COUPLE HURT llS CAR COES OUT OF CONTROL hirs Rita Walt of Dalston suffered ï¬rï¬ilacerailomfo the face head and shoulder when her headpuncheds hols arrow through the Trnnfwindow of this late mo del car Saturday night Her JusbandJVlliiam was also iii iurcd when he lost control of the vehicle and it plunged off the road into the side of house on Blake St Residents Oi Borden Flock To Night School At Alliston ALLISTON Specia1Camp Borden rosldcnts flocked to the Banting Memorial High School hero to attend the 1961 night school Approximately 200 residents from all parts oi Simcoo Coun glturncd out for the opening ey were addressed by Sid Owens principal of the high schoolwho explained the var ious courses being offered and then divided them into their various groups and assigned an instructor to thorn WEATHER Synopsis vigorous disturb aaqu moved through Sputhem Ontcrlo overnight spreading vigorous showers and thunder storms over most of the south ern and central parts otthe province Cooler drier air is pushing into the province Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with few sprinkles of rain early this morninz clearing by noon The courses available include English for New Canadians aluminum etching and copper tooling bookkeeping sewing leathercruit rnntor mechanics and milllnery Welding and woodworking Were questionable as there were some candidates for these gritllplb1tn0t sufficient number to form class If more interested people show up for these courses they will be held also Most popular subjects were FORECAST Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Tomato Porhnrough Trenton Klilaioa Muskoko North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskosing While River Moosonee Sault Ste Marie 45 45 45 45 45 38 40 40 40 35 85 25 35 40 snagsneoassss Copior Moinlysunny edoes day With little change tem perature Winds northwest 15 to 20 becoming southwest 15 Wed ncsday Iake Ontario Gcoggi Haihurton Timagami regions North Bay Sudbury Cloudy thi morning with intermittent light ra Clearing by noon cooler Mostly sunny Wednesday with little change in tempera turo For Haliburton and Lake Ontario regions winds southwest 20 and gustyearly this morn ing shifting in northwest 15 to 20 this nftornoon and then be coming on 15 Wed rmsdayTFï¬Gcorglan Bay and lmngnmi regions North Bay and Sudbury winds northerly 20 gusting to 30 decreasing to northwestvlï¬to 20 thisafternoon and becoming southwest 15 to 20 Wednesday Algoma White River Coch rans regions Sault Ste Marie Sunny and little warmer to day Increasing cloudiness Wed nesday with scattered showers in southern areas and wet snow in extreme northern areas Con tinuing warm Wednesday with trend to much cooler weather beginning in the north west Wednesday and spreading utheastduringtheddy cow tonight High Wednesday 44 145 45 45 70 70 88 68 Modern St Thomas London Kitchener mews CBL The Com monsgave final approval Mon day night tn peoples pro gram for amateur sports and physical fitness whisking the bill through its final stages in brisk fashion aith Minister Montelth said the governments $5000 000 year program will not bs concerned solely with the gifted athlete it will also be concerned with fitness and sports pro grams fer the great mass of our population he said would stress that evenths 1nrge sumbeirfl made availT able under this program repre sents but smali part of the totaleffort required to develop welldbalsnced recreational ac tivities across Canada The new program would give major emphasis to promoting amateur sports and fitness for all Canadian young people Volunteer leaders would he required in nlpeoples pro gram such as we hope this will he the extensive use of volun tary leadership is essential In extending greater assis fence to Canadian participation in international sporting Manitobas premier is moth er of two young children former newspaper woman events said Mr Monteitii We are merely doing what many othernationshcvs done over the years and we would hope that this will help assure greater measure of parity for our athletes in relationto their fellow competitors from other countries Mr Montelth said the govsm meaLwllqurnish more funds in connection with Canadas ei forts to obtain the 1960 Winter Olympics The British Empire and Com manweaith rGames Association was looking to the goyemmentv gfariinnnclai support in connec tion with the Games to be held at Perth Australia next year The minister said the na tional advisory council on sport to be established under the leg islation will be asked for sug gestions on the best means of making achievement awards Federal research grants would bemade in the field of physical fitness NEED ivioaa canonsis Mr Monteith daldthe numa bar of competent coaches must increased many times Cg rses for coaches would be established Canadian athletes sewing which has enough stud outs to form four groups and typing with two classes Al uminum etching and copper tooling was the next to crests the most interest Miss Kay Yosunaka of Bar ris is the leathercraft instruc tor and Douglas McBride of Camp Borden instructr the motor mechanic class EACH WEDNESDAY Classes will be held every Wednesday evening from to 10 pm and the fee for most subjects is four dollars The instruction is of 13 weeks dura tion Cars Damaged