bIEE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY Torgis Hopes Have Catcher Yanks Scout Redsa THE GREAT For World Series thewanderlul displaycwhichethe BarrieJJistcicLAnglerl and JLUIIIEOESï¬ By WALL SMITH HAPPY BIRTHDAY We dropped around the other day to wish wellknown sportsman the best on his Asth birthday it was Pop Hines who from the look of him will probably be raring to go when his hunt gang starts to pack for the ideerhuntre As we told Pop we hope that we look as rpry at 86 he does at as Other than being plagued with cold Pop was in pretty good spirits Incidentally Pop is an honorary life member of his camp which includes Wib Laking Chip Hunter Jim Webb Sandy Dempster Epri Marshall Jack lferrett among their members NICE GOING BDAII hlsny are the words of praise which we hlve heard about Hunters Conservation Club had at the Barrie lslr Their present window at Zeke Firmans Texaco Station at the corner of Toronto and Dunlap WestwhietLhighllghts the next Safe Hunter course which commences on September 29 also deserves high praise Nice going fellows your efforts are very much appreciated OTHER CLUBS Our good friend and fellow sportsman lsck Richardson forwarded copy of the Ridcau River FisbLGame andVConW scrvstlon Clubs bulletin to us the other day and it is most interesting and encouraging to see some of their activities For Tonight Exactly two weeks of idle thrhurtitosgisAutm tivu firstplac finishers in the Barrie and District Softball League They playedncsr Camp Wednesday and showed the ef fects of the long layoff Tbs last time Automotive played was Sept against Stewarts Lunch bestio ven irEal motive ere minus Gr Lit tle catcher who was at school in Waterloo it is hoped that the fine youngvrecelver will be at Borden tonight for the sec and game aciotk Air Force on the other hand locoked pretty good Wednesday Pitcher Billy Henderson who has played almost every other pitched terrific game for five frames Then his control dis appeared The official date of the third game has not yet been set However if no game is played Queens Park next Monday For that first game in the It starts at eighr position on the field this year tomorrow Naiwiilibeat Borden Fiyers at Queens Park Highjumping always hit of any track and field meet remained so atNorth Colleg v5 yesterday during the late Brady intermediate jumper record with Lschaols preTudhopa meets set school STUDENT PUTS IVERYTHING leap of 58 Nicholson vsctvndunior jump record of 010 Photo by John heir ertsonl Incindedanhlsbulletinwsrodetslls climbLime ment program of pothols blasting in local marshes to create ponds one ofcattsll eradication to improve duck marshes hunter safety courses big fish contest Hunters Hall which we understand is quite an affair and Ltomplcte list of all of the hunting seasons for their locality The members of this club are to be congrstulated on their projects and their fine bulletin it is refreshing tared other clubs bulletins and see what is going on in other areas Thanks to there being multitude of such clubs Ontario is becoming more conservation conscious every year and not before it was needed Our local club need not take back seat to anyone for the projects which it has got going and the service they have performed in this area but we felt that some of our readers would like to hear what is going on at other clubs INTERESTING EXPERIMENT of great interest to many hunters will be an experiment which the recent Department of Lands and ForestsNews Release states ll going on in Pickering Township by members of the local rod and gun club of the area With club funds they have purchased number of wild turkeys for release in suitable area in hopes thstthcy will help bring back the turkey shooting which 100 years ago was feature of Ontario life There was time when the wild turkey formed an import ant part in North American economy ranging throughout most of Southern Ontario Club members feel that the experiment should prova worthwhile and no doubt it will be followed with great interest by many others oft this part of Ontario SPORTSMEN HONORED The memorial service which was held in Orlllia last week which was attended by gieat numberPoi friends nnbehalf of Blake Urea and his brother Ross who were lost in plane mishap while back only serves to remind those of us who know the contribution Blake had made to the Ontario Fed eration oi Anglersï¬dmhlunters of how badly be will be missed by sportsmen all over our province tribute from the Hon Spooner Lands and Forests Minister points out Through hiswork with the OFAH Blake Uran had been of great assistance in advancing the work of the department Through his cooperation the Minister said fish and wildlife objectives of theedepartmcnt received consideration and support of federation members and sportsmen throughout the province We did not know Ross Urea personally but we do feel honored to have known Blake and wonder along with many otheLconservstlommindscheopierwboewiiiecomralongitoi riptlaï¬e man of this calibre in conservation circles and the NEXT WEEK in our next column we hope to bring all of the hunters up to date on the balance of the upcoming seasons which we have not highlighted to date and have the answers to many queries 7Â¥about deerilndrmocserhuntlng Until then see you in the great outdoors TTenrns Finals HOMER BALI Queens Park WORTH PLENTY BALTIMORE AP The weadybecn Won On Saturday Barrie junior