Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1961, p. 6

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may GUILLERMD son DlNAm one of handlul ol iRoman Catholic priests In ECuba believed working with the Castro government to em tablish national church Icelebretes outdoor lilothcrs Day mass in Havanas Place do is Revoluclon The out door service coming at tit height of the governments campaign to rid the country of foreign priests was intend ed to demonstrate the gov ernmcnt was not against ro ligion Photo CATHOLIC AND PROTEST ANI churches in Cuba have come under sharp attack from the government oi Fidel Castro but the majority of Cubans remain intensely dc vout Wearing rosary beads over her shoulder this mili tiawoman attends an outdoor mass In Havanas Plaza de la Eavoluclon Photo JUL Wests Economic Life Endangered By Soviets 103335 IIIUDI Ashldiihotho ttheIZuro Canadian Prese Business nouns we market mien develop Into hintGen Sir Francis da Idler turned busi the Western wari ieces an economic strug gle with Communist countries and said endanger the Wests Cuingaad nus ma way of life lie sunsets that tho three should be Its In mind econmi stall to Field MarsinI Viscount Lnail an Atlantic area including Cen ads and the United States he commented it is hard to say We can only go step by lhs Com mon Market is an expert meet it seems be well but we dont know how it will need lot depends on trial and ms Sir Francis was Wei011 soi the Army in m1 Viscount 51 Franc 10mm chm 01 dier until his retirement from Montgomery sndmavrch of liotiunans of Pall Mall Lon don gave his views at Toronto interviewmacaw tor pinion of current world developmeatlfh ii we can keep the pc go stat think the West very serious extent when ltus sia and her friends get really geared industrially They have controlled economy which can name any price for their prod ucts and this could be real mcnace to the Wests standard oi living UNITY URGED in regard to what the West might do Sir Francis co mcnted that the old proverb ln unity is strength applies and the more we can consolidate lcturethobat Some factors within the Com munist countries may lessen the threat he nddcd though these could not be counted upon too much because of the immense strides already made by Russia They have long gap to fill with their own people This raises the question of how long they can deny their people the goods which they can increas Ingiy see are enjoyed in the West On tho answer to this de pends in some measure the Igslnst the Communist wori In an economic sense to esteemcrime of him in his memoirs says Whenve wont be came as chief ai stoi we journeyed side by side from Alameln to Berlin As we want he grew in stature and realised how lucky was He was brilliant chiel of stall and doubt if such one has ever before existed in FOBI WILLIAM OP Democratic Party Leads Douglas Saturday night the United states end of the Canadian Press of mis representing the Berlin situa Emenil He told 450 members attend ng dinner In his honor that has advised Prime Minister Dicfenbakcr oi his opposition to Denies Statement By Woman Senator NEW YORK Delence Secrsta ry Robert McNamara has scoliod at talk that the United states would hesitate to light with nuclcar bombs The New York llcrsld Tri Church LookingAhectd With Deep Forboding By JACK BEST Canadian Press Stall Writer Shaken by the calamity that has beiallcn It in low night marish months the Roman Catholic church in Cuba looks to the future with deep lore boding The cream of its largely Spa nish priesthood has fled the island since the Castro govern ment turned on the clergy alter Aprils abortive invasion at tempt The parochial school system which embraced hundrcda oi institutions of learning has ceased to exist Ecclesiastical oifIclals say churches have been broken into and priests subjected to humili ation Because of the exodus of clergy many churches have closed in the provinces today there are more parishes without rlcsts than with them accord ng to highly responsible Ha vana source The remainder have towork harder FEAR NEW MOVES Practically ovary priest is saying three masses on Sunday and two on weekdays he said Religious turbed by reports the govern ment is working to establish national church Now we are part of the churchatsilencealmost said clergyman sitting in hirbare walled office in Havana What he meant by almost is that sheets are still permitted to any one and administer the sacra meats But other activities are closely circumscribed They complain at being spied on by militiamen and the G2 military intelligence police of being unable to move about as ireeiy as they would like Similar troubles have been ex perienced by Protestant clergy They are trying push us inside the four walls at our church buildings said one minister Protestant churches in Cuba Jamalcommundernesopen attack as the much more power iui Catholic church whose dil iicuitlas were compounded by es fithelartthetmostoiltarlprics 4J were Spanish denounced by the government as counterrevolu tionnry and laiongist PNOTESTANI ELEMENT The Pr in cip ol Protestant churches in Cuba are isca paiian Methodist Presby crisp and Baptist As at the begin ing of this yearthey are esti mated ta have bad £10000 active communiconts Another 400009 to 500000 Cubans are said to have been under Praestant influence More than Bil per cent of Cubas 6000th people are SIILLYS