Are You Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25 it ANNOUNCEMENTS antms Child LI All at In REIndAuru child iu run or 435 135 so Thu NOD Chiid LI loving no It In letumlyl Child Iorkl hull forl ttu llvln Agdgfhglhltubenlonlhl up lu rulr end it use good and ChiIdrIn huurtns this run by Counter Cullen uiwuy nut to know lhlsh day to th unit um their circa date It this rd othulmortunt tnlrmutlon or 7our ran Iutun Belrte uninu Illnh Announcement will lnclu tau him at your child REAL ESTATE PEOPIZRT FOR SALE ROSE RLAI hlAIl spam mm mm EARN $I ooo DOWN PAYMENT bedroom bungalow living room and kitchen apiece bath room all heating garage locat ed iuItJn the outskirts of Bar rie Immediate possession Bal mun ence on one mortgage payable or vltui arm too printed Inc ml mar menu can become punnunral record in auhyu Bank or Family Album nil rule tor Burris Examiner Birth Notice is only 50 To place notice phone PA Mm COMING EVENTS BEETON FAIR SEPT 26 C7 27 Horse Racing BW Show Dance Night Of Sept 27 COME ONE COME ALL Ilslr Whether ll Drunk Fly Flies Crooked WINNIFEG CPD If you got fly drunk will it fly crooked Illhile the Manitoba alcohol education service not par ticularly interested in the cllects of drunkenness on fly thats one of hundreds of questions asked by young people who want to know about alcohol mm 9° good repair Make ollcr with $4000 down payment and thc balance on one rortgage private agencys time is spent tourlng high schools throughout the province talking to health and guidance classes about the physical psychological and so cial aspects of drinking The public image of us terms to stem from the days of Ihe temperance union ladies swinging rolling pins outside the beer halls says Rev William Poloroka In reality he says the work oLtheservicgis not centred around prevention drinking but around educating people partlcularly young peopleto use alcohol intelligently and safely Response from both teachers and students has been good since the service started in 1947 at the request or the minister of education he says The lecturersusually about three in addition to Mr Poto rokahave extensive training in alcoholic instruction They al ways leave evaluation forms at the schools in which they have lectured The response over the years est and principal Taxes about $0500 Full price $6800 Down payment DOWN PAYMENT Painswick Three bedrooms IIVlt lng room kitchen tiled dplece bath tiled full basement forced air all heating Equipped with aluminum storms and screens garage This is the nicest bunga low that have been given the opportunity to sell for some time You must make an ape pointment to see it now It you are in the market for this type of home Down payment $2000 and the balance on one mort gage CENTRAL 32000 down payment Bungle low Minimum fbathFoom open fireplace utility room sunporchattnclied garage well kept home with central location FARM I00 ACRES loo acre form located in Oro Township Large barn and drive shod room brick house modern kitchen all roofs ill CALL DAY on avLNlNG PA 82379 timber or the nunls und District Reel Estate Board Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE liROKElt ORCHARD DRIVE BARRIE PA 02592 DAYS 0R EVENINGS MOORE PA Ema PRANK Naan PA was llomhor Barrie un District Reul Ettuto neurd CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the lmpcriul Thuutro REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost In Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL em localePA in RoomPA user mam aAnnIz nisnucr our IxrArs noun CLIFF BROWNS REALNR 8155mm PHONES PA 60w PA 60241 Members or tau hurls Rut mm sourd Enid cinemaPA new form GurvlyPA won Norman Shelswell REALFBTAIE BROKER DUNIOP ST msr MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE75 INTEREST 00 DP VALUDNo Pm