balmtatoanlaferlornads Lï¬mwmngm£ng neutralize any trace of acne by When the iurnace stops blowing in paint or varnish remover ROGER WHITMAN lax Wltb the acid solution be iiorced air type Lhere is lwmflgnkmflwï¬w washing with solution ol noise coming through our base UL pint of ammonia in gallons board heating from contraction sum NAnJHZADE ol paint is excellent or asbest in Sand mwih Ind We all mi mun 3311 by rin and uploading ot the pi QUESTION We have vly shinsies both root and ld WW the PP PW sing with clear water Be sure This noise did not exist seiner wood overhear one quarter mu WM to wear hensywslnthtllfï¬ggï¬we enclose the pipes Wblt 11 ih mam onrnmwooa um 7mm mm to protect the eyes rubber glo csn be done to stop this noise mm mm quasrtoN Our red CRUMHLING mus PM Widow three ylul old We want to cause or its highly co in it seems to start at the turn year How an we nlc table has grease stains all QUESTION The brick base quamy Pro and goes through kep um mm mowing over it How can we remove ment wells on our 40yearold DP through or mowing when the grease How to prevent home are good for the most When the MCI sulfa i5 In staining part but in other they have lhnmusllly dry apply mason ANSWEW ANSWER For the best pose ANSWER Cover the table sur gm 51ng Eh 31357333 Syntax ylzgedenzirezdm mm alblo results slightly countersinkjacemthLlsyeLnteplstemedo 1° ble mom brick due to Maï¬a pg tbeoallhea Thin touEi up of powdered whiting and non Jim €337 aii causing mm Nb Fly with ntstinhibltlvs paint or flammable liquid spot remover wnifa ft rnrrmnc CHRoans shellac Cover with putty over this place EM Joum QUESTIZSN We are moving hole human in ï¬nial arm plastic to retardevapor ANSWER This condition is to cw anaummndwilkvmarï¬e nut quite large plywood Then paint to match ation Wh he pastelisj uu£eifloreaeenccandla have to use our kitchen table nugn isolator hangers an tn gunman flimolored fresh due to water working its way and chairs at one end of the pipes or sleeves around the hol sznmnum Bums until all grease has been re through the brick add lorclng ale living room These have chrome as it possible should be instal QUESTIO more mung moved Applying coating ot kallne saILI out to tho suriace legLCan the chrome be palm led or pm 8mm re snacsvarnlsh to the table will ToTemovethe white sodimcnt ed an til met Wig 51w helm protect the surlace against pen use concrete and masonry ANSWEeR wuss are mfg ifhggiaï¬ofliï¬inï¬f ginning 3hr like etration at grease food stains cleaner and etcher allowing la an 18 as may an able at lam plumbingm log ghflurznamazé mu oanbe latchedoil directions carelully avall mm of use and grime Dun house pp stick out like sore thumb ld molten CHERRY moon 35 the 353 Wu gloss linlsh Jilomluxtibblng like them to match the other martial hatOIneroldeMB 1m pflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iwg wormsle wool and turpen ATEN SHUTDOWN ahingierwlthoutvrming for cherry mahogany bedroom suite mil Wipe dim and Willy then to weather whose surface has become bad in Im °I° to quality enamel WNDSOR CPl Windsor one part muriatic acid in no area contractors have Answers oulcltet wry would thflkedr What be done parts of water use wooden HEATING mas Nam encd to shut down the butillldeifllg be palm new shim to resgre the ilnilh haul0 container allowing the solution QUESllON We built no industry in Essex County on with PVA linyl plastic paint 31 1° to remain no more than reatlon room in the basement Monday unless contract dilier mixed to match the color at ANSWER This condition is minutes then rinsing oil with enclosing the ceiling and all of cnces are resolved between the rest of the roof This type usually caused by overexposure plenty of clear water Then the heat ducts leading upstairs employees and employer Remodel with cabinets that give you the rl storagespace foreverythingiflï¬ cleaners Here are few of the special refreshing design with lot at eye appeal this home has The Building much much to recommend it Plan The Barrie Examiner ned tor comfortable living each Harm Ontario room is generously proportion ed The livingdining has Enclosed please llnd tl tor which send me Book OK book builtin near front door Plans entitled 71 LOW COST HOMES FOR CAN natural fireplace and plant ADIANS Please makc remittance payable to The er 30 inches high which serves Barrie Examiner as partial dividing wall be twecn the living and dining areas nice decorator Name touch The kitchen contains an other custom type builtin near eating area which makes it Address handy lor silver diohcs etc Theklalgaiory Iwhich is logoted oli itc on an ng near ase merit stairs also has direct an 155 banal um an on bedroom The ST Barrie and renewed acquaint inwnspiwwl new mu once with his wartime buddies both make it especially con Mr and Mrs Geor stunden venlent to the other two bod and Kenea Paul and Cathy M15 and Mrs rooms Consider also the abund 13th Wis l° WWW lloivard Penny Pamela and Jim ant closet