DIN 0113 TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA sons The teicpbono number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept It PA 6M 97 YearNa 223 announcement of MrfJohn MR AND MME Daniel sons election to the Union Johnson wave to delegates to acknowledge Sheers after the Believes In Au Within Constitution member of the legislature for Bagot and tonnch hydraulic re sources minister said separat ists believe the establishment of separate state in Quebec is an end in itself while his party believes it is means to an ny seminal DUFRESNE QUEBEC CPlDaniel John son the Union Natiooaies new party leader apparently be lieves can achieve greater provincial autonomy within the framework of the Ca md nadlan constitution During the party convention which ended with his election Saturday thercwere indications the party might be heading to the brink of separatism but Mr Johnson said later fulfilment of the FrenchCanadian commun ity is possible under the con stitutionprovided it is fully re spected Speaking at press confer lnceJlteLthoLtbeJeadcrL ship in closeiight with Jean Jacoues3ertcandcMr Johnson said separatists and the Union Nationale want the same thing Quebecs fulfilment However the 46 year old SEE A130 PAGE ELEVEN Separatism if necessary but not necessarily separatism he said acknowledging he was pa raphrasing statement about conscription by former prime minister Mackenzie King WINS CAMPAIGN Linhnsouhojmram paigned hard for the leadership announced about year ago own the post with ellvote con vention majority He got 1000 votes compared Hvé Injured In Car Crash HAMILTON GP Five persons were injured bvoiï¬ti cally Saturday night when their ear got out of control in in suburban Stoney Creek eifeHurteInePlaneLCrashr LEAMINGTON CP hvoLeamington area men injured when their light planecrashcd near beach at Point Pelee Fri day night were reported to be fair oondi today in hos pita here Dynamite Damages Construction reaction or Pillars supportiiig two apartment houses under construction in suburban Don Mills were damaged to the extent of $500 Sunday when dynamite wasplaced against them and detonated Reds Fire Rocket Into Pacific MOSCOWAlAP The Soviet Union announced Saturday the successlul firing oi another longrange rocket into the central pacific it was the third announced firing in themnt series Liquor Licences Apprbvediie TORONTO CF Two clubs at the Lakehead have had li cence applications approved by the Ontario Liquor Licences Terrys inn Hotel at RMPQIL will receive public house ii cences the board also announced US Fires Titan Missile AQEWTSHELL In theliquorcasefzi men and Nationals party leadership Saturday Wirephoto tonorny with 912 for the festclosing Mr Bertrand member for Missis quot and former youth and Wei fare minister whose grass roots campaign began only ago Mayor Armand Nadeau of Sherbrooke received 24 votes and Raymond Maher Quebec City lawyer Both were late starters as were two other candidates who withdrew from the race cou ple of hours before the ballot ing Saturday night Yves Ga bias 40 member for TroisRi viercs and Maurice Hebert as Montreal lawyer Mfr Johnsgnjaid at his press con erence is irstJovailLbL to Broaden the base of constitu ency associations in preparation for an election which he said the public wan Qigrge Man Wife In Raid On Home TORONTO OP Werner Graeber 31 and his Edith were charged with illegal pos session of marijuana cigarettes in raid on their home Sunday Graeber was acqiiitted on charge of keeping liquor for sale recently in case which saw the intervention of Reform In titu tionsMinlsterWardrope women were charged as found ins following raid on Gracb residence Charges were with drawn following Mr Wardrapes investigation into the arrested men being sprayed for fleas in Bonds and the women under goi intimate examinations to the City of Barrie as the Supervising Engineer of tha iocal PublicUtilities Commisr sion has been namedlis oh if John Murphy of Barrie has been named General Mana ger of the local operation suc ceding Salterwho died last week VANDENBERGBASE Calii Titan missile fired from here Saturdayldropped its rnock warhead in theiggneral target area downrang 4500 miles away near Wake island the United States Air Fore said Saturday night The Titan 37folot 110ion rocke is the mightiest missile in the US srseno Expect Allan To Be Candidate It TORONTO CF Provincial Treasurer James Allan 66 has called press conference late today it is believed he will announce his candidature for leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party Minister Opens New Hall BRANTFORD CF Agriculture Minister Goodfellow cut ribbon Saturday to officially open the new $40000 hell of the Royal Canadian Legion branch in Norwich Village Car Hits Tree Man Is Killed NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF Roger Lenson 17of Allan burg was killed early today when his car failed tonegotiate curve on Highway 20 three miles west of this city and crashed Tateï¬rï¬ie South River public and continuation school system He also attended North Bay Col legiate Institute He received degree in Electri Engineering from the Univer sity Toronto Mr Murphy joined the local PUC in 1040 leaving here to enlist in the Canadian Army in 1012 He was discharged in 1946 with the rank of Captain He rejoined the local com mission and has been supervis ing engineer here since that time He is member of the Asso ciation of Professional Eng ears of the Province of Ontario member of the Municipal Staii Civil Defence member of the advisory board Barrie District