SALLIES 1twont his convince you test washer leaders are diF Catholicsat least nominal Traditionally it is said any fraction have been faithful churchgoers The churchs main support in Cuba has come trad tionaiiy lrotn the middle and upper classcs This contrasts with many Catholic countries in Eur ope where the church draws its stendlcst support from the peas ant class ln Cuban thereir what Fidel Castros govcrnmcn may have still in store for the batter eciing church COULD BE JALLED Farsomcmonths reports have been circulating that the government is Ing to get national march ntq operation This would follow pattern set in other countries where com munlsm has become entrenched notably China Maybe the remaining priests will be asked to sign declara tion of loyalty to the national churc said res onsibie ec clesiastical source And il they retusethey may be tailed or forced to leave the country Saldaanothor Priesthwhor rcluse to sign may have to go underground handful of pro Castro priests are believe working in the national church movement thc remain fused to have anything to do with it The twabest known are Rev Guilicrma Sardines with Castro since guerrilla days in the Sierra Maestro and Rev Ger man Lence Church authorities are understood to have taken disciplinary action against Fa ther Lance forbidding him to say mass AGREEMENT SOUGHT Meanwhile the Catholic church is trying to achieve madus vtvendl with the Castro government that would preserve its essential identity and allow It to carry on ironically in the beginning religious circles oi the revolution When Castro was fighting in the SierrrsL duel oi moral snp art irons the catholic hierarchy Some observers feel however list the church was 11er1 compromised through My ng accepted money and lovers from dictator Fulgenclo Batista Now many at its moneycarn lag properties have been seized bribegovernment The church supported Castros early social program including the agrarian reform law rm rnuigated in the spring 011959 few months after lutlon had triumphed Trouble began last year when the church began speaking out against the increasingly Com manlst complexion oi the revo an LETTER ro CASTRO Angrlly the government that any anti mmunlstmtete meat or commentary was also cauntarrevoi¥ltlone npcw Then began at Cu its on bishops and bisho later Ides cribed as an ant religious campaign at national dlmenv stone They opaglainedin an open letter to astra Dcc that this connoianngally becoming more violent Agcns pmvooatours have many tlmes interrupts rolll glaus functions in the letter nslnnnbaut theschurchwvesrwarrniriend ur churches with Aprils abortive invasion and Premier Castros May Day address in which he decreed the is on of parochial schools and said foreign priests would have to get out at Cuba ail except those csrtlllcd as not countcrrsvolutionary In the third week oi May the exodus of religious personnel began and soon became flood Nuns and brothers had to go as well as priests since with thc takeovcrwlscitoolstbcro was nothing icit for them to do in Cuba CANADIANS DEPARIED Among those who departed were E1 Canadians represent ing religious orders in Quebec With the departure ot final large contingent oi Spanish priests July 20 the main exodus was com letod An iniormed source esirnated then that of about 2000 Spanish mission aries based In Cuba at April 17 including perhaps one priests only 100 remained Rsports tell of church hey ing been invaded by mil tlamsn looking for gold or money or both This happened every wherafLssidwsnflniormanb Whenever they found anything they Just took it in Cameguey province in eastern Cuba group of priests is said to have been kept locked up in latrines for nearly week The day after May Day group of armed militiamen moved into convent occupied by Canadian nuns at Colomdn Matansal province For some days the nuns were prisoners unable oven to go out to buy supplies Finally after com plaints Irons the Canadian am bassy Premier Castro sent personal representative to clear out the intruders TOOK REFUGE Among scores and perhaps hundreds of priests arrested were Msgr Evelic Dies ooad Jutor archbishop and apostolic AdministrataLoLllavana Magr Eduardo Bozo Masvldal auxiliary bishop of Havana In the same period Manual Cardinai Arteaga tosk refuge in the Argentine embers At latest report he was stii there Protestant clergyman have had their troubles also Many 111 has bgen the Methodist Church whlEh has lost about haltHo to ordained ministers including all the Amerivcgvmisslenerlss rive Presbytori clergyman two Baptists and we Episco palians havuis iel Ministers with chi ran ave special problem unwilling to submit them to Communist etyle education they have to send titém abroad ior their sch ling Their problem is to decide whether to accompany the children Some have sent struck backb tellingCubansTtheIriwlveswiththmchlldre and stayed onaione Four of fite Protestant cler men are reported to have the governments ne onal church movement The Jewish 1religion has not guiicre the pr seglmssald mo liable source ailgious school was thegovernnaent Leads aratrylill shrew league and Cube thslr children amountoigoodstiwywtilbav ier export In regard to Britains can templath entry into the Euro pean Common Market Slr Fran cls thinks Britain has little other choice However it could be hoped that the other Common Market countries including ancs would be understanding