Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1961, p. 20

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PLYMOUH cans ALL NEW IN 1962 1562 Plymouth passeng er cars from Chrysler of Carl ada feature clean crisp is new mm the SIMGGE goer attractive grills treatment to th line rear deckThe design of this series of Fly reducon in tho wheelbase 4W2 marmxy anon rMrsr Thos Rodgers ha gt taken stroke on Sunday evening We allwlsh her speedy recovery We are glad to sec Mrs Alvin Anderson from Soldiers Memorial Hospital able lotbe out again Her sister Mrs NeiiitLDavls of thlowdalr is staying with her Mrs Tyson Longmnn and Mrs Wilfred Johnston attended the workshop on the proceedure of Wirworkat theJMCAHOriilla éongrntuiationsto Jean An derson and Allan Johnson on the championship and reserve championship be el calves in the Junior fairot Bar rio Fair Fridayl also to all oth ers who won prizes in the jun ior and senior fair Special mention should be givv en Mrs Albert Anderson and hei homemoking girls on 11 display they had at Barrie Congratulations to the Rugby school teachers and pupils for their display and the many prises they brought home from Oro Fair BAXTEB Mrs Norris Cochrnne attended the Presbyterinl Wills executive meeting which was held in Bar rie on Tuesday number from here attended the annual Essa Townshlprdchofirwr oi Fair at Thornton on Tues day Many pupils from Baxter school took part in the many contestsand events From all reports quite few prizes were won by local pupils Mrs Lillian Jenm Thorn ioa visited friends in Baxter Mr and Mrs John Beeton and family of Barrie spent Surl day with Mr and Mrs Harvey Walkom hir and Mrs Norris Coch rane will be among the guests attending nJennett wedding at Allandalelon Satur day Mrs Beyer and Laird Mann attended Egbert anniver TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxvs CilANNEL BARRIE wabNeanav summons 21 Junior Round Hucklobo ounu News Hos linsa Provincial Mfalrsi rarro llarltet Reports Don Iatnlra News lyet or sports Loretta mums urchnlor then imminent at of Francs Victor nor he soon or Sex ugloratiana cr v1vswa rhn Weatherman Today inBports camrnunityfiuya llas Decay THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2a 115 Text Pattern Lao héovlah went ear 300 Summaram News sports interviews Tips llIls Golf Cartoons Music Junior nounsup Dick Tracy News Headlines James am of Missouri Farm slarxct flopon non Ysmiesnn News Wratnrr Sports Colonel Flack Wanted Dead or Alive Have Gun Will Travel Moments in Sports Weather for Paihcr arothnra Bronnflgssl 77 sunset ri Foolblll Theneuctfvea 1100 News weather art 11no Better Late THUHBDTSK screamed so not News My Thnn Sons The leendlrs Country Junction The Detectives out Nawa The Weathamln Today in Sports community News Tho Ala FRIDAY sEPazalnln Ils Test Pattern Movia Lake Placid Serenade aunlmorama News Ind Sports interviews Cartoons aluaie caravan Cannonball NEW Headlines Invisible Monster Flrm alarm Report DonalMOP Weather Sports cr Knows am Sal Hunt Country anesown Car as Tommy Ambrnao Show Perry Mason Tight CBC News The Walthamr Today in Sports Community News Movie Johnnyy Holiday ronouro News Weather on Epilogue Fran and Buy Channel Nine Theatra Four Just Merl News Proloasora HidHWIy Whirlyblrfls it as amen or News Weather Father Knowa Best The llnbel Theatre light Sea Hatnot Big Four Playback Mitch Millst News Weather sporta Better Late News Wank Evans lion NF 83 838332833 33 55ng asses9r ctr2 mmav BBHBMBZR 29 1100 ws Free Ind Ell Channel eatre tThrsa Dllint Dauflllera News Profsasera Insaway whlriyhirda Sports Magic Moments in sports News eather Lou have llleatra at El Ewigtlui Widow or Waacn an Country style ml coon morm If no News Weather sports 1110 aettar Lats iaso Friday Night Thotn ssrnse 3199 54 83333 3832 38 30 years at experience fostering good will in and community For information on WelcomsWagonJhona PA 66302 The Vnnqulrhas lingo DRiiTPES Youngs DtapTrlea CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has nut arrivedby 9111 lease phone hfterthoughtldon£t count he to in inches although thud is no appreciable reduction in passenger space Pictured is uryW hardtop cry on Sunday and visited Mr and Mrs Cliff Mooney Mervyn operation at Toronto Gen ral Hospital on Friday tie is re covering very nicely Mrs McKnight spent few days last week with her rrrlother Mrs Banting Bar liilss Cheryl Dickson is pot lcnt in SicLthldrens Hospital i7 We wish her speedy recovery Mr an rs Ernie Daley and famliyrEdgarapent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Gaulcy Jr The Children of the Church and Explorer groups held their first meetan of the teran at the school on Thursday afternoon Miss June Denney is attend ing Lakeshore Tcachers Coll ege this year The sympathy of the com munity is extended to Mr and Mrs Gordon Klernnn and fami ly on the loss of the farmers mother Mrs Dave chrnan The choir is busy practicing for the anniversary services which will be held on Sunday Oct lst to hclp all elghtyearold girl in Afrlca GUTHBIE