tennis touma ment enters the final day to morrow with four champion ship matches and one exhibition on top The evening schedule starts at 030 with Karen Rechnltzer and Marta Rcchnitzer playing flatmnavlundElkaHoffmarr for the senior girls doubles title An hour later KCILCJEJIIILJL and Pcte McCloskey do battle for the senior boys singles championship Earlier in the day the Rech nitzer sisters oppose each other for the seniorgiris singles title and Joe Ogden plays defending champion Don Amos for the junior boys singles title The evening will end with an exhibition match between Don Fontana second seeded player in Canada and professional Jim Bentlcy Suitable seating accommoda tion for spectators will be avail able Two of ï¬liflLhaVLale Ken Cuculick and Charles Saso claimed the senlor hoys doubles and Don Amos and Joe Saso have won the junior boys doubles llir Iorce Holds Soiiball Toumey Royal Canadian Air Force holds its dominion softball fin alsat Downsvlew this weekend Teams in the double knockout will be from Edgar Greenwood Nova Scotia St Sylvester Que bec Moose Jaw Saskatchewan man who caught Eager Maria 59th homerpn bail Thursday night mom souvenir by man in Miami The telegram arrived at Me morisl Stadium addressedto the man who caught the ball that Roger Maria hit Wednes pay $500 forttha ball that was hit in yesterdays baseball game the text of the message said Money will be available at any minute if an get the hall Please wire or call Daniel Wagner 12 Northwest 117th Street Miami The Oriole club tried to contact Bob Reitz the fan who caught the Maris home run ballat his home but were unable to reach him He was believed to be at the game again Thursday night feel this way said Reitz The Yankees have everything but have the ballldeaettlefor7amupie of tickets to the world series with all expenses on Maris who posed wuh Reit forphotographersaitcr the game offered to exchange an autographed ball for the 50th homer hell But Reitz wanted none of it Maris made second at tempt to get the baliThura day when he was driven to the Belt home by former major leagues and Baltimore businessman Lou Graamlck Muris remained in the car as Grasmick attempted to he goiiate the deal The Yankee slugger was told that Reitz reï¬tted $2500 for the souvenir dice lets go Marii By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal on ettcs cellar dwcilersiumedupstorta try to take Hamilton Tiger Cats by the tail Saturday night with the same team that last weekend gave them their only victory of the season You don tamper with winning corn inntion said spokesman for the club that raised eyebrows all around the Eastern hall Conference last Saturday with 2642 off Ottawa Rough Riders The win boosted Montreal to within hailing distance of third place Toronto Argonauts who have seven points four more than the Alouettes Argos are at home Sunday to Ottawa in game that could see the one point edge the second plsca Riders have over Toronto ra versed Tha Alouettes spokesman said the clubs spirit alter their first win is better than it ever was The no change edict appar ently means that defensive end Ed Meadows who was expected PORTCREDIT or neon fiderice counts Buméby Nor burns should take the next game of tha Minto Cup lacrosse ser ies without any trouble at all Norburna and Hastings Le gionnaires each have two games of the best of seven series with the next due to go tonight Hastings coach Cy Coombes says he is afraid the team has elostvconfidenccirhim and is doubtful he can get them up for the next game Norburna coach Bill Dickin son however elated at his teams 114 win over Hastings Wednesdflyilanhlfbo keep it up for the rest of the EOIIBS Dickinson was speaking ape ciiically about the fourth period of the Wednesday game when Norburna drove in live unan swered goals toeavercoma an deficit WIN PROTEST Adding totha happy atmosa pherc in Norburns camp was the naws of their successful protest of the third game of the series The series stood 31 against Burnaby until the Cana dian Lacrosse Association up held their protest and scrubbed out the game which theylost norm goal Game officials ruled Burnaby had too many men on the floor when they scored thirdperiod goal but Dickinson and Fred Davidson argued the referee had misinterpreted rule con cerning delayed penalties The CLA in announcingthe decision said the western mem bers of the association based their decision on newspaper box score of the game because the official score sheet disap peared the night of the pro tested game The protested game will be geplayed ifnecessarynext Monday ght Coombes blamed himself for the Hastings loss Wednesday It was my faultthat we lost because blew the game dont know if can get them up for Friday night as they seem to have lost confidence in me He said he was guilty of not using his players correctly an added that coach has to be Litmus He predicted howeve that ttifcewgoe hnu pjm that if we get the jump on them Friday we will stay on top of them IIiilicrest Starts Finals Tomorrow llillcrcst Monarchs start their final series in the Provincial omens Softball Union Junior series tomorrow night at Cokwell Stadium Toronto Opposition starting at 830 willibe Hisoock Comets Second game is slated for Barrie the Clad Sea island British Colum following Saturday at Queens Park pm orburns Are Set To Taken A113 have to be somewhere else legion catsuit In Finals Sat Barrie Legion Minor Baseball