Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONE lorksaitnquntMsnoir pboaePAHusnstAtepbons aumbertecslltordulasmsss or Editorial Dept in PA 45 97th YearNo 215 US Is Accused Join Market TiltlhllNS CF External Affairs Minister Howard Green accused uie United states Tune dsy night of crowding Brit ain to join the Common Market tfurtbermerlcsn political and economic goals At the same time he sug ested Britain would undermine to role as leader of the Com monwealth by joining Francs ltly West Germany Belgium Luxembourg and the Nether land in the trade organization flie Common Market formed three years ago aims ulti mately at creating free flow of material mono and mom power among mem rs Britain at first remained outside the union on the ground that it would endanger preferenv till trade with other Common wealth countries but decided this summer to seek admission Mr Green speaking Ca nadian Club mesung her aid the the Americans rowd in the British tryingto force then into the Common Man 316 AND STRONG Rs said the llm at the Amer ican policy is to have bigy strong Euro which ter the Sov at Union him He added that the Americans want to get rid of British pref erences They never did like the British preferences Mr Green suggested British leadership of the Common wealth would suffer if conflict policies arose between its Common Market partners and Lt fellow Commonwealth mam rs Term Further Talks Pointless Until UN Replies To Request ELISABETHVILLE Reuters The Katanga dispute todsy ap peared to be back where it started following demands by the Katanga regime for the withdrawal of all UN forces from the Congos breakaway province The demand was made nics day at the first meeting of the United NationsKatangu cessego lire commission Following the meeting For eign Minister Evariste Klmbs of Katanga termed further ses sions of the commission point less until reply to the Ku tanga demands is received fro£n UN headquarters The oorrunEion was set up last week after ceasefire1 agreement was reached between President Moire Tshombe oi Katanga and the UN after eight days of fierce fighting in the world bodys attempt to end the secession of the province eemed to put the situation in Katanga back where it started TSHOMBE WILLING in another development hies day Conor OBrien the chief UN official here said that Tshombe was willing to send delegation to start talks with the central Congolese government at Leopoldvills Tshomba and the central gov ernment have been reported re cently to have been exchanging messages via Brazzaville cap ital of the former French Con Tshombo has in the pest stood xpal against appeals to sand delegation to Loopoidvilie on the grounds that the Katangs offl ciala might be arrested by cen tral government Premier Cyrille Adoulas regime Meanwhile the threat of an tangn by the armed forcss oi the central government contln ued to hang over thaaccne In press conference today Tshombe called on Adoula it meet him quickly at some neu tral point ihomb said he would be willing to go to London He him ssl suggested Ndoia in nearby Northern Rhodesia where cesskeflre was agreed upon last was invasion of mineralrich Ka lornier US Defence Secretary Charles Wilson Dies lit 71 NORW OOD La AP be respected more than kennel soVinr Foreign Minister Andml Gromyko reads from his speech during appesr CADET HOPEiUL LITTLE CONFUSED dldatcs for cadet positions on the Windsor police force have oma up with some novel on sworn in their examination pa pers thief Constaqu Carl Farrow said one candidate when asked what the capital of Canada was wrote Texas in the an swer blnnk Another candidate includci California and Winnipeg in lit of Canadas Mnritimt mfl WINDSOR Ont46 Cnn Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday Sept 17 1961 once before the United Na lions General Assembly yes terday as he claimed the senses DISAGBEE so so UNITED NATIONS AP Hero is what President Kennedy and Soviet Foreign Minister Grnmyko said about various is sues Monday and Tuesday in tha United Nations General As sembly German Ponce Treaty Byf War Western leaders were rat tling the satire and spouting threats on the lerlin crisis AP Wirephotoi own dioice and to live theirr own lives established rights arc to be respected The West crn powers will defend their ac cessto West Berlin GromykoWo are firm ad vocntos of the West Berlin pap iilntion being guaranteed the right to live and work under the Only The Best who one Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Garctywith suturedhorrors and much cooler tunerrow lowhmlghtddhlfls1bandsy es Mammary on page Not More Than 7o prion22 Page Thieves Take Oi Paintings PALERMOTwo new thefts of art and jewelry with an es timated value of more than $2000000 were announced hies do as the worldwide rash of art and jewelry robberies con tinued with edented scope Baron Gabriel Ortoiandi dl Bordonaro 53 told