Om BAHIE exam MAY man 1001 INNISFII NOTES Fair Draws Large Jiurnhesï¬i Pupils By ILGJ There are 2330 children en rolled in lnnlstil public schools and 2000 ol them were at in nisiil Park Thursday for the annual lair The march in nchooiunitssnd the school yells done with every ounce oi eilort showcd that these pupils and teachers had spent time in train Ing tor events Frisitandvegetablesdlspiay ed showed the care and atten tion devoted to the growth at these home grown products As to the animals one does not just take call from laid and bring it along The animal must be cared for lived with and trained or its part in the exhibition This applies to ev ery animal exhibited even to the rabbits Dogs dont get to be show animals without care and attention When child gets an urge to show his pet he must start early and work to mnke his entry worthy This is what makes the school air success Then there are the committees that judge and assist with the showings It was lnvelY warm day and not better place could be lound or the gather ing Credit goes to all who helped It was worth while SWEEPSTAKES resolution from the County at Peel asking support or leg Islatinn to legalize sweepstakes and touse the proceeds for the support oi hospitals was ap proved by lnnisiil Council There are many In our district who purchase sweepstake tick ets and send their money out at the country Why not have these funds spent for our own proï¬t remarked Deputy Reeve Cochrane who introduced the motion Following presentation oi ad dltlonal sketches by George Burton on the method of re vnmplng the former school building behind the township lllce council did read agree menthkichanges Assessor Robert Sproulo had stated that Jle did not concur with the sug Section that his office be placed in the east end at the new building He intimated that while mailing at the assessment notices was in progress he could manage with the oillce spane he has and would prefer to remain in the front building Reeve CD Sproulo said he By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP How does It feel to spend 16000 000 Not bad says Aaron Rosen berg in fact you would hardly knoLthaLha laJpendlnghrecn ord for movie and in herlting record number at headaches with it He Is pro ducing the second Mutiny on the Bounty Spending umptcen million on movie is no diiierant than spending ocm millions said Rosenberg The only dii renee is the bills come larger So do the rumors There have been all kinds about the massive production whichrstarted last Nov 723 andrwill tinlsh in three weeks The must recurrent one Â¥4flJhaLatariMflnjr ibeen the cause of various reasons Brando who seldom reacts to haLinrintedeout him is hopping mad about the reports Ship In Distress on Television lacing search tor ship reported EihiZInTIn Hud son Strait ended in television studio in New York Thursday US rescue authorities re iported to Search and Rescue headquarters here Wednesday night that ham radio operator reported hearing distress sig mi from ship battling storm Iin lludson strait When check indicated bad lstorrn was in progress in the area Search and Rescue began checkotailrimownshipping chne was missing On Thursday the distress sig nals were traced to some rea tileticdiiibgrï¬lï¬a play an an unidentified New York tolevl Isionstatiun Through an atmos gt lphersc freak the makebelieve use Brcmdo Is Angered By False Rumors had had an architect present plan for changes lie sit plan prepared by trained man should have preference over that ol contractor Coun dilor Airs Lawusaid that Mr Burton had contacted officials allotted byvthe changes and had made his sketches accord ingly Mr Burton said his propunlamlghtcentai the es pense at under 31000 The bud gct had set aside 000 to buy move and reiit the building or use Assessor Sproule who had been insistent on getting additional space told Council that the Acting Clerk Richard Gmh was too busy to need more space and kept working so hard he did not require an cities to sit around in DETERS EXPANSION Owners of the Leiroy Marina came to the Council meeting to ask or some guarantee that their assessments would not be increased Il they decided to continua with expansion at their facilities which the demand re quires They claim that their taxes now amount to about 34000 annually or which they receive only garbage collection service mey have to keep up their own roads graveiilng them at their own cost They said circumference footage assessment is charged or the area dredged out of the swamp which makes the basin leading botheir islips They also are assessed business tax on all the slips they rant and that their tax costs are considerably higher than In other townships across the lake lhey have demands for more slip space but wanted to have some assurancetbaLthis en largement would not addeddii tlonal taxes Reeve Sproulo said council had no jurisdiction on the assessments and he could not see how any special provi sions could be made Ra com pared such actions to the Al iiston fixed assesament plan which allowed wealthy firm to get special rate Assessor Robert Sproule was present He said that he ielt his valuations were correct it might be that the business as sessment was out at line but all other levies are right be flat ed The matter was left tor the council to malt trip of truncation The reports are nonsense the produceuald Marlon has always been on the set nudr ready when we need him which is almost ovary day He has not only been present he has been 37constructlveiorces Whether he wants to he director or remain an actor believe he has genius laysl Rosenberg rattled them ott by the dozen The Bounty replica built in NovaScotIawaaifour months late in delivery it was bad year for lumber The writ ers strike stalled production The iilmhadto startwithhalb script because at actor com mitments The ship delay put the company in Tahiti at the rainy season Papers GeteBack Then what hammethade YouR Local Mn comamm Robert Easion Minasing Elmvalo Mrs Russell Gren RR Barrie Thornton macawi Mrs Len Edgerton Shanty Bay Oro Station ER Barrie Angus Allistan Mrs Beverley Elliott OF THESE LADIES WILL WIN DAY ALL EXPENSE yarn VACAT ION TO NEW YORK CITY ALONG WITH THE GUEST OF THEIR CHOICE THE CONTESTANT IN YOUR AREA WILL CALL ON YOU AND WILL APPRECIATE YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER New YORK CITY TOUR CONTEST HELRTHEM WIN iLost hdvéï¬ising MONTREAL CF Newspa pers have regained adversiting revenue lost to television and now are leading medium for ad AzartlsimgrRrAFEnrford qt Tor onto general manager otThe Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub lishers Association said Wed nesday Nlla spoke gtda lsagging oi the ewapaper ve Mann 235 Association of EasgteWC Warren McClure copubl liaher oi the Burlington Wt Free Pres said United States retailers invest 10 timesmora inncwspapetadvertising then In TV and six times more than CallDEE LTD Furnituro Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents iorï¬iofflrï¬morican Van Lines on short wave EMPIRE STATE 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