THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 15 LII Athletic Assn Raises At Barr The Barrie tair proved to be successful fundraising effort for the VBarrie Athletic VAssocia tion due to tile efforts of number of citizens who went to work at the fair and gave their earnings to theV associa tion The association wishes to thank Beverly Boorman Nancy Forbes Patricia Ayres Joyce Netdcton Sandy Carson Mrs lack Jillcharen and Mrs Ed Tsehlrhart who helped run the Depaltment of Transport booth and raised $54 for the athletes Roy Bridge Jack St Clair Lou Hockridge George Long staffe George Lumsdcn and Ed Tschlrhart earned its for the association by helping clean up ï¬le arena Raising $04 by assisting at the horse jumping ring were Wally de Silva Don Moore George Hobbs Ce McKee Roy Lacey George Winger Ciance Johnson Ralph Berry Doug Wilson Jimmy Lowe and Mt chael Lowe Doug Wilson also Funds 19 Fan ilNabaiYouths BRADFORD Special New mnrket police have charged four connection with bub caps stolen from cars in Bradford New market East and North Gwil llmhury townships over the weekend Bradiord police chief Jiim Hastings said this morninl that nine charges of theft had been laid against the youth total of in hub caps valued at on have been recovered by police in Newmarkct court today are Larry Preston 16 Harry George Thompson 17 Graham Elves 10 all of RR New market and Howard Boyd is of RR Sharon Report Increase In Radiation Acroï¬Northem Hemisphere By REUTERS The worlds scientists re ported last week sharp in creases in radioactivity across the northern hemisphere ioll owing Russias resumption of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere at the beginning of September The level nowhere reached proportions immediately dan gerous to humans but some scientists said they expected more fallout to come Hurricane Esther which drenched the eastern United States last week was believed to have washed much of the radiation there rom the at mosphere into the ground Little Rock Arkansas how ever reported reading oi 709 micro microcuries per cubic meter of air Wednesday 7and cities in other southern US states and the American Midwest recorded readings of more than 100 during the week sustainedreadingotiou or more is recorded as poten tially dangerous butnone of the readings persisted at that high rate in Toronto officials report ed count of 261 week ago but this dropped to 23 by the middle of last week Scientists in tendon said the main wave of fallout had pass Ecars 0i Police ed eastwards and readings there were now steady and notdangernus Other countries in Europe and the Far East also re ported increases in radioac tivity Radioactivity over northern ltaly increasedsuddenly Sept 15 but presented no danger to health yet An ltallan spokes man said the Russian tests were especially dirty and were set off without any pre ventive or sanitary conditions as regards the world popula tion Fingerprint Course Barrie police officer Cpl Frank Light has left to take an extensive course in finger print identiï¬cation and other allied sciences Corporal Light left here San dayfor0ttaniawhereahe mill undergo one oi the most exact ing courses of its kind on the North American continent at the RCMP police laboratory and headquatrers building in Otta WI The sevenweek course cov ers every phase of identification used by modern police depart ments Departments Arrest Driver In 95mph Chase RADFORD AtSpecialt gtgtA asmph car chase in the early theme of Sunday morning in volved cruisers from three pol ice departments and led to the current of 19yearold Newmar ket youth Robert Defoe has been re mandcd in custody and charged with driving under suspension lPollceJay other charges are Spending Defoe will appear in iNewmarket court today Constable Glen Phillips of Newmarket began chasing car when it forced him sit the road at the intersection ofDnvis EDrlve and Main Street in New Imarket The constable radioed East Gwillimbury police who joined in the chase while the North thllimbury police department net up road block ATM pursued car swerved around Newmarket side streets Ithan headed for Keswick where block The driver then abandoned ills car and tried to escape on foot The suspect was apprehended by Constable Phillips when he tried to hide behind garage Hospital Tag Day Nets $1019 