Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1961, p. 11

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esssoNALs LEARN HAIRDRBSING MI no In this Well chartered ethosll while on are man Inland In all Inches Bl Beau ouitm for Inilmation Writs DWIN MINING ICIOOL catuni oration rm Presstrace 222 Most FEMALE HELP TB DARRIZ mm FRIDAY suntan LIIfl zone romaine I3 AUCTION SALES BREEDERS OONSIGNMENT SALE AUCTION SALE FRIDAY mourn will be held at BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS P3d SHARP Auction sale of term stock Im THURSDAY OCTOBER 5TH plemeilts hay grain and house AT not rwclwaom 1° Bred Gm bold eIIects Ior oeonos EDItoNDs MO Open Gills will be of ered by consignors All anim 22 Comm Nam saga To nshlp 15 miles south Ila have been Inspected by oifi cult of tha Ontario Live Stock of Slaw Imam south of Stayher off the county Branch eon CATAmount CONTACT read Terms cash No reserve as tile Iarm is sold KEITH lcRU smitY COUGHLIN mom ARTICLES for SALI ARTICLES Ior SAL SFARMERS MARKET HOME FREEZERS 30 M01035 DELAVAL FogEPianGiggfihll SALES Cr SERVICE Milken Factory Trained Service gt LOWEST PRICE Wane Tanks mVaeuu Ptsnsu Water Pumps arid au nunsrum McFADDEN Appliance HANK BROWN irtnmgogzflmmm RR asltntl HOLLY LL PA 60338 CHRISTMAS TREES Tile Department at Lands and Forests is offering several blocks oi Scots Pin Christmas Trees for sale by tender Clap lng date for sale is Oct Outhotrd Muller ssu sapar For particulars contact the Pm Apply at at District Forester Department at lands and Forests Mapler zeroJAB Ilflflt moulded wires$936on r3953 LTD is ras nabla IRAMBLERI partmenénoi Lands and Po minim AND LAND novnn 10 mm zLTUFINO IAGI mm You Get Finer Used Car WherejheEinesi ORADIOS DOMINION TIRE NewCareers Sold STORE ansnronn ST asnnln 1980 HILLMAN Mle 4DOOR ammonia and practise gas Finished In Ember Red and Roses and Stumps removed raI ephons Les Hart PA ssm SMALL GRAND Piano or Foam White twotone This car has standard transmission New car condition throughout Alllsipn relphone alter Hemlock sues 1960 Landrover 83 Wlth sandy llnish Iour wheel drive high and low range Ter rific Ior this winters hunt camp 1959 HILLMAN MINX 4DOOR Finished In green and white twotone Perlectfisiecondflcar Iortthamlly 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC 4DO0R kin throo room Ill urnisaao ancient Tllso noon uttliua Billed or lesntD heated mutant nl one Block trust on out vats antsInf and bath DONT PASS UP THAT BOAT BARGAINI In It No with Lot Cast Insured 500m PLAN IDAN BANK OF NOVA soom Want Ads SELL LL rnauanoueApslnnTsaernm In er on an rl an or so it Use or usher and dryI to shopping Telephone PA tor ruetnsr lnremsush an heated ap unset heavy it room dine sit blihrootss Ind two bed Adnita Tatabode PA on house raens Isrniee at mass or PA sun It HELP WANTED MILLINER REQUIRED The MIdIandPenetauguiabene District High School requires an Mn PM sum instructor In milltnery for night classes to commencs at the Aumon electrical app school Idgctober Application must he submittedtntheunder Md signedTy Octobe lst estate qualifications experience and reI Gm plumm entices to bicycles Is for VENT ELVIN HORSBURGH Box 210mdlgnd in the village oi Cookstowrt Phone 5262274 right on Highway Tinnext door to Crawlords Pirbeq Stop warn as wanted ply chat VHV LEGAL NOTICES JOINION Outpost later or Ills LP I341 mod electric LI and condition and lit manly Tatphone PA some cANOI larr Carts Boat ls IL dbflllus so Is AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans rort can AUCTION SALE NHL no colt to SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 80 shed tnatria conveniences heavy my no oil heatin It rent Apply ultis Pater or teispbo ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified sdvetv tisements are inserted at the rate at it per word per Insertion rtorrone andtwo tlmesc per word for three