police thieves escaped with 23 paintings ce ramics and antique silver from his villa on Palermns outskirts last weekend They were re ported valued at nearly 81000 At Monte Carlo in Monaco masked bandits made off with items and watches Monday in oncmlnute jewelrystore rob bery taking objects valued at more than $1010800 the store manager said niesday Baron di Burdonaro said the thieves took only the best of his paintings including works by Titian and van Dyck llis favor ite work was also stolen painting of the Holy Family by the 25th century Flemish artist Jan de Mnbuse David BenCurlers Marks Birthday dERUSALEM iAPhisraeia David BenGurionobserved his 75th birthday today hopeful he will get another call to head his tiny countrys goveriunent The odds are that eventually he ill get it For even at his age the stubby little prime min ister with the fringe of white hair remains Israels strong man Ben Gurionwhnse Hebrew Kennedy and urged that they be liketo scathem In themost ei protect the right of access to by negotiation One is absolute respect for treaties and intern tionai obligations freely signed UNITED NATIONS CP Britain called on the Soviet Un ion today to seek an honorable deal with the Western powers on Berlin disarmament and other critical problems theaten ing to throw nuclear cloud over the world British Foreign Secretary Lord Home told the UN Gen eral Assembly in policy speech that the Russians are laying with nuclear fire by try ng to set man against his neighbors lIa accused the Soviet Union of deception and doubledealing in lthe collapsed nuclear testban to preserve the peace if cgichl tion is discarded andtho is broken by deliberate lnte He added Negotiators must not seek victory over each other but an honorable deal BACKS KENNEDY Home backcdKenaedys ap peal for strong UN headed by slnglesccretarygeneral flfwéwere ever to accept the doctrine that no man can be impartial lnoarrying out the or Lcl he woven In keep tiers of the security council he mg me peace ha mm sal then the members of the strengthening thfioilectlvo Wm have Pink um ball of the United Nationsinstead of 5° mm WM trying to drive her coach pulled he mun bankrupt and by an ham mush the doctrine of reaction wlli have whole fabric ofour collective ef the day or1 Soviet Foreign Minister Am 7mg we Hence to pre dri Gromyko delivered long mler Khrushchevs troika Spud to 13 Ellembly Tilt3 plan to replace SecretaryGem day and gflVe 19 tmrrssslon mu Dag Hgmmargkjold with American observers that despite threemnn directorate tough talk Russia may be ready Lord Home praised what he to ease the threat of war over called the stirring disarma Berllll ment proposals of President Monday pledged even nuclear warfare to defend used as basis for renewed arms negotiations either by tho lonntlon group of East West countries or by an enlarged magi tTin oven on may to take part in renewed multi lateral negotiations on this ba sis ha asserte and would again in the interpretation of American observers left the doc open for negotiation German Papa Criticizes lPlf BONN Reuters President The British leader also as KMedttodfly militia clered his readiness to help ar we Germ MW range negotiations on the Berlin Pei hi gem Whu crisis but he warned that the Germany min C°mm West must have guarantees to newspaper Bind WM ingnees many factlve forum that can be if vised West Berlin one is collective action to the interests in Berlin bub to negotiate on Ger If there is to be negotiation about the situation in Berlin and its people he said settlement must include uninterrupted ac cess to the city and suitable guaranc ethat the The Communist Naues Deutschland attributed the pres idents acceptance of the possi bility of negotiations to the firm attitude taken by the me major nunisthnc Charles SamsonJormaLpresJJ idant of General Motors who be came defence secretary In the Eisenhower administration died Tuesday at his plantation home in southeast Louisiana lie was Ih tributed to coronary lrombosie Wilson died in his esp ongecauseinapinchvthey would fetch for themselves He later apologized and said he meant no offence GETS 1N TROUBLE Another wiisonlan that got lJr Toler coroner at the then defence seculary into hot water was his crack about General Motors and the United Sta it went in partWhnts wiimasngmairwith goal for General Motors is good quick tongue and sharp wit Though millionaire many tleover be summed up his at philosophy in four wordsGet along with people His term defence secretary for the United States Wilson always insisted that this was taken out of context What he actually said he claimed was Whats good for thaUnited States is good for Konnady£ltAlsAabsurdto One applican answering the same question putdown Ma ltoba Saskatchewan Edmon ton and Alberta Anothar hopeful listed the Thames end the Detroitas Canadas largest rlvcrs said hat the Lion is Canadas na i°° ml