GILDERSLEEVE logging communitybui1tcnroits and now located at Whole Poss Alaska is towed from place to place by tugboat as re quired by shifting Iossus oo crnlions Home for men and their families school gym and storage buildings sit atop l7 floats fashioned from giant Alaskan loss man negotiates logs lashed together scrou the channel Residents Oi Gildegsleeve 6By vnnn sme Jelmeulhemustmapeacb rapid growth of Glider as anode the brothers WHALE PASS Alaska AP Little Barbara Gildersleave has spent most of her six years riding the waves of southeast flaskss waterways and loves its fun living on raft abs says We play onthe beach We play on the floats We fail in the bay fall in more durio the sununcrtime than do uring the wintertime The woter ls sleeve community built on 17 big floats fashioned from giant Alaskan logs Small comfortable as have been constructed on six of the floats andvhouso trailers occupy two more other floats carry converted storage shed equipped with basketball hoops and volleyball nettho towns new gym fhcreare oneroom school storage buildings and twoemail seaplanas The children are happy about it all They dont even mind the moment out of doors because as Barbara puts it they keep us from going down in the water when we fall in To the adults life is little more complicated There are no stone within as miles There is no post office Trips to the outside are rare luxuries FOUNDED BY CANADIANE The flu ith id Bar aral or an 1137950 That year the brothers who were born in floating log ging camp in Eutedaie ao termed small logging com ny They started with chorus kbuuse and equipi ens float Sometimes it scares me Roger Gilderslecve says But what can you do If you find good man you need float and house for him so you add little bit more to the tow The 17 Hosts are lashed to gether and occupy an irregular area roughly 500 by 100 feet When logging operations shift and Gildersleeve decides to move the man spend two or three days getting their water lines and anchor lines in from shore and securing all equip ment Than they call big tug boat to tow the whole works to its new location In recent months it was lo cated near shore in sheltered bay in Whole Pass on the Wig0f Thorns Island some 70 miles northwest of Ketcbikan and 85 miles south of Wrangell 4w FronLtlicrudeoysLwee th seven men of Gildersleeve get in motorboats to go to work in the logging operation approximately mile away across Whale Pass GOOD PAY The work is hard but the pay is good Operating on share basis each man takes home about gases for aJnrkyEaL running from April in Decem be your Old teacher Les Axmekar pend their days in the one room schoolhouse if thin get little tense in the IGbyZHoot room Axmaker starts physical exercises for his charges Life is probably most difficult for the women of Gilderslccve With no stores around we NOTED WRITER lla Collier the American ellst was 71 years old at her all in 1947 vihlsibuslncss took getting Bob and Carol Harding parents buy most of our groceries in case lots Mrs Roger Glider slecvé says will normally have 70 or 60 cases of canned goods on hand to start the win ter and our prowinter grocery bill has gone as high as $1000 used to says Mrs Glldcrsleevc id send list of what wanted but often wound up with substitute someone clse picked up They selected my groceries my point my sewing material even my clothes on government boat which stops at the town every Tuesday There only one radiotelephone in Roger Glidersleeves home Newcomers face the task of adjusting to life spent in close parsonnl contact day after day with the some people Still there is surprisingly littlefrlctlpllln the opinion oi of four who bava been in Gil dersleevc three years religion is the most important factor in kc nmmmumuaes seeves residents are active members of the SeventhDay Adventist church Mrs Harding says it tles MuSt Wear Life Jackets each and every one of us closer together Murray Glidersleeve is th elected church leader of community and weekly prnyor services for the members of the church Recreationrroo is risiï¬lizv undertaking in Gildersleeve LOTS OF FUN Summer evenings may be taken up with community Rutluclt dinner in the gyro use beach picnic beach comblng trip or fishing es epoditionfenthe or to one many ncarby is es The fishing would makeluak Walton do bandstande Huge salmon and halibut can be caught few lnmdred feet from the lows Lakes and streams are literally full of trout With fail hunting become the major offduty activity Law enforcement has never been problem linger Gilder sleevo says we havent had anything we couldnt sctde peaceably among ourselves NIGERIAN ARRIVES OTTAWA CPDeienco Min ister Muhammodu Rihsdu of Nb saris arrived here saturdsy to begin sixday visit to Canada Innon announce LEADER Has Burning Ambition For Political Success in front of the village The flosting town was founded in 1958 by brothers Murray and Roger Qilderslceve of Buto dale 30 01 from AP POLICEMiiNSlOB unnnon rssr DETROIT AP Police msn Ervill Goolsby was off duty and asleep Saturday when he heard noise in his baakysrd He went to window and saw man pushing his pri vate motorcycle out the back gate Goolsby jumped into his pants grabbed lstol and gave chose He orgot his shoes After running for blordr he arrested George McComse in who wnt held for nvcstigatlon Then Goolsby went to the hos itsl and had his feet uted for lacerations Headmaster Dies lit flidley College ST CATHARINES CPlDt John it Hamilton 63 headmas ter of aldley Collegrsincemu died early today after collagslng Sunday night during one service at the boys school teacher at the school since his graduation from the Univeru shy of Toronto in im he was science instructor for most of his career and became mom bsr oi the Canadian institute of Chemistry Your Layingeiioek represents substantial investment Pl gure It out for yourself value of land cost of buildings taxes cost of chicks cost of feed topolntofon and laying feedsflcr soynothing oï¬ebour In return far these out of pocket expenses youexpecLuemlghtly good yield cold cash savings Thats when SHURGAIN delivers eggsactly whatyou want investment Comeimondï¬llialk about pmduciimandprofltdollors The children and their is HILLsoAL scour AND Essa more profit dollars from your poultry yaurilash in terms dings reg econW masonic eALc BILLION DENVNII BRADFORD By RICHARD DAIGNAULI