moummo arponm Are HBomlo Fallout Shelters Too costly Russ Davey YMCA execu tive director lrtblnk it is rea Harry Parent house fwifa We dont know much Mrs Sigmund housewife think bomb shelters are too about it IlhatYottLTlliimt it is not bad price it is well wortlr it It seems very rear sonabie for all the protection they say it will give you We dont seem to hear or read too much about it We are not thinking of building shelter yet at least not for little while sonable in terms of cost am not sure of what priority would give it in terms of build ing oae You have to take lot of things into consideration it is not ukeinnmant fact in this area than ii lived in place such as Caps Cana verai costly But when peoples lives are involved nothing is too costly dont really think that we need them in the area ing of building shelter think stewslivorlnrvlramrnloinkr We should be more inform 1000 School Children Jam Into Elmvale Fair ternatlonal ï¬apQuabeoClty Mothers and their babies held away in the arena all afternoon at the Baby Contest Classes were arranged by age under six months six months to year and year to is months The Eimvae Fa opened up with bang yesterday as al most 1000 school children swarmed through the gates on gaily decorated floats and in bannerbearing marching con tlngents all ready to partake in or watch what happened on School lalr Day Older youngsters ran off down the midway whore candy up pics and the lerris wheel were the order of the day Some were busy at dileir ezhibltï¬ read ing ontr as woo wer 138ilflfld emmed aprons leaf collections and bunny rabbits for Judging while others boned up on their spelling for the big spelling bee the three winners to be the re cipicnt of the Sweepstake Tro phy donated by the Eimvale Lance Mr and Mrs Dennis Sextons son Timmy was the favorite and the trophy will rest at their home in Pholpston until next year Attendance at the fair was year officials said Almost thousand pupils and teachers along with paid attendance at nearly thousand adults TODAYS STOCK PRICE Compiled by Elysian 93 Diinlop st Barrie mussalas Asbestos Dom round as Ahitibi gm item ï¬ll es am as Algamlnxum ExquisiteFPfd 13v 76m Famous Play laid lAtlla Steel isx Ekeflliontreai Few sass Bank of NS Hnrde rams HI Bail Tel Horne it Home on HudsonBay Min Arms Tobacco rm ou in Accept inland Na inter Nicky rov lung clubp Powell aiv ms is 11 grillQT as some Gunnar ass Holilnlar KerrAddison lelmll Long Lac Marttimra rs Normetal 717 apnnslsaai Nor ens Na ssoon carp Osbaws trill ml gem Salada sairrus aim sons an ord Steal of can steinharg Tor Dora Tr Pia Traders sin 18199 Walker new 975 529s lb rm as it salt Brazilian Oil on kotCom CdnJBrawarics can Canada Cement Can Chemical cm on Can an in Con Paper Consumers ull rearwnsnmtr Id Sher Gordon 965 Strap Rock sso United oil Ventures Wilrol can Dlnlson Con Hall Sullivan Paicanbrldga Geno Mines VI MOST ACTIVE ITMKI 311 IEel Lake Dillauat Monarch Foods Steel 01 Oanlda Wiliuli nowquns NIWJOM AVIBAGII Indultrlall up 04 Rail down 12 Uuliliesruohlnlld TonoNro srocn EXCHANGE INDEX industrislrdownrlm Golds up 06 Metal down 73 Oils down 66 DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS An in Newfoundland Developments Ltd flï¬n payable NW ex div dand Oct Braloml Pimelr Ltd Joe payabl Oct 15 OK divi dlnd Sept 12 4c4 sosarn TALLY MIL osaonnn Barrie Kempenielt Kiwanians wmAttendosébménventioi The Kiwanis Clubs of Barrie and Kampenielt Bay will be re presented at the 1951 convention of the OntarioQuebecMarl time District of Kiwanis In threeday meeting at the Char teau Frontenac meeting will he Mel 0s bome trustee of Kiwani 1n ternational from Toronto Sept 2427 Delegates from 192 clubs Local delegates to the com vontlon will be President Kan gall and vï¬GPitisldeilltléfflg cvonsol wnns llousaionof of Harris and President Lorna year enumeration new Jackson at the Kiwanis Club community mm mm of Kcmponfoit Bay They will mums be noonmpnniodrhy their wives highlight use lamgm Joseph Tally Jr immod Presiding officer will he David ista plat president of Kiwanis McGruer Governor of the On international Fnystieviilo Milli stamina attorney will professional