WM halelWrnfiinsiinmmmmnarheaaednesnywnryeabir war merely to prevent the Sov iet Union and East Germany from signing socalled treaty of peace GEWGTThstcadorrot certnin Western powers oitcn pledge test of strength in rlonalanlmai and the Ontarincasga German peace treaty is rovinclni Police are the na tions federal police srorrrraoowiisnnr TOKYO iAPilyphnnn Sally generating centre winds of 75 was full of al crises General Motors and whats goadimlieaanhouiwaupotted 292 foriGeneralrMotorsAie goodiformliessouthoi0kinnwa1adaythrem am the madam flowing oratory One of his remarks that rang bit across the UnitedStates was reference to bound dogs in commenting on unem lo night He said they were to nybmught1boubbrhiHm1 the United States He ran General Motors for ii years and under hisicadership the vast automobile firm was converted into the worlds hig gost producer of war material AVERT liNTICOMBINES LAWS says Could Costs US Air Force weatherman re ported If the typhoon keeps its present course and speed it should hit the Communist Chi iiese coast south of Shanghai within two days OTTAWA GP Toronto in dustrialist Taylor said Tuesday many Canadian man ufacturers could cut costs if they combine their facilities uiiitoquunning foul of anti combines laws He madethc statement at press conference in explanation of an announcement by the Na tional Productivity Council that the governmaanwillinHoad vise competing industrialists on whether they can consolidate without breaking the law Mr Taylor president of Argus Corporation Limited and member of the council repre senting the field of industry and commerce said it was concelv able that 20 plants might be pro dneingsubstantiaily the same article They could produce more efficiently if they were amalgamated into five and still etainiha competitive factor press conference was TAYLOR More Efficiency pt twn day council nseeb llE Windwyvthecouncilrcheirr WIis said in prepared state sn li George Do Young resident of Atlas Steels Lim Welland at the conclusion ment that the council had cori sultcd Justice Minister Fulton and his staff on the application of combines legislation and that the government waswllling to work with industryirHimprov lug productivity for the na tional good Mr Fulton and the justice dew partment worePri1nred Do Young said to study posed plans put forthloTind try for tho rationalization of productive facilities and to ad vise on their position with re spect to combines legislation When asked what rationaliz ation of productive facilities meant Mr De Young turned reporters questions over to Mr Taylor What the manufactuerrs would like to do is arrange among ourselves sothat fewer of us would concentrate on one product and bring costs down Mr Taylor said Mayor Buckwold of Sn skatoon said the council was not seeking any change In the com bines legislation and Mr De concluded In other words they will reply by warto the peace which the Soviet govern ment is proposin West Berlin Crisis Kennedy The dangerous crisis in Berlin arose from Weechrlinandtho Wests inr terests and commitments which it cannot fail GromykoToday West Ber lln has become the hotbed of great war danger because of subversive sabotage and ass pionagc centres it is cass poolcomprising the thoroughly rotten occupation regime West German and NATO subversive centres and mobs of West German militarlsts and re venge seekers Berlin Settlement KennedyFor city of Tpeopieto be truly free they If FacilitiesCombined must have the secure right without economic political or police pressure to make their ilnvitev Britain DiscussEntry iBRUSSELSLflcumwshtnwoilssaid haJearthL sixcountry European Common Market today welcomed appli cations for membership from Britain and Deninark but was reported to have reserved judg ment on an application by Ire land The group handed over let ter formallyinviting Britain to open preliminary talks onimcm ershlp in Oct 10 and 12 The Common Markets coun cilof ministers announced that it hadaccepted Danish appllr for membership prior to negotiations for actual entry The Irish application was ex pected to be referred to the trade groups executive com mission Young emphasized lhflitherwhlrScntlment among thomember pose of the Productivity Coun cil is to encourage competitive ness in the canadian economy states was thatlreiund should have associate affiliation rather than full membership social system which stilts it access to West Berlin The free city would have the right to establish ties with any coun try appropriate agreements with East Ger many on land air and water communications Disarmament gt KennedyThe United States roposcs new program of general and complete disarm ament mcheffectiveandinteli national control GromykoTho Western pnw crs must say whether they will accept Soviet disarmament pro possTs ifthesovlet Unlon ne cepts their control proposals whenthapnlitical haggling as