In Rearend Crash geopend collision occurred yesterday at pm on Brad ford street near the Brock in tersection vehicle driven by Bruce Mason Demitroff 34 of 180 Bradford Street collided with car driven by Donald Thomp son 28 Lot 25 Concession mo Twp Shanty Bay Demitroffs car received $75 Mrs Duff Roblin wife oi damages Thompsons i150 County Students Win Scholarships Several Slmcoe County stu dents were among the winners of Ontario scholarships for 1561 Education Minister John No barts announced record 700 Ontario winners werein the list an increase of 01 per cent over the number of winners last year All winning students have graduated from Grade 18 of secondary and private schools with an average of at least 80 per cent onrelght apers Under the colic orshlp plan whiclnias been in effect for the past three years each Ontario Mountains800 conditlons that he enroll in Canadian university in degree course an Ontario teacherr mws4provIMaHm technical institute and that he has not won more than $750 in other awards when he continues his education in his home cem munlty or $1000 when he re sides in another area to con tinue his education Following is list of students from Slmcoa County schools Shirley Mason Alliston Elspeth Cameron Barrie North Susan Taylor Barrie Cen tral Karen Blair and Molfat Midland Gary Baglcy and Dana Jamel Orllll Squadron Holds First Fall Parade Squadron Grey and Simcoe Foresters Militia will hold its first fall porada at pm this evening at Barrie Armoury Captain Harris Steele second in command of the unit said the squadron will have six cour sec in operation this year They mo2recmltï¬bhr trained mlliiiamens course no lie lsurvivai training Junior NCO course senior NCO cour se wireless course and gunnery course OTTAWA CPiA royalcom mission study of ns health needs opens here Wed nesday it will have an impor tant and perhaps decisive bcar lng on whether Canada is to have national pr ap medical plan The sevenman commission under Chief Justice Emmett Hall of Saskatchewan alter two daysvofvpselimlnary hearings hers Later it willhold hear ings in all the provinces The study is certain to last well into next year at least Howavor Prime Minister Die 7cnbakcrflhasoxpressed hope and CBC program producer she was married in 1950 Mrs Hoblln 31 is shown with Jen nifer six months and And rew nearly Photo niness oi Emilanon Is Airï¬TDTISpOIts Billg had been handicapped by lack of opportunities to obtain proper training ErnestCampbeii GPLamb tonKent said Canadians tend to eat too much of therwrgmg foods and smoke and drink too much Older folk were es Tzeclhilyfliised at regular fl ness activities and the govern ment program should seek to encourage this Rynard PC Simone East said care must be taken to distribute the program equally across the country Par ticular emphasis was needed on the problem of teen agers who lacked outlets for their youth ful energy John Smith PC Lincoln asked that special consideration be given to amateur rowing Canadians had long beenvprom inent in this field and it was highly rated by universities colleges and high schools Alfred Hales PC Wel lington South said no univer sity in Canada offered degree in physical education it would be an excellent thing if the ad visory council encourag sum university possible the nivér the commission will be able to an early interim report This he told the Commons Saturday might provide iead as to what the federal government could consider do ing in the field of health serv ices Both the CCF and the Liberal parties have for na tional health plan So has the Open Commission On Health Needs Now Democratlc1=arty formed By anon Mackenzie OTTAWA CF Cafiadian iarmers have substantial stake in the tsrifistructure being adoptedhbythe six nation European Common Market That stake increases with Brlaln knocking on the Com mon Market door Canadian salesof farm pro duce to the sixBelgium West GemsnmenchJe Netherlands and Luxembourg were $149000011 last year or about 35 per cent ofthe total value of all Canadian exports to those countries The UnitedKingdom took an even larger chunk$289000000 or 30 per cent of all Canadian agricultural sales abroad She continues as Canadas No form customer although the pro portion has dropped from 20 years ago when she absorbed 60 per cent of all Canadas farm exports Canadajolned last year with other big agriculture exporters in putting her views directly before the Common Market countries The United States Austral New Zealand and Argentina were others Tariff Structure Of Market may iliieci Canadian Farmers Alliston To Study Ideci Of AnnexingfaiBequéstf Alliston council passed dine ilon last night to investigate the financial implications of possible mousing of part of Essa Township and St Pauls Coops Included in the motion was directive to send letters of lhlnkiuojbe $29111 in Wine ciation of their requests to am nigamaie with Alliston But Mayor Storey said he alls the fine detlils before soy de cisive action wouldbe taken The council in meeting at Main whichhal been delayed because of the mayors Absence at the Georg ian Bay Economic Develop ment Conference decided to wait on the annexing of Essa anl St Paul Housing Coopera tives Couacllv motion to draft bylaw to en able debentures to be raised for the Alliston Public School