leaders will par ticipate in the various sessions of Kiwanis Then the Judges picked one of about normammparsd to last he featured speaker at the Also at the presenting 41700 business and Committee conferences dis plans for the coming eieétion of officers will tarlmQuebec Maritime District and base metals 73 at 20086 made for comfortably crowd ed lair grounds TUGOWAR EVENT Events scheduled for the Fair are the usual fall fair activities Horses cattle sheep swine and farm fowl will be judged for ex cellence today as the adult div lslon gets under way Horse racing and tugofwar will at tract tha sportior set at 230 this aitarnoon And for those who had to be elsewhere during livestock judging parade of all the winning animals will taktplaceaHrdo Fun for everyone will be the big square dance competition at pm in the areas But to see the exhibits of farm produce and all the beautiful flower en tries everyone should get out totha Fair as early as possible in the day Officials predict some fine livestock will be shown and although the num ber of entries is not yetknowa good turnout is expected and in an lt lookalike soring Flos Agricultural Society have put together another sue cessfui Fall Fair After me years the Fair hasnt suffered from old age and this years is just as interesting to all as hayte been all the fairs in the pn STOCK MARKET TORONTO CP Industrials continued to dip during light morning trade on the stock market today industrial board and gains were held to fractional range Beaver Lumber had the big gest individual loss down one int at 25 Declines of ti st to Argus Corporation Guaranty Trust and Loblaw lndustrials declinedjiljz at 80073 on the exchange index estern oils failed 66 at 9667 golds gained Oti at 867 Base metals were having an ther bad day Noranda led se for issues down with low of Va at 51 Hudson Bay Mining alipped and Ventures to Calgary and Edmonton took the biggest senior all less down at 17 Hudsons my oil was off at 14V and Pacific Pe troleum advanced at 11 PRODUCE TORONTO CP churning cream and butter print prices portedunchanged today The egg market was unsettled with offerings udeqoateiora llght demand Country dealers are quoted by lthefedersldepartmentoLagrl cuiture on Canada grada eggs delivered Toronto in fibre Senses large 54 medium 47 small 26 and grades no market Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tenderable 63 nontenderablo VsCZ in light trading western 62 nominal George ltovios CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie 581 Jenner farmer dont thinkibomb shelters are bit of use at all especially if they send any of those big ones over We might as well be buried on topoftheearthasinthee By THE CANADIAN paass Tomato Percy Parnell Ty iar 7D president of Dover Brothers of Canada from me until 1939 imdonuCol Oreste Pinto author and Second World War spycatcher Mn Risebronlh house wife LthlnkJLhavetow prepared for this type of thing it is something we dont want but it is something we should have in case we need it think the $600 would be lit to ï¬re ll it lsï¬ing save your life feel there has been enough publicity through the papers concerning thi Minesing Man Still Horseshoe Champ Ellsworth Crawford retained the Simeon County horseshoe pitching championship at Bar rie Fair Grounds last night scoring 11 wins for 30 points The veteran mnesing pitcher was 12 points better than Mid lands Logan Crews doaorol TEE BAIT EXAMINER WEDNESDAY am III N0 BUS RIDE 3It3siiBigotrye Priest Claims This is use of bigotry aald Msgr Clair pastor of St Marys Church in Barrie to flame District Collegiate Boards refusal to permit Rob Irt Sillnan 18 to travel by school bus from his home in on Station is miles out of Barrie to St Josephs separate high school in the city QuLpeopleout in the town ships he said pay the same taxes as everyone else but Ca tholie childern are not allowed on the bus This situation is not new it has existed for long time We had similar casewhen St Josep was ï¬rst rADUBLWiRMEflJ CAPSULE NEWS No Injuries An liner missed ninway la bung rain touched down in an umped to It Tuesday night on the main Billb limBelfast road without injury to 73 