felt the removaliand piling at neeusariiyaccepted quolaookcase with books anti ll TENDERS ONTARIO SPORTS FIELD ONTARIO ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP CAMP LONGFORD MILLS ONT SEALED FIXED SUM TEND ans properly endorsed on terms supplied by the Depart ment will be received by the Tenders Secretary Room solo Eas ings Toto Ontario until 73071 Ed TUESDAY letic ileld which includes the grubblng out at trees ansh top soil the grading oi the site replacement oi top soil seed lng etc and also the construe tion at cinder track at the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp Longiord Mills Ontario Plan Speclilcations Tender iorms Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements may be obtained irom or viewed at Room 8577 Department at Puls lic Works East Block Parlia ment Buildings Toronto On iarioJflLmaJ also be viewed at the Builders Exchange at Barrie and Oriiila 8100000 Bid Bond and 100 Periormance Bond will be required as apccliied Tenders will not be canaidcred unless made on terms supplied by the Department of Public Works Ontario in accordance with the terms and conditions as set lorih therein The lowest or any tender not Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario September 15th toot MILLAR Deputy Minister Department of Public Works Ontario TENDER Caretaker required ior Essa Road Presbyterian Church Bar rle Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Closing date Sept 23 1961 Send tenders to STAN BURKE 182 SANFORD ST BARRIE == I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF GOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Including many antiques nIe undersigned auctioneer has received instructions item the estate of the late JEAN tGIBSON RITCHIE at 90 WILLIAM ST ALLANDALE Directly across the road from Odd Fellows Home on Friday evening SEPTEMBER 22 AT RM SHARP to sell the following General Electric ireezer and reirigerator combined custom model good as new Frigidaire tburner electric stove good as Wl OCTOBER Std 106 filer the construction at an ath Devlln directo Cathollcjï¬len The legion has always con demned nudity in iilms as in deceot and suggestive ydsroidrainagedltmwithï¬ap ll TE DARRIZ EXAMINER WEDNESDAY II MENACE T0 MORALS VNuditY In Films Packs Theatres son VTHOMAB HOLLYWOOD APtIs the flood oi nude movies out oi Hollywood armenacetovmoralsk Or are the iilmsa harmless result oi more broadminded The nudies iace iormidable sitioanivlcofftclalsflaw ticers club womeachurch men veterans groups Says the Most Rev John tth Decency The Los Angeles county board of su ervlsors has named com ttce at film civic church and newspaper leaders to seek means to stamp tilms But tha cha man Frank Freeman admitted he doesnt know what means can be hand ut Junk li thlar means censorship lZ TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL TENDERS FOR CARSON VILLAGE DRAINAGE SCHEME SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived by the undersignedun til 500 pm DST MONDAY OCTOBER 21861 ior the construction at 2400 lin proximately 14000 cu yds oi excavation and the placing of no tie it at 70 cor rugated metal pipe arch Copies ot plans speciilcations and tender terms may be air talned at the oiiica oi the Con sulting Engineers tor the sum oi Ten Dollars $1000 This sum will not be reiundcd Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted GHOH Acting Clerk Innialil Township Otiice Stroud Ontario WILDMAN AND RHODES AND ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers 570 First Street Colilngwood Ontario 13 AUCTION SALES Ill tight that laid the indus try veteran The iiirn industry ought cu sorshlp or eye won thanks to series oi us Su preme Court decisions Thats epdved legislators oi the power to halt the nude iilms Lawyerr Stanley Pleirebmsnr who has deiendediilmrornb scenlty charges beiore the Sn preme Court and in several staieeLargues thetalreedomok the screen is necessary to pro lticket what the majority doesnt He added it is clear to me that nudity on the creen does no harm Unreasonable re res sion is harmlul These ilms provide an outlet Ihey are more entertainment and you can be bored or amused aelt cording to your tastes Peter Decenslas who has pm duced three nudies agreed They are made tor entertain ment adult entertainmenL Theatres are lighting or their livoa nowadayshand weve kept lot oi them open You cant aim movies at the kids any more The only one who can make the kid audience pay oil is Walt Disney Our iilms are bringing adults back to the theatres because they otter careiree entertainment Meet To Discuss Royal York Strike TORONTO CP Represen tatives oi the Royal York Hotel and the striking Hotel and Club Employees Union CLC met Tuesday ior talks aimed at set tlln the 11weekstrike Thu meeting was the result oi request by Premier Frost who has been otterlng his serv ices sine the strike started There was no comment on progress oi the talks The union struck aiter refus lng an otter from the hotel largest in the Commonweali of mvcentAanhour wage in