QUEBEC CWDaniel Fran cis Johnson has been moved all his life by burning ambition to achieve political success in Quebec but he always figured he would have to work twice as bard the next fellow be cause of his English name It would be easier for me to become thepruideat of corporation than the leader oi Fro Canadian political party he said last car when Fbegen serioust coin or ng the chances of becoming leader oi the Union atlonslo party Oddly enous the year old lawyer has bad thoroughly F19an Canadian education and upbringing and his student years were spent in active par ticipation in Roman Catholic youthgroupo with strong as tioollistilsvor hf Johnson got reputation as gei while be was still at Ichoe He has kept the re in One oi family of re chil dma eight survive the young Johnson for time plrcd to the priesthood and took two yfllfl of theology at St Hyacinthe Seminary But he switched totiie study of law as bioprofession STUDIES IN MONTREAL Mr Johnson was never the type to remain idly in the back ground The wiry youth from the Eastern Townships town oi Danvllie became prominent member oi several associations while was student at Govt Of New Zealand Appoints Public Defender To Get Justice By GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND CPI ie pro tect the public against undue power of buresucracy the New aniond government has intr0lt duccd bill to appoint public defender His job will be to ob tain Justice for persons to whom other means of redress are not open The post is believed to be the first of its kind in the Common wealth For the time being the official has been termedtbaparlia some bURPLIHEELLOLn mentury commissioner for in vestigations But since the scheme is breaking new ground the governmenthas invitod con structive suggestions from the public both as to title for the office and amendments to the intactlegislation The broad function of the commission will be to lnvestl gate complaints against any act or omission of government do partrnents or semiofficial bod ics Citizens making complaints any fer The commission has no juris diction if there is right of appeal or review through normal chan nels Ho may also refuse to in vestigate complaints he thinks frivolous or not made in good faith CORRECT WRONG Th id ads to provid means correcting wrongs where citizens have exhausted their legal means of objection and still feel themselves to be frustrated by official red tape or deficiencies in the law if after investigation the com missioner believes wrong de clslon has been modE he will liiA WEBE report to the minister in charge of the department concerned which must be in writing will Hgrs The expectation is that the min ister will take steps to see that lusticc is done lino action is taken the com mlssloncr may then report to the prirno minister and ii nec essary to parliament lh at would put the minister con cerned in the position of having to defend his position in public debate The commissioner will be an officer of parliament itself and will receive salary of about 89300 high rate for public official in New Zoniand He will throeyeï¬htarm Establishment of this office follows an election pledge given by he National Party now in power in the gencrsi election year ago ï¬uution through his politics the French language Unlver lily of Manual In ms he graduated in law His political background is Conservative and be has vivid memories of the conflicts his family ran into at election time in his home riding of Eagot when Liberal support was deeply anchored in they earn stitueocys background As soon or huputAIphls shingle in Montreal Mr Jo no started inlth sa active no men organisa on work He was an immediate Ill porter of the Union Nationle party though it was in the op position at the time He caught the eye of the late Maurice Duoleuis UN leader after being elected in 1954 Mr Dupleesis openly made known his admiration for Mr Johnson by appointing him his personal assistant He became Deputy Speaker in 1956 and in 1558 was brought into the cnblnet as minister of hydraulic resources 3qu PRESS TIME Mr Johnson devoted more time to reporters than other members of the cabinet He was an first noma basis with members of the legislatures press gallery and maintained this relationshl through the tenure of the lite Poul Scuve and Antonio Barrette Saturday night after the lead ershlp convention had given him the party reins he said one of the first things he would do would be to let up press or gonizatlon Mr Johnson is married to Reine Gagne They have four children Daniel Jr Plcrro Marc Diana and llinrio Apart from playing goli Mr Johnson has no bobble Russian chemist Dr Mikhail Klochko was granted political asylum in Cando in Annm lie detected during tour oieiï¬ Canada with Russiln seiner tiila team Photo Blindness Blamed 0n Witch Doctors TORONTO CplOn in 80 children in the impul Ires of Northern Rhodesia is blind be cause of witch doctors at tempt to cure measles This was reported by John Wilson director of the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind duringavlsltAhere Society investigators to us if that the herbal concoction the witch doctor was putting in drildrens eyes Would char mntchstick The society is sending two mobile teams there for three years to teach the witch doctors bow to use decent stuff maybe penicillin said Mr Wilson think they will accept it so long as they can take the credit for the cure Mr Wilson himself blinded at is in school laboratory an oldcnt spends about six months each year travelling alone around the world on behalf of the Commonwealth society When 86M OOOKBTOWN amines cum BARB Mme Once youre sold on purchase that requires ï¬nancingdrop in and talk to the people at any branch of the Bank of Montreal Theyll be glad to tell You about the 1301M Family Finauoe Planesflie safest surest way to handle all your family credit needser carfTV or any household appliance By putting all your credit needs under th single roof you take care of all your ï¬nancing at low cost wvs with one monthlrpayment tai lorcd tovyour locum And theres lifeinsurance too for younfamilys protectioni Borrowing now to enjoy the things you Awgntmnibengoodbuslnesarlalkitover witir your neighbourhood branch of the armorial Bring all your pononalcroditnae with lowsen of Miller 31min RONALD MACKIB Menage Wokkme WITH cANAnmNa gVaï¬v WAur on Lil