tour or live times and Zinc per word ior or more insertions 107 addi tional dcarge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FUR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS ll CHARGEDPERSINGLE IN SERTION umolts 0R CORRECTIONS Advartissrs ara reminded an phon Insertion artists ar ad cunvanienca to as Theretora the cries Advert sir Department eao all sdver arLto kindly rubeck thsir advertisement lanaidistal sitar ttrst insertion in orda that any enan or emissions to be rspp belure arr In order that aatna may ba rIcIIBId or the lollowlnl days Insertion Ordlr wlsb to point out tbat The VIIfiler hush7h mpnulhie or only nnI Incorrectly insertion on any ad and then mil to the Portion es that lava mlsprllll Errors whtc do not lessen the value at the advartisa ousg roa uNr three bed ail conveniences garsle numedists passsalon last end en Talcpho PA amp or out ar particulars rwo BEDROOM unturnisbad muted upper duplex bis 50 Tillie Strut Close to stores chlldren Welcome see rnenialy IIelepborse PA asset BOAT IlPOOT Plywood Vind sbisld leldtng convertible to 11 chosen motor rstnota one not Itssvy Iittad boat covarl at ca Trailer Cons tats eutht uoo Tl Ophelia PA FRUIT VEGETABLES GOLDIESAPPLES AGAIN Our many Iormer customers will be pleased to know they can now buy the qualit and varieties oI apples sold me until went out of the orchard business live years ago The former Proteuor Hume orch st Shanty Bay has been bought by Mr Sybrand Koole who is now living on the farm have been supervising the spraying growing and grading ot the apples this season and can guarantee the quality of the fruit sold Varieties are Melba Joyce Wealthy WolfeRiver McIntosh Snow Cortland In season at reasonable prices APPLY KOOLE RR Shanty Bay Co Phone 0m 3010 Goldie ARTICLES WANTED Terms cash No reserve as the tar Ior siaursntr carton owners are returning to Tor rslspsena Onassiss anus onto Inn COUGIILIN AUCTIONLIR aALlluOr Maine or is aim Palmsno amends Des ils aarris Post out AUCTIONVSALVE Tr stauanu unrmums to care SATURDAY BER AT PM SHARP ldtTlirndItTghtlslrd 421323 Auction sale of farm stock Im PA 01 In tints filaments hsy grain and some ousehold effects for ELWOOD BATEMAN women Cltrletmas selling At Lot to Concession to West starts early with Avon Cosmr TammiRwy Townitip on High ttos part or full time Valu WIyN07raAmIIHItlBIKM able sales territories now all north Bradford PA 6655I Terms cash No reserve as the farm Is sold axeattmtcan Waltrs required ply too Grill aso nu strut come Also three room adults only its En are Nos modern unfurnished pertinent or re ree room no bath but wa ted isun dry room with er October Telephone PA Mm was or SALE OF LAND COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Notice Is hereby given that the list ot lands liable to bs sold for arrears oI taxes In the Coun ty ol Simeon has been prepared and was published In an adver tisement August tool In the Ontario Gasette Copies of said list or lands or advertisement can be securln myroIIIco or will be mailed upon making applica tion for same in default of ment of taxes as shown OII as ROOMS TO LE1 ntunnr tarnished huusckaplng room or rent stove and swing sratnr Telephona PA mot BOUEIKSIPIND Room to rent III dnwntown Iocatlnn TIIIDIIUII PA Inset usIL mass month Tilphone PA 03 at Finance as Dunlap It clttnsnR llIlRTl loszl Wilt at lessst Ford or Meisor can be seen at Canadian Tire Dunlop St West sPAcP HEATER or sale theme statl lly controlled with Ian zoos ion tank Onl ssld lhr months Telephone cross SPECIAL two weeks OItI Brand new reven stitch cabi singer sawln Mach As low as se top Strest CLEARANCE hi all used vacuum cleaners All in lirst class lmnY COUGHLIN AUcTson alt TellPhona PA AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER PM SHARP Auction sale of iarm stock ImA plements hay grain and house hold eIIeth Ior ROBERT HARRIS Lot