Are YouH0m THE IARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPT ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS damnTo Jud In Law IIUL Will of llInPltfll Usutisr sell on Wednesda ltplrmbfl 2o oi or sent VctorII Itasva Ill Barri colno artisansAl simmo lain orisl lies ltsi Aiiilloo on Itusr seminary II to non Mary Gethanl tot CIIdell nontoo Ontario olurnter tShIriey Ann DEATHS cums Ar Iiiname of minds Avenu nimieo on Mon soy seplemtnr 25 not John 0mm below it nd oI any lien on our nine of sin Aims than and seek CI Itos II the st Clair Ch st of notions no Elevn Limled st Clair Avenu Well Toronto seryie in Ihl Chapel ll om Wedhrydty In terment nil Union Camel oonnILLAI at Priory Lennard do on mi sin Mororel Jane OorrIll aorn in North my comic sun viyeo oy her husband homo daughter Mrs neil Lem ridge Albert Ion nonId nroetl Crissry Alberto Ind brother oremo at Punrrsi services were the Sands nmersl Ehlpsi ol Ilestnzr coiwood ti on lsmbcr ml at Hatllald oltielrt otion IN MEMORIAM JONESIn loving memory I11 dear huIbInd Ind father Emu Jones who DADHIAII Swill her to 1951 page In tho book of memory silently turns today 4Idly misled by will Lena and children CARDS OP THANKS LYONBM sincere thrust to Ill my frtcn who uni the error gifts and flowers and to all who visited me durins my stay in non fiti Sperm IhInke to Dr crou snd Dr Freldrich Ind hunts also visit from Rev Ad Iisrper Irirs WILLOUGIID Wo would like to thInk our Irlehdt petition and relotlm also tna LOIIA Isl Ailnone for the lover cards which received also the list ohle Loose stroud or tho lovon box or rruir II lpcclal lnsnlu to air sud Mrs nuuril Lowry for their hthdneu while was in bed Normh wtllouohoy slrouo COMING EVENTS TURKEY DINNER St Pauls Anglican Church Midhurst THURSDAY SEPT 28 530 TILL RM AauLrs $150 CHILDRLN toe RUMMAGE SALE YMYWCA Building FRIDAY SEPT 29 1230 till 430 pm Clothingsome neary new Furniture Toys etc AUSPIC LADIES AuxILiAnv ViiYWCA ATTENTION VETERANS Mr Buck oi Provincial Com mond Canadian Legion will be In Barrie Wednesday Sept 27 at 130 pm LEGION HALL COLLIER STREET To answer any questions per taining to veterans pensions and welbre Copy or Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before publication fLASSIFIED ADVERTISING rrflEtEPitomei PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tiscments are inserted at the rate of to per word per insertion OHHHWIWMIMEFS wor or ree four or five times and one per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FUR 74 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OF $106 FOR 7A WORDS 1F CHARGED PERSINGL BL SERTION znnorts oil CORRECTIONS 4Advrlluuaroromluded that all phone Insertion orders are seen ed as convenlcnco to you lire odyertim Thornton the planned Advcrtilinï¬ Department requires Iii srivert ers to kindly reenecir their advertisement tnmldlatcly after rim inscrtlorl in order thst any errors or omissions may be reported oeroro so in order that same may be reetiaed tor tho roiiawins days insertion order We wish to diet out that The Bsrrio nxrmoor Is responsible tor only one ineorreetly rinted insertion on any sovendmcnt and then only to the extant or portion or so iovoivu the misprint arms which do not Ieueh the value or the sdveruse meat or not eligible tor concu tlons by nuke goods Coming Events St per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words do per word extra In Memoriam No tlces $150 If verse used ac per word extra IsLINn Lmzn lineups rnrornutloo reesrdiog saverums using allnd Letter Box Numbers or Replies is held strictly contld ehtisl Replies to Letter Boxes will as hed only in am after last dry or