Cash Mrs Jean Gable reported to day that tha Womens Hospital Auxiliary of Royal Victoria Hospital had successful tag campaign Friday night and Saturday collecting $1019 The hospital tag day has been held annually sincs 1040 and this is the first year there was no bousetohouee canvass Members of the iunior auxil iary and senior elementary stu dents assisted in the fundrais ing effort The money will be used to buy equipment for the hospital TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by FlynnrbsDnnlopstriilrBarrie musmnn Aabestos nbitlnl durum Steel Aluminium minrt an pAtlas Stenl Gt you or Montreal aun of us Sell Tel Dam Tar Exquisite mun ans am imp TobsVooo Power Bkofcorn my on csn Breweries crn mans in Niagl av lockle Gillb La it Pow nom Found Dom Starel Famous Play 1nd Acc Nor oat MO Monro Corp Oshawa Pacific Pete 7PM P1 Que Na In R00 Romulus Rayl Sank Rt PM Ha Sim Inna Sta are Steal of CHI Steuben To Dom BI CID Pi Riv Texaco Mlmy lfll Union Gll Norandn Walker GLW MINING Gunnsr It Hotlinlcr KerrAdana Con Denlsnn uemont her Gordon is stun Rock United ou Venture Wilroy rive iuosr some srocn Anlpimperlll Oil Lalo Fulï¬ll DOWJONES NIW Indunrllil down 299 Kalil TORONTO SIMIHOBANGB INDIX Mount Wrilht Wilbur 00m roan avaaagss down 09 Utilities am as lnflnflfllll up 00 Gold up 54 Mauls up Jul Otis in DIVIDEND on EM common All plylhll NW And Chemical common no pay CLABATIONI vidend Sun 23 Dorm Eflaflarmhnfl and Co Ltd 502 plylhil Nov ex dividend Ont 28 no ices ex dividend HubcapsTheit local teenagers with theft in Cpl Light Starts itflentrthrough tbrnllticrlimlriietweenananoiolrmenflnadr est gain ahead so at not Wearold DaleMelba of Victoria gases at the as pound tsnunca spring sal mon caudlt by his father Two persons were admitted to hospital aiale modeicar was wrecked and Blake St house badly damaged as result of an unusual accident here Sat urday evening in hospital auticriog from concnsion dislocated shoul der and severe lacerations to the face head and shoulder is Mrs Rita Walt of nearby Dal Tina HeLJllï¬bsnd William driver of the vehicle suiiered severeJaceratinnstn tha mouth and chin and scverejuiiles to OUTWEIGHED IO POUNDS efish whichoutweighed Date by full 10 pounds bat tled 00 minutes before being landed by Mickey Mclnnis CF Photo RCAF Join UN UNITED NATIONS CPD Canada sent two transport air cratttodnytrï¬trmener United Nations Air Force in The Congo it was reported here spokesman continued that the UN had requested the air craft and that two RCAF 0119 Flying Boxcars were scheduled to arrive in the Congo Tuesday At the Canadian mission to the UN spokesman explained that these big transports will be used Afar internal1Hransport in The Congo Canada already is operating two North Star flights weekly to that troubled country in external supply for the UN Congo force The Canadianspokesmansald he understands an RCAF 0130 Hercules aircraft has been put into auxiliary service in con nectlon with the new air eifort but this plane apparently had not been assigned on the same permanent category as the other two INCLUDES TECHNICIANS He estimated the new Cana dian operation would involve dition Canadian technicians were being sent to assist in re pairing damage to UN aircraft Lake Dutault Moves Ahead Trading Hearty TORONTO om Lake Du mine which last week rose $2 02 in price in single trading sion before being hit by pro takers was moving ahead again today in heavy trade on the stock market At tit arn the stock had ad vanced 87 cents to $255 on volume of 34827trvshares 0a the industrial market there wasa siightadvance with finan cial institutions leading the way Argus Corporation dropped ti and Gatlneau Power and Hardee Farms each as Onthe exchange index indus trlals ere ahead 06 at 59850 golds 8721 ase mess 13 at 20110 and western oiLs 14 at 0560 The 11 arn volume was 974000 shares compared with 400000 at the same time Friday Senior base metaLs had stronger tone international Nickel gained vs at 05 and Fat conbrldge Vs at 53 Hudson Bay Minins was down In Great Plains Development ad vanced Va and Calgary and Ed fault Mines the little Quebec Boxears Forces incurred in the recent Congo fighting Ground crew person nelwerebetng sent to service Canadian and other aircraft as required The announcement came after LtGen Sean McKcown of ire tand commander of