Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1961, p. 3

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JUDGES ill the womens divisions Bceton Fail Fair are hardrput to picLLthJuL preserves The only way to tell is die good old taste test ind watchlngfilrs ETC Champ oi Dundslk right sampling the peach lam arcI from the lcit Mr Long Cooksiownmloeeih lne Lotta of Bceton and wo mcne tali president Mrs Bill McKay MPP Opens Beeton Fall Fair Children Parade ToGrounds JOINING horticultural club is no escape irom The TC ram gnaw as some people iorget about it or ii while Examiner CANADIAN cans spams Definition Of iFilth Questioned By Editor fA person who trie to de fine obscenity Is either mad or minister at Justice Arnold Edinbomugh editor at Satur day Night told members at the Canadian Club oi Barrie lest nllht ltir Edinborough proceeded to give his views on the popu ler conceptionvthat our news stands are flooded with iilth picture at the typical news and was paint Theduly Jylng on th floor beside the stand were cured and the tint abeii coptllnlnl our regu lar monthly news and wom ens Journals were then dealt With Mr Edinborough laid LiLany man in this audience thinks wome magazine are sexy look at the models in Vogue The movie llli mllalinesn the high shelt were termed as curious breed designed to sell Hollywood and he did not pretend to understand them The trade magazines on the same shell are deliberately aimed at epeciiic person mbauahtJy hideous things em make you squirm to read them said Mr Edinborough Mierring to wome contenlonal mus zines They are aliensle yes but not obscene One of the magaslnes oi this category sells more copies per month than any outer manalne except Readere Digest and TV Guide Over onemllllon In at this type at publication statedAir Edlnbor nugh Figures Loin the Audit Bureau oicircuiallon also show that one in nine at every ma women and child in Canada buys one of this type oi mag azine everymonth Five years In several wo mens committees went to the Attorney General to complain about obscene literature on the newsstands The Attorney General appoin ted committee which includ ed his Edinboroush To gath er lnlo etion the committee at out questionnaires to both and edioola in the pro yinc asklngthem about the selling at obscene literature their community Under 300 at the questionnaires were re turned Eighteen moons ago panel otfuwn was appointed tp meet every month to go 0v certain books not to the iorney Generais attics it the boil llJmtnLlLbLahacens the wholesaler selling the boot is approached and asked to Clodill 13L rtakedHromthesnewsmnd 0i book ransom one film only 11 were ruled ob scene This program la de nied to ave the reading pub said Mr Edinborough With better concentrated eiiort on the work oi this panel and better rcrding program in the schools this type at lasting can be overcome he is Ullimelely the responsibil lty lies with the parents add edMr Edinborough ilo iurther illustrate his point he took an obscene book and laid This kind oi book and he pointed to Hundreds of children par considerablc activity at the Bomb but it might helil 40 llttend Art GratisWeekend unruun puma The literature arranged at to eye level are there im the impulse buying oi 1b to myeanold person who is on his noiioe break or has time the Becton Fail Fair this tcrnoon is grounds yesterday as in dod 10 5d Although today isthc niiicial door oxhibiiswmeiJipjnd Arih EVIHS PP 1° Slim opening and the day on which workers put the midway to Centrc opened the 1961 edition the public attend there was gcthcr Fair president Bill McKay iifisaidmasoasoumeditmbe Pick Lou Murray rerpahtofasuropefi Man Charged In Girls Killing But Mom Continueselriendship ronoNro cmA smartly dressed woman at so testiiied Tuesday that she kept up irlendly it ship with younger man after the man had been accused oi killing her daughter Mrs Dorothy hicDougall ap pemed at the trial of Lowell Guy Viddiiicld as charged with capital murder in the rifle slaying of Donna McDougall 14 at Mrs McDougails summer cottage south of Kcswick last June 15 Mrs McDo who col lapsed at one point in her testi many and caused brief ad journment in the trial said she received lcticrs irom Viddiiicld while she was in hospital res covering from wounds in the chest and left arm She said she had visited wm dliicld regularly until August and that her relationship with him since the slaying had been friendly Mrs McDougoll testified that she lived with Widdiilcld 38 earlier this year but they had split up and decided to live to gether again about wcok be fore her daughter was shot She said she wanted her daughter to live with her but that Donna had reiuscd ii Mrs McDougall continued to keep that men under her real On the