name means Son of Lion net in the Jewish states 18year history When his mildly sociallstlc willbepreseieeclL in West Germany The independent Blld Zeitung however turned over its entire frontp to an editorial asking acid on tions about the presidents which thepeople have chosen He told the Soviet Union there are three ways to peaneful colt existence Map pm 105 VB of 47 One is settlement of disputes speech Monday seats in the Remember parlia ment in recent elections be de clined to try to form new coalition government But member of his parity undertook the task for him and there seemed little doubt that BenGurlon will be back ing his 10th cabinet For the nnment he is waiting it out as caretaker prime min istersfollowing his usual active regime of reading and exercise Says It Britain LONDON CPFEmuei Shinwell said today Britainis en try into Europes sixcountry CommonMarket would provel tragic mistake Shinweil onetime Labor de ence minister was leading chorus of concern expressed by lefislators from all parts ofthe of their linerParliamentary Union In debate on economic atrs the legislators displayed Aalmost unanimous anxietyJest Wfidkens and naily destroys the Common wealth system harsh political integration irri plied by Common Market mem bership will shackle Britains in dependence If the United Kingdom rle aides to go into the Common Market we shall sufferrdlsiilu ionment before many years and awe shall discover we have modes tragic mistake He predicted this discovery in turn wouldbring about the fall of Prime Minister Macmillans government and haacalled for an alternative policy of devel oping cooperation within the Commonwealth itself Shlmwelis views were sup ported by Albaji Shelia Shagarir of Nigeria Senator do Zoysa of Ceylon andvleglslntor lI JV Kirk Northern Ireland all whom avored preserva tion the Commonwealths spe It Will Prove ll Tragic Mistake Commonwealthratear concrencmifii said if mum Humble Fired lit Crowd the crowd aimed rocks at Com houses along the border dividing along their side into No on Enters Market cial tradinglinks andadvan tages Commonwealth tar Duncan Sandys promised Tues day that Britain should un questionably choose the Com monwealth rather than Europe it came to showdown on the question to obtain spec arrengemen to protect vital Commonwealth interests then Britainwill not join the Common Market Warning Shots BERLIN AWEast German police fired warning shots Tues day night when 600angry West Berliners threw rocks across the border Demonstrating against forced evacuations of East Germans from East Berlin border areas munlst searchlights illuminating the barbed wlre barrier West Berlin police pushed the demonstrators back Communist authorities have been moving residents out of Berlin slowly turning astrip Mans Lands They aiso began digging trencb10 fora mile alon groundonthe mi the border in the American sec iN WAWNUTSHELL To Begin Work ForCentennial OTTAWA tCP The National Capital Commission has engaged Peter Stokes restoration architect of Upper Can ada Village near Cornwall to beginplauning Ottawas Mile of Living HistorySusscx Drive Mr Stokes was engaged tomakesnorlginalmnditimrsuryeyof5nssex Drive whi follows the Ottawa River from centre toer to Governmen House midence of the GovernorGeneral as part of Can adas centennial preparations Former Union Head Dies canvnashn AP David Robertson as president of the Brotherhood of locomotive Firemen and Enginemen for at years until his retirement milmpdied today French Miners Strike For More Pay gtfimmWfor morepay was 95 per cent at ective today among nencesvsoome miners and mine surface workers At the same Lima some of the 350000 workers on the stateowned railroad system staged brief stop pages in the first wave of industriakunrestsincetheauma mer holidays SynanQuits Uliii Post CAIRO Reuters Col AbdeillamidiSonaj former 5y rian strongmande was re rtediio bein the Syrian eapital of Damascus altar quittng hlsmorithold post as vicepresident in the United Arab Republic government Susskind To Conductilestival TORONTOtCP Waiter Susskind conductor of the To ronto Symphony Orchestra has accepted the appointment of director of music for the i061 Aspen Festival at Aspen Gob it was announced today CGEOiicrrTo PurchaseStock TORONTO on Canadian General Electric Co has made an otterto purchase 1the outstanding common shares oftheDominion Engincciing7WorkeLtd assigns Disarmament Bill NEW sonic AP President Kennedy signed here men day abill ueatingaUnited States disarrnamentagency wiiicii itecalled symbol of US den disarm mankind ottho weaponsaof war IudgeTo Rule Onilividence BRANDONWOPYFJ Hie Hugh Paton and Hubert Cox Torontobilslnessmen charg ed with conspiring to steal $460000 from Brandon Packers Limited will sale today on evidence gtven ivy witness now an unwanted judge sameness trinket 23 53

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