THE BAR Ami semner SI II III Union Meeting May Be To Negotiation DETROIT AP The United Auto Workers international ex ecutive board meets tonight in what liker will be the climax of the unions negotiation with Gener The meeting also could signal the start of final negotiations at Ford Motor Company Hen Baa non UAW Ford department di rector has Indicated he will ask the executive board for su ihorlty to strike the second largest auto company Walter Reuther UAW pres ident called the board meeting The boardhaaeumdï¬tyIsanr deadline for completion of lo cal settlement and order all UAW members back to work even if they lack agreements The union and General Motors reported progress Friday on lo cal Issues which are tying up almost cocktail of the iirm Climax Including the wag package and the national work rules but io cai problem have snagged line settlement Strike by vari nuloesl Issues have crippled two weeks TALKS CONTINUE Auriu of meeting Friday and today between dissident local union leaders and GM offi cials was unprecedented in GM UAW bargaining GM has 129 plants and employs about 3601 000 hourly paid workers wasmchedFrI plants The Che roletpssembiy plant In Kansas CIE the Hyatt Roller Bearing in Clark NJ and the Bloom field NJ warehouse GM and the International Un ion of Electrical Workers reached agreement Friday on national contract which closely crack Canadian Army rifle team relax between shots dur Iod at Mon Range They are leit to right Sgt Ralph BARRIE MEMBERS of the Cathline to Strahane Avenue Vincent Street and Sgt Mara vln Dyck from Edmonton Alberta National Defence Photo Stall Sgt Lea White 350 St 12 Top Canuck Marksman To Meet US Unit At cam CAMP BORDEN The I2 top Canadian Army marksmcn will compete agfllflliimembers ni the 057 Amy Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Camp Borden Oct 27 This ls the fifth annual rifle shooting match with the US team The four previous com petitions were against the Royal Canadian School of Infantry Adoption 0i Nuclear Arms Idea Disrupts Youngliberal Parley satiril Alta cma com mittée meeting oi the national Young Liberal Association con vention was disrupted Friday when delegate suggested the party support adoption of nu clear arms for Canada Daniel Cristal vicepresident of the Edmonton East federal Liberal association made the motion at meeting of the Lib eral defence policy committee chairman Committee chairman John Beckett hsd lust read the offl Lwcstcrly is becoming light by old party view that categori this evening onlly abhare the adoption of Timagami AigqmaWhJLLssuch weapons as prelimin RIver Cochranc North Bay ary to discussion Sudbuly 58 Sie Maria Mr Cristall disagreed and able cloudiness and cooler today 1d think denmmy we and SUMHY Wind mrfllwfli should adopt nuclear weapons to 20 becoming light by this even protect our atio at sover lns signty Mr Beckett asked Mr Cris tali whether he was one of those people who said if you want peace prepare for war Mr Cristall left the committee room The partyAmeJgaMsLnue clear arms for Canada was 55 70 adopted by 10405 vote after Toronto ss 70 Mr Cristall left gt Camp Borden Employees Meet To Discuss Cornelder Briefs maoannn tepecigiL The September meeting of the Camp Borden and District Na tional Detence Employees As sociation was held in the Union worker in Tinejoiurihv of its plants Gill and the UAW have agreed on new threeyear contract JarnllelLttia ChiUAW contract GM reported 102000 employ ees idle Friday because oi strikes Worn iii Forecasts issued by theIor onto weather office at Eï¬nton Synopsis band of aware 0° dthunderstormsmovedAeastHImk°kfl srd across Northern and Cen Drill Ely tral Ontario during the night In Sudbmv advance of cooler air The cloud Earth and showers will movaacross KDPHSRUIIHK Southern Ontario today While Rivas Lake St Clair Lake Erie mmne Lake Huron Windsor London Mainly cloudy with few show ers and thunderstorms today clcarlng this evening Partly cloudy and cooler tonight aiid Sunday Rain likely late Sunday Winds southwest 15 becoming northwest 15 by this afternoon and light tonight Lake Ontario Niagara Hali burton Toronto Hamilton in creasing cloudiness this morning with few scattered showers and thunderstorms today Partly cloudy and cooler tonight and Sunday Winds light becoming southwest 15 this morning northwest 15 this evening and light Sunday Georgian