PETER LIBA reporter for tho Winnipeg Tribune spent more than three weeks work Reporter log at other peoples Jobs to find out how may live He tried being street sweeper salesman railway dispatcher Works At Others Jobs WINNIPEG CF Win nipeg newspaper man is back at his own lob after rather hectic experiment at what the other fellow docs for living Peter Libs Tribune reporter spent more than three weeks do full days work at 18 ifcrent iobs Ho worked about 18 hours day including thc extra shift spent writing about each lob This assignment cleared up many wrong imprcsslons had about various jobs he said after it was over He is ned for example that grocers do not makemoncy by the fistful Their markup was small and they often had to acrimp to make ends meet Streetsweeping was the hard Mennonite Group fToSetUpSchoolsfltiedimisifiifymas so LANCASTER Fa AlTwo dozen or more conservative Mennonite families have with drawn their chiidrencgtllln all from public schools in East Earl Township and have set up two private classrooms on nel ghborhood farms Lemon Ma spokesmanefor the group said Saturday we just sort of feel there is too much atheism in the public schools today Everything is taming toward unbeliei Theres too much science studying in other words and found est job he tried upsetting his notion that sweepers spent their time sitting on curbs when the foreman left Incidentally he was offered permanent lob sweeping streets by city engi neer Hurst after the night foreman said he was most impressed with Llhas work HARD 0N FEET Zookeepers leo reports are not men who walk fearlessly into the cages of ferocious lions The keep at safe distance on the other side of the bars Doortodoor salesmen do not make sales by sticking their foot in the door Liba has two bruised toes to prove it Bellboys know how to extract tip from the stingicst person hy lstandlng there and waiting or Two jobs almost drove me out oi my mind being NOT GOOD ELECTION ISSUE Govts New Tax Deal Accused By Premiers bcllboy zaokeeper and gra cer Libs tlta footwear for lady customer in Winnipeg shoe store Photo ENIOY LIVING TAKE VACATION LONDON AP British European Airways wants top executives in business and government to take second vacation You will enjoy llvlng more You will live longer 4n pogo brochi prepared by the oilllama Onehundred thousand copies oIOthe pamphletwhich mashals medical evidence to support the second vocation licsis have been printed and distribution will begin today The sales campaign which BEA hopes will result in the sale fmora plane tickets is being directed by Gordon Herridge sales manager for England and Wales llerrldge acknowledged that he hadnt even been able to take first vacation this year We been too busy Minds Of Youth OTTAWA CF it seems unlikely that even the moat nimble politician will be able to load election issue out new federalprovincial tax deal Sweeping generalisation are bo to appear The Conserva tives already have labelled the deal made by any federal governo moot Liberal and CC kesmen real chance to do so this week when the Commons debates the federal bill setting out the new arrang rent ROME ReutsralA reproduc tion of the ancient city of Jeru salem on the outskirts of Roma will be one of the film sets for The Blble the title of the next production oi one oi italya fore most film producers Dino Do Lsurentlis DoLaurontllse wbtuloscribea his subieet as the biggest and most ambitious film in the his tory oi motion pictures says that it will have running time of between in and 12 hours and will be released in three parts it will cover the whole story of the Old and New Testaments starting with the creation oi the Truck Boadeo Won By Kitchener Man TORONTO CPI Mike Ber bcrick 29 oi Kitchener took first place Saturday in tho straight truck division of the Ontario truck roadeo over an obstacle course simulating driv ing hazards The roadeo sponsored by the Ontario Automotive Transport Association and various safety organizations brought 50 final ists from regional contests to the dEpartment of transport driving centre In suburban Downsvlew Robert Greer 23 of Ottawa placed second in the straight tnick division and Stewart 31 of Listowel third Drivers ran the gauntlet of serpentine course with clear ance for the vehicles at times as little as twh inches on each side HOLLYWOOD AP Around the lots theatre bookers headachetrying to jam the Os car hopefuls into Los Angeles houses before the year end doadlinerAmongetheeDecamberv go on both of the with hardly moment of rest Biggest laughs were in the ladies shoe business watching the women try to squeeze their feet into smaller sizes while pretending they were perfect spent day as farmer itsitrueathatits hard to make any money out oi it now This year