Discuss Conversational Prench For St Marys School Students St Marys PTA will hold the flrst meeting of the fall season tomorrow in St Josephs Audio torium Mulcaster Street The meeting will begin at sea oclock Mrs Eugene Smith will wel come all parents with special greetings to those who have children attending school ior the first time An entertaining been arranged discussion on can rsstional French at St Mary School The panelists will be it La Mrs Racine publicity conV ener Mrs Jack Clark pm gram convener Russell Hinds membership convener Mrs Wil liam Huntley teacher counsel lor Mrs Joseph McKeown at tendance convener Mrs nirnerzvkltchen convener Mrs Stanley Godln Ivy WMS Holds September Meet 007 THE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25 Ml Chef Uses Cheese FQLMenu Variety LA big beautiful vegetable mgram has wth panel HER FIRST Today is very special day in the life of Tammy Lynn Forbes for she is celebrating her first birthday Tammy la the daughter of Mr and YOUR HEALTH The Truth About BIRTHDAY Howard Forbes Bradiord St Helping Tammy to celebrate her birthday will be her two brothers Gary you old David and two 11 cheese sauce will be good change for dinner said the Chef For the star of this assem remarked lets cooltra uiiflower Roundabout we will arrange alternate baited to matoas and green pepper halves filled with tuna stuffing plquant For border to set it off well use plenty oi flaky parsiled rice To accompany lll make my newest cheese sauce Madame and serve It attablc irom the handsomest saucepan in the test kitchena real balanced com plete main course Measurements are level re clpes for 1H Cheese sauce Simmer tall can undiluted evaporated milk Vs tsp salt and tsp dry mustard in saucepan over medium boiling Add about oz grated proces harp American cheese stir min over medium heat or until cheese melts Makes Fail Vegetable Platter Center heated largo platter with good sized head oi cauliflower cooked tFrench fashion Brush with but er Garnish with butter sauteed bl big Add ea fine soft white bread bs Vi tsp mixed herbs soiled tbsp milk shakes red hot pepper sauce iirthoroughiy Use in stuiilng tomatoes or blanched green peppers or hol lowed onions to bake Tomorrows Dinner ShrimpEgg Celery Saladcttes Pumpemlckel Fall Vegetable Platter 128 Cheese Sauce Chocoiate Crumb Pudding with Half Half Coffee Tea Milk Chocolate Crumb Pudding Combine its iina crumbed whit bread tbsp butter and AddZWidD cutu cooking chocolate Heat untl bubbles iorm around edge Stir to mix Beat eggs light adding sugar on tsp vanilla and is tsp salt Stir into crumb mix ture Transfer to buttered qt bak lng dish Set in pan pour in hot water to Ye the depth of casso role Bake about is min in mod ovcn 850 degrees or until Maurice Murdock 1st Hmuk Lprssioeaimilanoonsecrs fol principal oi Midland and Pene tang District High School Wilson supervising principal Camp Borden Army Elementary School MacDonald Separate School inspector There will be an open dis cussion with census of opin ion by parents to be reported Cochrane business rumatniiis PinhM Chm ch 11 gimme nnerflmï¬ï¬‚f 0° 08 Mr Gauthier 11 members nswering the roll call Hammond with The meeting opened with hymn followed by prayer and scripture reading The president Mrs Gordon took charge oi the Arrangements were to the school board made for the sectional meeting The proposed school uniform minis on display at this meet Membcrs of St Mary PTA executive for 196162 are lrit oi hlch was held Thursday in for Sthisrya5cboolpupiialvy PresbyterianChurch The bale is to be ready by the end oi September The program was in charge Mrs George Carruthers uai director Msgr Clair Readings were given by Mrs honorary president Rev Sister St Cletus president Mrs thlan past president Mrs vice tary Wilson treasur er Bethune parentcoun sellers Mrs Marion and Jack Cochrane Mrs Fred Nel son Mrs Herman Jennett Mrs borne Carruthsrs closed with hymn lowed by prayer Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Harold Gibson and Mrs John Holllflhfï¬ WHAT THE STARS SAY FOR TOMORROW Adverse planetary influences by ESTPELLITA ent But you are married also be fine for romance in fact Gathering around their fa ther Robert Beaumont to wish him continued good health on the occasion at his Nth birthday are left to right back row Robert oi Toronto Margaret Mrs HunterER Barrie Alice Mrs Moran of Toronto Front row left Victor Se brlghtRobsrt Heaumontr Gertrude Mrs Jenkinsi