Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For thame Want Ads Tele phone PA MI The telephone ntnnber to call for the Basins or Editorial Dept ll PA 65 97th YearéNo 22 Violence Ends Union Meeting weeks meeting members will have to show their union cards to gain admittance Several scuffies broke out be fore Hart was escorted from the meeting but peace was restored five minutes later On the platform at the meet ing were National President Ken Smith who was reelected this week and Donald Gillie president of the seccesslonlst Sudbury Local 598 The Sudbury local has been withholdingdues from the na tional office and has expressed desire to join the CLC through affiliation with the United Steel workers of America Smith said in brief addre that referendum on restral ing the unions national office would show split in the ranks and jeopardize Mine Mills bargaining position with lncoi in answer to shouts from the floor that he and olhe nati al fic PORT COLBORNE tCPl Violence caused adjournment ofva meeting of the Part Col borne local of the lntematlonsl Union of Mine Mill and Smel ter Workers find Thursday night postponing for at least week decision on its future The disrupflohime as in cal resident James Bnblrad was seeking vote on whether there should be referendum on joining the CanadianLabor congress it was then that Financial Secretary Edward Byng an nounced that Douglas Hart sec onder of the motion was not member of the union About half of the 2000 members of the local who attended surged towards Hart and the meeting was quickly adjourned Hart was escorted out by two policemen The referendum mo tion was tabled for week The meeting had been called tivemfflnColf borne Local 637 of the strife torn union to assess member ship feelings on whether the lo cal should continue to be re presented by its national offl ccrs in forthcoming negotia tions with the international Nickel Company of Canada The Mine Mill union was ex pelled from the old Canadian Congress of Labor in 1949 for alleged raiding and for alleged Communist domination it was decided that at next are ways in the getting rid of me Glills lnvitedSmlth to stay and hear what he had to say adding dont want there to be any leaflets tomorrow from Mr Smith charging that was talking behind his back But Mr Smith left the hall ll Gillls spoke Glills then described the na tional offlcers recent attempt to take over the Sudbury local and the dispute which followed Court Releases Cuban Ships Held In Halifax More Than Year OTTAWA CmThe Exche quer Court of Canada has set aside warrants of arrest that have tied up seven ships in Halifax harbor for more than Y£tfls Thé ships were sold three years ago by Canadian National West indiest Steamships Lim ited to the Cuban Bank of For eign Commerce which later sold them to the Cuban govern ment The warrant of arrest was brought against the ships by Flota Maritima Browning ds Cuba SA claiming $1500000 as damages for breach of con tract Tbe appeal of the Cuban gov ernment against the arrest of the ships and the damage ac tion was upheld in judgment made public Thursday it was llgfiedrbYMiTJflSthrJTCT Cameron of the quer 499m Brovining de Cuba to run them ill Justice Cameron also set in Halifax there was no im aside the writ claiming damages mediate word on plans for the for breach of contract rusting Shipl am NUTSHELLW soy lieAdmitted To school BURKS FALLS OP Andrew Fraser who refused to stand for God Save the Queen earlier this week and draw an un scheduled vacatlon was back at his high school class Thurs day The 15yearold youth was ordered out by Principal CJL Dawson when he remained seated for The Queen although he had stood during Canada at the morning assembly BitterStruggle For Miners HALIFAX GP Deputy Comisioner George McCelland of theBCAMP says there is bitter struggle ahead for men Leading thefight against communism InJJMJtIfCfliflHOBBl Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers 1nd Carpenters Strike Halts Construction NIAGARA FALLS Ont 0P strike by carpenters to day halted work on two local church building projects and threatened to snowball into multimilliondollar work stoppage of all construction in the Niagara district DiesWhen ed By DQNDO Howard Elson 45 former warden of Mtddlesex County died today alter being gored by bull on his fann early in the morning His hired man John Smite was seriously injured and is in fair condition in hospital El sons son was also injured Abandon Search For Youths 5T CATHARW CPD Three fugitives from the training school for boys at Cobourg are believed well out of this area He found that the ships were owned by Cuba which as sovereign state recognized by Canada could not be involved in Canadian murt action without its consent The judgment noted that the cost of maintaining and watcb in the vessels lnHallfax har bor was said to be about 0000 month for all of which Cuba alone has been eponslble since June 195 