many far ers are working for nothing beca oi the drought member of the Winnipeg Free Press solemnly offered lea job for one day as of So the only thing welcome things reporter He da do is teach ourselves be con tinued Studying about going to the moon thats nothing Nobody at our group is going to the moon if anybody else wants to go lotthem go anï¬chlpthcm selves We dont care what our children learn about the moon as long as its common sense TribesRevolt In North Iraq TEHRAN AP The revollt clined ution among Kurdish etrihadlnei northern Iraq was described by an informed source here Sun day as more serious issue for Premier AbdelWm Iraqi government than was the Kuwait crisis Baghdad has blacked out most news on the revolt by Jribe men but some sketchy repor rmhiferrfrom travellersl tbe mountainous Iraq iran border area Accurate accounts of casualties and extentoi the fighting still lacking Beportsindieate Kassems biggest fear is that Kurds may seize control or sabotage pro duction at oi reducing areas In the north Kirkulr Mosul Sulaimnniya and Erbil Government troops evidently vc firm hold of these regions rnd other major towns while itain warriors control supv ng hills and villages Reuters news agency re ported from Baghdad that Kas scrn charged Saturday night that the revoltwas fanned byI Britain backed hyuthe ed Statesjfltish government cir ra Wtheflevourcri cies in Londonssld the charges are groundless lmportantBatile MONTREAL CPlA YMCA international committee Sunday was told there is no reason for despondency in the West about the spread of communism but greater effort is needed in flbLhattlLlaLJhLminda of youth Paul Anderson YMCA international service worker said communisms advance has been limited We stopped it first in Iran then in Greece and Korea he said here are one or two of the African countries in which the communistsam releas The Childrens llour West Side Story Judgment at Nuremberg Pocketful of Mira cles Majority of One El Cid King of Kings Tender is the Night Summer and Smoke Four horsemen Rosemary Clooney and Jose Isprrerjtuck together during the four years he couldnt find work then split when he found one cess as director Carroll Baker Natalie Wood Deborah Kerr and Debbie Rey noids get single top billing in new films Thats heavyload for any girl to carry United Artists is finall releasln Sum mer of die nthDo Oscar Hopefuls Try Beat Deadline SP Observers hers doubt how ever that either government or opposition strategists can clear away to complexities of the deal come up with the kind of catchphrases that keep the busting warm But that hasnt deterred some the provincial premiers who from Prime Minister Dkfenbak era cities all summer are bound to contest tatats DOUG CAUSTIC meat They will have their first Wine ammnm meat on the new deal has come from Saskatchewans Premier Douglas always eloquent on fed eralsprovtnclal relations He is Producer Plans 10Hour Film To Tell Story Of The Bible world and going on through the birth of Jesus Christ to the foun dation of the christian church The film will take three years to make Christopher lry British play wrlght and poet will put the finishing touches to the script the various episodes of which will be written by dozen or so writers Each sequence of the film will be produced under different director The cast will include 50 stars hundreds of topltfllght character actors and thousands of extras The movie will be fllrned in color and widescreennt nevr studio De Laurentiis is building on Locoacre site just outside Rome REBUILD ROME The studio to be ready in 1062 already has two perman ent openair film setsrepro ductions of the ancient city of Jerusalem and of the streets of Rome 2000 years ago The Bible De Laurentlls said belongs to the whole world am not going to make film tie proached the Catholic cinema raphlc centre here which announced its readiness to cooperate Two eminent Roman Catholic scholars Msgr Salvatore Gar ofalo of the congregation of the Propagation of the Faith and Prof Alberto Vaccari of the some Bible institute also will on De Laurentlis intends also to seek advice on biblical inter pretation from other prominent scholars three summers ago in Australia with Borgnlne Anne Baxter ha Mills Angela Lansbury New title Season of Passion REPORTS EXAGGERATED Reports that Marlon Brando gets $2000000 salary for Muti ny on the Bounty are exr ated Its only $1000000$500 900 guarantee for Aweeks plus golden hours of $25000 week Plus 10 per cent of gross re ceipts MGM turned down offers to buy the Canadianbuilt modeloL the Bounty will use it to pub licize the film This may bei last season for the Nelson only on TV Harriet is hankering to do Gracia Allen Natalie Wood the ho est gal in town follow not likely to mellow on