publfcIuon Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ccption of Classiï¬ed Display advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day notes and type stills for unit dilpl ollnilledl ï¬lly I15 ub sine through The Examiner Ida VlrtLliul department REAL ESTATE rnorenn sort BALE ROSE REAL BIATI BROKE Tim mm BAR CALL nAv on EVENING PA 82379 MIDI of LB RIrrlI Ind DLIIIiBI Roll ï¬t It Bond HENDERSON REALTOR is COLLIan nanr PHONE PA 04673 GROVE STREET EAST Diningliving room four bed rooms roomy kitchen has built In iappao tabletop range and BVenT Four piece tiled bath with vanity Entrance haiL Recrea tion room Nicely landscaped Requires Vt down For appoint mcnt call Emerson Swain 13 WlLLOWDALE Cozy two bedroom bungalow with garage Nice size living room and kitchen Low down payment Call Rita Scandrett SIX ROOM HOME Monthinaymonts only $69 in eluding taxes This home Li only two years old and in good condition One car garage Close to downtown and schools Call Percy Ford PA 57930 LOVELY SUMMER dc WINTER HOME Modern kitchen living room and three nice bedrooms Three piece bath One car garage This lovely home is only stones throw from the water lias beach water and docking rlghls Only 57500 Call Percy Ford SHANNON STREET Large living room lovely firs placc spacious kitchen and dinette three bedrooms tiled four piece hath Bright base merit and poured cement wall and through basement Large landscaped lot with trees Patio and carport amortized mortgage carries for $96 per month including taxes Attrac tive street near schools and bus route Call Emerson Swain 115 DUCKWORTH $12500 Tall trees irame this cozy three bedroom grey brick bungalow Lovely large kitchen and living room llnlstled rec room 5W7 NHA terms that carry for $75 monthly includ ing taxes Cali Rita Scandrett zvaINos CALLt nrrA scANnnerc PA 84855 PERCY sorta PA Mesa emailer SWAIN PA usos Member or Estrte and District no Ontario IIcIl Evqu Dolrd HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 9B BAYFIELD ST PA W53 TFICMP SOPHIA STREET Income house four rooms in front with three piece bath three rooms in rear with three piece bath All furniture bed ding and dishes go with back apartment Lot 65 81 feet Garage Only $575 Call Joe Palmer PA W63 EXCITING NEWS Are yoli looking or new REAL ESTATE PROPER1 708 SALE ROGERS CONNE ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrio Home saltsForemost in Quality at Basilica PA 85568 TRUNK LINES BVENINGS CAILt III IOORIPA HIIT OrrinPA 10 I00wa um CONNlLbPA mu mam am DISTRICT ml TAT BOMB VCEIFF BROWI VI REALitll 31 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONIBr PA Wt PA m1 LAKESHORE PROPERTY property Is vsluable lakeshoro lot 150 with and Is beautifully treed The cottage has large living room with huge Itonc fire place separate dining roomzkitchep piece bsursnd shower room bedroom There is breneway garage and so oil furnace In the cottage For particulars call this office ANNE ST SOUTH One and half storey house at stucco line nice living room kitchen bedrooms and piece bathroom on first floor Two bedrooms upstairs with piece bath Full basement with partly finished recreation room all heating This house ls lust four jearsoldJricedat 313800 TarmLarraiiged BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME Would you like city home in the country milcs fromlarrla on paved highway It has large living room with oak floors Nice kitchen with lots at cupboards separate dining area bedroom piece bathroom Full basement with pressure sys tem and oil furnace Lot is large enough for VLA property Priced to sell Contact this office for further information CHOICE LOCATION ll room older house In good repair on large