the UN Congo force anrtcd in Lee poldvllle the buildup of UN air force including 14 let fight ers These it was understood would escort the Canadian and other transports indla was sending six Can berra fighteri bombers Swe den four jets and Ethiopia four Canada now has some 250 men mostly non combat sigA AnalmenriritheCongo force of some 18000 India has the larg est contingent with 5000 men WEATHER ForecasLs issued by the Tor onto weather of eat arn Synopsis Skies cleared in northern regions early today andclearinglrforecasrbynioor today in central regions Fog is expected in the Lower Lake re gions today Skies will clear over these regions by tonight Lake St Clair1ake Erie Lake Huron regions Windsor London Patches of fog lifting this morning Variable clou has with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms ending by this afternoon Clearing this evening Sunny Tuesday not much change in temperature Winds light Niagara Lake Ontario re gions Toronto Hamilto Patches of fog lifting this mo ing Variable cloudiness with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms todaymï¬iearing tonight sunny Tuesday Not much change in temperature winds light Georgian Bay Haliburton re gions Variable cloudiness with scattered showers today clear ing tonight Sunny Tuesday not much change in temperature Winds light Timagami region North Bay Cloudy with sho ers ending this morning clear ing about noon Sunny Tuesday mopmuctcchangm in tempera ture winds light White RiverCochrane re gions Mainly sunny today and Tuesday warmer Winds light today southwest 15 Tuesday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor 55 70 St Thomas 70 London 70 Kitchener 70 Wingham 55 Hamilton 10 St Catharines 70 55 55 55 50 5S 50 the chest He was released from Royal Victoria Hospital Sunday morning Barrie pollce who invesï¬sa ted said the Walt car loco sedan was travellingwest on Blake St hut east of the Shanty Bay Road intersection when the accident occurred Losr CONTROL investigation silowed Mr Walt temporarily lost control of his vehicle it swerved and ikdisplny booth of work done by the trainees of the Sheltered Workshop has been at Cooks town Elmvalc Barrie and 0m fairs with Benton Fair next on the list This was the first topic cover ed at the first regular execu tive meeting for the Barrie and District Association for Retard ed Children held at King tell the roadway and rammed lhe front of residence at no Blake St Mrs Walt sitting beside her husband told police that when she was aware the accident was going to happen she at tempted to grab control of the wheel and right the car but she couldnt remember exactly what happened prior to hitting ion9 The house owned and oo cupied by Justin Gullfoyt Mr GmfloyleJold police he was in the rear of the house driving when the car bit the front we adjacent to the living room iieTlnldhrhltlbeeninthl living just minutes be ill ateiovislon pro BRICKS flURLED iNN ROOM Extensive damage was done to the building with almost the complete living room wall smashed and crumblFdJricks hustled across the living room Retarded Children Assn Star lans ToRéise Building Funds rtardedthiidrena Schools Pro gram to Adult Training Skills Garnett Pratt chairman of the young adults committee re ported it trainees at the work 1hnp with one application pend ing and good supply of con tracte for work coming New removable cap oards and beaches have been installed In ttlaworighop Cut Out Of Central Dives Into House Persons Hurt smashing furniture pictures lamps and other items front veranda post was knocked down by the wayward motor vehicle and quantity zit veranda furniture was smash Police hestitated to place an estimate on the amount of nine to the house and contents but estimated damneg to the Viitlmo An investigation inlthLIca oldest is continuln Soed can rant Slate Of Officers new executive has been elected for the Barrie Soed Club This club is associated with the VIMYWCA andis de signed for young adults over is years of age President of the club is Peter Holloway secretary is Anne MoMiilsd treasurer and regis tsdtioiizd Maureen Camplliuon convenes Wo Stahlmann Km September TI will be set ting to know people meeting to welcome new menbers Oct will mark the begin ning of proper club meetings to be held every Wednesday at pm lihree meetings of the month