Board As the school board is in the midst ot attempts to acquire property in the area council is hard pressed to go ahead with present plans to keep keelLahaad4t4iimblng prop erty values motion to pur chase land for the school board was shelved howovcr until Wordrwssrecelved from the Ontario Board oi Education recommending the expenditure QUERY FREE TIME Council received letter from Tecumseth Township in quiring as to why time oi eight hours was charged when the Alliston fire departmentat tended firs about month ago in which Mr Mason lost th life Since the fire call was put in at 115 pm and the fire was out and the body removed by it was said by the GOP and the Canadian Labor Congress The governments own policy apparently will hinge to large extent on the recommendations of the Hall commission The commissions terms of reference give it broad power to recommend such measures consistent withtha constitutional division of legislative powers in Canada as the commissioners gbelieve will ensure thotvtha best gossihle health care is ovaii ble td all Canadians The preliminary hearings this week will be largely devoted to establishing rules of procedure Th commission study has not met with favor in Quebec where Premier Jean Lesage has said his government will refuse to cooperate with it on grounds it infriges on provincial rights The federal government denies the allegation However number of Que bcc roups have indicated they will make submissions to the commiceion For example take wheat this countrys main farm export item It has entered British and most favoredTnationrnarkets Cityfree Under the proposed Com ion Market tariff the rate ofJoutyL would be 20 porwent Britain bought $135100000 worth last year and $140200000 the previous year Wheat flour would meet dutyot30fpercentcoinpï¬ed with the present dutyfree entry into Britain and rate of 10 per cent applied by mostin vored nations under GATT Cheese now duty free to Britain and subject to leper cent duty for most favored nations would go up to 2f per cent and butter to 24 per cent SOME UNCHANGED Barley oats tobacco tallow soybean oil apples and other items would be revised upward Some item such as soybeans furs and hides would re main unchanged actually drop in duty reflect ng the good demand within tbLCommon Market moo RWISNF+ The real proof of Common MarketAprospectrwiiircome with the tariffs adopted by the six atlons probably latelrlthis year after trade negotiations at Geneva under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT The draft tariff proposals of the Common Marketare not promising for Canada mu sity of Torontovin settingCup such deyee course PM nannies son anchoring City Police PA 85588 Provincial Police PHW Fire Department PA 83131 Royal Victoria Hospital PA 85951 ISNEV PRODUCViONS iinde planned to sec how many To At first sign that the militia have anybody touch the lowest pedals ihe federaldengueanng in the letter why eighthours when it would appear only foil was actually use gt The fire truck returned to the station at am council was told and time is charged from when it leaves the ball in when it returns The OPT andaskedihacchieito stay until daylight to search for morrbodiu lod tomliw sun the tire was out MrWlilte ed that council notify Tecum seth township that Alliston would be happy to send repre seataiivcs tuheir meeting and explain the situltlon Ho odded that Teculrueth township had aiw been fllr that diplomacy should be exarcLsed in the matter May or Storey added tho comment nLthersuLoLuihoJi rightto tell the fire department what to do should be cleared up once and for all The mat ter will be looked into SEEK CURB ESTIMATE It was moved that die board of works be authorised to an gags an engineer to ask for an estimate on basing and curbing of Church St pro viding the Department of High ways approves motion authorizinggpay meat to the Almsi Contracting Co in the amount of $12000 as recommended by town so suitants Park and Relfern was carried holdoack of Wldtuide state $1000 L1 included in the motion dding the repair of two holes road by the construction company The town assessments will be out by blonds Oct Mr nd open house on the use will be held Thursday and Friday of NJ leling people question the Is segments court otrdvi Expeoditures by the various committees and contributors were passedwith no quution asked by councilmembers Totals passed on are 81740 for finance comrn rice 30 for welfare $88701 for Board of Works Stir82 for police com mittee $86 lorihe fire com mitte Town property sum vol$80 Mrsndtizfliiflfnrth department of sanitntion PASS BYLAW new bylaw No as war passed in council last night stipulating that council may an point certain persons as asses sors for the town of Alliston motion to give llrst consid erniion to Wrighton his request for license to oper ate driving school in Alliston was passed and action will be JakeLwhmicouncilJaoeiv information from the Depart ment of Transport Next meet ing of Alliston council is Mon day Oct specla peeling with the planning board Chugcinll Man ConvictedFined $100 On Impaired Driving Count William Chisholm in of Churchill wellknowu horse breeder and member of the De partment of Education pleaded not guilty to charge of im paired driving in Newmarket court yesterday but was con