oï¬ï¬til iateNdvemhe MR AND MRS Smith Studio AUKE MULDER Bride Wears Gown The First Christian Reformed Churcb Barrie was adorned with gladio and mums for the wedding of Miss Suzanne Huyer nnd Auke Mulder The after noon ceremony was performed by Rev chzehroek Sept Miss Huyer is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Huycr Shanty Bay The bridcgrooms parents are Mr and Mrs Tjeerd Mulder of Beachvilie Ontario Givcn in marriage by her father the bride wore floor length gown of peoudesole THE STARS SAY ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This is day in which to poct the unexpected Consider no plans as final since suddeï¬ revisions may be necessary Be alertand adaptablei FC TIIE BIRTHDAY lf tomorrow is your birthday you horoscope indicates that while you may have to work rather industrioule between now and the end of October the re words will be well worth the ef fort Do not sidestep additional job responsibilities since these ceuiiLhethestepping stones to the successes indicated than Also avoid extravagance and do not in any way deplete cash reserves Planetary help along monetary lines wont be gener afly December but you will then en tar good cycle which should last well into 1862 Except or brief period in late November domestic and social affairs should proceed smoothly in the 12 months ahead and for the single ro mance is bright prospect in late November and December also in May and June Toke can of health in Novem child born on this day will be endowed with all the quail ties needed to hold position of authority DAY AFTER TOMORROW good day for both business andjinancial ventures PILLIQrth your very best eiforts on Mon day and dont waste time on nonessentials PM influences encourage sociability promote new and lasting friendships FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that time and effort expended now in furthering goalsboth immedi ate and futurewill pay off handsomely Whie you may be currently in somewhat of dull cycle jobmntters will pick up in Goa toher and beginning with early December ye llenter an ex cellent seven month period where finances are concerned Persona relationships are also under fine aspectsexcept for brief period in late November possible change of either your job or home environment in October could prove most Avoid anxiety and nervous tensioanNovember and look JannmInhcartwarming news of personal nature in December child born on this day will be sensitive and intuitive but iPecrude£oie fashioned with sweetheart neckline enhanced with sequins and lily point sleeves The bit lowing skirt of the gown iea turcd slight bustle affect trim med with roses oi mntchjn lilo terini Heirloom Belgium and mude lace belonging to the brides grandmother edged the fingertip veil of tulle illusion held by flora of sequins The brides bouquet was cascade of white gnrdcnias and trailing green ivy leaves Mrs William liuyer Torono sisterinIuw of the bride was matron of honor She wore streetlength dress of orchid chiffon enbroidcred with flow cro in deeper tones Her head dress was yellow feather hat with veiling She carried bouquet of yellow mums Gary Mulder Beschville was groomsman Keith Grout Bar rinuLAuke Do Jong of Sai ford were ushers The reception was held in the thumb parlor The brides mo ther received attired in gown oi mauve chiffon accented with black and white accessories Her corsage was yellow roses The bridegrooms mother as sisted wearing green and mauve printed silk track with white accessories corsege of yellow roses complemented her ensemble The brides travelling costume was suit of red wool with white accessories Her corssge was white gardenias On return from the wedding Wï¬ whichï¬mides trip on Lake Simcoe the couple will reside in Sarnia Guests were present from Beachville Woodstock Clinton Brampton Toronto Grillia Hamilton Grimsby Beach and Montreal Quebec Miss SHEILA Mary Buker became the bride of John Murray McLean at an after noon ceremony at St Georges Anglican Church Sept 1e sSlender WaiSts for shape is the fashion decree for fall The new lines variously termed the oblique are all designed to create shnpa To meet the designers halfway milady will need to slim excess padding off the waist and mldsection The slim waist is always fas hions darling for when extra calories settle at the equator other curves are crowded out its easy to see that widening at the waist squares off the short figure and gives heavy sat look to the largeframe girl It even makes botch oi the nearnormal welghts figure Slimming this middle mea surement can be fast process it exercise is directed to the right muscles This resistance exercise restores tone to mus clcs st sides at waist Position Stand in doorway with one