman oi Cookstown Tea an Anne Sawyer oi Giiiord Nanev Davis at ivy Butter tins12 Arnaldo Ivy Nancy Corrigsn Beverley Monkman oi Cookstown Lunch boxNancy Corrigan Eddie Patton oi ivy Malcolm Wilson at ivy rign bolderNaney Corrigsn Peacock cakes Joan Tripp at area Patton or Cookstown biscuits Nancy Conlg Largest town To per squash Wri Dickson Glass nines Best school etahles Wes School No Brsdiord Cocks insertsEs AchhoolArcaivy Bsnner eortnmc or school Aoatrnell cookies Dickso colorsKiuylesgh innistil No Gian Beverley Menknnn FLOWERS 55 Nancy Corrigan School yellivy SS Cooks town Decorated doll canine Judy Wilson ivy Decorated tricycle Mary Wright oi Cookstown innie you at Ivy Angie Harper oi vy SPELLING CONTEST Grade ilva md sixDanny Campbell oi Cooksiown Jim Carruthers oi lvy Grade Seven Ind Eight Lorraine Clarkson oi ivy Steve Godsen oi Cookstcvvn if School winning most points in nil sections was Cookstown with Nancy Corrigsn oi Cooks town beingawsrded the prize tor obtaining the most points in both the sewing class and domestic science Prizes as iollows Sewing tea towel hand em broideredNancy Corrlgan oi Cookstown Lynn Fildey oi Cookstown Tea apronNancy Corrigsn Knitted marble bagDicksonl Glass of Cookstown Pieced quilt block Nancy Jean Burton oi Brndiordl Gwen Hudson at Bradford Nancy Corrlgsn Handmade puppet Cheryl Lyn on oi 50 Tecumseth gt1 Top performing Valiant 7200 two door sedan 14o DUNLor 51 VEGETABLES amourJean styenolGIL iord Doug Peacock oi Stsy ner Nancy Corrigan Cirrots Doug Peacock of Stayner Nancy Corrlgan Antani Adsmcsyk oi Cooks town Carrots long Albert Van Dyke oi Brndiord Doug Pe HELP KIN Cookltown Cookitown intermediate Cookstown Cookstown Cookskawn Gary Gr Petunia Dickson all oi Cookstown Melville Fiidey oi Bruce Flldey ei mammmmernrrJnuns onions cock Stsyner Nancy Car Oorn Dickson Glass Doug iotnsioelLouile Wright Oookstown Barbara Wri cookme Don PotatoesDe Cooksiown Janice Whitesldes of Ooohtown Debbie Leach Peacock Leach OnionsAnne Sawyer at ca cord Doug Peacock o1 stsyner Hans oolyn oi Cookstown pumpkin Annette Quint or Cookstown Doug Pea ronkrlsmeseooperosGooks Iouln ZinnlaIMalcolm Wilson of ivy Mike Wilson at ivy Susan Wanless or Cooketown Asters ii Denney 01 ry Grant Cookstown Nancy Corrigaa oi Nsncy Corrine Kinsmen Bingo Night ODD FELLOWS so GAMES 1i SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $20000 norm limit voUn mm $1500 Consolation Prise HELP KIDDLIEB SAVOY IvIoroRSÂ¥ liMEli BINGO All Thurs Sept 288 pm 54 hr Bernice sun ton Albert Van on or Brsdiord CosmosNone Corrine at Ed Patton oi Cookstown Viill Mm MinuetEddie Cookstown GRAINS Iva Joe Wilson oi Ivy oi HURONIA naivem mesm roNronrmuns Ann rnmsv DAVID iiiNSSEN PATRICIA Vic son OFFICE OPEN SHOW STARTS AT DUSK summits Cookston Dickson Glass One quart senior at what Doug Peacock or Stcyner Noe man Morgan Cookstown OilsDons mm at stu ner Te Arnol Patton at Ivy Jenniier Wetu main aimn oi rsnous tron PiAYERS Evan wzn THEATRE mm mailman snowmen FDR 62 llUBJHVB For milH beating the competition was easy bcaï¬ng last years valiant ï¬eï¬mwmmuki It 196k 22 bromine midi and genuine im provemenrsbefore we Were convinced that for f62YaIiantvrsiietter than ever Need ivNotiiing for proof concise Better still come see and ride Taxing out the best in car Your lesion on is quite proudof the 62 When hell spend as much time as yourvaliow him joyfully pointing out the dozens of extra value features See your nearby PlymOuthValiant or DodgeValiant dealer today motes the car that nobody beats 62 Valiant Emmcuznorons oneness generate s1 somef PA 8591 Tough 141M