into tree Central Collegiate institute and Speak reported to thacouncil Tuesday Iohn Murphy Named To Head Local Pub Utilities Comm manwith 130 years service on Morris Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Sunny tomorrow Little change in tannertun law tonlflit High heedy as For comm lummnry turn to page two Barrio Ontlrio Guilds Monday September N0 QUICK WAR KhrushRemoves Treaty Deadline BONN AP Premier Khrushchev removed the endof thcyear deadline for treaty with East Germany in his talks with Belgian Foreign Minister PaulHenri sneak diplomatic Khnuhcbav was reported to have told Speak the the Soviet Union prefers slow negotiations to aqulck war these sources said of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization last Thursday on his fivehour talks with Khrush chev in Moscow on the previous Khrushchev was said to have told Spank he never had com mitted himself to signing peace treaty with East Ger before thgflend of this year German officials expressed surprise at this On several cc caslons Khrushchev has delt dared the will slat treaty with East Germany are the eodof tbsyear turning over control of access to West Berlin to the East German Communist reginte unless the West agrees to German peace on his toms Dl lomats said they under stoo the Speakvrcport to mean The 1thatuKhruah av now proper to delay rigging anEast Ger man peace treaty if negotiations are under way by the end of the year Khrushchev also was reported to have told Spank he is ready to discuss with the Western pow Diei Says It WarShould Genie Hell Head For Fallout Shelter éenyrmNHANRIGHT OTTAWA CPD The prime minister has done some plain talking aboutworthe kind of talking calculated to shake peo ple out of apathy toward sur vival planning Mr Diefenbaker has revealed for the first time official esti mates that 2000000 to 6000000 of Canadas 18000000 people would be casualties in any one series of nuclear attacks And he hasnt left any doubt that the prime minister just as easily as anyone elsecould be one of them Mr Diefenbaker told the Com mons Saturday that inany nu staffwiii go into an ordinary fallout shelter being built in the basement of his residence ates Sussex Street mile from the Parliament Buildings it is not blastproof shelter he said it is the same kind of shelter being recommended by the government for any house ii Joan Munrmr ardlreciot of thexGeorglan Bay Region Association of Munici pal Electrlcel Utilities Mr Murphy is married to the former Helen Crew and the couple have three sons David Shane and Peter They are members of trlnit Anglican Churchgsrrie on other subjects beside Berlin and Germany One West German olficial said Khrushchovs line in talks with Speak former sec lary general oi NATO was most man offi cials were not optimistic how ever despite Spanka report We heard the message said one but we dont believe it He has taken on the face of mild and compromising person for this occasion In Brussels Speak today re fused comment Not More Than per Copy1 PalI TROUBLE CAUSED BY CHESTNUTS TORONTO CP Add horse chestnuts to the woes of newspaper telegraph ed itors Canadian Pacific Commu nications reported early to day its wires east of Toron to were hit by line trouble For short time it affected The Canadian Press news service circuits feeding into Port Hope BeneyillBRHL Kingston Reported CPO Young sters playing with chestnuts strung on wires had flung them up over telegraph wires at Agincourt near To ronto shortcircultlng the line Dethrone Ottawas MissCanada Victoria Girl Assumes Duties HAMILTON CPlTheras new Miss Canada today follow ing weekend hassle that saw the former national beauty de throned Nina Holden leyearoid high school graduate from Victoria takes up official duties today after being whisked here Sun day by lane from her home Her frst engagement is an appearance late today in Was ton nearflbronto re wasno mment from ev doriheiMlss fanadar 20 yearold ConnieGall Feller of Ottawa Her father doodles cetved word that Miss Feller was disqualified in telegram Saturday and protested that his daughter had lived up to her commitments inCanadarexceptthatthirona ismI bit larger to accommodate IS EDINARY SHELTER That is where shall be when and if war should come he said That is where shall sit And he said againdriv ing home pointthat it is just an ordinary fallout shelter want that realized across countrythat there are no protective measures being tekEn for the survival of any partic ular person in this cuuntry He did mention however that protection has been provided for cabinet ministers senior civil servants and others needful to malntainthe organization of the country in order to ensureeoni tlnuance of government He did not elaborate on this point Location of that shelter is secrethut there has been pub lished speculation about exist ence of an underground govern ment control centre somewhere west ogottawaprobabiy around RED FEAR WAR BRANTlORD GP Dr Ja 2hidkov 75 president of the Russian Bap at Union said Sun day thafear oi third world war is as great in the Soviet Union as it is in the West The majority of Russians onot want another war and erven tly has there wont be on said Dr Zhldkov speaking through an interpreter his son Michael alsoa Baptist minis ter They arrivedin Canada Sa turday as guests ofrthajaptisL Federation of Canada ReEFct President iii iinnual Meet TORONTO Cl0 anontor businessman Arthur Gelber was reelected president of the Cana dian Conference of the Arts at the groups 16th annual meet ing Saturday Thslgronpunanimolisl commended that the federal gover