Concession Essa Township tilt miles straight north ivy Village Terms out No reserve Owing to two rustNIsltcn Rnpmsrlorrre one with TV urasia In ud Tele hone PA ham or lpply to st arcua street dll very pnpullr hots Quality High earnings or those with sales Iblllly Call PA HIM be tween and PM lllLIABLI Housaksspsr required to care car to chlldrlnr While nsslbar works as do light house kseplnf Must be cl and and of chidan Reply llnl wages Istipectad to no Barrie nan nsr bus route tag or kltchln it desired Te pilots PAMI30 badroous gentleman downtown are to rant prerorre Ts phona PA Meet CENTRAL Locatl Bright bed room and kitchen or rent Putty Iurnlshed Reasonable rent with heat and lights included Ideal tor couple Talephone PA M593 CLBAN lumlshcd bedrooms two Orin Iarle with twin bed also amauer room with dpuhla bed to sin and up Apply Hoover as and service Dunlap it Is Hon RENTALS singer zlectnc Port able Machines or rent by week or the month Singer the Centre as Dunlap street Telephone PA 57990 DEMONSTRATOM Sin ANTIQUES WANTE Unusual pieces or chins arias brac Oil Inn glasswlre clear or colored nl turniture etc Midhurst Antiques Best price bald PA 828 buttons toilet acts with Frontenac Grey Iinlsh Equipped with fsmotis reclining own 1957 PONTIAC SAFARI DOOR STATION WAGON seats car youll be proudeiI IARN MDNIY Wills II Itstin hobby Make beauttlul Ii durgstroyd nap Aso Aglllcourt Ont MALE HELP list on or betore Tuesday Nov 1561 at the hour at two oclock ST in the attomoon shall at that time In the Council Chamber new County Building Barrie 0nt proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrearsto ill health Mr Harris is glv up taming mtnv COUGHIAN Averion SATURDAY OCTOBER AUCTION SALE meal are not elilibie tor not tions by make goods Comlng Events 5c per word minimum charge 8150 Birth and Death Notices Ior up to words over 25 words be per word extra in Memorlsm No tices $150 It versa used In pee ing minutes walk Irons downtown Oentlematt preterred PA easel alter pm ROOM do BOARD lfi manna Room and board avail Id In private home In General zlectricvleittlty Lunches packed Laundry Telephon PA Mina ROOM AND BOARD In good home Ior elderly Ildy Home riv Cioal to bus stop cry Apply to Box 15 Barrie artmi er arcs HOUSES won WANTED Two bedroom lower apartment with private ant rice by ynung business man with ll ramlly Central incsttun sonsbls ront By November or Apply to Box 71 Barrie Luna Tan and Beige with vs en gine This wagon may be used ior business or pleasure 1954 CHEVROLET 4DODR SEDAN Finished In Blue and White two tone This car is In very good shape 11 GOWAN STREET PA 66438 HERES ONE 1951 Ford automatic twotons ranch wagon New motor snow tires radio and window wash ers This vehicle is mechanical ly perfect and guaranteed Full price $650 Require $250 down payment May be Iitlanced DAYS PA 60981 EVENINGS PA 51082 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH ds STANDMD DEALERS Jupnlrun All Makes OML and NAL anlnl Service 7s nAyrinLD an aaltiltn PA 64165 isss ronn Ranch Wagon or New motor brakel Ito Tolspit Larroy still use litescolt naiuxe ourdonrr iullyequi pad wittraxirss MusI sell or is nver pytdnta 1st lphnlll HE lOIM Alliton lass coNsuL tour door as load condition radio Prit sl aonlbly or quick gall Tllallhfln PA 81155 ms Porto Two Door tor ssla Good condition Motor ly gopd Private deal PA ssm alter Mo pm in CHIVItOLn Coach good condition throughout Must be sold Telephone PA 04006 or aplt ply is Mutholiand nrlve Barrio lass Donal Royal two door hard top radio white wait two tpna rad and black ply to let nurton Av lass DELUXE valltsw sen gather with charges thereon ll land not all sold on Tuesday November 1961 an adjourn ed sale will be held on Tuesday November 21 1961 at two oclock 51 COLEMAN Treasurer County of Slmcoa Treasurers Office County Building Barrie Ont slatday of June 1961 I2 TENDERS