side pressed against the door frame and with hands gripping the frame above hean feet together PULL ABDOMW Movement Pull up strongly with the lower abdominal mus ales and hold hips tucked under Slowly pull away from the door frame and bend to other side Keep it up until strong pull is felt along the waistline region Come back to position and re peat three times Change sides nndbendtootlferslde Eat the exercise can be repeated dozen times on each side with pause for relaxing between each half dozen counts The loss of tone in the waist line extends from the abominai Opening Meeting Is Well Attended The Womans Association of Trinity United Church Beeton held their regular meeting in the Church schoolroom with large attendance The president Mrs Wrightiaher opening remarks said she was pleased to have so many present and spoke of the beautiful day for the open ing autumn meeting and read the call to worship and pruy er for member of the assoc iation The devotional services were led by Mrs Rae July Topic The CommunityT was given by Mrs Wright August Topic The World by Mrs Keanrs September topic Whom do we Serve was given by Mrs McAdam Quringr th businessperiod plans were made for autumn events Final plans to be made at the October meeting The roll call followed The number of ospital and home calls and made bymem hers during the vacation months were 44 contributed sermon eigh CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 68555 will have to curb tendency to ward jealousy All prescriptionfiial Iron leingstens Drug Store havo been transferred to PUNLOP ST CUSOENS PHARMACY girdle muscles To put the snap borliness is more than meeting people was read by Mrs Camplin Meeting closed with prayer Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs Wright Mrs Nichol Mrs Camplln and Mrs Ree Iry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 CONSCIOUS Fashion conscious women visit Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ularly Open Tuesday Thurs day Friday evenings Forpro fessionai services call PA 84551 and arsholilder height Keep tes Cowper Photo Rev Dyer officiated The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Butter The bridegroom is the son of McLean and the lots Mrs Mc Lean ail oi Barrie For Fashions Fast Process With Exercise hack into the bias muscles and streamline the frontiine us well as the waist try this exercise thazigzagandttinpiralsiiice iflnvolves rrwimrg movement however it should not be attempted by those who have anything wrong with the lower back Position Lying on back on floor with knees flexed feet to gather Movement Keep knees toge ther and twist slowly and strongly at the waist lower thighs to floor on one side then on the other This exercise is not difficult for anyone with normally strong hack and can be continued for 10 counts STRETCH CONTRACT Finish with combination stretching and contraction move ment which tones the abdominal muscles and pulls oil bulges Position Lying on back on floor with arms down at sides right knee flexed ond leit leg straight down Movement Flex the straight leg to chest and swing arms up and back on floor overhead and add strong stretchthrough the middle of the figure Return to position and periormwlth the same leg 12 counts rest and repeat with other leg Keeping one leg flexed with sole of foot on floor eliminates strain You can keep your figure young if you refuse to let the swelstrslipiitsflnoorings infin Damask row 5329 their about $15 THE BARRIE EXAMLWR SATURDAY SEPT 21 PEOPLE AND PLACES Pbooe Eileen Dixon or Andrey Couison PA 66531 Notes are Intended to cover the general min oi the fly and district Wedding MW ties rindyo coming of lie with Ind tra vellers are III Items of later cst to omrn at this page YonrWheip In luvblrlos this news will be Knoll Iooreclntes RETURN FROM EUROPE Major and Mrs Dabble guests of their soninisw and daughter Mr and Mrs George Ericker St Vincent Street Major and Mrs Dobhlo have iust returned from four months vacation in England and Europe Mrs Wilkin son Guciph was also guest at the Erlcker residence this weebi GUESTS FROM BELLEVILLE Mr and Mrs Banting and son Nelson of Bellevilie were weekend guests of Mrs Bontings parents Mr and Mrs Robert Strannghnn Blake St Nelson Banting will be attend ing Qupeanniversity Kings ton as firstyear student MUSIC STUDENT Miss LindaLea Sturgess dau gher of Mr and Mrs John Sturgess RES Barrie has en rolled ln the bachelor at music course at University of Toronto Mr and Mrs Moore and Mr and Mrs Hickling of Brock Strcet have returned home frorulnotourip around eke Huron Enroute they vis ited Mackinac Island and went on several boot cruises Mr and Mrs Cook North Bay were recent visitors at the home at Mr and Mrs