Low mt HRYDON ielt of To rontoiï¬hotvnjlest Bonds MadeIn Motor Displayed new marine inboardeout board power unit was display ed at Lake Conchichlng last Friday to dealers and mann facturers by West Bend oi Can ada Ltd new inboardontbonrd marine power unit by the companys Barrie The Barrie lirm is the first in the field with the sithorse power unit which they call the Shark0Matlc 800 Ziegler assistant to the companys president toid deal INNISFII NOTES Missiles lire Good Ii Theyre Bricks By RGS In letter addressed to the mayor of Strond received at the township office this week writer from Australia asked how ro Ontario got the name and it there were many people by the name of Stroud living in the district He asked to be sent picture of the ma yor and council and any other information that would be of family interest His name is Strond Any pe of that name can communicate with Mr Strond in Australia by obtaining the address from theclerir GOOD MSSILES In paper received this week from Stroud England there is twocolumn story about the lat ornational Brick Throwing Con marchpth lag Mis which do but new There is enormous enthusiasm engendered by the introduction of the International BrickThrow ing Contest between four places called Stroud Especially over seas where treated as as major attraction in its own right it is apparent from newsï¬per clippings recei etters and even tape record lugs received by this er Strand News and Journal from Strouda Oklahomaï¬ndï¬r Stroud Canada and Stroud New South Wales Australia Of particular interest is let ter which readied us this week from Smith who des cribes himself as native of Amberiey Gios and thrower of crockey balls so to 35 years ago Mr Smith tells of visiting strand Ontario with his wife and attending the Brick Throw ing Match on the edge of Lake Simcoe at the municipal park thereï¬ Stroud is town ofabhut 200 population he writes small rhamhat so the contest was held in their beantifni lake side park As in England the event was put on as district event Prior to the main event match was held betweenthe local council who appeared to be the same in Canada as in Englandfle mayor oit contesting team began his windup in the wrong way around and would have made backhand throw had not the master of ceremonies ï¬lm crimpI mean wit not set at Greatfljoy says Mr Smith wizsz by the crowd when the first brick was hurled beyond the lmfoot mark He said the only report receiv ed on the grounds was that the Canadians had higher test could have been more ex clting had theresoltsbeen re leased by telephone between all the countries Perhaps this willl be when Canadas Stroud makes their valiant try to become champions and your correspondent hopes to be there Mr Smith enclosed clipping from the Toronto morning paper ofethat datrwhich describes the Canadianroo at malts that team with total of 568 feet eight inches That paper ISM Latest Hit Saturday THE ELMVALE SCHOOL FAIR resident manager Gerald Em berson ers and manufacturers the new unit would supplement rather than replace the outboard or the inboard installation We are altering he said complete power unit which has the manoeuverohility per formance and neidbiiity of the outboard and the compact de sign of an inboard engine it is our belief Mr Ziegler said that many consumers will want the clean and unfettered boat design permitted by the inboardoutboar West Bend oiiidals said that the twocycle fourcylinder in ilne engine would go into pro duction early in November and would be sold only to boat maouiscturers for installation as original equipmentin their products They pointed out that tins would ensure that the pow er was matched to the boat and there would be no possibility of under or overpowering also reports that the Canadians spurred on by their efforts will make real effort to become the world champions next year in these days of lntercontine a1 missiles there is something to be said for people standing Jlrvdnthrowlng nothing but brick The article adds Commenting ona tape re cording sent to the News Jour nal from the Oklahoma game there was some difficulty in getting playback on this