This indicated Cuba has spent about $210000 in maintaining the idled ships The seven vessels are the Ca nadian eror Canadian Highlander Canadian Leader Canadian ObseryorrGanadian Victor Canadian Constructor andCanadlan Cruiser Originally owned by Canadian National Steamships and oper ated on West indies service tlishipsiwecholdJtheeCuv ban bank which had made an agreement with Flota Maritime byesnowfand search for them Iooally has been abandoned Govt Decides Wont Revise Act OTTAWA OP The government has decided not to re vise the industrial Relations and Disputes Investigation Act at least for the time being Labor Minister Starr informed the Commons Thursday night Picks Up Lighthouse Keeper TRENTON CF An assistant lighthouse keeper reported to be seriously ill was picked up by United States Coast Guard ileum Thursday from lonely Lake Superior iat aod The RCAF here said the pickup was made bythe hell copter from Traverse City Mich ammpanledm the flight by an amphibious Albatrossaircraft Propose Pull Integration 0n Trains OTTAWA GP The human rights committee ofthe Cann dian Labor Congress has proposed full integration of Negro and white employees of the Ms sleeping dining and parlor ear service One Sentenced Remanded In Local Thefts One man was sentenced to twoyeaTslTKlngsfin peniten tiary and two others remanded for sentencing after they plead ed guilty in magistrates court this morning to charge of breaking entry and theft The theft took place at Barrie Cen ulsn Smith aid It you are unfinppywltmgLhmuwlmMH Thomas Dellne 21 of Bellevlllc received the twoyear prison term and James Gan non 21 of Point Anne and Dale Bier as of Toronto were re manded for sentence to Sept 29 Magistrate Guest asked for presentence report in connec tlon with Cannon and Bier second charge against the men of breaking and entering at CNR tool shed on Burton Avenue was withdrawn by the crown csaroo OLD ron nossrmss ENGLEWOOD Colo an it was classic scene No gunmen fleeing the drug store they had just robbed sprinting into an al ley where their getaway car was parked turn oi the ignition grinding of gears and The differential fell out of the 1937 model car Police found two men hid ing in the alley minutes after the Wednesday night They arrested James Kennedy 21 and Robert Webster 10 Both were held without charge Officers said they recov ered $104 taken in tho rob bery TORONTO CWForged pre scriptions to obtain goofballs and pen pills have been show ingup fith increasing fre quency in the last 12 months in Ontario the chief inspector macy reported Thursday Greenfield said in an interview the forgeries have been uncoveredmyfinspec ore from the college during routine checks of drugstores Some charges have already been laid and Toronto police are believed holding warrants for the arrest of several persons on charges of forging and passing phony prescriptions Mr Greenfield said the col lege is so concemed wltbthe remains of hurricane Esther were to skirt the Maritimes to dsys Weakcned Thursday night by the cool air over the Atlantic off New England Esther changed course and should pass Idomiles southeast of Nova Sco tia The weather office forecast rain and wnds up to 40 miles an hour in Nova Scotia today and Saturday with very slightdangerfrdlfltvind and rain in New Brunswick and Prince Edward island As Estherroared up the At titudeThursday she packed winds of more than 150 miles an hour tier virtual collapse meant salvation of $5000000 apple crop lnNova Scotias Annapolis Vauey Partners baid apples can stay on the trees in winds up to 50 miles an hour in Newfound Esther earlier for rain to put the finishing touches ondlsas tronssummer forest Ns light Two policemen and civ ilian seen through barbed wire along border between East and Wutaerilnrwoor nesday observe evacuation WASHINGTON GP Attor neyGeneral Robert Kennedy Thursday announced that fed eral grand jury has indicted group of Canadiansompanles and individuals on charges of rparticipatingwlnéa47000000 Forged Gooiball Prescriptions Cause Alarm Among Officialsw for theOntario Collegfoi PhaF Faeble Remains To Hit Maritimgs HAWAXTCP iha feeble land where firemen looked to phantom nickel mlns stock health problems involved that it has cancelled the licences of some pharmacists found to have supplied the drugs without pre scription Goofbali is slang name for barbiturate pill which can cause intoxication similar to al cohol Pep pills are in the am phetamine class of drugs which act as stimulants in the nerv ous system Both are usually obtainable only on prescription and both are frequently taken with alcohol by addicts to speed up their effects Mr Greenfield described the case of an Ontario girl who ended up in mental hospital after taking six times the nor mal dose of pop pills daily rain in eastern regions was ex pected The Boston weather bureau Thursday tgt downgraded Esther to tropical storm and reported sthas travelling northeasterly