night of the shooting last June 25 Mrs McDougnll said she was awakened by the sharp crack of the 22 rifle sprang irom the bed she said Tom was standing in the room His eyes were wild Mrs McDougail was wounde the same night at the Kcswic cottage She tcstiiied she was told thn Viddiiield had drinking prob lem but that she had never sccr evidence of it The trial continues PLUS moron scOorrh 400Tr60ps Escort Girls On Ship StaynenTo UK STAYNER SpeciallAboardl the ship Acadia now in mid are two local girls Amy Lou Lovalock eldest dau ghtcr of Pcrc and Laverne Love lock and Eileen Billy McDon agh daughter at Mr Patricl anthtHaleMrsM cDonagh HemmngmLspenLevm left by train for Montreal last wzek At Montreal they boarded the Ac on Saturdanyep temher 23 in the hold along with their trunks is Eilecns motor scooter on which he girls plan to tour England and good TYPISTS AT BORDEN Both girls have been typists atCampeBordenefor rlhkpast two years Before leaving on their trip the girls were pres ented with gifts from their friends and coworkcrs at camp Also on board the Acadia are about 400 army man going to stations in Germany Several of the boys are well known to the girls having worked in the same oiiicc live in London and have writ Amy and Billy dreamed up this adventure about six months ago As soon as they deiinitclyirfapar fume1h made up their minds they artcd preparations First hingwas summer job at estaurant in Wasaga Beach weekend and their holidays th every penny going onto hcir trip iund ROOMS AWAIT THEM When they get to London Sat urday Sept 30 they will have rooms waiting or them at the YWCA Where they plan to stay till they have chance to look around and Mrs Phillips iormcr 50 Stayncr now ten to the girls extending the hospitality oi their home Both plan to seek work short after they arrive Length of slay is indciinitc as it will de pend on their positions how much they enjoy the country and no doubt the degree of home sickness that is bound to overtake them once in while at the inlr noted the blacknndwhite class in the cattle show as one ol good entry in most categories lla particularly the top attractions this year EUCHRE HELD Last night while iinal plac ing at the exhibits was still going on euchrc was held and draw involving top prizes of $500 $300 $200 5100 took place Several interesting items were on display in the com munity hail Onc which caught number at as was dls play of oil pa ntlngs by the DutchCanadian artist Jordan us Van Der Vliet Another unusual display was the flower entry which won in the special prizc category open to any organization sign at the top at the bank of flowers read no You Sui tor from Nuclcomltophobisil Tap leatures at the fair to day are the road racing and harness racing the livestock show and dance which will hcheid in the evening at the Community Ccntre to wind up the lair it took many letters to 0t tawa and cutting plenty oi red The opportunity to take part in and to receive competent in struction in painting and sketch trig pottery and variety oi quick crnits draw more than 40 pcopic irom Simcoe County and iarther niicld to the Ski Barn at Blue Mountain Winter Park this past weekend This annual event was sponv sored by the Simcoo County Arts and Crnits Association in co operation with community programs branch Jack Pollock was the instruct or lor the painting and sketch ing group The pottery class was held in on at the Blue Mountain Pot terys workrooms where clay table and kick wheel were available Equipment was loan ed by Mrs Karen Smith of Barrie Miss Chczukn Shim nno graduate oi the Vancouver School oi Art was the im structor Miss Martha Serson assist int supervisor at art for the township of York Board at Edu cation gave instruction in enam clling on copper paper sculpt ure and several other crafts Miss May WilkinsonoiMidr land chairman of the Simcoc County Arts and Crnits Associn lion presided over tho weekend and led the devotional period Sunday morning Social rccrea itionwvnsheldiaturdnyatrflmi moms local florist has summary session held tow the end oi cl aitcrnoon brought all the groups togethci tor an appraisal and summary of their work Miss DoralFurdon oi Bowman scooteraiungrivlllewssbuslness mariagéTTahdflimited to 30 students 0i Instruction lit Collingwood or Louise Colley oi the Simeon County ltccrcation Service was present as coordinator and ad visor Mrs Lois Kalle of Col lingwood was in charge oi the tcring Those present included hire Nina Black Miss Heath ci Bnc Ed Hooper Mrs Lynn Marshall and Mrs Trendwell irom Barrie Mrs Anderson Mrs Burrow lilies Susla Burrows aro Cooper iColdwat Gilberto Nicholle Ar Mrs Lydia ecdie tGamcbridgei Fred nduli and Wilson Mrs Freda Or scr irom Orilils and district rs Hawton and Mrs Parsons