ent provide the Canada Counci on Arts with an addi tional income Iii 35001000 in his presidential report mr Gelbersaid theyarts in Canada areibooming to such an extent that they are going bruit Gov ernments all levels in come to ma gnizotbat arts are as much apart of the social lirorderedsir nationalmresident Miss Feller was named Miss Canada of 1002 at the annual beauty and talent contest in sub urban Burllogten last month Miss Holden was runnerup The victory meant scholar ships and prizes for Miss Feller as well as host of public ap pearances and other duties on behalf of sponsors ofthn pa eant All how are taken over by Miss Holden Miss Feller was accused ape4 clficaliy of falling 1oohow up at scheduled appointment Sept with Toronto company DEARIIIZED CLAIMSJE The failure to appear had jeopardized the pageants re lations with the company said Mrs Edna Weaver peg eant organizer and wife of ex ecutiva director Radcliffe fleaxiarLShe added that an un identified national sponsor of Miss Canada ocholarships had withdrawn its sponsorship after the incident Another reasona1together was admcedJinodneangerL Toronto public relations counsel lor who said his firm had sev ered ttstoï¬nErEWW pageant Mr fnge said pageant com mitments had conflicted with Miss Feilers wish to observe the Jewishrshighholidaysriia said the beauty queen had also objected to interior accommo dations wardrobe and travel fa cilities and to the burden of public appearances Neeerovttflelp IorCulture InUS WINDSOR CP The inter theAmeF lcsn Federation oi Musicians said in an interview Saturday that government financial es sistance is needed to enable cul tural organizations in the United force guLJniasMWmdukwere nicians from ean be lifted by crane at the EinctracranbeLinto the harbor States to operate successfully he us Has Will And Weapons To Fight Aggression UN Told UNITED NATIONS AP Presidcnt Kennedy told the United Nations today the United States has both the will and the weapons to resist aggres sion and challenged the Com munist world to drop the arms race in favor oi peace race The president in an address ti it 115 believes apeaceful agree ment is possible fortha orld crisis over divided Berlin But he added that threat of force must be rejected because yielding to threats can only lead to war The presidents address cov ered the broad spectrum of crises confronting frightened world He proposed slxpoint disarmament plan and called for the creation oi UN peace Kennedy urged the small na tions of the world to rally behind the UN and defeat Soviet efforts to impose troika system of threeman control over its police power The trolks he oaidwouid re place order with anarchy oc Rescue71 Crashed cosmos rAr American Airlines flew in salvage team today to haul ashore fouren gine astroiet that skidded off runway and dropped into shallow water in the harbor Sunday with 71 persons aboard One was Newfoundland wo man No one aboard the plane was killed Small boats rescued them within six minuteS an air line official said No passen treated for minor injuries American Airlines said tech lts maintenance depot at Tulsa Okla would attach air bags to the wings and attempt to float the plane at high tide close enough so it end of the runway One man died of heart at tack rescuing passengers in small boat The big plane slid into the water few feet from the spot where an Eastern Air Lines on takeoff almost year ago with loss of 02 lives 0TEUMYL flight 44 from San Fr ncisco Chicagowas making an instru ment landing in thedark and overshot the 10000loot runway an air line spokesman said Thenstrojets pilot Capt Ted Johnson said th death In Afri General Dag Hammerskjoid Ho roles for the alternately tou nndJoncil lelomtmï¬ifsavlet Union the Bin 133 Km ma laid were taken out an emergency on with paralysis and confid ence wiihgrosa confusion The president told the 90ho tlon General Assembly that the United Nations life is stairs in the issue raised by ca of Secretary rged new strength and new UN He proposed an approach to womanlent which would be it is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet to an arms race but to peace th farreacbing and realistic Union not ace to advancrwlthurlf by step stage by stage until enersl and complete disarma has actually been chievcd We invite them now to go beyond agreement in prim lpla and to reach agreement on ctuei plans Attacking the Soviet proposal to substitute threeman execu tive for single secretarygen rai Kennedy urged strengthen ing of the charter first of all selection of an outstanding ivii servant to continue Ham marskjoidl work Aboard Airliner wes making anormal ap preach There was some fog landed on the runway little farther up than would have iikedto and we skidded off the mi The Canadian passenger Dar othy Ligeros 10 of St Johns Newfoundland said she was re turning from Minnesota where she had been visiting relatives and planned to visit an aunt in Boston was reallylm started to shake we ear and women andchlldren were put into recue been first stewardess Connie Forbel aid some of the passengers were shaken up but there was no panic The 55000000 plane its No and engines torn oft and its nose damaged stopped in five or six feet of water Four stewardesses led the P557 angers out of the wings in addition to the as passeir are and crew of eight the lane also carried body that William Richardson Jr San Francisco being ship reEtoNortham ton Mass fore urial Most of the rescued rought to the Orient Hei Yacht Club it was during one uch boat trip that Jack Luti bout 50 suffered fatal heart ttack