persons aboard Some of the so passengers and four crew were treated for since at Dublin airport often war ourengined Pagingnrrylggpllgrims mm 2an ollcah atlaurdesJrance AnnualJlest OTTAWA CHA coroners d5 est air night recom men persons over 70 be required to pass an annual medical examination when res newing their driving licences The iury made the su in ruling that Shaun Mï¬fgï¬ Eimvaie Fall Fair and the sham Jiidustricils Dip InLight warranted all Stalllllilllihkdlonrand pipelines accounted NOON DOLLAR ith the championship shield George Miles of Harris Crawfords partner in county doubles competitions was third at 312 In douhlea play for cash prises Eric Leigh and Merv lennox scored 137 out of pos Deficit Forecast Bv CAS place Doug Faint and Bob Taylor were secondwat ilwmandJna sible lilo points to take top Emma and Eric Laekls had no At its first meeting following points summer recess Simeon County and city at Barrie Chil drens Aid Society heard Car man Downey finance chairman predict deficit on operations this year He said to date the deficit amounted to $8295 Mr Downey pointed out that one oi the reasonsrtorthedar flcit is the fact that Slmcoe ComuntylI contributions this year Synopsis An area of high pressure remains stationary roverVOntariorpiomislnrz con tinuation of pleasant warm weather over most Wh deficit exists phase of the groups operations that ls not contributing too heavily to this deficit is its pub lic relations and publicity oper ation Mr Downey told the group that expenditures on this phase of activities amounted to SLcenta Wednesday as the rn fringe of the rain area associ ated with ii Esther brushes Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Huron Georgian Bay regions Windsor London Cloudy with sunny in tervals today and Thursday with Anot much changï¬ntempara ture winds light Lake Erie Lake Ontario Nia gara Haliburton regions Tor onto Hamilton ud sunny in 1s today and Thursday Scattered showers to night ending Thursdny morn ingNnt much ehangejn tenll perature Winds light rooming northeast 15 Wednesday even IIIE Ila iimagami Algoma Cncbrane Tuesday industrials recorded their first advance in four trad ing sessions Strength in financial institu for the slim advance Sterling Trusts had the best gain of the day ahead fourpointeatit Bank at Montreal gained Vs and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to In pipelines gains ranged from its by Interprovln aial Pipe Line to by Alberta as Individual gains included points by Dominion Oiicloth and by Oshawa Wholesale On index ladustrials gaineda slim 15 at 60225 and western olis09 at 9836 Golds dropped 106at 8666 arid base metals at 2015d THE BUILDING IS MONTREAL CPTha 115 dollarwasmtwrpremlumofr 118 per cent in terms of Cana dlan funds noon today masday neon rate was $103 116 Pound sterling $2897 off is NEW YORK CPICanadian dollar 14M lower at in Hit in terms ofilS funds Pound ster ling as loWer at $281 MG oua swank NIGHT SCHOOL nselsrnaalon ruunsbavssprsmaan 131 on Mondays and Thursdays for an intensive six Classes will he held iti its on an ypswrtng Bookkee In All Subleets tau ht by prefonlonaihilslness la Examinations II hushelrivforrcertltleater mp VDIAY CLASSES BEGANVSEPT 5th NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANYMONDAY emprature Winds southwest SS Marie VACATE BY SEPT 30 $0 GET INON THE BIG SAVINGSON ALL ITEMS IN nail Lillllltismli onus srors BAYFIELD ST Nexuouleblaws BARRIE °Penedn MOTHER BROOKE Roberts mother Mrs Silman was shocked yesterday when she was told by reporters of th bomdechlom didnt know anything about it she said until the papers started calling have had no official word from thrboard wouldnt want my neighbors to think that started all this wonderful Mrs Silman said They are all behind us and up in arms about this thing Mrs Silman said it wasthe neighbors who had advised her igusbgad to write to the school oar HUSBAND DOESNT KNOW My husband knows nothing about this yet she said He is civilian personnel officer at the HCAF Station in Trenton He wont be home until the weekend but plan to call him tonight would be happy to pay any costs involved in my son tra velling