crease number of other is sues are also at stake AUCTION SALE Complete Dispersal oi Registered and High Grade Holstein Cattle ON SATURDAY SEPT 23 AT 130 PM FOR JAMES COOKE ORANGEVILLE selling at the home arm LUI CON MONO TWP lST CON WEST OF ORANGEVILLE The loundatlon cows in the herd ineludardama oi Glenaiton Rag Apple Aladdin Airoue overseer Spring Farm Supreme Hope Peel Lodge Royal Monogram Several of these cows have good new utility tables GENETBILpedlgreea with up to 14122 lbs milk and iat Many oi the Electric kettle good repair kit chen table chrome with chairs to match dining room table and chairs to match nflqueHfltoreleetriewaaherr automatic good as new dining roorn walnut table and chairs to match good condition aifl que buiiet card tables Ger hardHelntzman piano and stool good repair mantel clock good as new with Westminster chimaHiningmomrugwltr pad 7x10 good as new ches teriield with chair to match wine color living room easy chair oiiice electric lamp way good as new hassock tri light way large hassock nest oi end tables antique writ ingdeak with chine cabinet cemblnaii antique hall tree living room table antique round table living room rug 7x12 good as new tern stand hall mirror antique bedroom suite bed mattress and springs drea ser washstand good condition electric mantel radios one good as new cedar chest good as new bedroom easy chair kitchen chairs ovai table checkerboard table antique bed mattressvand springs matched bedroom dressers bookcase and small table bed room chair antique lounge chesteriiald chairsz antique round table rug 8x12 good condition Royal typewriter good condition Cosma stereo hIiI good as new antique dres ser telephone table and chairr good as new steel bed mattress andsprlngs complete ZapooL beds walnut antiques antique cradle wire stand antique dull carriage antique baby sleigh cherry cabinetwith mirror decoy ducks set oi bathroom scales quantity of window panes set of hip rubbe boots size to large roasting dart board step ladders gar bage containerslaundry tubs clothes rack set oi skits bag oi salt lawn chairs garden hose power lawn mowers good condition hand lawn mower extension ladders one 40 it oneaï¬ posthola aug ur garderItool pots and pans Coleman camp stove linens dishes haddin and many other smaller articles too num erous toliat Terms cash Nothing to bare moved untlisettled for Delin ttely no reserve as home Is fling andthe estate must he set Clerk Frank Webb JERRY CDUGllLIN Auctioneer Phone PA 85449 Barrie no In Tinnitus 1mm Terms ANDERSON PLOWliIlAN AND comm sass Auctioneers and am Managers GET CHANNEL ALI THE TIME WITHV fms SPECIAL OFFER CHANNEL DOTITTYAOURSELF r5o 55d In CHANNEL ANTENNA Kil arena aotma It Mom Titan lhurs Ba I1am 530 pm Wed ms Neon Chtmney Mount jlnsulators IMPROVE voua RECEPTION AT IIIs Low EATON earce cows are due to iredIen by sale date or shortly aiter The heliers are mostly by SellingTriune Achilles Bond HavenHagApple Maple and Pabst Walker Ollie This is real opportunity to improve your herd or select your fall milk supply Also selling are two registered Brown Swiss bulls service ago Your chance to follow the trend in cross breeding Ihe comic ilock oi sheep will be sold including registered Montadala ram Cash ANTENNA KIT anANOII arrow KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES BROOKPARK FROZEN STIlAWBEIIItIIIS INV IGAVBONUS TAPES EXTRA 34 Receive tree 00 in bonus tapes with PlNlAPPLI GRAPEPRUIT QELMQNTL INK AYLMEI nosION BROWN BEANS with PORK $1 DavlLs soon 0sz ice cIIDc COCONUT Winn sooz $1 CAKEMIXES vkermauovea 25w sow sow LIGHTBULBS Ton $1 FROST Receive free use in Imam tapes with iGA MARGARINE 33 ISM Pkls 10 00 15 In PHI A01 CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP IGA lNSTANT 1501 mm Betty creeker 00 in bonus in with CRISP CARROTS rr titre Preservale Frozen SLICED BOLOGNA um nks Tablefllta or pks THE CHILDRENS CHOICE NO GRADE SEEDLESS COFFEE 1c are AOUAR PINk vettow on WHITE KLEENEX we as THE mom To LIMIT QUANTITIES ALL 00 FEAT TURES EFFECTv IVE SEPT 20 STDKELYS FANCY HONEY POD PEAS 71 T3 es tins tor I0 or line for It or ar for Econ else kgs for A2 29° FRESH AND CRISFFROMDNTARTO ORCHARD WEALTHY APPLES Ontario No Erade NEWQPOTATOES 57m ltiil PlillCll llliiliES Iosnnorooo lz CilllliilTllill WI Isttopowotnsi2tz White green plnlr yellow and bias gin IIIIttIIT TIssurs Iei caramel Crunch Nice Digestive Golden Wheat Plilili lliliilll IIIscIIITs roItwnIIo $3932 WWfilitPilPEii liiil DUO Hostel P1 P05 25 IT ROLLS P08 100 IT ROLL gTrow sroass IN THE BARRiE AltEA To stave You name IsltIIISTIES Tonnes lGA FOODLINER l3 ESSARDJ BARRIE lGA grOOOLINea sTRoun ONTARIO WORSLEY MULCASTER IN BARRIE VELENcIA OR suosn Still escort Juicy size 200 hearty energy iood as lb bag emumammals TABLERIJE 93 Bread Be BONELESS ROUND STEAK er IIDIIST or ltllMP Tom STRLOIN WING Oil PORTERHOUEE STEAK or IIIIAST TABLERITE MNDLESI III SCHNEIDERS PURE PORK COUNTRY STYLE EEEFCAiiNvDEUflTRITIiOWSLICED Tut GOLIIEN mason iii KNWLELEE Educational Vaiue for the Entire Family III till 21