well Irecd lot 00 169 Double garage Lovely large momenJothï¬oonJiw place all heating This house Is oftcrcd much lower than its real value This IS BEDROOM BRICK HOME 0n quiet street Has large kitchen living room dining combin ation bathrooml Hardwood floors Nico treed lot Cash salc Make an oifer TRIPLEX CENTRAL LOCATION Three comfortable apartments Separate entrances Driveway Nice bright rooms facing south Living room kitchen bed roams piece bathroom in one apartmcnt other two with one bedroom each Forced alr all heating Good monthly income Priced at 515800 Terms arranged Mrmbsrl of the EIrrll that Bill Eelld Smith ClmpbeIlPA 57309 loIn LInlPA Sdldi lrlul GarveyPA MD CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA MAID so Dunlap st LOTS Highways so and TI Just north of Barrie 175 920 This Is choice location for business or residential building Plenty of trees HWY 27 NORTH Only 10 minutes driving time from Barrie This property can 813 13 acres and could be subdivided to mudl advantage or so as one LARGE OLDER HOME Five bedrooms and bath also open balcony on second floor Large kitchen separate dining room living room with fireplace Den and clothes room which could be converted to bathroom on main floor Recreation roomlaundryandtwopiece bath in basement This lot is 138 182 with beautiiul trees LETS TRADE Picturesque setting among tall trees Rug brick six roomiiousa with water under pressure Storey and haitwlth two bedrooms upstairs and one on the main floor Modern kitchen separate ntngroomandbrigbtIivingroomGroundsbeootitullyiand scaped Garage beside paved road Would trade for house in Barrie FOR SALE OR RENT Just outside Barrio Five rooms with iurnace and bathroom Modern with plenty of cupboards Close to ediool $8000 with very reasonable terms MADE MARSHALLPA W0 COREY OWEN JUNEPA S7917 FA Norman Shelswell REAL comp gnome REAL ESTATE raorenrr rottsALe no CARSON oaAI son 45A DUNLOP ST Nssi door to the lnipsrtsl Iasstrs LEIIIlA STREET tsoo down Comfortable storey Jrama house all Leorapure oohtarisktPoi oil furnace Csll Russell Car wn PA WI $2000 DOWN Five room brick bungalow with attached garage Exits large kitchen with many extra leat ures Four piece ills bathroom Close to schools Call Russell insomjA Mt $11000 FULL PRICE Five room ranch style bungse Iow with brcmway and gar age Napier Street area These houses generally sell for no $00 200 down Call Russell son PA W51 37000 FULL PRICE bedroom bungalawwilh brimt kitchen noot living room and roomy bathroom Small aparlr ment with private both as well May be bought with low down payment and carries for too monthly interest and principal Call Ger allory today and see this Wot evenings PA 07011 PA 56481 MemberMAMth Diltri MOVING for complain movlo ssrvlcs ssfar sodouirr lll COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD voun ALLIED VAN Lines AGENT to am no Llarril rArirwly Mm BEDROOM HOUSE Newly decorated hot water with oil Attractive residential dis trict Peratc sale reasonany prlccd PA 04437 IMALI 01152 for Isle in the Vlilltlo of Atroud Ill Ind sood water supply phone Blroud Ml for furlhor dltnlll nonA ANn asorgo nolldwsy with to sell their hieo modorh home milul lrom aorrlo lllidllum Iras rhono PA ssiss onIsLIA zisht room llama good condltl rooms immediate pot sion outridso in as phone IA sous sltor no cosrAuz for sale Dood idestlen Purniluro included Ndsr school and churches Lot AM cull APPIM as annvllls Barrio PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinity of St Marys Church Early poss esslon required Reply to BOX 49 THE BARRIE EXAMINER TWO LOT for Silo 05 Il survo od IItl larviccl Bidawstks Plies It 100 alch Tnlouhnnl PA 050 