concerning Britains Common wealth tlcs and that no one would be hurt scriousi Man Claims Record For PoleSitting NIAGARA FALU Ont CPI PanhEmlle Cote 92year old former paratrooper claimed world polesitting record Sunday when he climbed down from his roost atop 504th polo after so days alalt He spent the time in canoe attached to the top at the pole at drivein restaurant in sub urban Sanford township liis en durance test began Aug Cats said the rcvious record of to days eight ours and three minutes was set in 1030 by Al vln iShipwrecki Kelly at Atlan tic City NJ Archbishop at Havens who is in his one ulster rheveélsttitheiceuns try Hardest hit in this respect No matterwho youre having fordinnerionight make sure theyrewarnrenuughrtisa only safe dependable longer burning liluo tearthe hard tthstiseoloumarked for your protection its warm WI experienc ersccutlon under anussource LTD at Berri shons FAlElel bune reported that McNamara Saturday the us would rspond to an attack with nu clear bombs at any else and quantity If necessary to pro tect its vital interests lie branded as nonsense the newspaper said remarks Senator Margaret Chase Smit administrations buildup of con ventional weapons is signal to the Russians that the US would not use nuclear born WOULD SELL CHILD CHICAGO AP mother accused of offering to sell her two youngest daughters for $7000 says she needed the money to iced and clothe her three other children The woman Mrs Dolores Myers at Chicago was arrested Satur day and chargedwith child abandonment mcpJaLtbai the Kennedy ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY an to was PA 87111 the British Army or will ever do so again Sir irancls postku business rctivities have largely centred around lube investments Ltd and Its various interests and more recently with Rothmans lie key figure is the use 1359 Aluminium om which was won by lb lnvestmaate In association with American Reynolds Metals Company after Aluminum Company at America had ads strong bid hermeticblka most oi the postwar years In Johannesburg and is chairman of Tube investments South Af rica ills current trip to Canada is in connecticawlth his pointment to the board of Re mans Pall Mall Canada Ltd and to vlsltJlothmsn tobacco opera tion Ontario and Quebec Douglasllccuses 115 lInd Press Misrepreseniing Berlin Crisis Canadian pertlcl ation in war which may rcsut because of brcadown in Soviet and Amen Ican negotiations on the recog nition of the authority oi4the East German government of the press Mr Douglas said icw men not onl con trol the wealth oiCana WIT the media of public information and think they should have con trol oi those who make the laws Mr Douglas ur ed world rule of law throng the United Nations and cited the right oi accts to Berlin as one of the problems strengthened UN coult solve by establishing force to guard access routes Canada could contribute to world peace be said by mitts Ing to belong to the nuclear weapons club and urging other nations to do the some Canada could not allow Itself to be bullied but must exhaust avery avenue of negotiation be lore committing itself to nuclear weapon membership and possi ble war he said ND government he said would extend social services and launch an extensive redelt veiopmcnt support farm and fishery prices and work towards raising the in com of the oneAthird ot Cana dians now living at less than subsistence levels KnurvAnm gargantuan women Ind lull AII summon urlngry ex tie for control oi British IAIN manna MONDAY man CliiliMiiii Lt0en Samuel Clarke es stepped down as Chief oI the General Staff of the Cans sdlan Army to become chair man of the National Capital Commission The change was to be cifectlve Oct native oi Winnipeg he served as quartermasiorvlensnl rmy hesdqumers Ottawa and as oillcsr commanding central golmmead Oskvliie out BINSO ll DUNLOP ET NS THORNTON The Essa School Fair was well attended We would like to express our thanks to the cleanup crew that made such good iobel the park alter the lair Congratulations to the many III Ils at our school who won pr number from here attended tho Barrie Petr Ame ritlwinnsra were the Club omens institute with and and flowers Mrs Smith Brown Mrs Sp Eie or Jen Denny were Mr and am iticlt Faddon Mr and Mrs Den ny and hire ioc llfiin of Bare re Mr and Mrs Cunning ham ol Alliston Mr and Mrs Ed entry of Toronto and MI son Denny ei Trenton ROBBED MURDER NUN FLORENCE ltely Reuters robber bludgeonsd 50year old nun to death with an iron bar Sunday night and took 000 lire about from hospital Isis police said today GUNS AMMUNITION SHELL BELTS HUNTING AND nsumc LICENSES HEADQUARTERS POD HUNTING SUPPLIEI QUALITY EARDWARI up 03nd appoint PHONE His new For Appointment PA eescs BARRIES HEADQUARTERS EASY TERMS AVAILABLE firestouc SMEIY cuscu use soon ow rises as aowu ssvsunm 88 DUNLOP 451 iillililli serum Reilne ali wheels Full contact adjustment Renault front wheel henn inn sateen Mlle Guarantee Reg Value FRONT END ALIGNMENT Correct Caster Correct Camber Correct has in Correct Toe out MUFFLER gtSEIIIIIIIE Fast complete service we install Droalalnnwlunoti sli enccrs aluminiscd and where needed to boot inside rust zinccoated inside TIRE VALUES mEBTONE CHAMPION NYLON ONLY CAR SAFEIZY utgPEcTION 995 MOST MODELS AS LOW 59 Plus installed 510 ll Plus Recappeble TradeIn ALUTIRESMDJNTIIWEI PA 66585 thO

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