TOWNSHIEQLESLSA TENDERS FOR MUNICIPAL GARAGE Sealed tenders clearly msrk ed as to contents and addressed to the llowlnshlp Clerk Mr Ji THTBEI wil be receivedunti 5Wmhtt3txéh 1200 noon EDvST on Mr Cohan st PA am after pan WEDNESDAY oer 11 1991 0mm mm 81 ulhuy for the construction of muni Irhrn to Iil pm six eipsl garage on Lot 16 Conces ul hf slon in the Township of Essa Building to be of concrete mas 30 WANT onry and structural steel con struction 5340 an it loor ares vesting of Turnl Apply October to an Derrddy sm IIM Plant specifications tender forms and any additional inlor motion may be obtained from Tans MALE on FEMALE either the Township Road Sup eerlntendent Ml L7 huax TEEICEMANAGERW Township of Essa Municipal FOR FURNITURE STORE Building RR No Arlgus 0nt or the undersigned upon Must be able to take complete dew 325W 10 59 cllarge of oifice collection sc cortltled cheque for the 47 DUNLOP ST sum oI of the total amount PA 142 counts credit sanctioning plus bid must accompany each ten followup 5° APPLY BOX 77 BARRIEi EXAMINER AT RM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock Irri plements hay grain straw and some householdeifccls Ior EVERETT KNEESHAW At Lot 17 Concession 12 West Gwlilimbury Townitip miles north oi Bradlord and ti mile east II No 11 Highway Terms cash No reserve as the Iarm is sold may couoltuN Aumoum TODAY 15 GOOD DAY T0 PLACE YOUR WANTr AD In the BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or You Telephone PA 82414 illg Machines used at ll Pair some reduced much 350 See them on digslly at Dunlap Street West 57960 nAur cArtltIAGu En llsh or sale in excellent condlt hills and white complete Welllhflon street PA Mm srAENLLss steelware place it pots and plnl Rainbowwan also Bcrhlly Electric Pry Pan All brand new Best utter secpt sd Telephone PA will map REFRIGERATOR stays and Washing Machine Ael condition ssoo coin ielc Owners leaving town Appy Pentang straat Apt nnrmnzuATnn Ior sale Wast inghoun msdlum also with tabla in good condition it sonsbla otter sccopted Tatphone PA s71so nnlwmnna bought sold rant ed rd aired Student rates Ask put our Rent Try than any Plan star Dpewriter Co 21 nrsdtdrd st PA ossso PRIEBR chest ty 11 nil st and only loot mo sun rally uaranteed Gan at electric Inge in on well and Iutolt tnstic clock Pour burner gas range us Robinsons and warn PA Hui word extra FLUID LIITn mu Internist Elfin advertisers us on or It It bat sassd antial RD Cl 30 III DIG only Ia HI III Cl DuPIIEIIIDfl Classified advertisements and notices for these pages nttsat be received by was pre ceding publication with all oeptlon oi Claseliled Diapley ldvertisementa which must be In by liiwnoon preceding day lists and styles tar dis may be nuns TRAILER wanted the one or two items To ephons PA about or evenings PA elm AMP COLLECTIONS old litters and coins wanted Bast prices DIId Write Box 11 Barrll Out can IRON snssll Box stove In good condition wanted Immedi ately Telephone PA some we WILL PAY casn or good used Iumltura or any good used article Individual or content this Psnna PA mm WANTEDNmitura suitable or recreation mom sturdy one rocklnl chair nassonably priced Tsisphona PA ems WANT sad rurnilurs and Ap vss rstrigsrat drossrs and dlnlnl rooin sul rugs Talapttona PA as ARTICLES FOR RENT noro rILLart deg Drills Lsdde call us or coin lats list or rentals Dangle ward Pennrig at Telephone PA noel 5FARMERSLMARKEF LIVESTOCK ssnnLe nonan lnr all sound well mannered nsasonahla Tsiaphon arr lass CAAILB WANTED tO winter Pad AAprpler Blnll1shlflyeau ro us run sALn old Apply dyk Oro station 0rd nourIttN Burma or sale pick til 50 Listed and accredited Apply William Clark RR narria Telaphona PA 5W CARPENTER Good finishing carpenter Good Wages Steady em ployment APPLY MARTIN RR BARRIE N0 11 HWY SOUTH TIMEKEEPER Urgently required ior local manufacturing company Five day week Generous