Moore Brook Street During their stay they visited the Bar rie Exhibition ROTARY CONVENTION Among the city guests attend ing the Rotary district conven tion held at the Empire Hotel North Bay Septuilis were President of Barrio Rotary George Mulholland and Mrs Mulholland Mr and Mrs Walter Carruthers Mr and Mrs Frank Hersey Mr and Mrs Jack Batstona Mr and Mrs Fred Sarieani Mr and Mrs WOMENS EDITOR TAKES VACATION The womens editor Mrs Eileen Dixon is taking well deserved holiday ller col umn Skirting the Bay will resume on her return AID PUPILS The first school libraries in Ontario were established about 1850 Victoria BritiahCnhImhinareInd ion 89be John Stevenson Denis Shrnrd and Part District Governor and Mrs Eldon Greer VICTORIA STUDENT Mark Fisher son ol Mr and Mrs Fisher Sunnidalo Road is attending Victoria Col iegs1Iniversity oi Tomato MsrLi Lthirdyesnrtudent in the arts course PENNSYLVANIA GUESTS Mr and Mrs Wendell Welch Eord Pennsylvania were the guests of Mr and Mrs Harris Steele Agnes street for two weeks Choir members of Central United Church will be enter tained to corn and wiensr roast this evening at the sum tage of Mr andrMn Siessor at Moons Bay near Orillia Social conveners Dobson and hfrmy Blshop VISITOR FROM ENGLAND Miss Ella Steele Southbor ough Kent England was guest of her brother Dick two weeks Steeles first visit to Canada Prior to visiting our city Miss Steele visited in Newfoundland for month STUDENT OF THEOLOGY Ross Gllroy son of Mrs Gilroy and the into Mr Gil roy Wellington Street will leave the city today to enroll at Mount Allison University Sack ville New Brunswick as firstyear student in theology Ross is member of Central Un ited Church has been active in the Glee Club Choir and Sun day School work of the church NEWFOUNDLAND HOLIDAY Mrs Dick Steele Coilingde Street has returned to the city from months holiday in New foundland Mrs Steels was the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Iiiscock high light of Mrs Steeles vacation was the celebration of her par ents 60th wedding anniversary Among the telegrams and letters of congratulations received by Mr and Mrs lliscocls were telegrams from Queen Eliza beth Prime Minister John Dief enbskcr LimbGovernor of Newfoundland Campbell Mac Pherson and Joseph Small wood Premier of Newfound conN ROAST of the event are Mrs Orville Steele Collingwood Street Ior This was Miss ALLISTON iSpCdIII The first fall meeting of the com munity clothing cupboard com mittee was held at the home of Mrs Drcnnsn Aiiltlon Sept 14 There was good at tendance and great enthusiasm shown regarding the needs of people in the community The trcasurcrs report showed an average balance in the bank approaching snd with the sen sonal summer employment most at so end in the area thcre wouldbe many requests for assistance There is great shortage of childrens clothing and it was decided to hold drive for some by asking all church groups in Allistonrtoopproach their mem hero for good used clothing it was stressed that the great est demand centred around the childern in the fondly when in cini diiitcuitlcs SWIG Sit but itwvar feitthai withjwinter Aids Distressed Families that the best service can be given by the committee by muting this need By this ol unteer service the community clothing cupboard sores many chillies from going on reiiei or requesting clothing vouchers from their local rnunirMl councils Indirectly this is saving to the taxpayer Mrs Brennan announced that in recent tragic fire near Al unearthiLcuHImluethadrpur chased underwa or all children from funds at hand She also advised the group so the work has increased to such an extent that it will be neces sary to enlarge the committee and volunteer help and meth ods for carrying out this pro iect will be discussed at the next meeting It was decided that bake sale and white elephant sale would be held in October in warns sss comm spam COLOUR SETS PINK GREEN SUNTAP 259 INNISIIL ST land MIDLAND ONTARIO SALES OUTLET SET INCLU DES 111if1litreourcbina basin with centre set faucet peo ping chain and stopper trsp Vitreous chin closo coupled toilet with seat it steal anomalch recess bath with tub filler and waste and overflow chsin and plus $9995 3129 max WAT 0N mmflON PLUMBiNG AND HEATING DEPT SECOND noon or SUPPLIES BLDG or JA osm reelebrity Formals ltd ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF RETAIL WEDDING GOWNS amonsnsms possess EVENING GOWNS ANDA COMPLETE Iqu or ossssrsaon nvaav OCCASION ALSO MADETOMEASURE SPECIAIJZINQM Ipr downs BRIDAL OOTFIT$ RENTED Now YOU CAN 7hsuv DIRECT FROM If THE MANUFACTURER YouNor ONLY snvs REAL MONEY YOU Liar IT MADE ON THE PREMISES BY EXPERTS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HOURS AM PM