on the school busf Mrs Silman said At present Robert walks or hitchea ride the two and one haif miles from his home to HIghWay ll wherahe catches bus into Barrie Weekly cost is $140 White River regions North Bay lin litmonthsold son of Mr and Mrs Edwin McLaughlin of Ottawa when the baby was crushed in its urriaga by car Aug al to the driver of the car Norman Brown 71 of Ottawa am not concerned about the moneyiuioberts mountsaid am thinking about the win ter time and how he is going Chute cnucsm died accidentally Theeiurymttachedmo time The ndghbors have been th to get to the highway through snow and cold The school bus driver said he would be glad to take Bobby but sup pose he has his instructions isom the board Mrs Silman has five boys Robert 13 Joar 127 erdle 11 Jim lo Jerry Joe Michael and Jimmy attend seplt arnte public school in Oro Townslup TORONTO CmRev Berry associate secrete the ha evangesm of tha United Church of Canada said ï¬resdaycriticlsm fromthe Christian church is less toler ated than that from lay sources In modern times ï¬bersy told the Toronto chapter 01 the National ous Publicity Council the church has been ex pccted to suit its policies to th age and keep on good terms Marcel Lafreniere 21 of Midland was sentenced to six months in prison with sus pension of driving privileges for three years Supreme Court er pleading guilty last Septem ber 13 to charge of criminal negligence resulting from an accident in which an 16yearold girl was IastantLvkllled slda Midland with the press the state and the world Girl Dies In Crash Dr Berry said liir Driver lmpnsoned ril James principal and vice chancclior of MeGill University and the late Sidney Smith pres ident of the University of Tor onto and later minister of ex ternal affairs can attack adver tisers and not even the advertis ers object But when the church did this there was an outburst this morning in Lafernlere was remanded ait Expresses Concern OTTAWA CHCanada has formally expressed its concern over the deportation of nine Ca nadian from Cuba The accident occurred Mayll 860 on Highway 12 just our Lafrenlere and Sudhury Sault Ste Mar four others Shirley Stamp 22 Prime Minister Diefenbalrer Mainly sunny today and Thur day with not much change in Forecast temperatures Lowrtonightr Windsor St Thomas london Kitchener Wingham ii ssséséseeé goddesses North Bay Sudhury Earlton Kapuskas ng White River Moosonce soLo ws Musr islllililr BUSINESS collars 66 TORONTO STBARRIE JOSE adoMapHoNE pa anm Educators Association of Canada Diane Dufty 20 Denninger 11581 20 were serlo ed1ln the crash MORTGAGE LOANS TRUSTS RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Christopher told the Commons Westley so and Clegfried bwar exxï¬lled Sunday mg oar Spain bound for Our Serviced SAVINGS interest at on Savings Accounts omnpuhd on minimum uarter homeroom veu lNVESTNiENTS Interest of on three to fiv oar Guaranteed Certificates ï¬rno Deposits yawn 0n residential properties good improved farms and well loo business properties Safety Deposit Boxes at modest cost for securities land val uable doomrents SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT ESTATES Executor or Administrator of estates bringing to estates the knowledge and experience necessary for efficient administra tion Booklet Yourwdi will be sent on request Trustees for time toobusy or unable to look after ï¬rst own investments AGENCIES Agents for the management of Real Estate Mortgages and lnvmtments for individuals also administer estates as agents for private executors and mistees Participation in by individuals will save on income tax and provide pensions for retirement Booklet with information will be sent on request TRUSTEEDrPENSION PLANS Trustee for Trusted Pension Plans for employers and em ployees Booklet describing the main factors which any em ployer should consider when developing or amending pension plan will be sent on request All members of our staff will be glad to have the opportunity of serving you and explaining any of our services inquiries may be made through Kensw Elrlok and Michle Agency VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY OWENSOUND gramme