Education moans developing Vibe mind not stuffing the mem cry was the theme of discus sion at the Guihrls Womens in itule meeting at lira Cam erons home Mrs Bursa coo vener of education and citizen ship spoke M11 Barss divided the branch into four groups for discussion on different phases of education it tiona debated were Do we need an Oro High School How about oonaolid nted public school Should itlnd ergarten be available In country schoolchildren The need oi lextbook rental service should the federal government head the education system so the basic curriculum and standards would béuallorm Each group captain brought it to the full meet VlaH Mrs Cameron the meeting decision was made to sponsor the Foster Parent Plan Sixty dollars will be sent LARRY HRANNON BLONDIE Mrs Bird reported on tho workshopvnlnstfmts pinned Mrs Gordon Caldwell will be delegate to area convention at lst letterrls to be lorwarded OriTcwnship council asking for change in the date of no mlnatian day Mrs Gerald Rattle will com ment on the motto No one is rich enough to be without neighbor The hostesses Mrs rdon Caldwell and Mrs Beau served relreahmenta on Friday evening to make plans for the coming season Bruce Edgar took the church services at ivy Baxter and Cookatown on Sunday Mr and Mrs liienary spcnt Wednesday in Toronto Th ey visited Mervyn Denney while there MrJJothtcsGmnt Dickson were in Toronto on nlesday They also visited Mervyn Den ney Mr and Mrs Bruce Edgar and family and Mrs Edna Edgar spcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs WillisEarrigan at Co okstown Mr and Mrs Gray and family visited friends in sunri JONES An executive meeting of the Baxter Bowling League was held North dealer Neither side vulnerable nonrn AAQJ W22 Qms 41mm WEST EAST 105 K94 AKJlO 73 as aosz 632 sss SOUTH 457637 954 QAK1 IPAQ North East Bouth We 14 Pans 1s Pass Opening leadking of hearts brtdge You have tomake your bids and plays while the hand is in progress and ltdoes no good to say alter the deal is over shoulda done this or shoulda doaethatiithat counts is what you do and not what you later say Here is case in point South got to four spades aiter West rhadiovercalleddnhearts West led the king of hearts and con tinued with the ace East play gg highlow to show double West then led the Jack of which declarer ruffed with thejack and East over ruffcd with the king East re AUMSB DOWN Concluding Fragment music pas 10 Ancient sags Greek coin zoolna hlnfl brewer 12 Moisture 8Movsd as boat covered 13 Ian hall Like ale 1513 cragn 1530 ruck IIIn19 George Runncil 18 Bpongsn slang 22 Jewish commas BRIDGE BY JAY BFDKEB rlght En la hirslde no good and North Tbndgyras htflTtHéEter busi Londcn Ontario over the week end ivhlle there they attended the Western Ontario Fair turned diamond and South had notrouble taking the rest of the tricks alter lle had cashed the A4 of spades East was the first to speak alter the hand was over He realized that he had chucked the defense shouldnt have overtrumdped the jack and then we woui have beaten the con tract he said The statement was certainly 5t kingct spades was bound to win trick even tuniiy and there was no neces sity for him to overruff if he had discarded club or dia mood on the third round of hearta he would have made two trump tricks instead of one and would have set the hand He should have realized dur ing the play that there was possibility of Wests having the tenof spades antLthaLtblLon apparently Wests hand was all that was needed to bring about deelarers defeat as intimated earlier Easts pertinent observation did DONALD DUCK South scored game which should have been defeated What East shouldn done Adidnt count because he didnt do it This type of error occurs lair ly often at the bridge table The thing to remember is that in nesa no money is refunded af ter leaving the box office won dow slam biti DiiILY CROSSWORD 19Eub out ZolAddI tionas 2LPoly neslsn drink 22456 lunfl was mung asthma 238sitlest 27 Finis Ismail1s Anaavss 288ag 39xeach athoarderl across 33 Georgia 41 Distant 42 Brazilian 84 Classical tree language fiFodder VHS GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER TEE HARM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 21 Ill mar HM Peons ARE LIAN MOM Kim WK mmmssvmmu WMYABOUY THEIR 50mm lim we OKAX THATS YOUR LiNC DONALD RIGHT HELLiAKE THE GROCERY YOU HAVE EC THERE lsnlE ANSWER 1b QUESTION HE GIVES YOU FREE BOARD AND ROOM RIGHT vane mesa PILLS iilE If m1 lioner lglAiféNggoaixflfilmNMfl 51F 55M RAIN Hi imiitiihfséil GEEGMNDMAMU GRANDMAAND FEELIN BAD YOULL saw as FEELING 0x AGAiN DATE TONIGHT You CAN WHEELTHE someones FeoM THE To EXPLAIN THE THEORYOF RELATlVlTy wnéémwivznuswfiflr YOURE BREAKING VARd IN The FLDWEE FED Bllf THE RED Roslllllll usveMekciwumlr mfllEiREASURE ls anon JPA 82433 Am Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home Then is No CHAI3E ran Tlllsjjesw VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELE CARS AND TRUCKS MUGGS AND SKEETE

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