CHARGE Open house at Pratt Road all St Vincent Street every evening to and on weekends Evening Cull leo Longlln PA some Everett shuluwuu are lots Nemun shrluwuu PA emr Hound Norrie PA 85 PRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PAHmOnPArHaBB PROPERTY FOR SALE POSTERPA H10 Ds CONNflJaPA mu loll hubPA 551 PA 89951 PA 63742 Juctt Wlillon PA Mon CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 84419 llAaEL etAtisiIXiIiPTa OWEN ibNrsPA 37017 SEE THE EL HOME NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION BARRIE VIEW Barries Newest Subdivision SERVICES ARE NOW BEING INSTALLED GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD norm SPRINGPA Mm DOUG HOMERPA 34097 MOD 03 Dunlop St COREYPA MI SIOUII AgenCIes Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONUS To pay on all your 81113 To pay of Mortgage Combine let and 2nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose Pny Balance Borrow Monthly Inbyrl $1600 $2000 52m 4080 Lower monthly payments einI able it desired with up to years to repay For lust cour teous service BABFRIED ENTERPRISES Benll rumlet Elli ureter AM Hi lot Zn 765 by NO TOLL CHARGE Others cuu Guelph TA mu umber OI Ontario Home amtu Association neuroneslit and 2nd bought CommentII ud reeldenttel oouu loaned on existing martin nu Erasers FINANCIAL $5000 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST JEQR BILL SIMIIIS PA 60203 MONEY ro LOAN in BIDROOM winterited luke loid and ruled urrie Mori ONLY PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING EELS Puyrn oil with lowcent IllaInlurcd BCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We have on exceptional oppor tunity for Barrie resident with good education and per sonal background age 23 40 who can qualify for sales career leading to an executive positlonln on established and permanent business Experience that has brought him In con tact with the public would be preferred and the rlght man ilitilearn substantial income and enjoy all welfare benefits Applicants should give lull para ticulars stating age telephone 9mm RENTALS ms 3017538 To RENT unions stun ihru room um nlrniuhed rlmrnt Tiled linerr Ml dupe utmuu ignited By appointment tolephonu Note mm lurnilhld thrco room Imminent PH Intnnsl Ind hum lam puking uyure Adults Close is Generul flcctflc Islb phone PA H53 alter pm ELIAN eel contained one bed room epurtment Privuto entrun GAYL Reasonable not Toll phoau PA been NIWLY cholum three room unmvntcxlth inward hula print luundry rouse Apply Murcuu hirer uliur pm trout coilgo or rent Inxldu cs men llmn Point loo monthly Avuuuhle new Tollvhonl PA HI IUINIIHXD Bachelor Aplriment Privu eotrenceJluctin stove Ind three piece be Available now Abnllnen Coll II ma Tillvhdfll PA 521 cnalcx Apartment tor rent Mode urn one bedroom unlumllhcd apartment ulr cnhtulnud heeled undry und pur rucllltiru Near huu utop Avullu in October Tollphon PA M157 ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity or old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are In per fect condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 1240ch Clearing at 9c ea Ius PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 645537 mu n00 Apartment Hut wutur stove end nlrinrltolaupv piled at wuher und dryur Close to endpoint Telephone PA MID lot rilrther iniomutton lmnmmsmzn belted lplrt muht unurutu utruurr heavy wiring Ilvlnl mm dlnrtfl kil shcn autumn and two bed room Adults Telephone PA well WINTKILIZED Cottage in rent tur ulmed lnuldu conveniences heavy duty stove on htutlnr Rena unlu not Apply Little Luke Cedar Park or telephone PA deem Home Port RENT three bed rooms ull convenient glrlge immediate nonunion and location Telphone PA arm for further purticutun ONE AND Two bedroom apart 1th Steve relrlgcrutor