FARMS FOR RENT LANCE IIAIIN for root flchllont mow spoilt for land etc Close to Dorrie Shanty Bay Road Roalnn nblo For Iurthcr pnrtictslarlt cIII PA Mai evenings PA on memories MORTGAGE LOANS RENTALS APTB 1011338 To BENT simmuso hutsd Iflmlnl to from om and beta Tel nm rA usls sous soon Inmltiu spsriouot tam piss duly ram srstor floors Avail II tnsnls APPI Amulronl In IHIZI ROOM unraroirna luri Insiit with Baton nd rsIriurstor top It In door AVI his lriunldll Ily flinphonl PA In sumo Aplrlmlnl LII Ilvlnl room bedroom din II modern In in rid ffli so tor Control IIu crud Tsltpborl PA it antes to eontainsd on nl PflVlII Inlrlncl Usrss anIbII rant rsls Phonl PA rlmlnl with Ill pt bath rivals llunfl roo AFPIY Marcus trust All mm TWO RID 00M wlMIrir lIer for not lost co runN fllD odern srttnat lirllli It nooli Ila ha log and III End Snapping PlIu TIIIphonl PA BIIM PUIINIIIIED IIIchIIor Apsrtmnt rnvs nirsnc zigcirlo II bath Ihla now All liner Cou II preferred Tallvhonl PA Avfll UPBTAIMI Downtown Apartment two bsdrooml hlltud unfurnlsh sd prIinI bsth In lnlnn Tole hori PA 09150 furlhlr PIII lull anoUNu noon ll tld IpIrlmsnt tovs suppll Tuna rivltl room bulli ndtntrlne Clltclr leratWimF so to bus Ila schools and Apply at Tiff or II pll 375 LY CONTAINID one bsdroom rimout on ground floor Priv anlrlnce llulrlgerstor Ind stove luppll LocIIaII It II Lull tis ritual and lovon surroundings IIlophone sisno voun nooi unturnlshud hoottd rlmtnt LIundry shd plrklnl tilt rriv ohtrsneo Nasr Oakloy Park Schooll Avsiishla aoptombrr 30 Telephone PA sIm lllul VJ nines nooai Apsrtmtni llvinl room badroom Ind tellenollo ltslri or toys and st supplou loos on bu routs overlookinl ll sphnno PA llsoso UNrunNisIlco ono bsdrnom Iplrtmant for rent IIuIt Willi rotrirorrtor and sum bsrklns stargo and laundry loellillu monoton Uclobor liophuno Plt roun noohi unIurnl od hours to rant on MI per month Aprly 7o shiii Drive hatch in nerds or tollphonl can after Wednes nve nooili opsrlmant uh Iurnithod downtown location Pri vIts shirshro LIund Ioeiiitirr Ilested Ind flrklnl set Iols phone PA days PA sIois avonlnrl AmA rive uolurhllhod thro srtmont self contained locstad Available im iy PelletIll ohd st Vlfl cent airrtll no monthly Tall PA MEI hcdronm Ipnrtmontl overlookinl leooio Kcmponfolt Holst tor gsrklng Ind tsnitor sarv thelu ed Automstlo wornlns fI clllliol PA stool ceNmAl Locotlo Vary Iplrtmsnt tor not Private sht roorr Ind both hooied atovo ohd rolrigarolor optlorml up month on awnings vuansllea lhrso roamed rporo meat ground floor prlvoto dnt ronto Vary uhlroliy located Privota hItli All services Included no monthly Ideal for touplo only Tafsphona PA sl ItionenN lit irvo heated mont nrlmcnt nrivotu ont rInca two cdroaml largo douoio eloleu laundry Iociiitiu hot wa tor Avoilsbla October PA can Ivcninrl yunNialmo Apsrtnlont on Dan io Strut Walt Three rooms will both Haul hydro and water supplied Laundry Iacllltlol Suitv Iba three bedroomihome eoniihe outskirts of beautilul Barriei We have builder that will erect modern brick bungalow mfllï¬lflrWIIUJIIIIYJIIL mdatrnilheatingfllmr choice of color at brick asphalt shingles inside and outside paints Located at the west end DUNLOP ST PA 89061 PA dS742 mar MORTGAGE runes AVAILABLE79 coo or VALunNo sens cmnoï¬o mm engenhausuusPrattRoadrottestévlncentrstteetreveryrsvcniagr an on wee ends Evenln II Joe Loliglin PA WIS Everett Suelswell are 1010 Normln ï¬lmingIII PA Midi of Barrie Close to new public school $500 down will give you possession December 1961 For detailscall Emory Miller PA 60476 Lovely seven room house in ex cellent condition Brlcirgarage cement driveway Could be made into two apartments