into the Atlantic with centre wind velocityof less than 70 miles an hour EstherAnilictedvmuch less damage than expected and no deaths directly attributable to the storm were reported An alert along the entire cast em seaboard aided consider ablj Most of the US damage was caused by high winds which blewdown trees and power lines by high coastal tides and bylfloodlng due to heavy rain On Long island in the New York metropolltan area elec tricity was cut off from more than 200000 homes in Nassau and Suffolk Counties in Suf folk at the eastern tip of the island more than 10000 tele phones were deadand schools were closed Suffolk police estl mated boat damages alone at $1000000 countcred difficulties fitrylng sultafSoyletbnmhmts since metre of lair EHLIN REDSEVACUATE BORDER APARTMENTS ordered by Communist suth orltles of families occupying quarters near the border mansion are piled outside the border homes in the Indict Cdnqdidn Companies In ickelMine Stock Fraud fraud but there is doubt the defendants will be brough to trial in theUnitcd States Because oi an extradition treaty challenged and found faulty in the courts the US government in the past hasgen to bring Canadians across the border to face American charges US quarters now hope that Canadian authorities may prosecute the latest stock fraud charges in their own courts involved irrthedndlctment re turned by the federal grand jury at thtleton Nti are two Ca nadian companlcsxand 24 Cana dian individuals as well as an ArrtcricanIlvlnglillTErtfitside Bahamas company The in dividuals are residents of Van Health Hazard StillNot Assessed By Scientists OTTAWA GP At what point does fallout from nuclear bomb explosions constitute danger to the health of Cana dians Federal health officials said Thursday there is no easy an swer Full significance of the many factors involved is not yet understood by health scientists When the Russians set off nuclear bomb test in the atler phera some 200 different kinds of radioactive materials are sent swirling around the earthT They become aproblem when theyatarLtosettle The radioactive materials cre ated by atomic blasts are of two types There are short lived products which decay over brief period and longlived ones which remainactlvefor many years set thosafc maximum permis slble radioactivity level atMy units But this is the level at which they must be inhaled over lifetime Following nuclecrexplodonrjmmmewankln4w the federal health departments 24 alrsamplirig stations begin to record increased radioactivity in the aIr most of it caused by the shortlived fission products fiesborHivedflsslon prod ucts in the air are inhaled But because they are around for only short time they are not considered by officials to cons titute health hazard and offl clals say these factors must be taken into consideration in as sessing the significance of higher fallout readings as re Sept Fallout levels in air samples are determined by the rate of decay of the radioactive prod ucts created by nuclear explo sions They are given in dlaln tegratlons per minuteper cubic mated fi000000 worth of stock Limited using almost worthless Ion Radiological Protectionhas ition aska recognition of this secede the group from Que for French Canndlan national nled to be studied bythe lead LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with cloudy intervals and condoning warm tomorrow Low tonifltt flllgb Saturday so For=lull summary see page two Not More Thanh per CopyM Page UNITED NATlONS CR After 10 years of ootbeshslf treatment the explosive lssueof whether Communist China should be admitted to the United Nations was assured today of fullscale debate before the Gen eral Assembly for the first time The 10th assemblys steering committee Thursday night acs cepted two prowsaltnnmm US Proposal Aims To Prevent Admission 0i TW separate debate on treaty to rendrnucioar sis Also app for debate was the question of UN help to 21s vent population growth The topic wassuggcstcd by Sweden and Denmark and opposed by number of Roman Catholic countries who fear this will lead ktola UN debate on birth con ro Neukoeiln section of the city East Berlin Communists emp tied border buildings where people leaped out of windows into West Berlin tAP Wire photot tawa Montreal St Stephen Saint John and Lancaster MB The zitcount indictment ac cuses them of selling an esti of St stepheLNtckeLlMines New Brunswick mineral leases to issue 1700000 unregistered shares offered by mail and tele phone from Canada to buyers in the US The mining company never went into operation the indictment said Companies named by the grand jury Conam investments Limited and Rock Holdings Limited of Aw Brunswick as well Global investments Limite Nassau the Bahamas From mm The International Commission em and one sponsored by Rus sisthat the Wmembor world body debate the Red China is sue But each proposal had differ ent goals The United States which backed