will be of activity inside the building with one meeting to be held outside the CAPSULE NEWS fires Razes Barn BRANTFORD tCPt Fire of undetermined origin Saturday night destroyed large unused chicken barn on the farm oi Stanley Johnson on the norm westcrly outskirts of the oily Loss was estimated at more than $5000 Pioneer Dies NORTH BAY iCPJW Kennedy north country pion as citi unndlod here Sunday Ris death came 15 weeks after testimonial dinner marking his 70th birthday drew scores of friends and government and clvirofflcisls Tributes at the June 12 celebration included giv inf All it ver his name Born in the Qpebec towmhip of Masbam be spent his infancy in Saskatchewan and the family mi 11 to North Bay when he was four Kiln Is Destroyed BRANTiORD tCPi Firs Sunday destroyed tobacco kiln and its contents on the farm of George Nail of Hatchley with loss estimated at $2500 Reach Agreement RAMlLTON CPtTha first agreement over reached in the scrap iron business in Hamilton has been signed by the United Steelworkers of America with international iron and Metal Company Limited twoyear contract provides lScentanhour wage increase George School last Tuesday The booth was made by Grcen andC Pratt BUDGET SHORT $2550 to be short $2550 of its 1061 ob jective in the trensurers report prepared by Wilmer Howell Miss Elsie Rattles teacher at The 1061 budget was showu Mrs Baxter reported the pro gram for tonights meeting would consist of bingo and social gettogether William Garner transports tlon chairman is recovering from recent operation and Gordon Murray ls filling his position King George School reported that is children are attending the school with three appli cants pending She also said two children from Midhurst have transportation problem to be dealtwithÂ¥ Mrs lit Lysabiid principal of tltsscllool will be leaving her position at Christmas re placement has not yet been found the replacement of Mrs Don ald Bonney caretaker of the school by Mrs Harsemma Mrs Bruce assistant teach er at King George School took special summer school course for teachers of retarded chil drenShawn granted permisl executive to attend the annual conference of the Association of Teachers of Retarded Children accompanied by member of the education committee This years conference is being held at Ottawa from Oct 13 to 14 Mrs Eileen Hankin director sit on panel at the conference and will deal with the topic Gearing Association for Re Another change in staff was NEED NEW BUILDING Discussion took place regard ing the need of new building for the workshop it was re ported at the meeting that the Barrle public school board is not dESifDyJLIIlQESSOCIMIOH continuing to occupy the iron tion it was also said that the bullding was in great need of plumbing water and renova tion Since this cannot be done it was deemed advisable to start new building fund find and acquire desirable site and pinrls and raise the building funds The Barrie Kinsrï¬Ã©hClunT the meeting presented $200 for the beginning of the new fund OnlyZ Accidents Mar Quiet Sunday Only two minor accidents mar red an otherwise quiet Sun day herethis weekend sion at the meeting from the of the Sheltered Workshop wilivvmtwovaccldmr occurring within an hour of each other on Sunday evening did $325 dam 352 to the four vehicles involv DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bernardville NJ Sumner Welles 68 American state un dersecretary from 1937 to 1943 Tomato go Nelson Brown 75 comptroller of the Canadian wool board and war time prices and trade board dur ing the Second World War RomeCarlo Gsiefil 7e among the last of the great it alian baritones union Novelist Aniot Robertson 58 Lady Turner in private lif found dead in her apartment New York John Cava nagh 94 founder of Cavanaghs Restaurant gathering place of the elite dating back to the gas light era Princeton NYArchibaid Rowan 52 international busi ness man who headedthejie bert Hoover Baltic relief mis sion after the First World War of heart attack MontrealJoachim Crete 50 vicepresident of Horoux Ma chine Parts Limited and Heroux Industries Limited Midland ToxRobertd Mc Gannon as president of Re public Mud Company an oil firm in private plane crash Midland Tcs Mrs Nancy Applewhite 20 wife of singer Robert Applewhite in private plane crash New Orleans Ted Jourdan as