holiday and vacation pay Apply to Dr VILBISS CANADA 719an lisges plus eda thro vsrtisins ADVMTIBE IN THE BARRI EXAMINER WANTED TO RENT Alums WANTED to rent near Bradtord street or months oPly to Box Elnlr Examiner ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS ssorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS duty lnur blame AUTOMATIC stoma £33dlil1i° These books are in par Kiln TsitrfiTFTegrtlldlhualIPAHMB feci condition but have I95 onthe dale Iine WASHIND MIBIIIIII Westinghouse Laundromat automatic in good ULAR PRICE IZc to 20c working condition prion or best Olllr Ie ng at 9C ea $1 plus R0 CIAL SALESTAX Chair All Commercial Printing Dept Barriejgaminer Phone 66537 NEWSPAPER MATS wn nollsr moo ttto crowning Puthp Apply APPLIANCE SERVICE TONY SAPPLIANCF AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes PAINTING AND iPAPEREANGINfl about iv and anl PLASTERING STUCCO STONEL AQU IKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS sncnwsYs PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT MCOLQUIKBRICK LEFROY coM PHONE COLLECT SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT le have be ucsnsan to moon your dead and unwind rann ani mals under to shave act FREE REMOVAL Phone CnLLEtI BARRIE PArkway B4617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENE as DEAD STOCK Dead or crippledrcattle and hogs removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE 97751 or askior ZENITH 94130 COLLECT hours days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR FoxmesdrrOntarior License No 139cm WELL DIGGING WELLS BLASTI N6 IDITCHES STUMPS REPAIRING BOULDERS CALL KENWINTER 12 MARIA sn BARRIE Reasonable Also Elly TIopbonl PA MOI or PlrticuIIn usnn smash Machines one cab inet model clean three Pod at stand and two at steed Featherweight Portables All singer mararlteed 25 Dual street West PA emu ATTENTION Stamp and coin collectors All your needl supplied at the new Stamp and Coin Store at 17 Bayiiald street Barrie Ont Donn It present It all leSIturd PALL SPECIALI The Famous Siri er StyleOMstlc zlg sawing achine haw aisleu than to day It your Slnler as Du Strut vinft CPI no outdo rtUanu AND sportsman Model 1040 Pumps us New Oun cases 22 LR oils soc Cult buntllnl 57696 Teri lrip under lets live lit bust llg licences hand guns EvliytIIInl lor the sportsman Oflen evlry evening Hensons Bar int Banla Tats phone PA was DOGS dc PETS nActsslmNt Puppies tor gurubred Wells old ma amlleg Please tslo hori 83 19 betwen mm Oddly to Friday CARPENTRY The lowest or any tender no cessatiueaetal sawtooth BECKETT Eng hmovnrioNs nnsloDLLLINO Consulting Engineer Telephone after pm eVince St PA 68934 Barrie Ont DIAPER snnvtcn TENDER BARRIES FINEST Caretskacarequieod iorEssL Road Presbyterian Church Bar DIAPEITSERVICE rls Lowest or any tender at Twins weekly pickup GliwdAellvery necessarily accepted Closing FRANCIS PA $8551 date Sam 195 Less than psckrst cigsraitss Send tenders OIY srsN BURKE tss SANFORD so BARRIE DRIVING SCHOOLS NSHIP OF JOHNS oVVESPRA DRIVING SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the 0w OPEN undersigned clerk up to 11 For complete information and oclock noon Friday Septem appflinimenls her 29 1961 for swamping out TELEPHONE PA 631277 oI bush to road allowance ap ORLLIA sCHOOL OF fih EORSIII American brlld saddle Horses Pllnmlnnl Sorrell Plan 107 hands I7 t1 Horse and Polly and hrld lea halterl his phone PA Old POULTRY ss CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS HO MOI oult lllIIlllE IIIDW Ilflls If III load night and Jho mAEflEyPUTsLETSrvrcbndltlon throughout Telephone stsrtsa ady to lay and dsy old PA salts or ntrttur intnmation chicks or now tor narly order discount For service or hols on tometlfifimizualodgernficgm If mum mm srudobaxer Sedan rhur dner um blaeit alooo malts airsr Both HUNTERS In Ai Telephone Luray POULTRY FARMS Tess atlth Spec smoun