Bay region Cloudy with scattered showers ending this afternoon partly cloudy to night and Sunday Cooler winds lag the twoweek practice per HOWARD GREEN loft Canadas Minister for Extern al Affairs iljpint as It UN Fails We Wont Survive Canadian Tells Newsmen In NY UNITED NATIONS CPI With AheAUnitedNatlonsratrthe crossroads Ex at Affairs Minister Howard Green said Friday night It the UN doesnt IMIVIVI we wont survive is was his reaction to ques tions at press conference about what willhappsn ii the 16th General Assembly which adjourned for the it end doesnt find way to resolve the problem of successor for the late Secretary General Dag Hammerskjold Green said we do strongly support appointment of an In terim axecutiv QIflQQFJMmL thtitlE of secretary gen eral That would get the UN secretariat over the hump Green shied away from the United States poslton outlined by State Secretary Dean Rusk Friday that an outstanding the United Nation in New York Fiidny newsman take notes during press conference in lounge at CAPSULE NEWS Fallout increases 4T0R0NTOiCPiThe oTiF reading over Metropolitan Tor onto in perceptibly Thursday the Ontario health department said Friday in its first daily report on Metro fall out The reading was 68 disintegra tions minute per cubic metre of air It compared with 23 the preceding day high of 181 Sept 15 and low at 88 Sept 13 when the daily tabulation be gen Soviets Fire 15th WASHINGTON APAnaiher Soviet atomic blast was fired Friday the 15th since the Rue slons resumed tests Sept the US Atomic Energy Commission announced It said The detonation oc curred in the vicinity of Novaya Zcmlyn and had yield on the order of megatnn Peterborough This year however the top place at Mans Range Oct 27 shooters oi the Army will re Canaldan team memberLare presentveanadaasateam RTW McCoy CD team this international competition captain Major Hampton The site for the previous uh 53h calmle 3m meets alternated between the °l°v °f Camp Emile bass for the US Unit at Fort CEPL Arsenauur M0 gmmng Ga and Camp 39 treal Lt Bell Camp Bor den Last years match was at Liv legenv Edmun For Benn tnnW02FN Haire ot tawa Sgt Bouchcr and SELECT BEST SHOTS Sgt Daigle Camp Vai Lieut Bell marksman cortler PQ Sgt Mit on this years team when ask chell Ottawa Sgt ed how much of an advantage Steacy Camp Gogetown Staff the new Canadawide team Sgt White Camp Bon would have over previous RC5 den Lance Sgt Dyck oi representation said Edmonton Lance Sgt The US team is selected MCKBY Ottawa Lanca 5m from fulltime marksmanship VHUEC Camp Valcartier unit Canada has no exclusive iy rifle shooting unit but select ing all the best shots will prob ably increase our chance of win ning considerably However It should be understood that this competition Is rather unique cessor need come from nowhere elssthan withinthsmf BERLIN TROUBLE General debate proce dure to the addresses in reply to the speech from the throne to Parliament opened Friday and showed the death of Ham marskjold and the Berlin crisis the two top Issue troung world leaders Japanese Foreign Minister Zentaro Kosaka told the assem bly his country could not sup port the Soviet trolka plan which proposes representative of theCommunlsts Western and neutral countries to run the UN with veto powers Such system would bring into the key position in the United Nations conflicts that ex Ist between different political philosophies and systems para lyze the functions of the secre tariat and destroy the very Eels of its international neutral 40 60 Two provincial Liberal leaders were among the convention speakers Ray Perrault oi Brit isii Columbia and Slides Molgat of Manitoba Mr Perrault said he has plan to reduce labormanage ment friction by federallyinsti tuted profit sharing and mm because the aim is not so much tivo plans for workers to def the opp aim has Mr Moi at told delegates the 4th to oster goo rain greatest dingcr to the emo tween the two armies and ex crotic system In Canada ls com change ideas on shooting tech placency among Canadians niques National Liberal Leader Les The Canadian team 13 new ter Pearson was scheduled arrived the Royal Canadian to address the convention at its school of Infantry where it is closing 58351011 iOdHY undergoing intensive practice and coaching as team prior SENTENCE rpmgvng to the match scheduled to take LONDON Reuters Prison sentences ranging