can lly Commercial area low down payment of only $3000 for this type of property Call Joe Palmer PA oases for further particulars Summer cottages and Iakeshore homer $5500 to $55000 Owners keen to sell so make an alter End of season clearance Call Norah Raikes ANGUS 77 $400 down payment Three bed room blook home All conveni ences $85 per month will buy this home for you Puliprice $8500 immediate possession Cail Emory Miller PA W70 Member of notno Ind District Iteal Pluto Board muons CALL EMORY MILLER PA win we PALMER PA was KARL MARSHALL PA mi7 NOnArs RAIKEB Oro 23 sIAnoLn roasm PA was APABTMZNI nmnsrsa modern centrally located so apartments eseh rollcontained and lulwlicd with elect stoves and refri craters Irge psrklns lot It rear Also saioining lot ovsilsitls If desired when snoihee aparte Insist billldlslt could he built This hulidins is selling below cost one do Illness or owner For further Iinfonnstlnn telephone PA Mon Howard Norris PA Hm PRATT LTD ï¬gonstructs WHOM See UsFor GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA com on PA mos SEE THE MODEL HOME NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION BARRIWIEVL Barries Newest Subdivision SERVICES ARE NOW BEING INSTALLED GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD oonis aromaPA MM DOUG HOMERPA MOVING Dont forget to Iranlet you INSURANCE lad is on my fly need extra coursss SEESTEVENSONS PA perm its Duoiop at srlnsa nannooln Moon memo years old Partly AIIMWIJU mum um um um room and um bedroom Lot Member emit sod District nut some Board Kenn Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE BARRIE PA 82592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS TIII Ilosie PA nag $0045 or full Fir so It too not fully lsndsupeitr Strand west at chgvx ANYWHERE Immedlstcly to consolidate debtl my of existing mdnla ll homo rovernents etc III or on yo masonif Muiriilort undinl over Sim sonsBurs Dunlap Street In MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments Insured IlriIt Accident Ilcirnul nth CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP 51 WEST HARM PA W01 MORTGAGESIll and 2nd Ilmlfll Old And arranged CUIDIIIOICII ohd residentill ontyr loaned an anterior man as Hlflil um gIga Rrulssrs com BUS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have an excaptional oppor tunity for arBarrlo resident with good education and per7 sonai background age 23 40 who can quality40H esalos career loading to an executive position in an established permanent business Experic thatharhroughttdnllrcon tact with the public would be preferred and the right man will earn substantial income and cn all welfara banal AllpliEants cu give full par ticulars stating age telephone number address experience and other qualifications All re plies treated strictly confiden tial Box 76 Barrie Examiner RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT LAMIE two bedroom winterized bunllluw lint and cold ram monthly or II Monlrdl Belch DInca Telephone 4w Hall Coullons Pine MelronJIIIDS Toronto frooml on for couple 00 monthly Available October 10 Telephone PA E5713 MODE unfurnished nil can tslnefl heated flu room but nsant thrcs bedroom iivlnt room kitchen bathroom Porhln Ilol tinned yard Ball on Avail slain immediately Tolophono PA sensuous sis roomea apartment large living Mull with ilraplses dlll n1 room kitchen bedrooms sud bsth Amploeestorngabsou coats ed very control Avail November monthly phona PA stats APAnlMeNI unlurnl ed edroom Dil heater Bound Itll Cuntll downtown business nation monthlyflmmcrmte pononioo argue PA 82500 evenings PA MODERN mitdctuchcd duplux Iwo buurduml dinette and kit obath lull III Living room PAO ila