victed and fined $100 and costs or 10 days His driving licence was slu pended under the highway traf fic not because of previous conviction in 1056 Chisholm claimed in court his condition was not entirely due to alcohol but to mix ture of drugs and small quan tity of alcoholic beverages He said he had been treated for ulcers for the past four yours and the combination of alcohol and pills had an undesirable effect Magistrate Holllnrako said he was sorry to make conviction in this case and es pecially against man who had performed meritorious ser vlccs to his country and com munity But he said the character ofthe individual cannot enter into the picture in case at impairment Many of our bet ter citizens have been charged on conviction with the sam offence 320 TorontoxMiliiiamen Dash Iron City In Survival Exercise BRADFORD Special Three hundred and twenty men of the Royal Regiment of Cana da under the command of Col Frost last night suc cessfully completed Exercise Surprise Two atv SuraGain Farms in Maple Exercise Surprise Two is an exercise in national survival rgeacy conditions ronto militiamen can ho re lied upon to turn out and reach designated point at short notice were ordered to make their way from their jobs through out tbe city and suburbs to Maple by any means available Exercise Surprise Two was the been told their exact role in time of national disaster or nuclear warfare They were also briefed whajjhey were expected to do and where they BOUSEFUL OF MUSIC NIAGARA FALLS CF Stamford lawyer Hall Logan has assembled in his home 1500 pipe organ which he bought from theatre THEM ialo NY But he wont lot just the vibration might shake his house down rental 1cm gchuming cream and butter print prices wer reported unchanged today Thecgymarketwarreportcd steady with offerings adequate for fair demand Country dealers are quoted by culture on Canada grade eggs delivered an in fibre cases large 5152 medium 35 small 26 and grades no market Butter prices Canada firsi gradei Ontario tsnderabie Bar nonvtgndersbic 13134432 in light trading western 024 nominal Irkr nsm 115 Brown former Toronto and Ha Vmiltonhewspaper man has re were expected toga intime of such emergency 0nly20 men remained at the Toront garrison for admin istrative work along with the men were lsCWAC women Brig Forbes West expressed satisfaction at the overall suc cessof the assignment CAPSULE NEWSZ iiccepts Post ngs ey signed from the staff of lmrnl gration Minister Ellen anir ciough to became assistlant dl rector of development at St Francis Xavier University An tlgonish NS His successor on Mrs Fair cloughs staff will lidGordon Hampton 51 another Lllamilton newspaper man 3111 BARBIE TUESDAY SEPT 20 in Grade Pupil Wins Iiiriiner Thu top prize of model airliner was won last week by frade three student Kirk Bowen at contest at Coulso Public School in Angus gt est was proposed and red by or Dutch airline Prixeswere presented by gymsr th mpanyle sales ther children gtr comm on wereeacb givenrboo about Holland contestwua for each ohlld Lin draw picture expressing his concept of Eur operihe children were guided in thepreiect by their teacher fiesksargarehcisrkri Leaders To Meet lit Camp CAMP BORDEN More than so Canadian Army militia in fantry ports Canada will attend the threoday annual infantry As sociation Confercnce at Camp Borden beginning Thursday The aimof the Canadian In fantry Association is to improve the esplrltdecorps and the gen ral efficiency of the Canadian Army Infantry and to cooper ate with all other arms of the service for the promotion general efficiency This is thafirst tlmalii the history of the association sinc its formation in 1912 that ih annual meeting will be held at the Royal Canadian School of Inféntry at Camp Bordon an ideal location for the meeting for not onlyeithonthe home otlnfantry but it is also ablllngunl school and many of the delegates will be French speaking The guest of honor this year will be General Sir Neil Ritchie GEE KCB DSO MC British Army retired Damage Is $400 In Zveliicle Crash collision at the intersection of Owen andlticDonuld Streets yesterday at 1250 pm rcsult ed in avfotal of $400 damages to the vehicles involved car driven by Merland Couitcr 53 Brook Street 30 Wns damaged to the extent of $100 the one driven by Brian Penchman 17 121 hodnay Street $300 Coulter was proceeding north on Owen Street The right front fendornf the Coulter vehA lcle collided with the front end of the vehicle driven by Peach nian who had been proceeding soulh on0wen Try AnExaminer Want Ad noose as sent msuuanrc AnchY 111 as nuclear sr nlmnll ceanic maroon BUSPATRONQ Effective oeiobertissifliiychenni trlps of the north bus route shall be amended include North on Davidson Street fr Street to Feel Streét Rose Street to Grove sirTut effect camera susrvaiN HIGH neaisrnario months course shorthand Typewriti All Suhlacn taught by professional but Classes will be held on Monda Bookkeeping Examination will be held for certificates DAY CLASSES BEGAN BARRIER seer ANY MONDAY 66 TORONTO s12 BARRIEf 405 coM Morphr School In The BusinvauiEducaiors Association of Connits lunsmlv Ssprsmnen 281 wit and Thurs ay for an ntentives it iness people 50h NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTEI tennis PHONE PAtHTBl commanders from all