Jlnitnr nrvicu and laundry Iecllltl Rent tng lrom $8000 monthly Telephone Leech PA 570 GROUND noon anon room rivets huth Handy Hardwarev Under NEW MANAGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL Lincoln Arc Welders tat amp SW2 550 gallon septic tank $8150 625 gallon septic tank $9250 Sidewalk slabs 74 30 $175 Jet Pumps with gIlontank $8175 COME IN COMPARE at HANDY HARDWARE STROUD PHONE slRoun lorli NEWSPAPER NIATS ltolrgeretor uhd elm uxle tduul unins hen ltnvn luppll no to bus Itnp houuu durum etc schools und stores Apply at Tlttin perteot lnuulu or Street or telephone PA 57580 THREE I100 modern upurtment unturnls Alec three room lur hrtmenl and bachelor All urn centrally locu ted und belted Telephone PA Midi ULTRA MODERN two bedroom Iplrtmellt in new Irlplex ricer Huwkestone on Highway IL Ap pllunceu optlonul Large living room Spucleuu ground Box 72 Barrio Dr liNIURNISIIED one bedroom apartment or rent llcut water uirlgsrulor und ulovu Punting storage and luuudry rucilitlcs thenbl October Telephone PA 51 luonlzRN unfurnished rult cnn Ilncd hclttd ï¬ve room upurl moht throu bedrooms llving rnorlt hltohen bathroom Parking lscill lies Ienced yurd East and Avull uhlo immediately Telephone PA His sPAcloUs le rcomcd upurtmenl lur to living room with nroplucc din It room kitchen bedroom und bath Ample utorugc uclr contained vury control Avuiluhlc Novumhor $05 monthly ToIeA phone PA 53824 MODBENLY FURNISHED huuvy duly equipped thrco roam scll cent hcd apartment clcln stor 250 PER DOZEN Apply The aurrtu nuumtnor hurli cotunu BICYCLE GIle IDIORS ALL FOE SALE AT DOMINION TIRE STORE llo BRADFORD STREET BARRIE HAVE YOU HIE Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store ell DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA b1411 COOK STOVE wood or ceul in stand condition Reasonably priced Telephone Ivy iolu GZILIIARD nmmrAN Pluno or In In good ohdltlon Telephone Asa4m Coolutnwn SPACE HEATED ior rule medium ulre in new candttlnn Ho Tele Phnne 060 amp Gordon Elva PIECE Chrome sale or 19 Apply Il Smith lurnltu Telephone PA 50245 DEEP FREEZE or rule 570 ARTICLES for SALE BOA T5 MOTORS noAr r011 IALZ lttool moulded plyood houl Moot See Pleu one Inviting our trailer Sol lepaney un red reuoouh Tlicphane PA Hug ARTICLES WANTED CA IRON Small Box Sto in good condition wunlrd Lnumdh utety Telephenu PA Mills we WILL PAY cuts or good turn rurnliuru or uny and used article Individual or Steel lotl Phone PA Hut WANTEDPumltun tultublu or rucreution room sturdy on rocking chulr Rum Telephone PA Mm WANrm Used Pornlluru und Ap plluncu Itnves relrlgerlton In men hedu druierl chute trit Chen and dining room uuitu uluo run Telephone PA en ARTICLES counsels RENTALS Public Address System mm Projectors 18 mm Proicctore Trlevlulnnu Record Pluyen Relrilerltor Moving Trillkl NIc ADDEN Appliance 120 Pcnctang at St Vincent PA 89288 SFARMERS MARKETi LIVESTOCK cArlLE WANTED to winter reed ApplyBTBfltrï¬ 1F sainF Iï¬y or telephone Oro cle ileum ltErrEns imam lag soon Also nuluvul silo in eeLTllophono PA west 30 FIGS TOII SALE About week old Apply tor IIIan dyk Ora Station Telephone Orv ll PIGS FORJALLJ weeks at leedlng well site to eight we Elna lItpplIy Itos Kclflndla uny Iy near 56040 REGISTERED Sullnlk Lamb and Shutting Rum tor commerciul or purebred use Apply Mr Gordon Cudeuu RR Port Severn lulr phnnu 5102505 wuubuushcnu lioness Amurloun hruud suddl Harm Pllnmlnnl Snrrcil Pl the 11 hundl tn l1 hundr Hole uud Pony dlcl humeu brid lei helten htunktit etc relo phonu PA elsso POULTRY CHICK DEKALB PULLETS More and more paultrymsn ll caooulng DEKALB PULLlTIS Started reldy to lay Ind any old chickn Order now or curly order dlrconnt For ucnlcu or hcl on your poultry problem cull rulg Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smouo