Drivawly Backyard 99 For vmouthJanphunL PA 574111 for information ROOMS TO LET thrl so In TWO YUHNIAHEDRoomrforflmtr one with TV Brllklut Included lghona PA Mm or Apply to 17 Areas atrsst PUDNIIIIED Bedrooms to rant tho in private lionll old to downtown Drolitlafl thonll Telephone PA HIM PuansilzD Bedroom for rent Central luullon Board null Parking Telephone PA 02 24 for turthor Inlormllilon ROOM To RENT In private home Home privileges 10 weekly Talc libnu PA M0 or lpPl Iiluwdoia Avenue CENTRAL Mention might bed room Ind kitchen for rant Full lurniliied flellonnbla rcnt wit but and ii iii Included IchI or couple Tc Whom PA 83003 ROOM BOARD lIOOM AND noAnD svttsbls Tllophons PA 07233 APTSn HOUSES WTD Wilmer vA hsuhtso to borrow for onI night Pl Ia ra piy to Box at norrio ax miner Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA lMM LPAJJIJ LoLZAJAiIM fIclIl RENTALS WANTED TO RENT GARAGE WAmD to NH mu nudlord Sir for mourns Apply to lo 11 Dsmr Zinnia IllABLE TININII wish to at III or our bedroom home in Itlon by Novambtr rsï¬liss ouid he 99 In one PA III WANIKDI Build two ilsw IrImsnI VIIIh oun bus In lulu will smsl or lo sell by Novsrobsr Onlni lion II Ilon nal Apply no 1L Barrio iner AltTICLES tor SALE STOREOWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER WSALESWBOOKSe mom SINGLE CARE AUTOMATIC These books are In per fect condition but have 195 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c Clearing at 9C ea Igor PROVINC SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept BarrieExaminer Phone 66537 Handy Hardware Under NEW MAN AGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL Lincoln Arc Welders 100 amp 172 550 gallon septic tank $8250 925 gallon septic tank $0260 Sidewalk slabl 30 $175 Jot Pumps with lion tank $9170 COME iN lCOMPARE mm Ammo STROUD PHONE STROUD IDIIA NEWSPAPER MATS tor II III III std all XI houses porlsct 250 PER DOZEN Apply The name Illmil DIM ORIIII HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and SecondHandStore BS DUNLOI 5T WPST PHONE PA 5HT COOK STOVE World or call In ood condition Reasonably pr tad oiuPhono Ivy 30M aenllAnn IIEINHMAN Piano for solo in sand condition rolopnoho tanIsi Cankslown PIVEVPIECE Chroma Sell or Apply it SmithFurnItu Telephone PA 00140 near FREEZE for lulu r70 lbs gunnislly 0100 Talopllunu PA DULLIIOZINU Ind Grldlillt Poncl ltows Ind Stuns ramnvrd uphona Lao liar PA Hm IIOMELITE Buszt Chllll BIWI Av iy Alvin Cllinl 05097 noono Aalc Vacuum Cleaners in fall oclIl at who singer Sawing ontro id Dunlap Street Welt Toluviloria PA 07000 nit ND NEW aplsco livins room Iul for Ille It II smith Purlturl $75 Tolophone PA 60140 CASH LOANS00 It Idler month Telephone PA os svrosfont Finance 16 Dunlop St at CRUISER strings for sIle Will 51le Ford or Metoor Cut In can It CIrlndiIn TIM strut Welt DoLLAlts sAvlu Dollars sd lots Ls aots two tables and light Smith Furniture telephone PA 50105 SPECIAL two weeks only IlrInd ten cabinet modal lIclilna lor IWJUI ow II All monthly 18 Dunw Iup Strut Wort PA 010 RENTALS singer Electrlu Port sbla Machines or rant by the wooir or the month SInUIr Bow ing Centre 25 Dual atraat Welt Teluphona PA 57700 DaMoNamuorta sin er Saw lnl Machines uled It Barrio PIlr Berna reduced ls much 50 Sea them on display It Dunlap Strut Walt PA Dthti nAne MULRBADY envelope with stsmps attached for Iola also idth cantur shtiouo mull box Writs no or an Army Clmp Eordan IALI srecIALi The Famous sin JflLï¬lfltD Sewing Machine new 10000 Ben them In any It your dinner Sawing Clu Jï¬aï¬mmmeet Wost PA useo slnoelt Machine one that modalijlflflTtlircoPartnble It loan and two at new two For harwaight nortnoles tiara All alnoor