oi Tomato Absent when the photo was taken was his dau ghter Queen Mrs CONSCIOUS Fashion consclous woman visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg CELEBRATBS 94TH BIRTHDAY Lee oi Utopia Mr Besti mont veteran oi the Boer War and World War resid ed in the Thornton district ior years He has six living children it grandchildren 88 greatgrandchildren and two greatgreatgrandchlldrea Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL Car Seat Belts By BURTON FERN MD ONLY highway drivers need tar physical shape to crawl eutomoblleseatbealts Truo out of the auto without those Faise serious injuries that seat bolts Even seat belts that break Prevent can help save your life True SEE FEATURES 159 False iront bumper Jut Sam bel New my ting out one foot further can serious inimiu soften almost any sudden stop lb houlder stras Seat belts increase risk when swag ymlu at ha more your ear catches fire or lands on on could mommy cruise Merlin MP 135 into ayatonc wall and come out Safety feature can make only little shaken up you accidentproof Truc Fal Em 193m cant Sent he make you accidentproof You False help hr in alert es most Wile 50 Hzfidcguilotlllsp fee into your car sideways or at an angle or when your car iï¬higï¬iinHigliï¬ndiitliuihs EXChanged the concrete to eonk your head Meeting or be run over the cause of out of traffic deaths True Safety belts can The September meetingoi withstand about 4000 lbs of Sunniwood Womens institute force Crashing into seconcroteeewesheliLatlhehomeokurs bridge at so mph hurls you Trott with limcmhera and one forward with force about so visitor present times your own waellgigt 30 Meeting Ivnsnpptilafietrl 35th tbs Assuming Jillll 150 singing of an Va pardon me ladics you have and reading of the collect Min Jim DELICACY LOST to withstand 4500 lbs Since utes oi the last meeting were 41 WWW $ka 3° JLrTÂ¥Conalderation of the belt can absorb 4000 before read andapprovedandbnsinesr 3i the ieelfnge oi others is the hall it breaks youll probably wind discussed might during Vl mark at line MINIM Ilp with hardly scratch Ram and bun were or cation visit that she and some By token you have True Safety belts dont excl ed be men W5 making i° fJlbigs and your goddaughter prevent bumps and bruises bug lugchéan uer by city wrote that it would hasnt She isnt sensitive to the bumps and bruises arent the hostess be 0k 101 her to stay here dismay she is causing you She problem Seat belts prevent scr Next liming Wm be held at m1Flor parents braid friends of 334 K1312 ggzszgczvfï¬rggt in the kind that om eanov eawoyr rosin kill hï¬bmJLM magnum this town over 10 years ago in any case Your comfort ilnt now suggcst caution in both $332133 um mm business and personal matters You may run against some com nï¬lï¬i warm or cold with half Iguamxfl bu so ve em you emp la puggï¬miflcï¬ï¬v gfllflllmï¬fg adaptability and flexibility of buwm snow about 20 mm mind in the face of constructive Tossed Lettuce0kra Salad ommmon do mm on hav log your own way Roast Stuffed Leg or Shoulder oi Veal FOR THE BIRTHDAY li tomorrow is your birthday Wmémglieiogégm your horoscope indicates an ac Elberta Peaches in Lemon Gel me and were an tony Fingers October and December should Timesa ing Trick oi the Chef be notable for gratifying ac Hollow out vent in the compllshment in lob and busi stem end core oia whole caull nose matters and late Novem flower to allow heat to contact bcr will see better consolida tha center to speed cooki tlon of financial affairs will MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Give Guest Polite HeaveHo Advise To Girls GodFather Dear Masy Reworthl am hurt her yeti dont fool should man past 60 who lives alone or be stuck with her Please help did until month ago was me to get her oii myneck TX this latter period will generally launch an exceptionally ilno planetary cycle in your life At that time it would ay you to uiariy Open Tuesday Thurs day Friday evenings For No iesslonal services call PA 34061 SMIIII IIIIDIO ls Dunlap at PA 5417 Over Hunts croutons Arrange around it tomato and green power halves both filled with tuna stuffing plquant Bor dsr with parslied or aaifron flawcooked rice Serve with plenty oi smooth cheese sauce Cauliflower French Fashion Thoroughly wash whole cauli flower in salted water Leave on tender inner leaves Place on trivct in saucepan Pour in boiling water Add tspsalt and tbsp lemon Juice or vinegar Hail to to 46 min or until just