stance in this plan bm attended the baptismal services mi Sept Congratulations mm on can an we won Dish towelsrlcaning materials and waste recen nun iii aria iociii in 53511 Little Heloers Party in St gnu2 Anglican Chm taclc And here they areall neatly stored inside thirstcpsaveroink cabinetright halemem Pauls Anglican Church will be whelclyou can reach them early held Oct it 230pm at the Warren Edwin lnlant son at ojiï¬gdiTg Church invitations are being lilr and Mrs Russell Stundon able in Canada or his Deng sent out was baptized by Rev John Rld gt 0477 OMEND resident Edd Mr and Mrs Mervin Boaih dol reception was held for par 81 um and family aravisiting in Mnn relatives at the babys borne Wï¬dzx treillhthiolwcekendd They will Strabane Ave ANT E1115 AKEE vist er sster an famly MONTREAL iCP Automo MrsnmiMcs JierberiPratt Tï¬lgï¬1mmlinl°flgï¬frg blla manulaclurars should in family Eimvaie visited at Jensen who were married in stall better emergency brakes in Jos Pratts recently Bum Avenue United Church new cars the Federation Au Mrs Douglas Frolick is re Saturday Many attended he gimoléiieddeialler ï¬ssoclationa of cupleratlng at home alter her tmussend 88 mm hi usirm ana so all ere at its an serous operation nuai convention Wednesday John Kell attended the 157 $2151 Simud Ivy and Bar Mrs Fred Green Toronto vis itcd Mr and Mrs Jennett for tow days osmlo vooon In their own special cabinet of course And with this compact cabinet you can store canned goods as orderly as books on library altelf Just slack em up for Iiza on shelves spaced out to euit Highest Beading Recorded In 115 WASHINGTON iAPi llhe highest level of 115 radioactiv om muons Illwine is easy to get wtth Sylvaoly plywood The new Sylvsply in the atmflsphere cmdad plans book has simple tnstmcnons or everything from hanging shelves to wan since Russia resumed nuclear Ilawall limos1m everyroom the house film gjéggï¬ï¬f been flea ullll on way no alienate rue etunma osv Brooms mop vacuuni waxes FREENEW garnering goal neatly stored in madamorder atom for all cleaan thing If The Little Rack ï¬eld gimme tuck on of sight bein smooth nus dos gm up EV Your Sylvaply dealer now has the big new Sylvapiy Guide to Home improvement Wednesday was 709 mlcmmlcrm for youi Its packed with helpfulideaa on kitchen planning ateobystep plans for cupburds and ii 357 curios oi radioactivit cubic =lin=°ml°ddidkihm storage cabinet can be put be bum Paramy in matre oi air the pugiic health workshop or garage and then together byeanyone who can assemmed in place under SETVICE reported Thursday It Lo use hmmarimd wrsirrp mm mp The mm was the highest level ever re °lWh° mdyourlraa llsn ho kln our pie butt join ts are used god lid is cut from the same card at me Rm SylvaplyDaalP erl throughout The lir plywood plywood top OWEEm Fm Belch you an the moving mancall your lumbar dealerl ONT MOV mumr how you can Eva hottes right when you are with tho IMPROVE help of Sylvnply plywood You lumber dealer loan all the plau gt um and materials to get you started now Ha knows to good mars to BB you need uutatda help can suggest lowvcoat ways to GI eW asses the work Get togetherJoan at him OnoStop playcart And of course at the Mind or home improvement For professional quality results put away his toys at the end end of the day your child can of the day7 one answer is to use it to round up and store mufl°rd nun SYLVAPLY hm Wind make some at it This is the away his toys PRESCRIPTIONS ï¬cohduorpromslonalsmasm idea behind new childrens The lid of the chest is fitted room storage cabinet designed with foam rubber cover or for handyman carpenters cushion to arm seat at the VETER The unit is made from Viir ysheiï¬ when not in use plywood and con is of two io the chest tucks away neatly SUPPLIES omy storage cabinets play under the shell shelf and writing desk and As your child grows up the toy cheat on wheels it is chest is replaced with chair Your One Stop Lumber Yard feet long butBarbe hm and the desk and play shell YOUR ALLANDALE any other convenient length or used or doing homework and REXALL STORE made to it wall to wall storing schoolbooksrro complete Hnw you it out the cabinets the transformation install piy in up to you But in the de wood bookshelf on the wall pHONE 48 ANNE ST BAR 77 PA 2495 sign one of the cabinets Is no above the cabinet or young ted with cupboardand daughtc YOU also can fix bank of drawers for clothes mirrorto the underside of hL The other is for storing toys desk lid and convert play and other items that are too shell into neat vanity unit big to go in the toy chest The aim Etna thiilymlng in THE LATES ltseltFttc wi can ers ANSWER it be wheeled about as NOW Available At iiï¬m Torwammon non nEPAm WORK LVBWISF 100ml BOGkSfltlils 55 APE 51 BARRIE PA 85541 ornaments yfllllllTiiiiliEliflllllili rsfllllandaie ifï¬iï¬EliZiTcii1ciiiii Co Ltd CHRYBW 9° For lrliormliion answers lolly 49 555A RD PA 855 JARROLL Pl rizitii°fht LEF LHRMBE How do you teach child to