Leagues end 1901 activity at Queens Park tomorrow even ing Three games are slated two for trophies one just for fun At six oclock Richmond and Montreal will start livein ning game for the Atom cham pions game willbe followed by This saexbibitlonoontearbetween Peewee AilStars and the coach es and umpires Final attraction is the Peewee championship tilt between In diana and Pirates it is sched uled for seven innings Over the summer morethan zoo youngsters were treated to organized ball by the local branch of the Legion its mem bers and macheracquiredrby the LegionA Saturday is their big night iMcNeeTey Gets It Title Fight BOSTON ANFloyd Patter son has agreed to give young Tom McNeeley shot at his world heavyweight crown be fore the end of moibut where The oncecertain ï¬oaton set ting suddenly became remote Thursday when the Massachu setts Boxing Commission re fused approval of the contracts which specify the referee be nonstate resident After the three our deadlock on the issue of off air Patter son officially signed for his sixth title defence against the unhea ten and relatively unknown Ar lington Mass campaigner The 15round bout had been tentatively set for Nov 13 at Boston Garden untlithe appar ent im developed Cus DAmato Pattersons manager insists on nonMassachusetts referee Commission chairman Herman Greenberg replies that group has soleelegaL juris ction over who the officials will be Floyd Patterson will fight McNeeley before the end of the year announced Torn Bolan head of the promoting Cham pionship incorporated If its not in Boston it will Though Greenberg said the commission could not approve thefight in this state under its present wording the long do layed signing took place The contracts binding between the principals but invalid in Macao chusctts will be resubmitted with some revisions The Com mission will pas udgment withina few days upon these rcvis ns No one would say what might entail Alduettes Hop Take TiCats IBYTherTailw to rejoin the lineup alter miss ing four games with shoulder injury will not see action Hamilton coach Jim Trimblc with seven victories no defeats and first place in his clutches is not so complacent its fig ures the Montreal offensive is real confusing and has or dered the Ticats to break up the plays fast and if that fails to play it by ear TRIO RETURNS Quarterback Bernie Faloney and Hal Patterson and line backer Hardiman mreton all injured in recent games wilibe back in the lineup Coach Frank Clair still sting ing from last weekends upset put his Rough Riders through three fulldress workouts this week He said that if his club comes up with any more games like last weeklli just have to make some changes He already has few in mind for Sunday Milt Graham will switch back from defensive end to offensive tackle Tcd Smnlc yiiigmogeiintogtirohomscnd slot and Tom Rodgers recently acquired from Edmonton Eski runs will likely go defensive half The only regulars missing will be Ron Koes Davey West TED SMITS Associated Press Staff Writer Cincinnati Reds their first National League pennant in at years almost withingrasp take on San Francisco Giants to night at Crosley Field while their fading rivals Los An gcies Dodgers journey to St Louis to do battle with the Car ï¬nalsf The key number is four Any combination of Cincinnati vic gaining purisssures theJenA pantlo the Rcdiegs for the first time since 1940 Cincinnati hes Bob Purkey loill ready to send against San Franciscos Billy ODeli 55 The honor of being chosen to oppose the New York Yank eesrinthe world series might be decided this weekend Certainly the schedule favors the Reds They play San Fran cisco again Saturday then go on the road for their four last game at Chicago Sept 25 and at Pittsburgh Sept 29 and so and Oct HAVE BUSY SCHEDULE Dodgers will be on the road from now to the end of the sea son and have much busier time of it Two more games af ter tonight will be played at St Louis then the Pirates will be at Pittsburgh Sept 25 and 28 the Phillies at Philadelphia Sept 27 and 28 and the Cuba at Chicago Sept so and Oct This flurry of action by the Dodgers while the Reds pursue stately pace comes from the BATHS OPEN DAILY ana to pm and Ernie White PA 87111 hl DUNLOP ST NS GUNS AMMUNITION SHELL BELTS HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES mmï¬mrau son ammo auxearns ousurr nannwane on sun aocxsrsmws fact Cincinnati has played two more some for mm near record is 9051 and the Dodgers 84431 579 or five full games to the rear Yankees out scouting the Rodlegs in force are reconciled to playing Cincinnati They would have preferred the gera The reason of course is that the Coliseum in Los An geles holds 91000 for base bali game and Croser Field barew makes big difference in the players share cHhrsericsrecclpts Dodgers will use either Don Drysdale ii9i or Johnny Fod res 15 against Cardinais Ray Sadeckl UM They won is inning thriller aver Oucago in their last appearance in the Coliseum Wednesday night to keep their hopes alive even if feebly in other National beagnr game tonight Clucogo Is at Milwaukee and PittsburghAL Philadelphia where were as cranky as bear with sore toe about giving our customers complete satisfaction wait one If to our SHOWING or THE NEW iï¬ZPONTIAC on fHURsDAYFRIPAX SATURDA SEPT 21 424351361 folRTEEaucrtvgoRAw LOCKHARiMOTOR SALES VMAINST AT SHIPYARDS PHONE 113 COLLINGWOOD Your Pontiac Buick VauxhaIIGMCTruck Dealer