PHONE 77 FARM MACHINERY DELAW SALES £7 SERVICE Milkch wuh rum Vacuum Pump also Water Pump and all Ruhbor Purtu or any mutter has shown that our work at PA 6648I Members or the currlu upd District Real Eslulo auurd supplementing the regular alm Member or aurrlu and Dirtrloi ego Avellnblnlmmedletnly capacity 3150 Telephone PA number address experience nevlntuwnlozutlon Telephone PA 357m HANK BROWN LOT LAN 170a and other qualifications All re WL RR BARRIE HOLLY hol studios ln the curriculum Rul astute hourd AA L019 13F HollivfgoflEpï¬fs Rooï¬ng plies treated strictly conï¬de Apmmm mm itï¬mflï¬gï¬gLSmL PA 0338 has been very much appreci Ha rooml one hadron Eon Tï¬TRo Lin Hurt PA Hm med MOVING LOT TO LOVE FOR ONLY $13700 hcutur Second rleor Central in LES CH nm Your children will have the sort of companions youd pick in this BOX 73 downtown builtdc won WEqu 33511 33 $33 lusuéAlicE It°liiit°°peiitlf 51 mm ï¬hfélitléa imiliwiiivi xiiin Pi FARREEIFIZEES CASTEL GANDOLFO AP and pornomole Vacuum Clonon Pop John Saturday received mm WHChOlnglnge rheotlrxlmlltlilllywrosxrlmanlimlr£223332 It RENTALS ROOMS To LET Sawfllllll To Ellis 533d IEIIwEFXlInd Eugriizlgriflgnlgagl$2553 SEE STEVENSONS rooms Owner wants quick sale Maybonyouil btaillteAlJEIIeiAstrflouSEngO1quT auteurrmrnltherhnusckcoplnrwifT°°Ph°°PA7° my 113Dunlop St uNPtJnNIslIeo two und thm erutor Telephone PA 663 me IIlIIs €94 mm WE HAVE SOLD ONEf WE HAVE ONE mnxlfamgfluudltdo rsggmflesnt BEDROOM mm cm imflture no Telephone Fall spontals on Forage On the 10th slderoad of Inmstll for slzsoo This builders own West Telephone an amp tlon urking motile Tclephxnlie Harvesters Case New H01 CL home Will be home youll be proud to call your own Just mmm CASH LOANSsew or 13ndY mane Gem apartment three piece huth uv commonas nunlo st cgï¬fï¬Tgï¬mn bedrooms spacious llvingrromeplanned kitchen or eitlctency filmy stove rellxrlglcntolr hurdeoMyi ï¬fgflm SITES ahenlluydfd 33 195 Chevï¬m ftfnkmk 11 in on an SEC and easy care The children can go Into the basement thrï¬ugh Ell cums am 1m wm mm Ankh CLEAN amour room llnenl luP Cum wk TELEPHONE 128 ACRES VESPRA We mm PA 9°1 Dm ms Seems my no5 and an new avfl Ethan 2t Ge°d at loam am To own WOOLWORTHS SITE Illtiiiisstlt€ candensed and 5135mm advep this land at net cost or pass Seven rooms with two complete bathrooms and sunporch Best Holman Apartment Large living Cenlnl l°°m°n Em WM thicnhorie PA sous MOTOR CARS FOR SALE kitchen with tovo and run lurther loronuutlpo pawnms mm 11 rate or do wanmmhsemm PllCe requires substantial structh wtlh new gas furnace Full once only $15500 Can you NHL gm com 13 MOM To N1 in mm mm my mm stud mm um for one and times 30 per down payment anda decision imagine price so low In commercially zoned area Oppor erred Telephone PA 68575 Ask out our Rent an tnceh Eta snhs coNTAlNEo ltve room hone PA 5964419 upply Emit 513E goaéuer 0v times and per Ward Emerson Swain way siren All conveniences on IllWm Am 8mm flWUHISEIIIDIIS 10 with EVENINGS CALL GROVE STREET LOT1HROUGH To ISHIE tingling Igor mm mm mm gggcrétlérrzwzllgl culilneyt model MOTORS mediate posrelion eluphnhu mum Wm lo days THE MINIMth COST PER cm mdiital lmum Cm be made 1m hte Included Ideal for 55 nth FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD EMERer swam PA onoos Asking price Just $4500 Jami hï¬phm PA lap Street West PA Hm HILIJVIAN AND LAND ROVER vqu lintllnca Lsun multier Au that out uhupu WORDS WITHIN DAYS OR But you Will cease hunting when you see this threebedroom timed Ind parkingdguns rule are ml up Apply Hoover sulu 17 GOWAN STREET $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF brick bungalow in its choice East End location Kitchen with the Phone PA 553 all PA 319 aooltt ANn BOARD untt Service human Si Euut PA FA 38 hï¬ SERTION