Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1961, p. 8

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY are Invltcdto attend the woaors VALLEY The United Church anniverr my services were well attended The speaker was Rev Mac Taggert formerministor There was special music by the choir Guest soloists at the morning service was Lorna Pro Ilt Mrs hiaciaggcrt sang at the evening service Mr and Mrs Hickilng ot irBarrlohavo moved to the pro periy formerly owned and MrschGec by Mr bcr Crca tiva Cookery course to be held Sept 26 and 27 at Cralghurst Hal 11 HondywLisstweekend In Timmins Mr and Mrs Whatu left Thursday for their at Kcmptvltle Vhlle born they vis Itad at Handys home and il Mrs Whntcs sisters and brothers In Barrie Centre Ves pra and Dalston Jeannette Jermey won two Iirst prints for her oist cows shown at Barrie Fair KNOCK first meeting of the The Knock 4H Club was held at the home of Mrs Pot Poland The leader of the club ls Mrs Herb Shonnob MrsPoIand is her assistant There aro scvcn girls In the club and the offic ers are as iollows presid cnt Alida vircprcsident Margaret Stugess secretary Dawn Sturgess press reporter othryn Bowman The next meeting will be held at Mrs Polands home IhoCommanity Club met at summer cottage of Mrs at Minets Point There were 15 members present Me oting opened with tile sillgi ng of The Little Brown Church In the Vale followed by prayer led by Evelyn Cochrnllo Pot Poland is still patient in the Barrie hospital The new school banner Is to he on display In the parade at the school fair It letter of thanks from the teacher as read Plans were made for potluck supper to be held In ctobcr It was decided to start quilt in the near future Thanks wereextcndad to the hostess Mrs Cowon and her TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE ruasaav surmount es Junior nounaun Cartoon Party News Headlines Learn To Draw Farm Market napan Don Jalniason News Weather Spam allstal Theatre Gary Moore Show nedskelton Front Page Chailcngo CloseU cnc News The Weatherman Today In arts rFPPPrH 22883323881 1135 wanssoav summons at 115 Test Pattern 810 Movie Drlmstone 00 ummersma NuwuanpnmJotuvlaws Cartoons Music Junior Itoundup Hugklanerr Hound Ndws Hca lines Provincial ArtIra Farm Market Reports Don Jamirson News Weather sport Loratta Ydans Bachelor rattler vino 710 crTo CHANNEL TORONTO BSDAY SEPTEMBER IS 00 Erotessoanlouw Identifies your WELCUMEWAGUNf SPONSORS firms of prestige to the business and civic life of your community For information call PA 66302 MudWyomhcl linipll Sncigrmo Imports Communit ow CrossroadLs sister Mrs Jones for their in vitation to hold meetinl at the cottaxe Mr and Mn Barnard Pope spent Iew days last waelr at Long Lake In the Haliburtod area Otto Hansen of St null vis Itod Bernard and Paul Popa recently He stayed with his sister Mrs Pope ol Dab rlo Mr and Murfirstroud of Toronto have returned home otter spending fivaweeka with their dfluflhlflmflmlflll¥ Mr and MrsBerhard Pope The Knock bo won the championshl In DEA series when they efooted the Wyom the championship for years The ladies of tho community club treated thaplayers on both teams to hot dogs and pop Sympathy goes out to Mrs Ray Webb In the death oI her father HOLLOWS The September meeting of tho Hollows Vi was held in the community hall with memb ers and three visitors In attend anm The president Mrs Ern ost Dalcs was In the chair Arrangements were made for series ot four euchro sessions to be held In the hall Alter the business session the meeting was turned over to the home economics and he aitb convoners hirsTPfiiTeraht and Mrs Dellotto Tha program opened with the roll call Homo remedies for the sick This was Iollowcd by harmonica duet by Mrs Smith and her mother Mrs Cook Mrs Sld Wright gave the comments on the motto No body gets Indigestion from swal lowing his pride Mrs Wright gavo paper onvItamlns as necessity to health aiter which she conduct ed questionniro on vitamin Mrs Deizotto spoke on the new vaccine for measles also on how much care small child ren need In the home and the great necessity Ior slightly older children to be taught oty rules on sheets scrambled word contest was won by Mrs Art Wright three IntorelzmrflmIIn Fllsnra Victor