former first baseman for Struck By Car OW Killed Aioyaaold man father at seven children was killed as he walkednalong Highway near Honey Harbour early Sun day morning Dead is Anthony Toby of Honey Harbour who WasJih stantly killed when struck by car driven by 20yearold Ken neth Cousineau also of Honey Harbour cousineau charged is dangerous careless driving consuming al cohol as minor ant dr ng withoutra licence Provincial Police from Victor ia Harbour who investigated the accident said that Toby was of the highway when he was struck and tossed into the ditch by the Coiuineau vehicle Policesaid the vehicle was southbound on Highway 501 after arn and police described the victim as having almost every bone in his body brok en An investigation into the ac cidentis continuing and is in charge of the OPP detachment from Victoria Harbour SB 5E 50 Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North ay Sudbury VEarlton Kapuskasing White River monton to men HITE treasoyiists LMOTOR OIILSM Toronto 5B 70 Over owned in Cane ransom MAKERSOF Moosnnee in SS walking north on the east side The accident occurred shortly At 720 pm at Essa Road and Burton Avenue interesctlon car driven by John Ladnuccr Toliendal Road Harrie backed into standing auto being oper ated by Spence Toronto St No charges were laid and dam age was estimated to be $125 firesrthananhoiniatar car Henry Street Barrie backed from driveway into car standing in noparking area 1m Dunlop StreetWcstTThe driver of the second vehicle was behind the wheel and talking to Jriendsonthe sidewalk lie was Robert Corner Ross Street Barrie Damage to the Comer veh icle small sports car was estimated to be in the neigh borhood of $200 PRODUCE TORONTO CP churning cream and butter print prices wereJeportedJnchangedJoda The egg market was weak on medium with other grades steady and medium offerlngs unsold due to pool demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agri culture on Canada grade eggs vered in fibre cases large 51 medium 181 small 26 and grades no market Rutter prices Canada first grad Ontario tenderable 83 nontenderabls SPA02 in light adin eatern 82 nominal operated by Douglas Hickling parent heart attack Nancy FranceFrancois Va lentin 51 president of the na nn automobile accident BARRIE HEATING rusts Phone PA 66531 LhicagoJVhitLSox ofan4pal tional defence committee in the French National Assembly in bers of newlychartered Steel worker Docal 6008 Established on signing was basic labor rats of $159 an hour it will go to $160 with two five centanhour increases in the next 16 months Hurt Picking Emit BRANTFORD CP Mrs Charles Weeks of Ottervilla suf fared severe back injuries and shock Saturday when she fell from tree while picking apples on the farm of Moore near Ottervllle Mrs Weaks is reported in fair condition today in hospital at Tillsonburg NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL tCPThe US comm of 181 per cent in terms of Cana dian funds theBank of Mont real rcported near noon today Fraide the noon rate was $103 Pound sterling 3289 up 116 NEW YORK CPtCanadian dollar unchanged at 110 in terms of US funds Pound sterling unchanged at $281 1132 REPAIR on our handy Budget Plan NOW PAY LATER Dont delay repairs to your car See us today iDliliiiEllllELll Motors Ltd 65 Collier SL PA 3248 WRECKING Military Buildings At Camp Borden All materials priced for quick sale Acres of dress lumber varnished plywlï¬d doors windows gyproc tentesty masonite hardwood flooring white asbestossiding roofing shingles wash basins toilets toilet partitions bathtubs laundry tubs pipe modern radiators varnished plywood clothes closets storing cupboards dern light fixtures etc and utility dressers mo Sao Salesman at used lumber yard Angus Ont otionolBuildingJemolitionLimited months course All Subleeta taug Examinations wll horthand Typewrltlng Bookkeeping DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NIGHTSCHOOL nsolsrnnrlon ruunsbav searsmasn as Classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays for unintenslva six hi by professional business the hold for certificates ANY MONDAY peoplh NEW DAY srunsNrs MAY aaclsréx annals Blismrssrcililrcs 66 TORONTO ST BARRIE JOSE COM Member School in The Business Educators Association of Canada PHONEPA c4151 andfringabenefits for 40 mm Riihdjrenchiiw ft