LARRV SIMMONS 0F COOKSTOWN Is ENTRANCED av ANTICS or rwo CLowns AT COOKSWWN FAIR Judge Pro Kcmpenfelt Trumpet Band of Barrie led the childrens par ade which preceded the opening of the ward annual Cookstown lnir Saturday Earl Rowe father of Mrs Jean Casselman MP officially opened tho fair in place of his daughter Mrs Casselmon could not perform this function as planned since she had to leave on trip to Europe Following the opening chil drens racing began and drew hundreds of small tykcs and cheering mothers The spell ing contest was held immed iately following the childrens foot races and officials said they were pleased with the ability of the competitors BIG ATTRACTION The adult division was begun at 130 pm and the big at traction was the YorkSimcoe Guernsey Club show The qual ity of entry in this show was sold by one judge to be ahead oienearly any otherfalrotthe past as two of this years champions of Barrie and Oro fairs were shown Fair secre tary Albert Gllroy said there Ia lsesWomen wnsisplendiLshowingW in horses cattle hogs and sheep Mrs George Ironside George town judge in theromenZs section commended fair of ficials on the fine showing in the needlecraft and arts and crafts division Mr Gilro ectlons in the domestlï¬Ã©lence filled Only the pie sec was down trifle he said The harness racing always re big attraction at the fair was xciting and well commentated said Mr Gilroy Jerry Coug line was the race announcer Shy Beaver Shun Visitors To Park lAll am waiting for is to sea ice Beaver but he just doesnt seem to want to be seen commented one of the many disappointed onlookers hoping for view of the three beavers kept at Springwater provincial park fActually the beaver prefer to remain in their concrete shelter most of the day and come out for only an hour or so around three or four oclock in the afternoon says Andy Glnnis park foreman The diet of these beavers con sists entirely of poplar boughs You would wonder what they get out of those poplar boughs remarked Mr Giants but they really thrive on them How ever beaver have liking for apples and reach up to eat ap ples visitors hold against the fence for them Mr Ginnis considers beaver YouGan JUICE Your Way To Better Health FREE Its Entirely Up To Youi 31 WEED Anthor Lecturer Nutrition Researcher City Send For Your Copy Today Nutritional Research 80 Welllnxton St Toronto out Name Address ategl almost alL TWO YOUNG misses have chat at the fair One is Judy possible winne the Guernsey show and pre ous winner at Ora while the nth very intelligent hie describes how in the late fall before freezeup the beaver in the en closï¬rTEbhsEud lodge of chewedup poplar twigs and branches on platform beside their concrete shelter which they probablyithlnk is not well insulated as their own good old unattachedbeaver lodges NEW BOOK No Obligation To ljegiate board outlining three TEE IAIN EXAMINER4 MONDAY SEPT 25 1K1 School Is Topic Tonight Barrie city council will meet in regularreessiontonlght with fairly extensive agenda be faraiL J79 letter from the district col proposais for an auditorium to Central Collegiate Council has already indicated its stand on the matter and it is believed this communication is7to keep them in the picture regarding what has been proposed to municipal councils elsewhere in the district communication has been received from the board of transport commissioners regard ingmindstailation and suggested me paymcn warning light at the Bwficld Street CNR crossing The Public Utilities Commis also has also submitted to coun cil tentative plaps they have devised for using land on In niinl Street for future pro pigs substation and pumping ne rï¬ï¬ï¬‚beheard from the fire and traffic conunlitee the public works committa the city development committee and the finance committee The meeting is scheduled to start at ANCIENT CLERK The Romans la the 1st cen tury BC developed and used an organized system of shorthand ALLISTON Special Allis ton Union Public School Board trustees have decided to com pleta negotiations for the pur chase of 16 acres of land ad er Miss Kathy McCann of Toronto has winning smile and winning way with calves Judy is owned by the Henderson iamin of Shanty Bay EXMTIUIEL tosl PROPOSE WGILANTES VANCOUVER CP 1n creased hoodlumisnjl has started talk of forming vigilante oom mittees hereJolice report that nora than 80cltizens have been attacked and robbed on the atmets this year compared with about 40 in the comparable pe tied in 1960 The Time To Plant BulbsFor SPRING BEAUTY Come In And Select Now From Our Assortment of over 200 varieties TULIPS DAFFODILS CROCUS BEZZIINT Nurseries and Florist 83 Johnson St PA 80 remainder in Essa township 1t lnlngAiiiston in order that new public school can be built within the next two to three years This proiect has been under discussion for some months and has been given serious could eratlon by the board The pre sent school has reached its cap acity of pupils and this term it hasbeoo ecessanLtLusa only recreational room for another classroom making temporary crisis for physicsl education instruction The pup lls will be taken to the Alliston arena three times week for this subject and although this is somewhat inconvenient it serves as stopiap until better conditions are available IDEAL LOCATION The land to be purchased lies north of Alliston and is the pro perty belonging to the Parlia ment farms Several acres are in the town of Alliston and the irsrideal locationraccording to the board and has great possibilities for the future it will be purchased at reason able price considering the cost of land in this area today It lies directly east of the new pilllcrest Subdivision in Essa township and the new school will serve the needs of the pup ils in the north part of the community School Board trustees plan to work in conjunction with the Alliston Planning Board when making plansfor the school as the laying out of roads and other services will be an im portaat factor which will affect timber bindinsinlhem Till ano instance of the expansion