iorktendar Drain and use as di reeled capitalize on any art stlc or ex ecutive ioornings you may have since influences will then prove YOULL BE PROUD highly stimulating in these fields and even hobby along such lines could prove remunerativs itslislls cycle will continue well into Personal matters are also un der good auspices Except for bricf period in late December domestic affair should run smoothly and your social life could prove quitsatlmulating in December January May and June October will be excellent or travel Next good period mid1961 child born on this day will be endowed with great persua sive powers and would make highly successful politician woman and you still have your parents And have my friends my health my work and mnylia lil marry sin Who knows Anyway living alone But to make long speech shnrtor lets decide right now when you are leaving Can you be ready by Saturday monilng7 Will you go by train or planet shall make the reservations in brief give her polite heaveho And dont let her balk even if you have to pack her Pick the slim you wish to lecture and drop mat in here Say in effect its time we had good talk and got some things understood As an old friend oi your par ents and as your godfather take an interest in your welfare looked forward to this visit when you wrote that youd like spend part oi your vacation are Youll experience new comfort found in no other shoe Smooth But youve gtgygd on now or belongings calla cab and usher over month and think its Mr bill nlui baggage into the handsome linosflnelesther timeyouwenthomsrorgtbacr streetwï¬hnopolntedutoylo to your fondly to getting your False Safety belts are so easily snapped open that you can get loose in fraction of second even when you pan Tho Srentwood weekly euch nt seen them since It res start to And youll be in much bet welcome again Wednesday Oct at pm at the home of George Falcon Everybody seems this daughter has made bad marriage At the last minute she came alone and she is still at my placa She would like to stay and get job here But dont want this would like the place to myself OBJECT TO STAY have friends of my own and they and my neighbors dont thin its right for her to be staying here But she tells peo pie am just like father to her and she knows get lonc so el dontl Or if do get lonesome its not for her but for her first concern She is interested chiefly in do as she likes insofar as she can Hcr mance makes this clear She is indif ferent to other considerations Therefore you cant really hurt her feelings byvspeaklng your mind though you may vex her by standing your ground However if she catches on that show of hurt feelings might weaken your will to be rid of her you may be sure she will put on display of wistful woe great enough to melt heart of stone So be fore warned Erace yourself to tough it out once you put your cards life straightened out believe youve thought some of getting ioband staying on here as member of my householdsme forget it wouldnt consent to it for many reasons You dont belong here with me if you were child and bad no iamiLv it might be differ take whatever travel course she choos ï¬g Furnlture Moving and storage coinsneon um Commercial Warehousing Agents for North Amerch Van Lines PA 06555 Whitith snorsl 58 DUNLOF 51 The doctor says PA sneer on the table PLAIN TALK very special friend who means very much to me and is very up not to worry set by this situation or haw to gutiate har feel this girl should be back departurebe forthright and do her with ht familytryingtomakoï¬slve Talk to her as compe new life for herself Buthow is father or the proverbial can ltell her dont want to dutz unclemlght he be over STIIANSMANS 7C CAR COATS mmeuur up wonrin There are times when only the telephvo can bring the prompt help we need It is Photo by Tom Bachelor LEARNS ABOUT INITIATIGNï¬ AWE arMcMaster received Barrie North Collegiatelcsrna their induction lectures scl all about the initiations at Mc ected their courses of study Master University where she and got acquainted with the is enrolled Six hundred and 50 freshmen record first 4thanvreioie most grateful for its con campus and their fellow stu atataaur deny during any wee an ethnt whatever the emer gency we are never helpless and alone 11 When It Comes To Coats STRANSMANS d4 DUNLOP ST event THE BELLQTELEPHONE COMPANY or CANADA All prescription files from lelngstens Drug Store have been transferred to CUSDENS PHARMACY 14 DUNLOP 51