ow ing to the difference in the size of the spools used Mr Lunun from Stroud En gland had acted as the correspondent for the paper and joined forces with the reporters and radio newsman who were covering the mtflld of thebanner ac re the maimatrcet of the 0k lahnma town announcing at they were the worlds champ ions of the international brick throwing contest and the names at the other places where the contest was eing heidi This was on Highway 66 The News Journal says that he exchange of news items on the game between all the places will in crease public interest in the contest and hopes that the game which began with challenge IIIE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 386 BLAKE ST Beside Kempvlew Bow FRIDAY TEEN NIGHT Records 75o Per Person RYHTHMEN $250 For Couple PARKING FACILITIEF SNACK BAR Cabaret Style PA 68967 830 pm School thingP thosloog co estdis tance llJios i7 Fins with umsmunuuesm Oeeroom school having the greatest number of plmlls in the parade nugnflngrmhcoi in res to Flor Flor and Flor tie Flea and 15 Tiny do But mareblngbypnblic school 10 Flog Flor l5 Flos School carrying the best dis ol flags banners and bad 53 ll nny 13 Flu Flos Most artistic and representat Iive float by oneroom school 15 Fiat lo Flor Fins Easterllstlmueomut lve float by any school 1o Flor Flor 19 Fins Public school wenrlnLchest costumes is Fins Flos Eirnvoie rooms and Most artistic float in parade loflosndfl Printing and Writing Grade one Riclw Drinkili Ariel Miller Karen Ball Grade two Christine Camp Janka Darby Sheila Jae Grade three Janice Archer Diane Archer Tommy Archer Grade ionr Marlene Arch er Mnry Lynn Crane Cheryl Ritchie Graduï¬veandsix Inf da Darby Doris Archer David Archer GlndESJeverLandol Sandra Kenny Jean Archer Ca rol Graham Work Books Grade one Ricky Archer Donald Archer Grades three and four Ber nloe Black Mary Lynn Crane Jimmy Johnston Grades live and six JoAnn Fogan vi Archer Nancy Rolling Grades seven and eight Rose Marie Lloyd Sharon Sib thorpe Connie Moore nustntion ol Poem or story Grades one and two lane Pearson Patty La Rosa Christ ine Bums Grades three and four Mel odie Ritchie Beverly McLean Debbie McNeil Grades five and al Mari ene Jenkens Gibbons Nancy Rolling lt Grades seven and eight Kenneth Smith Charles Davis Jim Conn antiwark Grades one and two Norris Doen Jacob Veenstra Kenneth Price Grades three and four Mel odie Ritchie Beverly MaeLean Paul Lambie Grades five and six Gene Gighnm Robert lngieton Ken netbrrlohnston from Oklahoma to Stroud England will continue to flourish copy of the Stroud Ameri can ol July at has been receiv ed and this has devoted front page to the event showing how Brick Throwing was carried out there We have the fifth place world champion on our team and will move him up to first place next year after which he must drop out Grades seven and clxht Diane Mdinlght Johnnie Mdr tin Howard rlruax Web Mural Grades one to our Flo undo 19 Flat Grades time wing 153i sail Gr IN 77 roltlnn Elmvnie room Elm Scrapbooks Grade one Brian Mchd ga Sherroe Pilon Cheryl Kit Grades live to eight Bruce Roberts Carolyn Roberts Gloria Jacobs Band hemmedtea towel Diane McKnight Cami Graham Margaret Gillespie Handicrde ornament ll cw Truax Jimmy Martin Douglas Lambie Collection of We Grads one and two Craig Collins Bruce McFadden Vicki Jenkins Grades three and fourMelv odle Ritchie Paul iambic Jane Fleming Grades live and six Glen na Jacobs Judy Beardssll Sho mu Pratt Concedes oi Insects Grade seven and eight Pet er McKnight Lynn Griiiil Jim my Martin Kitchen apron Beverly Mc Lean Lorrabie Barnes Susanne Knight Donna Ritchie Merger Mark Furlong Susanne Richie Fivecarrots Marsha Sib at Miller Map of township oLFlos Cami Wicklum Jimmy Martin Safety program Dione Mc Knight Snson Hancock Marl ene Jenkins Grade four writing Marlena Archer Grade five and six Brenda Darby One quart wheat George Ward Roly Price Brian Pil key One quart barley Karen Swan Kenneth Smith gt One quart oatsReggie Cow an Russell Reynolds Robert Ingleton One sheaf wheat oats orblr ley Dï¬mlsB Brown Three stalks ensilage com Rose Marie OHailoran Tbme