up to six years were handed out Friday to nine mcn convicted of steel ing nearly $700000 in gems and currency from London Airport mailbags Philip ilbury so an airport loader was sentenced to six years for admitted thefts to talilng about $602000 IRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 82414 world leader he placed in the interim job fl wo dnt have put It quite Green said The su WORLD NEWS INBRIEF iikth Receives Sentence TORONTO CPIRonald An drews 21 of Toronto was sent enced Friday night to life im prisonment after an Ontario Su preme Court jury found him guilty oi noncapital murder in the strangling of 40yearold woman Christine Livingston The sentence was mandatory on conviction oi noncapital mur der under recent amendments to the Criminal Code The verdict came at the end of zkdoy trial The partially clad body oi Miss Livingston rwar foundrirarroominghousa last June Author Dies TORONTO CPIMrs Ruth Lillian Massey Tovell author and member of family noted In Canadian industry and arts died in hospital Friday Born in Torontofsbe was daughter of Walter Edward Hart Massey president of the farm implement firm of Massey Har ris Limited at the beginning of the century She wrote detc Iml on Dunlap Slims Nlfle uve story The crime on the teen members attended Boulevard Raspail and two 3110me books aboutFIemmraFAme mail Branch Mr Hopkins was elected Ontario provincial president at the FARMEBS MARKET NDEA convention in Montreal Apples on the farmers mar In August and is now respon ket on Muicaster Street sold sible for all the NDEA affili ates In Ontario Collins of briskly this morning ranging from 60 to 05 cents per six Angustractlnrpresident for quart basket Varieties includ the remainder oi the year The delegates to the Montreal ed Wealthies Wolf Rivers Mc lntoshes and others convention made brief reports to the unit representatives on Eggs ail classed grade sold at 65 cents dozen for ex thelr particular committees Mel Brayman oi Cooketown vicepresident air reported on Civii Service Act and Regula tions and Morley Hoffman of large 55 cm or medium Barrie vicepresident army 45 cents for small and 25 cents ior peewces Honey wasialrlnlintilul in various sized containers and ranged in price from quarter on prevailing rates toa dollar according to quan HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 10 DIE IN BUS CRAB LIMA Peru AP truck carrying 40 persons ran off mountain road Friday and dropped down 300foot cliff Ton passengers were killed and 20 hurt Theiacctdentvwas blamed on tire blowout CITY GROWS QUICKLY SYDNEY Reuters Aus tralias biggest city Sydney has increased by 318000 Inhabitants eincrlwroensurllgurefl closed today The citys popula tion now is 2181211 BONNETS MUST 60 ER Germany AP The huge bonnete oi the Cie mens nursing nuns and the mo tor age dont go together the local bishops office announced today The bonnets must go The Roman Catholic order whose headquarters is here is active in caring for outpatients rind the nuns sometimes drive car to reach them The Vaticsnap daughter mm mm at Doc tors Hospital The child was giï¬eiouï¬wï¬acgvhhï¬enamï¬ named for Catherine the Great of Russia since she is direct simmd drlllug descendantthrough her mother iï¬PLANS T0 SUE UN Elizabeth met Oxenbarg New ELISBURTIAPmt York dress manufacturer on an pole former mayor of Ndola Austrian ski slope and elo Northern Rhodesia said here with him in May at 1950 Friday he plans to sue the United Nations for wrongful ar WOULD LEAVE UN rest and harsh treatment while NEWVYORK APiRobErt prisoner of UN forces in Ka Hansen the new national corn tanga and loss of property mander of the Veterans of For Cathpole was seized when he also Wars says be Itle With went to Katanga to bring out General ofrtherAnny Douglas friends after fighting broke out Macarthur that the United at week States should drop out oi the United Nations if Communist DEATHS China is admitted Hansen as of rare CANADIAN PRESS yearold insurance man met for two hours Friday with the gen eral HollywoodMarian Davies 84 oneoi Hollywoods great stars of cancer New Brunmick NErnie Ensign Dickson 65 retired vice presidenl of Johnson and John og and inventor of the Band RomeCarlo Galefii for 30 years one of the worlds most famous operatic baritones Toronto Mrs Ruth Lillian Massey Tovell 72 author and member of family noted in Canadian industry and