laptop iaur door autom DIKALB PuLLnssJoLlJgL holltersd Body partecl six new tire momhinld Ia Itll 9115 on Apply Donald alien art Bar nAlnnnsssan required that or ls eaplrianeed ior modern hill or parttime excellent or es call Mrs ntllsr Brsdtord PR adieu to evanlnla Pia sss7o EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUND MAN with Mton Pickup Truck wanting work Would con sider any kind at work Cart no and do bookkeeping Apply ox 79 Barri Examiner PERMANENT Cars givan to one or two childrauranyagarIn my hotna Phona strpud stiles WILL CARI Pomona chlld In HY own hdmll Monday lhroulh Fr fily East and district TIIIpllono PA 61209 WILL cast rots raacisoni age 751 own ulna Fenced pily lII Mary Strut Just abov Walliuion Phone PA Hal Mn Illllm Goodchlld cONsctsNrtotls Business College Studlnt would like part Available dlily trotn 330 pnt and all day sat urday Phcna PA eellss attsr WILL no TYPINO or any descrip tinn in own home Studlrits notes specialty Very raasonable wtit mun and deliver Phone PA one owner custom Mechanical Ben momCIT eta or telephone PA Mus phone PA sallo FARM MACHINERY all day saturs CHARLES CHURCH cans WTD so nus onv HARDY MOTORS FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE nAltittns NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLILREQUIJIH is Clal NWIHolllnd David Brown USES cAus TRADE UP on DOWN asalty Farris Equipment 176 BURTONAVE PA 82373 WE WILL LmD YOU MONEY ON Fall specials on Forage YOUR PRESENT CAR 17s BRADFORD STREET Harvesters Case New Hol land Dione Gehl PHONE PA 34172 casn FOR your car Lid 1957 Chevrolet litton Pickup with long box and stock racks areas Examiner Outaflo HAVE YOU TRIED urrie Auction Rooms and SecondHand Store 56 DUNLOP ST WET PHONE PA 84 neon TRAIN 12 the under construction Innsfeh ssétllirm stack etc Included TIV An Examiner WantAd PHONE PA 81414 MERCHANTS ETTAX ACCOUNTING MADE EASY lid on We lead up Or do VAL Ilndell Motorl II has Rold Bdr ria PA 59811 TRUCKS Gs TRAILERS last INTERNATIONAL Picktt and tlnl Ilaa duty springs Telephone PA secs lass HALFTON pastel XIIImil ATTEIATLgN tittllit Burris HANDY HARDWARE CENTERS¥i3il STROUD estm lei unirow tick or in New Management PHONE agnoun tonic Barrie and runnln condition Tatphone 94nd nlul or lurthlr Iss lomltion MOBILE HOMES we run master or Ills tarnished wired cash only An ply to Mr Runs ice Burton Avenue narrla TRAan TIIAILLII or ioot sleeps lactnry bolt condition I100 Tale bone or turther deta proximately 175 cords Iplne pulp yfilagegnfiltt dented SAEEDRJILINGM Tender to be by the cord work ism to be completed by November FOR APPOINTMENT ML CALL PA 66551 Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted EXCAVATING nAitt ltlcttAnDsoN cnnltx 17 owlN STREET nsnnln 11 Gimng III Ftli SEPTIC TANmPUIIPED AUCTION SALES daunting and Grading water li cry lashed ltonl LOOK TAUCTION SALE in SATURDAY OCTOBER 5333131 IN YOUR 130 PM ma Arne CELLAR LLOYD FOE siloan waits on éARAGE 27 Highway 12 mllcs north of Eéfifiiéugfifi ill thl Lit Slain19 TIsmlf IE tr cks EEEIE €°éliTéerItfiand BEE eras rig ere ou aeconss cs can sell Ior cnrfitl Hundredson termmachineryvwatar pumps flTnggmgffiENowmsswg people use Eixamtllner Warit Ads alli cornplressorsgaragto sup cALL PA amt to sell artic es sy no anger as on Iurn ure thl neod want or use scrap and hundreds of other ar wwms gt Half Anyotnimwentins to P51 LAWN Mownns or roll PA 607 lo cesna ssacmoy if CLASSIFIED cmmsmm Bagppnypnhgge vvghlggunsfllfi va Want Ad Section TRACEAUCT10NEER MASONRY BY LICENSED DRILLERS accepted until PA 824I4 Pm liq publtcetdoo rice from $27950 Tradeinsoccepted BUSINESS MACHINES DFORB ST meg PA 66595 tI palra on all types Aggy312E FREE ESTIMATES CHIMNEYS BUILT azginlulszzmz Couvland Drums CEMENT AND chock wants RR sBARRiE cults PhonePA 8244 Nm PA 37546 gt PnoNnMINralNou In good

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