guarantacdfl nunlop Street West PA arson IMI FEET II Chain Link Fencing Nine Posts long twslva Steel Fence Po two wooden Illlcd irate com piotu with hinges Prev ousl used as enclosuru for small children 756Iku It Ill Telephone PA ll DunIOP NUMBER used lsta modal MIgnIto Desk sort and Wall Pilonos isted ero Load ooyorod Cable Cross Artur rloits Arrsstors simost new Gsivanised Lina Wiro etc Buoplicl too hum error to mantl hovlos noon dis mnnt ouhus In good working condition an right Apply to John Ito on WIII Municlpa ala phono ystem Uttarson an clitoris Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82419 Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns ARTICLES for SALE DOOE PETS DACIII UNI PUPPIII so rule blsrk Ind In ChImplfln Iloek with HIP Ilnd Tellphonl PA MW FRUIT VEGETABLES KATAIIDIN POTATOII No for ill no no unlil looorl only Allsiirml mg can InnlsfiL Phanl Ivy ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES WANTED Unusus II am ItonsloilIt ts or colored oi furniturl It IDriIel psi Mldhurst Antiques PA 82810 isnt IIIOdTHSmlII nox alovs la con on wsnc ltlly Toilvhonl PA 07100mml WI WILL PAY CAIU ono furniture or 523 I133 ranao PA L101 WANTEDFurniture luillhil or Sillrilr2ootr°°m ii as Tollvhuhl PA 555 ma WANTle Ussd tumours and An pilht Ions rsfrtse tors WI rs and eh dlolos room Iullo phone PA outs Allricmas non RENT RENTALS Public AddrIsI Syltllm mm Projectors mm Proiatlorl Tllavillunl cord Pilysrs Illlrlllrltor Movlnl Truill MCFADDEN Appliance 128 Panetang at St Vincent PA 89185 5FARMERS MARKE LIVESTOCK cArrss WANT to winter luau Apply nottr all snooty Day or tliophona oro tit IIOLsniN IIZIIEIII freshen lns soon Also Dellle sun is 10 Mt Ioluphonl PA 31507 YOUNOIIIEMII gldowllltlhisros tor we cItllI roiophon PA ssthl IIOLITBIN COW reflslarsd II years old from rshl In on my With or without haillr mply Duncan Moore III sins roll one wslks old loldlns well Illa ls light malts old Appl Ion Karridge RR so Iy nur Edgar PA Ilousssx Amarlcln brood sddle Horsol orninos sortell tbs it ha to 11 hand liar llerlll bullesï¬ Iiisrnau grlld In phone PA Lists POULTRY OBIOKS ll BIrred Rock Pu is nylho mil lion Ind 10th hllliioldm sI°I atroud Ilnz on FARM MACHINERY CHARLES cnuncn FARM SUPPLIES CI SERVICE cm Niva Hollln oivlrarowhl nutty rum Equipment 178 BURTON AVE PA 5257 Fail ecials on Forage Harves era Case New Hol land Dione 68111 cm at xtSton Pickup with long box and stock racks CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALQ MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND aovnlt 710DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA H408 WHO ELSE WAN 15 ANEW CAB Buy It Now With LnWrCun Lifeinlurod scom PLAN LOAN sun slim or NOVA SCOTIA IMTPOIID FallIrma lWAutoml tie whitewalls rsdlo Apply Ponatlng 5L Al I051 AUSTIN A40 Good Irlhs on tltlon Rolsonnhlo condition aloe phunu PA 007 evenings I951 DODGE or said Good dltion 00 down take over manta Telephone PA 519 9111 1H BAMDLEII for sale custom two tone vary good Alkln 00 color ovcrsous caJIami un evenings at on aim stroet asrrlo loss roitu Fslrlona convertible 10W douo molar and good body Would likoJJOD down and take over nymcn Apply III Panctan root all mo ro 17 Four ooor tw blue night cylinder trInsmilslon radio and snow tlrcl Priced reasonably In good tonol tiuél Estate solo colophono PA to antenna TRUCKS st TRAILERS 1051 INTERNATIONAL Pickup perlact motor and tires hoav duty sprint Telephone PA lfll rtaro wroN Mnncuns Track for Ills H70 load tirus Ind loud airing condition Tolorllionu PA PERSONALS FORTUNE TELLING DO you your fortune told by cards appointment telephone PA not Inn iry An Examiner Wait All IduuArcontcnktotl