IIAROLD JORY ath with vanlty large Lshaped living room attached garage AmAchVE unruruiuhed three Ts HOUSES WTD ItADIAlOItS oluune iron re tm nt sell cont ed mflow alntu rEbTu ERRORS OR CORRECTION one Ile ample Shnplmg me 1955 than block Eggï¬allypuluoEted Avuiluhlul ninn llumlltou Rudluter Ind Luwn Mow MOTORS phono Insertlo TRIUMPH snowman ed ouuvguleugstonygtlcl REMT013 will be pleasure to show you this heat home Call us howsThe Sizzustï¬trkï¬g monthly Tele 21 $3 Si 352 Efliï¬uï¬i DEEEBRSï¬ Advertising nepmm mu Price is right it $1650° po Repalre to Allvltlakcs mm mm 453 hem1am npnnrtfmlfnél flvï¬rlookinl week or the month glnge ppm sup Rpm unlicrfltllrgtéInrgnlï¬nrdncythï¬ Mum mm mm 140 acres of good grain and potato land creek through property 5331322 56 iiwl GARAGE WANTED to rent near CW PA 841 Ciltlinx PA omz Apply to hex 7e Barrie Examiner wasmflmu 5mm 1551 MORRIS MINOR to date see Ilia HemingwayEiflmogmï¬p many £12324st EALIEA venlences close toscilool and church Two miles off Highway 11 mg mm Telephonu 660 Como Borden EVENINGS CALL ea or Iburbedrnonflï¬lne In nurrio Exnrrlincr responsible JOE PALM PA We Merv oo ldOrozslhi Ha Slcss PA 60673 mm mm No Im 557 mp fully equipped with extra Blus rorantyouu incorrectly printed KARL MARSHALL PA W517 norlu NutxlycomboPA Most 53s aroxhPAialzss 3f5gï¬ï¬uï¬ï¬olitf°2gnsï¬Â°ï¬nï¬‚ï¬ Iglolljtflrclrlizsywoulldï¬ upprezl mm Wes um sell or take over nuynluntu Tel then only to the extent or ortlon of Ad HAROLD FORSTER PA was leveltings we excellent condition huvy Folsnrlnt Errors ahhléhahifi gt WANrs Huted two bedroom Wm mm mm ampm Amy Nacn CASIIAeo seuhuurd rm CONTEMPORARY AAEEDRODM HOUSE FARMS FOR RENT Pvanstisn three roamed upurt lower Apartment with prlvutu en Walkman mach mm mop Lendng Neighbor Irlcnt are not eligible to cnrrec HOME Newly decorated hotwater with meat ground floor private out trance by young IM pA com mm mm or 15 Comm locutton fleasnn TFT M471 CJIIIFE EVEHIS 5C Per word New NHA contemporury dwelling Private sale reasonably Emlefpaslieang lliguSdnlilzcd eight EIIVIIEnIiIII AdgaflfroIlngguglghhlfly able rent Apply Box ourrlu 35mï¬lilfï¬15 hi3 lg minimum charge $1150 Biltil With W0 mm 1m HEILEOILIHIIIIELpartlcillarsrcnlt flelephnnu PA 054 EXMIWW at moo and two ul $3950 two Tnucmnmï¬ andimmhwnum for PrmgzsflLtQQmillrgoikltchcnrdlnlntii PK 53337 flarqesmhï¬ mm Lab PA8520P factor70allPA059olT room or rent Stovn und refril hEMND Him lM Tom glance and you know its community where people care Three mu umlhd hm m° lhan ADVERTISING mo 47 um smut PA 573 the breezeway without entering the house May we show you what my mm Wm nt 195154 Ford 01 Wu CASH TRADE Idcd able on at kitchen it desired HIGHWAY 26 CORNER LOCATION AROUND FROM THE NEW Thin hassle ii Telemannva new mop pm AUTOMOTIVE semen are inserted at the ihly halt the going per acre location possible for renting or business purposes Brick con mam hadronmr dinette modern Pelklnz whnmsmu lu lo kly mu word 10 three mm or me before this month end Call tunity is knocking at your door better knock on this one right Hum as tional charge it not paid within RITA SCANDREIT PA asses IM Singer sewing Machine ihr scorn IR AMBLER Illcmbcr oi Barrie and District 197 DOWN VERIISEMENT IS soc FOR 24 mumn no THE HUNTING SEASON IS NEAR AT HAND mum WWW °° ROOM oaoann 5553 CHARbED PER SINGLE lN durable beauty of Hanover cupboards in birch tone ceramic tile Telephone PA ems WW Advertlsers are reminded that uu school and only three blocks to city supervised swimming It mgdlatcly Penhtung and st vi woman huunted house to 5mm Telephone PA um udvortlso Thcrotprn the elusslnod 93 BAYFIELD 5T New Arm Modemonl and two WANTED To RENT Machine for rent by the aunt and NAIL Towing Servth mcir advertisement immediately FARM FOR SALE Till mama pm be on