name The Superior so Exglorntionl TVNows Tito Weatherman Today In sports Community Now 3547st THURSDAY smnnmsn Test Pattern anlo Sweethearts uII Parade Summarsmn NMVI Sports Interviews Golf TIPI Cnrtonns Music Junior Roundup 30 Dick TEAS NEWI Hnl llnfll nmrs mas Missouri Farm Markot Report Don Jamleson News vutller Sport oionei Flack ntedDeadorltliw Gun Will TRIVGI My TIIIM Sons Tao Dofendors country Junction Th Detectives talcTV News The Weatherman Today In Sport Community NIWI Tho Alaskans no mo loco loan 1100 In llas wnlrlyslrs GlflJPflm no MaglorhlomentLW GASNews Weather 10a Oudonr Sportsman Zano Grey Theatre Theatre at slum Boyond Mombasll onto on Peter Gunn ears worldwide Oiym lc 42pcfiamplmmflnpbrnfigr Jriolwconsistingeofrtwoispadesr HOLLY Littles Hill WI will most In Holly school for the Sept amber meeting The prozr deal with agriculture Mrs ohason will be coavelner nla motto will be Th peace at the world depends to mod Lunch will be served by Mrs huyir Mrs Howmyt nd MrsdIoskin in Campbell 91 Others on holiday with her brother and aislerInIawtdrrWMlst Campbell Mrs Fairfax Mtenham spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Dangio Charles Powdery spent tow days with his daughters in ibb onto Visitors at Dick Browns home were Mr and Mrs Bait of Midland Mr and Mrs Nelson and daughter Sheila of Uxbridgo visited Mr and Mrs Victor Reid Phille Peacock Barrio spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Peacock Mrs Soadon and Mr and Mrs Hughes of Barrio wora visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Collins Mr and Mrs William Day and Robert of To ronto spent tho weekend with Mr andrmrs Charles Day Clifford Homby Toronto call ed on Mr and Mrs Herb Pal mer Visitors at the homo of Mr and Mrs Charles Day waro William Stalnaby of Sound Mr and Mrs William McGInnls daughter Kathy Lou rlo Richardson Long Branch and Mr and Mrs Ken Glenn andlrmilprarrlorwn Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer attended the funeral of Mr Scotncy at Colllngwood Mr and Mrs Webb and tamiiy Niagara Falls Isl Mr and Mrs Collin Stewart Ensi dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NORTH 6542 v52 ooglooo nasr lrss ow nos sxros sown gaslo waxes oars +070 Contract three notrump played by South Opening lead two of clubs For the first time In many were ago all this year by the World Br idgo Federation Readers Interested in partial pating locally secure fur ther information through their bridge clubs or by contacting the American Contract Bridge League In Dos Angolea or New York Thirtytwo prepared deals will be contested during two nights of play JDLLIS Hero la specimen hand Is sued by the committee which Indicates how par la judged on tho northSouth cards becomes declare at three na trump after East opens the Id Nswr weather Betterer News Epilogue WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER Ilog hr Easy an no alumna Thins In unnn 555 News Prorolfiollg Hideaway on aiml Momat In ag II lel WIIUIQP Blclfllox YIIIII Brothers Dnnnlllfl 71 Surlm Strip Football ThoDateotIvcs News Weather apart Better LMI NOV Weather Sm Epilogue munsnnv smut so iIDd News Pro and EIW Channel Nina Thou iPour Just Mun News Proremra Hideaway Whirlybltdl arts It all Momontr In sport News Weather Father Knows Best The Robot Thnatrn At Ellhl tSoa Hornet Bil Four Pnybsrk Mitch Miller News WratharLSportl Better Late Nows Wantber Snort Irnllurue cannula lvllss Tull If your carrier has nth arrived by Am please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Bo Delivered To Your Home HERE IS CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVE YOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS dlns Wssuealls club Declarer ducks In dummy and club takenwith the ace DAILY csossworn Am hm bibsled bred small ma 61mm petals sesame weapon fiqluhie obed Vim Ith wool color as 18 land 155mm of value Immort lpot loom Emma 170 into 21 endearmoat squares Bullti 198 dial cry Eh 228un god 241rouble 23 Northern 250mm latter European 21 Noisy ghost 30Afreah 81 Traflio d1 notion storm or Scone as British 45 Eran print 40 Ploklo hub 47 ovulas 48 Calendar Itoml DOWN LA aunk fenco ashoahols sans yMonday evenings in St Pauls CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER jokembarfl dumm¥¥ms moms Eastwinrtho king and returns Tomorrow Atkrthoughta dont IIIIVAZIIIII Ellluflflllli III uniI gunninnllll ST PAULS The afternoon branch of St Pauls WA hold its Septamber Insotin at Mrs Cooks homo tn Pains ck with It members are son heavy quilt was made for the halo The 23rd Palam was eagdbgMra Johlllednllrayilo fa prayer pres dent Mrs Noble Hanna Thank you notes were received from DoreenrHuntal and Mrs James uwrsnco and donation was Barrie prokct to raise funds was discussed it was decided to try something little different On Saturday Sept 30 Irom to pm takeout salad pistorsup pel will be held In tho Stroud Community Hall The meeting closed with pray on Mrs Fred Purvia invited the WA to her home for the October meeting Lunch hostess es were Mrs Fred Green and Mrs Alfred Webb Mrs Robert Green spent ths weekend in Aglncourt and Tor onto with relativcs and Irlenda Iho Brownies have started for the season They will meet on Church basement Four new members were welcomed from Stroud Holon Kuypers Cindy Ayrcs Wendy Cook and Gwen Gardner Girl Guides will meet Wod nesdny ovoninga In the church basement New members welcome my boys aged to II who wish to join the First lnnIsIII Cub pack are welcome Meet ings are Friday evening Irom to pm In St Pauls Church basement St Pauls Paulette met at Mrs Peter Tranta homo for their September meeting liIrs Robert Green was In the chair Mrs Robert Webb read the Scripture lesson Ail committees gave re arts for work accom plished the summer Mrs Roy Lennox donated lovely quilt she had made dur ingtho summer It thank you note was receiv ed from Mrs Keil South must now make tllo koy play of leading spade from dummy When East follows low South Iincsses the jack losing to the queen West returns cltlb South wins and leads low diamond to tho nine Deciocer knows from the bidding that East has the king To achieve his sldoa par East silould lot the nine win otherwise declaror will have on easy time of it Declolcr now leads tho queen of diamonds and finesses when East pl low the finesse succeeds South aband ons diamonds and leads spade from dummy East fol Iowa law and South fincsses the ten which wins As result of this series of plays declaror ma ko nine two hearts three diamonds and two clubs If South fails to lead spade from dummy at trick three he loses par because he can be do footed regardless of what other method oI play he chooses He Is likewise defeated If he later attacks diamonds by loading the are first Instead of low Every one of Souths lays Is necessaryto the fuTIIlment of the contract The hands Ior the coming 01 ympic are arranged so as to reward precision In both the bidding and the play This sam ple Is forerunner of things to count School on sassy BRANNON received from Mrs PeacockTof BLONDIE JULIET JONES Em exams TUESDAY 01 9025 CITY perm TMI MATIFWIVES Sle macaw Mu VIANDM FATHIKIGA BOAT FOR OUIBIC burr mass7mm mam IN To MAKE MY GOSSIP HAVENT sAlkooao Vs IN PawAN HOUR Tuue IMmsoné wuo supposso To ea ueNookzo SPEECHLE nor you THAT even as MR NE RAID EVERYTHING wos ALFSW WELL madamGem Hear Your owN gcuo HERBIE ASKED THAT 555T Hex BUD you ONCEYOU KNOW HIM HES REALLY VEEVSWEETAND CONSIDERATE ME our FOR FREE HAMBUBGER HE OFPEEEETO CASH MY ALLOWANCE LAST TIME WHEN DIDNT HAVE MONEY To PAV TE leL It LOOK FEELA GENUINE CASHMERE SWEATER FIVE BUCKS irEI GLIEHTLY IRREGULAR WANT GASHMEREu FEELS LIKE BARGAIN XLL TAKE IT an rem Jflll Pro netl lzlkihiLslfl holy Yesterdays Lamar Joint Id tints nu 36 Eoundcsl 3110 monster Ward the Badly Ihelhredfindirla nick sldo name fiflllll JHIIHH Muses AND SKEETER BUZ SAWYER use flifiNiE HAT Intending Milder ta sortng rr 50M mm fieééta UFEIRINGIN THERES REAL DANGEROUS PIECE MAIL IT IDOKS LIKEA BlUIBUT T6 JU$TA WEVE SEARCHED THWLL PAY TIIE MOUSETCOMRADF awareness lg 9055 WillI on normal It WILDREN FgEMNSOM ONLY WM seesaw mULL ABSENTWNDEDLV HAND HER ONE DAY WHEN so THESE AN 551 NEEDLESSLV MBEERED GRANDMA IS IN BAD HUMOR as All swears am AMitTresm ellst surnsnns muse STOP WI RAUELII mu UNDERWIIMAY IMVlItlOTHING AND THIS sucu BAUII as com YOUR mt sums mu mm THE Maggoflowsavhusslze orcouess WWII SKEETER SAID war fever was was

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