growth in title town of Alliston and ltls expected it will be of great influence in the development and growth of population north of the Eoyne River The present school will re main in operation and will serve Coolestown Fair Ends liliiston School Board Will Buy 16 Acres For New Public School cogeimthinye pupils from the southerly parts of the town Prior to this meeting letter had been sent to the Depart ment of Education inquiring if afurther addition to the pres ent public school would be fees ibie but reply from that do partment advised that such plan would not be approved as the building was large enough already with the amount of playground space available for students request from the Rev James Shilton secretary treosurer of the Ministerial As sociation asking that ministers be allowed to teach religion in the school again this year was approvedby the board Principal Stuart pruented his enrolment report to the board which showed that al iilough the public school last about 20pupiis to the Separate School this year the total num ber of students was higher than last year Giiroy physical eduaction instructor requested some new equipment for this class and it was agreed that this be purchased It was decided to have the annual din ner party for staff and boar tee was appointed to look after making these arrangements Killed In Month In District OPP District headquarters of the Ontario provincial police here have released traitic figures for the flier the month of Aug ust District with headquarters in Barrie covers the counties of Dufferin and Simcoe and the District of Muskoka Sgt Andrews district trafï¬c detachment said there were 245 accidents investigated duria period There were four fatal accidents with six persons killed and 102 persons injured total of 2869 vehicles were checked during the month and 150 warnings issued total of 853 charges were laid in con nection with traffic violations in August in this district MONSTER WILLIAM McKAY President BEETGN FAH2 éiiithéllfï¬i nousrisk cm PARADE LED BY THE AURORA HIGH scnoor BAND SIMOOE COUNTY BLACK AND WHITE SHOW HORSE RACING AND PONY SiIOW Mi CLUBS AOIHEVEMENT DAY GREENS MIDWAY gt suolle TUESDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 26 $1100 IN PRIZES panes WEDNESDAY sans 21 For Further Particulars Writo HARRY CROSS Secretary continual MEMBERS of the commit tea for winter employment in the area are shown at the preliminary meeting held on Saturday Prorntho left are al Collins of Angus Fred Churchill of Barrie Fcndley of Barrie Miss Yas umaka of the Soroptimista Pickles chairman from the Ontario Hydro T0 BOOST WINTER IOBS Committeiï¬uddles To Study Work Ideas Slogans on breadwrappers may be one answer to unem ployment this winter The idea was put forth by Fred Churchill moresenï¬nslhadtxetnar rie to tlï¬ winter employment committee meeting at the fed eral building last Saturday The meeting was prelimin ary idea meeting said chairs man Pickles Were looking for ideas to boost em ployment in the area this win ter he said but the decis ions and actions will come at the next meeting Mr Pickles and Mr Churchill are supported on tha commit tee by Mnnson from the UnA lted Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Braymnn rc presenting Cookstown Col tins of Angus Wallace of the UIC Fendley flower shop proprietor Miss Yasum aka of the Soroptlmlsts and Kramer of the National Em ployment Service LOOK INTO IDEAS Some of the ideas expressed by the members will be care fully looked into and by Oct 14 the date of the next meeting definite actions can be decided upon Mr Pickles said Mr Collins pointed outthe feasibility of pulp and paper industry in the county parti cularly in the northern section NO CHICKS THIS YEAR VANCOUVER CF Hot weather ruined the chances for penguin eggs hatching at Stan ley Park Zoo this year Six eggs failed to produce chick their UI where there is probabl ycnough pulpwood to sustain small mill Im thinking of the small independent woodlot hir Churchills bread wrap ping idea may well become reality and the committee will investigate the possibilities of this as well as other new and Fliferent methods of advertis ng CONTRACTORS ABSENT lilr Manson said one of the main problems faced by the construction worker in the win tcr was the absence of so many of the hiring contractors Some contractors go so far as to make sure their employ ees have enough stamps in books to see them through the winter and then go to Florida he said On this same point he added its the bigger outiits who can at ford to do the winter jobs be cause oi the expensive heating equipment and paying the men who tend the equipment over weekends etc The small con tractors cnnt hope to bid com petitively And then Toronto George Dollies consraucrlon LTD Banla PA 8818 Kramer oi thaJJiC Man son oi the Carpenter and Joiners Unioa Brayman of Cookstown and Wal lace of the U10 Examiner Photo contractor gets the job and brings in most of his help with him local contractor gener ally cant afford to pay the To ronto wages the tradesmen around have received some times as much as $120 more per hour than local pay Mr hlanson suggested clause in construction contracts stipulating certain number of local workmen be on the job Mr Kramer mentioned the difficulty of placing oldcr per sonnel particularly the retired men who cant live on their small pensions These men are definitely in terested in employment but we cant do thing for them be cause of employers attitudes to their ages He added that the organization would be hap py to show film on the ad vantages ol hiring older person nel to any business in Barrie CRIPTIONS Wu always give you preelre proth courteous service Ask your doctor about our Pharmacy next tlme he lwrites Prescriptlflt for you Prescriptions pickcdup and delivered free or charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Daniel LEAN RIB BOILIN BEEF CHOICE SKINLESS lwlsllslls FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BuTTERK SUNKISL llama ilEIII i102 1635 ERS iFOOD MARKET VsTr