Real Estate Board newme WILh steel stabllng Also eightroom housewnh all con included Automatic winning ru 244 nrudrord street or months 91 We wish to pol crewman Location Very ipuolau neurones TENENTS wish to rent Fm Sm Mum mm METEOR mm amt lnsenlnn an my advertisement NonAH EAIKES 4022 Edith GouldUrn 2515 Frank ConrdunTPA 475 Telephone PA arm or PA stood t=d Telephone PA Will nsnr CARRIAGE English for when BE 563 1mm Icsscn thp vuluo at the advertise up by make goods ONE ONLY ml Meme residential dis Luann mm mm moo Very nentrully located with smell many by November Street sumo Telephonn PA 50901 evenings PA anon Poutherweisht Portblot 57950 area master husraom ceramic MODERN semidetached duplex A11 Slngcr guaranteed zit nuplop TmP words lover 25 words so per tiled bathroom with colored tlx WWW dim AR ICLES for SALE street wm PA oveso mm mm WW ex fawn Memnrlam No tum my my Eton BOOM Housc located on OPE TY FOR SALE our place both tutt harm puriuct motor and tres hoevy puvud roud close to ltlnrstug mm me mm duty springs rclnphunu PA 68434 me 5150 used gumgig sectorugogndflsacï¬zuruocéum rump r1 mat RENT 132 sea 55 Elm Til Eecrrohome TV ï¬Ã©ï¬$m 253 and 1qu worglggatmm Ile IeIlIlénseDuckworth Phone owner elitism ruounufltarasul In tn glaltol ng chrodnm illlljihtulscd Stem Surï¬ng lassogigs 13 mggl armF an laostlgï¬ah csu er lllu stroll arena an how an on we err RN it Inlnrmatlon regerdlng advertiser ALLEN good water sunnly Telephone on monthly or sell Leonards km Amflm IM MM husumunt apartment prlvutu cno Hear the an FM slum pm mm Barrie pgllpï¬lglllfsdfuhtgf minivflrhaiu PA am stroud Elinor mrtho details £532 SltlliougaugZï¬s égcfoï¬yg ifnce oi bgdrogmimllargahdtouble Sound ESE ï¬nale ï¬nal heouktlllu mp mt mum ka case hurl ry no es wn ml in on war ng enllul ï¬eflles to llieiflter Boxes mun mm mm mum North AND George Holloway wish anne Melrosn solos Toronto mm mm MCF gmglï¬ï¬nlwmzed ï¬ght ï¬r ï¬mlanlémzntlï¬lcnglgmagg will bu only on alter house on common mo ham to sell their nice modern home evenings 7uunlsognrrWiltt hlunlcllu elm Pl°9 rooms lmmcdlatc possession Mrs 11 33 MORTGAGES phone gyrtém titteruoh RR 97 Classified advertisements and guidelchyg7gnlliilssuï¬u welt PM fï¬fnfént mailst $331135 APPIICIYICG Ontario GARS WTD To BUY for the Pages mm LOTS FOR sALE MORTGAGE LOANS und huth hot water heeled luun 12 PENETANG 51 FRUIT VEGETABLLS be received by5 pm day prov APARTMENTBUILDING modern dry room with dryer Avulluhle PA 09288 ORV HARDY MOTORS ding Publication witbliia ex Tn ANYWHERE 3° mm Ample Free Purlrlng KATAIIDIN POTATOES No ier pAttnles NEWEST cArt ception of Classl Display vlllh iff°ttlTommi Sgarfmstï¬ilollilo $05255 tlmmï¬lntelyutp Eondrotuulln atth Terms to ult yo Eudget snlc SpecialpricoÂ¥tlupeï¬bmhel vimGEgSIgBYvédï¬gsum AM advertisements inch must be eninrs Large parking loi py 59194 lfï¬iflvcvgntsfgetgo Gilt TD THREE PultNtsHEn Rooms pluu until October any arrow InRIsIII Phone Ivy TRADE UP on DOWN renr Alsflndjolnlnrldr uvullohlu mm kltchcnctte and thrcc piece hath FALL SPECIAL The Famous Sln Lot Can In by 1200 noon precetlmg 5337 it doulrudwnero another npart TWDLOTSIorlnlE orpnorozy so ElilnEROSAmisséï¬fflt Heat hydra supplied Privqu gel SlyIcAOMntlc ZIgan sewing iznzt WE giggnlaï¬pllï¬jsiglpgilffg its to Jan mentbulldln could be built This 5le hd lla Close to ghouls ontrunnu parking sphec vlihln Muchinr new $15050 See them to disioluymolunlgudumuiuy lie on buildingis sitting beldwvcnet due sum ed All services Sldsewelke DWI vslklrll out at downtown duy at your Singer Sewing Cnn Iry An Examiner Want Ad 176 BRADFORD STRD ill rth Pd Suit con Is $65 monthly PA tre 28 Dunldp Street Wall PA 272 agadngmargh IngLEuumiuar 1m rélfzilanouoxrilzg PX Lnr cc uloo Yuck elephund Try hammer mm puom PA suit PHONT PA 04