irom Benton Mrs lladgson oi Bradiord Mrs John Ball Miss Mar tha Currie Mrs Mont gomory Mrs Bessie Saunders Mrs Skoiton Miss Bessie Smith and Mr and Mrs Thomas oil oi Cellingwood Mrs May oi Cracmora Mrs Elislc MacEnchcrn and Mrs Eleanor Monroeoi Stayn Dr and Mrs Mc Currie Miss Shirley Ruby Mrs Evelyn Ryncx and Miss May Wilkinson oiMidland and Mrs Nan Roberts oi Elmvalc ro arrsz SEMINAR been selected ram over 20000 iloristsinthe USA and Can ada for the retail management scminar Oct is at the Univers ity of Michigan in Ann Arbour Michigan Enrollment has been on his hands These are known as mens slicks Areas of bare bosom stretch across news stands and are designed to stir sexual im pulses said Mr Edinborough lie quoted Senator Roebuck as saying sex is one at the no blcst and highest idealTin the country The young college man is almed st in these publications tha boy who wants an MG girl as beautiiul as those in the magazine and also lost ivecksnd Since they can not nifvrd these thingl they cx pericnce their pleasures by reading about them instead of living them Their minds are not open to the influencesin other words they will not be swayed FOR IRILE MAN On the slime shelf arosthe mens pulp read by the virile young truck driver or marine said Mr Edinborough They express the principle oi manhood the liliysaroid inntasy he said There is always one story of the man on the deserted island with about nine women the war hero and the lighting oi nature usually in the arm of bats or reptiles These dont exploit sex Their settings are either far away or long ago such as the South Seas or World War ll They could not possibly de prove anyone stated Mr Edinborough Men tend to make you look up to an idol while women look down to those suffering below their level They are offensive they are created to be NDP Head Here Lou Murr was unanimously elected pres dent oi the New Domocratlc Party Barrie at an inaugural meeting in the Union Hall Mondu 0n taking the chair Mr Mur ray gave an enthusiastic ac count of the New Democratic Party founding convention held in Ottawa Hovatreased particu larly the democratic participa tior oi the delegates and their miusalto be rallroaded into any decisions by the top brass Mr Murray asked the execut ive and members at the new ib to Join in the task at building truly democratic psii lor Canadians based upon ireedom ul diolco integrity oi purpose and ireedom irom the ilnuncial control oi large cor pnratlona This he said can only be brought about it those internat cd in the objectives ol the New Democratic Party take an act ive personhl interest ii iurther ing the aims at the party He requested members to invite ev ery citizen who shows interest we Lco MURRAY to become members oi the New Democratic Party 11 New Democratic Party larrie Club will hold regular meetings NOTICE All prescription tiles tromlelpgstensipiug Store have been transterrad to CUSDENS PHARMACY l4 DUNLOP ST lhename for fashions Willi econom Reward doesnt target the Lady with wide toot see our windows tor variety oi Ladles Wider Dress Shoes with styling and pointed toes From Soli713in Choose as chic and comfortable as the highest priced 27 Mosersrsir stressW Falleroewsstnolncs tusohia and win lt The New Square or course Howards fashion shoes in fiflude the new squarcdrotitorwith tap ered anew inc green are presented in this hi The new Fall colors in smooth drasgy Coglhnfamalhlllyn i$flyfiiW°EG jump 119wng dmgtaémndg wine aim he feet fittings mm as shown IllusionHoel and oracncu for is this Pleatedurtm Kid Suede Se dressy Em 15 in mfonable nipsion eels la um Hi we pumps WMes Energetifckrhoese irom so green or seas kid suede with pleated leather trim as shownand matching pencil heel BlackUrBrowri Budget Pleaser NAMED HEAD 01 NDEll our roi hs it been Brigadier Purves DSO Commander of Camp Bor den congratulates Hop kins of 14 Coy RCEME Camp Borden on his accentselection as provinci president of Ont ario tor the National Defence Employees ntinn Mrs Hopkins has been president of the Camp Borden and district branch of NDEA or the past our years During that time he has worked to improve working conditions and the efficiency of all classified and prevaiiin rates employees in this area As provincial president he will be responsible tor the leadership of NDEA in the entire province of Ontario He wil also assist the national xcutivoi NDEA at Ottawa in the development and the implementation of mi tional policy tor NDEA ior all or Canada Teenage Fiat Leatheror Suede IibbedSoleLColorBlack Fringe Tongue Size 59 $39 68 synopsis smooth leather pa with an eye warmth gore vamplliorian any price Now pleated gentle Bled orderk brown Aa illustrated museumm Era 60691

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