this point while leading the New Demo cratic Party in one of his letters to Mr Dlefcnbeker he accused the fed oral government of com leter lgnoflngrpropossla made the provinces at last Februarys conference to discuss the tax nmmm of New Brunswick has said the same thing and Liberal Primer Lesaga of Quebea has hflered leih Criticism Even couple ï¬ghters premiers have been less than happy about the arrangements which go into effect next April ROBLINS VIEW Premier Boblln of Manitoba wrote that his province would benefit financially at least to son extent but wouldnt get the proportion of tax income for which we belleva we have madsa convincing and logical case Premier Show of Prince Ed ward lzland has complained hit tcrly to Mr Dicfenbaker about the sharing of the special At lantic provinces meat grant His provincs will get 10 Juanth tanmnney while the other tiuce will reap 30 per cent apiece Mr Show has pleaded for ch erai mediation of this Atlantic disagreement so PEl can get orche sought 13 per cent But Ottawa went ahead and in corporated the BMW3040 for 14 TEE BARBIE EXAMINER WA AZPIEWBZR IS Bing States Diets The Answer To Keeping His Youthful Figure LONDON AmBarry Lillie Bing Crosby at the age of probably has given as much pleasure to other people as any man alive Dont know about that rumbled Crosby in that unmis takable voice But reckon Ive been around little More than most ï¬t anygiTeTfliour of the day or night somewhere radio ems screen reproducing unusual voice voice the lots Lawren Tibbett called the most melodious in tho wort Like Yankee Stadium Bing become an American insti tution Oh no oh no heviaughed off the comparison Anyhow the stadiuma to lot better con dition Look at me Looking as relaxed as an old outï¬eldors glove he lounged in his tiny trailer dressing room 50 feet from an elaborate setting for his new picture with Bob Hope Its called The Road to liens Kong How did he stay slim and without the double chin of most men nearing 60 Back away Just back away from those groceries Crosby diets like dedicated man and takes plenty of ex erclse playing golf PROUD FATHER Ho pointed to mirror above him Thats the family he said Around the mlrrors edges hod stuck up number of snap shots of his children muia lnthe billnowiaweiting Commons debate continue Work Ma boys he saidgindlcat ing his grown sons Gary Phi On Small Cars To Compete With Foreign Made DETROIT AP American manufacturers are continuing work on cars smaller than any thing now bullt in the United States They wont be introduced with the 1962 models which are ginning to appear in dcaiar showrooms now They may never be introduced in the us but usually reliable informants claim at least one such car will be rolling from is us assem bly line by next Juno This would be the longrum ored Ford Cardinal although it could have another name when it comes to market Manufac turers often use code names to hide advance projects The consensus is that it will be assembled domestically using both foreign and American made parts Fords cu rr nt compact Falcon uses some for eign parts The Cardinal is said to have wheelbase of about 95 inches fiva inches shorter than the Rambler American now the shortest car in us domestic production The overall length is reported to be about 165 inches eight inches less than the Rambler model This would make the Cardi nal fractionally larger than the Volkswagen its main market ing target The VW has 945 inch wheelbase and in 1606 inches long NEW UPPIlRTUiIiTiES toirain and lip Dennis and Lindsay Doing show eyes focused on photo grcpbr of iiarry Llllls Crosby iii and little hlary Frances Their mother is the former Kathryn Grant 30 years younger than Bing She is ex ggcting her third child in Octo My voice No never had an operationhn the throat Some in just there How and why dont know sing and sometimes it COT bad Bing admitted he has plenty of money could stop tomorrow but Ive been in show business for 35 years and its the only buy toes know got certain sense of fulfillment and prid from working if made some bad pictures or TV shows Id get out If ever saw any signs that Id overstaycd my welcome Id be off Very soon Once got away from show business might vogetate Dont wantthnt tarbappennbloJlr wnoms uosn cowvnmana 000 Mon and with with tub shower radio and Home of the hrradian rug RoomDancing no mu minimum Ample Free overnight parking Fina CanvasAdm llKIVEISllI AVENUE AI KING tor Tollpilonl Bola TIMIIain 0224 In MONTREAL tel wanna Ad In OTTAWA hlepï¬ulwgï¬mnl 5313 seive with the ohtaln details from your RCAF Career Counsellor RCAF RECRUITING UNIT CAFRC 27 St Clair Ave Toronto Out Phone Walnut 46650 46659 in revre ofplendor in the Gish West Side Story clear IABIIIIS Pl is your kind ofbeers outJood Sometimes