mangolds Lenard strath Brian Dwinnell Three Swede turnips stock Frankle Mulligan Murray Atkinson Larry Hall Three Swede turnips table Donald Smith Marilyn Mit chell Murray Atkinson Len ard Strath Donald MacDonald Five potatoes earlyTommy Hubbard Paul Whitton Hans nah Burling Five potatoes intermediate or lateBarry Swan Tommy Hubbard Jimmie Kidd thorpe Sharon Slbthorpo El len Maejracy Five beets Diane Archer Brenda Hobson Garry Tinoer Five parsnlpsBreada Hob son Mark Furlong Ellen Mae Tracy Five onions Robby Mc Cinng Barbara Reynolds Gor don Smith Five tomatoes JanetWan less Paul Whittan Nancy Usher White cabbageLarry Swan Breads Robson Mary Jane Wnples ï¬lm It 13a no aSperlalthlauroomJorthoi best exhibit of cut flowers Fios No Usher No 15 Sec ond Line Raiioran Robert Ingleton Paul Lamble Ariel Miller Miller clung len ll Collins Diane Paul OHalioren Howard Tru ax Margaret Miller Sharon Martin PetereArcherr Ingleton Paul Graham Fiosto 13 and 20 Saurin School Victoria School Insomnia Ono pic pumpkin Janet Wlnlen Carol Crowe Elaine nlbman Hubbard squashGarry Ei llot Briln Elliot Doris An Cher Five Fall sypch Russell len Ross Lnngmnn Russell Reynolds Five Winter applesSharon Gilbert Kenneth Smith Rou Langmuir live gisdloli spikes Craig Collins Anita Collins June irua Five blooms long stem asters Gienn McKnight Jerry Hall Anita Collins Fire slanil bloom Barry Swan Diane McKnight Robby Five stemscosmos Mnre Townes Mike Townes Garry Turner marigoidsDl Glenn Mow Knight Peter McKnight Flowers dining room bon TuitMlfllyn Mitchell Dllna McKnight Fairlie Ritdiie Livinghroom bouquetDione McKnig Glenn McKnight Nancy Usher Sick room bouquet Diane McKnight Peter McKnight Mary Jane Wnpies Bouquet wild flowers Nora Dixon Sharon Bale Jim Martin Special to classrooms for the best exhibit of garden produce Fiol SS No Fins Second Line Crossland No 10 Usher No 15 Utility puilet Lsrr Monica Ollaioran Utilityy cockerelKenny Cole usan Cole Larry0ilailoran Utility henLarry OHallorao Puiiet hybrid Robby Mc lung Arlol Miller Margaret Cockerol hybridRobby Mc bridPatsy anbie Miller ArielMiiler Bantam hen or ulletCraig ciliniflit Leon lien rd Strath Bantam cockerel or cook Best rabbit Gene nighm Best air at lgeonsRobert llalloran Billy School displays Grade TEE BARBIE um WEDNESDAY SEPT 20 1K ATTENTION ENTERTAINERS We no tolerated in top Mormon for our natusln dinlngmllhclllllll Wears looking for plane plum small band groups com cdllal singers and any other type or musician or talan For further Information feel free PA 00281 to all Ken hm It lIElIlIYSPLIICE 79 DUNLOP ST Jury Thursday Night II Kinsmen Bingo Night ODD FillCWT llAII Thurs Sept 218 pm 20 GAMES sonar me wanna 76 JAckPoliil soioo MUST no TONIGHT VHELP EDDIE SHOWING TILL rm tilmm APARTMENT shransmv alum lactate MUM AWARDS ADV mum 1ND FEATURE As whomever Cameron Mitchell In PIER HAVANA Illlfliiiflflhll TALL MAN Machines to may 81 travel almost anywhere in Canada on was ROUNDTRIP roA xeuasmlv ARE SPECIALS ECONOMY EXCURSION TORONTO T0 EXCURSION nu assumes both weekday and weekend Its one of the biggestan best travel bargains eyer with are eav all th cubes you travel Monday Tuesday or Wednesday on macnxoonsrmsgood for 24 days on other routes you travel Saturday ellSunday on WEEKEND Ex alonagoodifor 23 days gt gt gt See your TravelAgent or Write lCA at Halifax To fr f130ï¬3loorst Toronto Dot may uam ramscaution our class All cannon norm F6R TCATICKET IRESIISRVATIONS CALL aARRiaJRAvEL SERVICE gt JOHNNY WESTERN Hm Gun wm Tratul gt GORDON TERRY RCA Ant1 MERLE TRAVIS noéébdiabox Lame run IUBILEE MUSIC SPEC CULAIi Du1 You Dare Miss II nnipegrWlï¬OT mean excursion return Vancouver $16600 World oxcnnion return Montreal $3000 WWWHolt return gt STARTS SIGHTS NEVE o2 jig we canrarest Antone PAL nonunion IANTHCINY HALL JOYCE TAYLOR JOHN BALL FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Wbcgifli METROgt GULDWYN ADVANCE anums 200 00 5° AGENCIES sacxaoNae cum ALLANDALE nouns were enema Maracavsuun 102 DUNltSa ST PA 66474 or snow STUDENTS re and man renaming mun FEATURE TIMES 730 and MAKETCA RESERVATIONS THReuetr can Ticker OFFICE BARRlE PA 34400