arts LondonSir Ellis Hunter so chairman and managing direc iorof Damian Long and Com pany and dominating figure in Britainsiron and steel trade Montreal Antoine March end 85 secretary of the Gate bec Quarrying and Mining Cor poration and one of the oldest stone craftsman in the province Guelph Jack McGunnlgle 85 leading figure in baseball circle in Western Ontario for maps than 50 years Iandon oohHoward El son 45 former warriors of On Iarios Middlesex County aim her of theLondon lownshjp council and reevs of the town ship gored by bull RESUMES VACATION MOSCOW Reuters Soviet Premier Khrushchev has re sumed his Black See vacation interrupted when he came to Moscowtbwel com indian Prime Minister Nehru and handle other urgent business more than two weeks ago in formed sources reported today THREE WORKERS SHOT METZ France Reuters Moslem gunmen killed three AI gerian workers in cafes here Friday touching off an identity check In the citys Algerian quï¬mthatrrcsultedinfour ar res Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Sunday Windsor 52 70 50 70 50 70 50 7D 50 7O Ezflmi know hes taken care ad the little lady should anything hep pen to him Dont forget some times youn de die And Im not being morbid Its Just plain common sense So young fellow lust you look into your budgeting right now and put sonian your savings into Sun Life insur snae plan thatli take care of the little lady youd liv thin for Shes worth Whatever your income think can tell you how you can go about it Lets filth things overtodayi ANDERSON DISTRICT SUPERVISOR auntirressunanceconranv or causes 14A CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE PA 6445 yesae pla get iner these days one of their blame is to balance the bud at There are so many things eyd like to have perhaps radio new auto mobile home of their own simpler things like furnish for the den or the appre ï¬enmï¬ew drepcs or even going to the movies there are all kinds of ways wsppnd men aymaad all kinda nice things my But let in tell his young husband somthi no going to be whole lot ppier if he FIXPRINCESS HA8 CHILD NEW YORKfAPMi€ 11on ard oxenberg the former Prin cess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia gave birth to seventpound The budget for the next three years for NDEA was presented to the convention floor and had stormy passage every possi ble means was used by the dole gates from across Canada to whittlo It to bare minimum Jowever rising costs and the need for additional staff to handle the everincreasing work load of administration at the national office at NDEA made it mandatory that an increase in dues was required This will go to vote by the mem here at the annual meeting which will be held in Camp Bor den Nov In the Garrison Theatre meeting of the unit repres entatives will be held In Octo ber to discuss the national con vention in detail and to make final preparations for the an nual meeting It is expected that an out line of the NDEA nationaljcon vention and the story of NDEA building in Ottawa will be pub lished and ready for distrbution to the members within the next two weeks EIIEEESTIMIITES ON aonvio FENDER REPAIRS Export workmen using DoVilbIss Spray Booth and lNFRARED DRYING produce factory tiniih 34 Hour Service PA 526 Barrie NEEDS PUSH LONDON CP Canadian Trade Commissioner Bert But lar suggested Friday that trade pushnowhyACanadian businessmen could offset much of the sting if theJJnIted King dom enters the European Com mon Market He said We set no limits to what we can sell here andpromptlyaddetfo provisoit depends on the sales ability of Canadian producers 1962 ionrm now ONDISPLAY Bowen Morons ALLISTON HE sum Hopkins reported on the work of the NDEA constitution ttty Peaches sold at so centsa committee Collins on super annuation and Blair on basket and cantaloupes dime apiece finance and budgets Homeehakingrlncludinrbutf ter don1inoes marshmallow squares and clderberry pie sold at various prices depend ing on quantity and size ENQUIRY EEAssas Instruction in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church Open to all COLLISION WORK SPECIALTY TWO LOCATIONS to Sdrve You 65 COLLIER ST PA 82457 233 BRADFORD 5T PA S54IC iiiiiioEiinEio morons Every MONDAY Night ammo is 330 in St douphs High School 99 Mulcaster St REGISTRATION Monday from 700 until 730 pm Lectures are Iron and Informative No obligations PA 82985