the Western rcsolt iutlon wants to keep Peking out of the UN and Moscow wants to bring in its Chinese ally The balance of power in the voting may rest with the new African states some of whom are friendly toward Peking By vote of tote0 with live abstentions the 21member com mittee approved New Zealand proposal supported by the US and Britain calling for debate on the question of represents itan of China in the United Na ons APPROVE RED MOVE By vote of to with 10 abstention thercommlttes also approved the Soviet ltcm enti tlcd Restoration of the lawful rights of the Peoples Republic of China in the United Nations Canada is not member of thesteering committee this year but spokesman of the Canadian delegation have bcen saying quietly for years that full scale debate on the question was inevitable several issues that brought on sharp debate in the steering fiver Calgary VTocnntoPotscommlttee Thursday Overrldlng Soviet objections the committeevoted to set up LEOPOLDV1LLE The UN gtCongo command today adopted posture of military neutrality after its bold stroke to put down of strength ended in bloodshed and cease re The ceasefire in the break away province caught Fremter Cyrille Adoula in squeeze that could create cabinet crisis in the central government he set up with UN backing to unite correspondent Dennis Neeld re ported The 39yearold Adoula an antiACommunlst nationalist was under strong pressure from left ists he succeeded in bringing struggle from the UN in moving REVISION 0F CONSTITUTION against Katanga Fresh shouts of defiance catno Urge Conireniion The China question was one of Katangas secession by ashowe the country Associated Presg andsrhiswingvtotakeup1hr Oiildee the committee move got under way to bypass Soviet opposition and name stopgap successor to the late SecretaryGeneral Dag Ham marslrjold Support was growing for the assembly to name an interlm chief of the UN lem tarlat shows In as Mrs Jack England ofBaru rle drowned in Kempenfslt Bay last night after falling out oiasmall boathilIT mile off Issac Point Story is on page CongoeFercegi Adopt Neutrality Make newly appointed military chief of Katauga who said in tho Katangan capital of Eliza bethvillethatrthe truce is only temporary lle charged the UN command intended to break the truce The United Nations denied the charge OUTLOOK UNCERTAIN Only sporadic outbursts of gunfire ln Kaionga broke the quiet in the first 24 hours of the macfire but the outlook was filled with uncertainty Tunisian diplomat Mahmoud Khlarl chief of UN civilian ore erations in The Congo who no gotlated the cease fire with Preshient MoisejshombenLK figs tol reporters Thursda Katangas secession is purely the internal affair of the Congo ese Support quebecs autonomy More QUEBEC CmThaisaue of provincial autonomy for 25 years the battlevcry of the Un ion Natlonale likely will con partys platform Now however it maybe ta ken step further with group in the party calling for recogni tion of Quebecs right to self dcterrnlnutlon draft resolution by lhe partys Quebec County Associa claimed right and suggésuethe Union Nationals work towards revision of the constitution so that Quebec can enjoy all the powers of sovereignty necessary for its fulfilment While not suggesting Quebec bcc area riding long hotbed ism claims that the province could drop youtof Confederation if it wants The draft resolution schedlt ershlp conventions committee on constitutional mattersrhad the effect of bombshell Of the six leadership candi rdmrtwowemfiflifiliior comment Daniel Johnson 46 member for Bagot and former hydrau ilc resources minister declined to comment until he has studied the proposal NEEDS ADDED POWERS gt Jean Jacques Bertrand 45 member for Missisquol and for meryolltrand welfare minls ter said he believes Quebec must remain within Confedera tion but at the same time must work to ds acquiring the powers necessary for Quebecs tout within the framework of Confederation ing and working towards more powers1 he said fi believe that all this can beworked out peacefully FrenchCnnedlnns to blossom There is nothing againstasku son appear to be neck and ncck runaway candidates for thaleadcrship The other candidates are Uvel Gahlas 40 memberlayma Rivlcrcs Mayor Armand deau 51 of Sherhrookc Qu Maurice Hobart 36 Montreal lawyer and Raymond Maher to Quebec City lawyer Mre Hobart and Mr Maher were not on the platform for the opening ceremonies Thurgs day when Antonio Talbot retin ing interim leadcr urged the party to remain provlnclallys minded and free of federal poi ltlcal ties For an autonomous pro lnce there must be an autonom ous party he told the more than 2000 delegates and altan Inates in the Agricultural Pavil llon of Quebecs Exhibition grounds The threeday conventlo scheduled towlnd up Saturday Mr Bertrand send Mru1ohn rnlght when 1997 eliglb voter choosea iloadan from MasakorNorbcrtir

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